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INSTR 4475429 OR 4605 PG 1006 RECORDED 9/16/2010 11:36 AM PAGES 6 DWIGHT E. BROCK, COLLIER COUNTY CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT REC $52.50 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE TWE! \ AND FOR COLLIER COUNTY, F DICIAL CIRCUIT DA TIETH J LOK BANKUNITED, a NON-party and NOY any successor in interest to LAWFULLY SEIZED BANKRUPT Bank! d. FSB. NOT any proper “plaintiff” or “part b '0.; 09-601-CA, v DISPOSED CAS \NIFER FRANKLIN-PRESCOTT. ev al. NOT any “defendants”, PEAL PURSUANT TOORDER OF THE COURT”, TATE. OF FLORIDA (08/31/2010), ANisttow Noynristiaoe, | fe 2 “WITH A SAI eae CERTIFIOST TORY, wep? ANE K OF Fg be SCOPY TEEN ED coe aes vee 1. Here. neither the Circuit Court nor the Distiict Court had jurisdiction, The 08/12/2010 Disposition resulted trom the Lack of jurisdiction, The District Court alleged that “appellant has failed to provide a copy of the order appealed as required by Fla. R. App. P.9.110(d)... 3. However here. the 08/12/2010 Fina Disposition occurred without an order declaring the lack of jurisdiction. Here in particular, the 08/12/2010 Final Disposition had been the result of a. The lack of jurisdiction: ‘oR 4605 PG 1007 b. The lack of “plaintiffs” right to sue Jennifer Franklin-Prescott and the other NON- defendants: ce. The lack of any note and morteage: to state any cause ofuction: to satisfi the conditions precedent, THE DOCKET OF THE DISPOS D CASE WAS ‘OID OF an order Here. Jennifer Franklin-Prescott and the other NON-“defendanty order” were entitled to an finalizing the 08/12/2010 Final Disposition and dec! ing the of jurisdiction. 08/12/2010 RECORD FINAL DISPOSITION ‘On 08/12/2010. Defendant, Aude D. Hayes had disposed Case Number 0906016-CA, BANKUNITED v, FRAWKUA pst stark Lys. He on file, Fla.R. purported “nore” and eee result of a “law and/or transfer, Federal Deposit In: ¢ Corp. (FDIC). Ch. 673, Florida Statutes. Here, the burden had been on tawfully seized BankUnited. FSB. and BankUnited. both non-parties frivotously seeking to enforce an istent and/or lost “instrument”, re § 673.3091(2), Flori Statutes. Here. NON-parties BankUnited, FSB, and BankLinited were a. PROHIBITED trom suing th defendants: b. PROHIBITED from se? ig the NON-defendants. OR 4605 PG 1008 Here particularly. the NON-plaintiffs. i.e.. said seized bank and NON-successor, and the Court(s) knew that ¢. Failed and seized BankUnited. FSB. and NON-successor-in-imerest BankUnited could VER have possibly mer the absolutely required conditions precedent; 4. Busted BankUnited. FSB, and BankUnited had R any established interest, standing, andor right to sue NON-defendant Jennifer Franklin-Prescott and/or any of the fraudulently listed NON-defendant ¢. The seized Bank and BankUnited were NOT allowed to bring the facially fraudulent “foreclosure action ON-defendants 7, Here, NON-party and NON-defendai Jennifer Franklin Prescott was bce { BEY AY 8. Here, the State Court and State Appellate Court iist ke detion: Ie ized BabkUnited S¥eGord ack of any right to sue NON- ¢. Bankrupt & lawfully s defendams: The nullity af the disposed action: The Clerk's al documents and final sponsibility to record and/or file any and all offi disposition documents. ERED RECORDS TLED TO UN: PRESCOT NON-party FRANKLI WAS EN 9. Here, Jennifer Franklin-Prescott was entitled to a, An unaltered official records and documents: ‘oR 4605 PG 1009 10. - Bankrupt BankUnited. FSB, had been tamu . Here on b. Judicial transparency and accountab ¢. Unraltered official records and entry of the judicial orders and 08/12/2010 final disposition. RECORD EVIDENCE OF FRIVOLOUS AND FRAUDULENT foreclosure action” Here under Florida's Evidence Code. Ch. 90. and § 90.953, Fla, Stat.. there was a, NO evidence of any note and mortgage: b. NO evidence of any right to enforce a admittedly fietitious nore: vidence of a entitlement Melfeomifetanbin Prescot OX ub, “LAWFUL/SEIZURE’ OF BUSTED.BANKUNITED, FSB Ch, 673. Florida Statutes. Here. BankUnited, FSB. and Bahkthited: a. Had NEVER established day Speomissory note” b. Were NOT emitted to sue any at hip Aeeratans": c. Were precluded from the frivolous and fraudulent legal action: d. Had failed to state any cause of action in the admitted record absence of any “note”: under any circumstances and/or existing law, any proper e Could NEVER have bee nst Jenniler FranklinPrescott plaintig’s or parties to bring any foreclosure action and/or other NON-"defendants”. e. the fraudulently pretended foreclosure action was a, Non-meritorious: b. Frivolou c. Fraudulent, RECORD Al OF ANY lien AND lis pendens oR 4605 PG 1010 17. 18. Here. several of the putported NON Here is a matter of law and public record, Chapter 673. Fla, Stat.. there were a. NO negotiable instrument: b. NO “note”: NO obligation to pay any money: NO lien; e. NO lis pendens. ae |. Here pursuant (o Ch. 673, Fla. Stat.. nothing and no existing law could have possibly a. justified the facially fraudulent and frivolous “foreclosure action”: b. Entitled said NON-parties plaimiffs to sue the NON-defendants. . Here, BankUnited. FSB, and BankUnited

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