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This is a term used to describe a situation in which a part

of the natural environment is damaged. It can be used to
refer to damage to the land, to water or the air.
Environmental degradation can also mean a loss of
biodiversity and a loss of natural resources in an area.
The problem is that it is now occurring at a much faster
rate, therefore not leaving enough time for the
environment to recover

Environmental degradation can be attributed to various human

activities, as well as some natural processes
 Population : Increasing population increases the needs of
people and hence, more stress on natural resources.
 Poverty : Poverty is said to be the cause of degradation
because the poor, who rely on natural resources more than
the rich, deplete natural resources faster.
 Pollution : Pollution is also an important factor in
causingenvironmental degradation.
 Deforestation: Deforestation decreases the number of trees
on earth and as a result the polluted air in our environment
 Global warming : This is the continued build-up of
greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Global warming
leads to the rise in seawater level and to soil erosion,
flooding and drought.
 Ozone layer depletion : Depletion of ozone layer allows
the ultra-violet rays to reach to earth’s surface which
results in most of the skin diseases in humans and the
low productivity in agriculture.
 Soil Erosion : It is a quite slower process and takes
years to be noticed. It reduces the quality of soil and
hence, lower productivity.
 Loss of biodiversity: Wild habitats all over the world are fast
disappearing. Forests are being cut down, rivers and seas
polluted. As the habitats decrease, so do their communities of
animals and plants. Habitat destruction is one of the main
reasons why many species face extinction.
 Aforestation : Trees clean the air and keep the atmosphere cool.
Trees absorb sunlight and reduce the heat. Plants provide fodder
for animals, firewood, timber, medicines, honey, wax, gum, lac
and food for us.
 Reduce Waste : Waste reduction is the process and the policy of
reducing the amount of waste produced by a person or a
society.Waste minimisation involves efforts to minimise
resource and energy use during manufacture.
 Use of renewable resources of energy: When we use
renewable resources of energy then the stress upon the non-
renewable resources of energy decreases.and they also don’t
produce any pollution or residue.
 Recycle : Stop wasting and you are sure to prevent your
environment from the damage. It is one of the easiest ways to
protect environment.
 Stop using plastic bags : A Plastic bag takes 10000 years to get
decay. These are most harmful to nature. These should be
legally banned.
 Public Awareness : People should be made aware about what
is happening around them. They should be told about the
dangers of polluted environment. They should also be told how
to save our environment. Television and internet media is the
best tool for doing this.

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