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units Invoduction ‘Applications and requirements of wireless servic agpoets. Technical challenges in wireless communications: mulipah propagation, spectum imitafons, limited every, user mobility, n and interference-imited systems. Propagation mechanism: tee space loss, retection and ransmission, dtaction, scatering by rough surfaces, waveguiding. history, ypes of services, requirements tr the services, economic arcs unit Wireless Propagation channels Statistical description of the wireless channel {mo inveriantand variant two path models, smal-geale feng wit and without a dominant component, Doppler spect temporal depencience a! fading large scale fadines Wideband and directional channel characteristics: causes of delay dispersion, system theoretic description of wireless eh an \WSSUS made, condensed parameters, ultrawdeband channels, diecicnal descripiion pita, (Channel models: Narrowband, wadeband and drectinal models, determinis ic channel-medeling methods. Channel sounding: Intyocuicion, Ame domain measurements, frequency domain analysis, mediied measurement: meth directionally resolved measurements. Antennas. Intwaducton, antennas for mobile stations, antennas tor base stations. Unitav ‘Transceivers and signal processing: Structure ol a wreless com munication links transceiver block structure, simplified madels, Modulation ‘crmas, cemodilator situcture eror prebabilty in AVWGN channels, error probatiity in ‘latfacing channels, probability in dolay and frequency. dspersive fading channels, Introduction, microdiversity, macrodiversity and simulcast combination of signals, error prebabiily in fading channe diversity reception, transmit d versity Equalizers Introduction, lingar equalizers, decision feedback equal zers, maximum likelihood sequence estimation (Vierbi detec comparison of equalizer stuctutes, ractonal spaced equalizers, bind equalizers.

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