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Essential Biology 5.

2 The Greenhouse Effect Due Date:

Student Name: Candidate Number: 002171-xxx

Blog resource:

Cite all sources using the CSE method (or ISO 690 Numerical in Word). The first example has been done for you.

Complete the self-assessment rubric before submitting to Moodle. Avoid printing this if possible.

1. Annotate the diagram to show the carbon cycle and processes involved.

A Respiration[ CITATION B Photosynthesis C

TayGreEff \l 1033 ]
D Organism decomposes, E Carbon is released back into
releases carbon into the the air

2. Outline some of the methods used to measure or estimate atmospheric carbon dioxide.

Recent history: For the past 40 years, Charles Keeling has been measuring atmospheric CO2
from his observatory in Mauna Loa, Hawaii and the 'Keeling Curve' has become an icon of
climate science. (The Keeling Curve shows the trend and annual cycle)

Geological history: Ice cores have been a good source of CO2 data where researchers are able to
analyze the CO2 concentration and estimate the year based on the depth of the core.

Stephen Taylor Bandung International School

Essential Biology 5.2 The Greenhouse Effect Due Date:
Student Name: Candidate Number: 002171-xxx

3. The topic of increasing carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere has been the source of intense
debate with regard to climate change in recent years. This graph shows the famous ‘Keeling
Curve’ from Mauna Loa laboratory in Hawaii. Find out more here:

a. Describe the overall trend shown in the graph.

Overall trend is the more time that passes, the higher the level of atmospheric CO2 is.

b. Explain the annual fluctuations in CO2 levels.

Peaks: The peaks get higher as the year number increases.

Troughs: the troughs become wider as the year number increases.

c. Suggest one human impact and one natural cause that could have led to the overall trend
shown in the graph:

Natural: the heat from the volcano.

Stephen Taylor Bandung International School

Essential Biology 5.2 The Greenhouse Effect Due Date:
Student Name: Candidate Number: 002171-xxx

4. Identify three greenhouse gases other than carbon dioxide.

Oxygen, Hydrogen, and Nitrogen are three greenhouse gases other than carbon dioxide.

5. Explain the greenhouse effect with the aid of a diagram. Include short-wave and long-wave

Stephen Taylor Bandung International School

Essential Biology 5.2 The Greenhouse Effect Due Date:
Student Name: Candidate Number: 002171-xxx

6. Explain how increased atmospheric levels of greenhouse gases lead to an enhanced greenhouse
If the atmospheric levels of greenhouse gases increase this would eventually lead to enhanced
greenhouse effect because there would be a huge amount of greenhouse gases in the air while
the whole point of the effect is to limit the amount of gases in the atmosphere.

7. Outline some of the possible consequences of a global temperature rise on arctic ecosystems.
Ice coverage: most of the ice will melt away due to climate change.

Climate changes: due to global warming, the climate will be all over the place.

Niches: eventually the whole arctic ecosystem will be completely messed up

Animal populations: The animal population will fluctuate, for example the seal population will
increase to the lack of predators while the polar bear population will decrease due to lack of
food and ice to live on.

8. Outline the precautionary principle.

Stephen Taylor Bandung International School

Essential Biology 5.2 The Greenhouse Effect Due Date:
Student Name: Candidate Number: 002171-xxx

The precautionary principle is an assumption of the worst case scenario with respect to actions
whose outcomes are uncertain.

9. Describe how the precautionary principle can be applied to anthropogenic climate

If us humans keep destroying our environment, than the earth will be ruined is an example of
how one could use the precautionary principle.

10. Give two other examples of the precautionary principle in effect in Biology or Medicine.
Global Warming

11. Evaluate the precautionary principle as a justification for taking strong action in response to the
threats posed by the enhanced greenhouse effect. What are some of the steps that we could
take? This video might help:

Take significant action Take no action

Global climate destabilization is…


Stephen Taylor Bandung International School

Essential Biology 5.2 The Greenhouse Effect Due Date:
Student Name: Candidate Number: 002171-xxx


Stephen Taylor Bandung International School

Essential Biology 5.2 The Greenhouse Effect Due Date:
Student Name: Candidate Number: 002171-xxx

Works Cited
1. Taylor, Stephen. 5.2 Greenhouse Effect (presentation). Science Video Resources. [Online] Septmber

2. Allott, Andrew. IB Study Guide: Biology for the IB Diploma. s.l. : Oxford University Press, 2007. 978-0-

Self Assessment:

Essential Biology Assessment

Criterion Complete (2) Partially complete (1) Self MrT
Presentation & Complete and neat. All command terms
NA highlighted, tables and diagrams well presented.
Sources cited using the CSE (ISO 690 numerical)
NA method, with Works Cited section complete and
Honesty correct.
All answers for the following command terms Most answers for the following command terms
Objective 1
correct: correct:
understanding Define Draw Label List Measure State
Most answers for the following command terms
Objective 2 All answers for the following command terms correct:
understanding Annotate Apply Calculate Describe Distinguish Estimate Identify Outline
Most answers for the following command terms
All answers for the following command terms correct:
Objective3 correct:
understanding Analyse Comment Compare Construct Deduce Derive Design Determine Discuss
Evaluate Explain Predict Show Solve Sketch Suggest
Logic, notation, Answers are presented in a logical and concise
manner. SI units used most times, with correct
mathematical NA unit symbols and definitions of terms. All
working mathematical working shown.
Evidence is apparent of research and reading
beyond the textbook and presentations to find
Further research NA correct answers to challenging questions. If any
questions are unanswered, this criterion scores
Total (max 10):

Stephen Taylor Bandung International School

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