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“Jer neprikosnoveno svi Masoni
su kao Braća na istom Nivou,
još Masonerija ne oduzima Čast
koju je čovjek imao ranije; ne, ona
dodaje njegovoj Časti, posebno ako
je zaslužio zahvalnost Bratstva,
koje mora ukazati Čast onome
kome pripada, i izbjegavati loše

James Anderson, Konstitucija

Slobodnih zidara, 1723

2-3 Uvodna riječ
4-5 Iz Konstitucije
8-13 Povijest VOH-a - Renesansa hrvatskog slobodnog zidarstva
14-15 Veliki rascjep hrvatskih slobodnih zidara 1919 g.
16-21 Povijesni rad 20. listopada 2017
22-23 Spoznaj samoga sebe
24-25 Hram - Mjesto razvijanja naših mogućnosti
26-31 Što je cilj škotskog reda?
32-34 Kako je nastala “slobodnozidarska obitelj”
35 Ferko u svijetu tajni
36-37 Tri velika stupa slobodnog zidarstva
38-43 Veliki Majstor Nikica Gabric, 33°: Jesmo li sami u Svemiru?
44-47 Prva obljetnica VOH-a
48-49 Struktura Velikog Orijenta Hrvatske


Uvodna riječ Utemeljitelja

i Prvog Velikog Majstora
Velikog Orijenta Hrvatske

Uvažena i mila braćo, slobodni zidari! budućem radu. Blagoslovi naš prvi
Ponosno i ustrajno pišemo povijest broj službenog glasila „LOŽA“, sve
hrvatskog slobodnog zidarstva. sudionike u izradi istog, kao i svu milu
Nije lako biti slobodni zidar. Najveće braću Velikog Orijenta Hrvatske. Učini
su prepreke u nama samima. Ali s da nas međusobna ljubav i harmonija
ustrajnošću smo na ovaj put krenuli 28. vežu u neraskidiv bratski lanac i
siječnja 6017. godine istinske svjetlosti i neka naš zajednički rad na izgradnji
gradimo dalje. U toj gradnji kamen su čovjeka, do čovječnosti bude obasjan
naša braća, a vezivo bratska ljubav. svjetlostima mudrosti, snage i ljepote.
Uspješno premošćujemo sve prepreke Amen.
koje nam se na putu nađu, a pri tome
nas vodi Veliki Arhitekta Svih Svjetova. Zoran Vojnić Tunić, 33°
Veliki Arhitektu Svih Svjetova, učini Utemeljitelj i Prvi Veliki Majstor
da nas tvoj duh, koji za nas predstavlja Velikog Orijenta Hrvatske
svjetlost i izvor života, prosvijetli.
Molimo se da nam ta svjetlost bude Or. Zagreb, 19 ožujak 6018. godine
vodič u svakodnevnom životu i istinske svjetlosti


Starih, slobodnih i
prihvaćenih zidara

Slobodno zidarstvo je Bratstvo čiji su tra- Slobodno zidarstvo je djelatno. U Brat-
dicionalni temelji vjera u Boga, koga Slo- stvu je rad zasnovan na ljubavi, istini,
bodni zidari nazivaju Velikim Arhitektom pravičnosti, čovječnosti i poštenju. Ove
Svih Svjetova, kao i ljubav prema čovjeku i vrline Bratstvo prenosi i u profano druš-
čovječanstvu. Bratstvo prihvaća Temeljna tvo individualnim radom na svemu što je
načela i Drevne dužnosti Konstitucije slo- dobro, lijepo i korisno, kako za pojedince
bodnih zidara iz 1723. godine. tako i za cjelinu, uzornim njegovanjem
Bratstvo Slobodnih zidara u svoje re- plemenitih osjećanja prema bližnjima i
dove prima muškarce, slobodne ljude na primjernim osobnim i obiteljskim živo-
dobrom glasu, ponesene željom da nje- tom.
guju vrline i moral u društvu i one koji Bratstvo se beskompromisno zalaže za
teže ljudskom savršenstvu. Oni prihva- čistoću savjesti, slobodu misli i nepore-
ćaju svoje slobodnozidarske obveze pri- civost prava na život. Slobodni zidari
segom nad otvorenom knjigom Svetog njeguju toleranciju, razumijevanje i hu-
Zakona (Biblija, Tora, Kuran, Veda). manost, kako bi se svijet približio mjeri
Slobodni zidari, bez obzira na zvanje i čovjeka i bio sa što manje fanatizma i

4 profesiju, na materijalni status i položaj,

na vjersku, nacionalnu ili političku pri-
Slobodni zidari su dužni da, s časnim
padnost, susreću se i uvažavaju kao Bra- namjerama, pruže jedni drugima po-
ća, a Bratstvo smatraju savezom u kome moć i bratsku zaštitu. Oni u svim pri-
streme prosvijetljenom stanju duha. Nje- likama teže očuvanju mira i ravnoteže
govanjem etike i morala svojih članova, koji su neophodni za savršeno vladanje
Slobodno zidarstvo je usmjereno ka usa- sobom.
vršavanju i uvećanju sreće cijelog Čovje- Slobodni zidari se, osim u profanom
čanstva. svijetu, okupljaju i u Ložama u kojima
su uvijek prisutne Tri Velike Svijetlosti: Bratstvo Slobodnih zidara u svoje redove prima
Knjiga Svetog Zakona, Kutnik i Šestar, muškarce, slobodne ljude na dobrom glasu, ponesene
da u njima rade prema ritualima, a su-
željom da njeguju vrline i moral u društvu i one koji
kladno s Konstitucijom i ostalim odred-
teže ljudskom savršenstvu. Oni prihvaćaju svoje
bama Slobodnog zidarstva.
Bratstvo tolerira različita vjerska i po- slobodnozidarske obveze prisegom nad otvorenom
litička uvjerenja, ali ne stvara niti vjer- knjigom Svetog Zakona (Biblija, Tora, Kuran, Veda)
ske, niti političke zajednice i ne obavlja
ni vjerski, ni crkveni obred. Bratstvo,
kao organizacija, ne raspravlja i ne oni doprinose sreći i blagostanju cijelog
izjašnjava se o vjerskim i političkim čovječanstva.
pitanjima, niti sudjeluje u političkom Načela, ciljevi i povijest Slobodnog zi-
životu, ali mu je dužnost, ujedno i čast, darstva nisu tajna, ali postojeći rituali,
da razumom i istinom brani narod utvrđeni znakovi za raspoznavanje, kao
od tiranije. Osobno opredjeljenje van i pripadnost bratstvu, to jesu.
Lože je slobodno. Obveza je svakog Slobodnog zidara
Slobodni zidari njeguju ljubav prema
svojoj domovini – vjerni su joj i odani.
da je odan svojoj Loži, da čuva njezinu
nepovredivost od svakog tko ne pripada 5
Svojom dužnošću smatraju obranu nje- bratstvu, da brani interese Slobodnog zi-
ne slobode, integriteta i samostalnosti i darstva i da u profanim krugovima ne
zalažu se za rad i mir, poštujući demo- raspravlja o unutarnjim pitanjima Slo-
kratske institucije države. Sudjelujući u bodnog zidarstva.
javnim poslovima Slobodni zidari dužni Svaki Slobodni zidar može istupiti iz
su se rukovoditi etičkim principima Slo- bratstva svojom voljom, kao što je u nje-
bodnog zidarstva. Radeći na ovaj način, ga i pristupio.
Načela, ciljevi i
povijest Slobodnog
zidarstva nisu tajna,
6 ali postojeći rituali,
utvrđeni znakovi
za raspoznavanje,
kao i pripadnost
bratstvu, to jesu
2017. g. (6017. g.) -
Veliki Orijent Hrvatske
Koncem prosinca 6016. godine i po- Piše: Utemeljitelj vrijeme Revolucije u Mađarskoj 1848.
četkom siječanja 6017. godine u Zagre- i Prvi Veliki godine. U Hrvatskoj se slavi kao nacio-
bu, intenzivno započinjem razgovore te Majstor Velikog nalni junak.
okupljam prvu Braću s idejom osnivanja Orijenta Hrvatske Hrvatski sabor sastao se 5. lipnja 1848.
Zoran Vojnić
prve Lože „Ban Josip Jelačić“ – Orijent Tunić, 33°
godine, a Ban Josip Jelačić je svoj po-
Zagreb, s ciljem da se u konačnici osnuje zdravni govor započeo riječima: “Gos-
Veliki Orijent Hrvatske (VOH). podo zastupnici naroda, mila braćo!“
Osnovna zadaća, koju sam si zadao, U njegovu čast i na sjećanje, izmijenio
bila je okupiti prvih dvadeset slobodnih sam i unio u Rituale VOH-a pozdrav:
ljudi na dobrom glasu do konca siječnja i „MILA BRAĆO!“ te mu na ovoj način
krenuti na put osnutka VOH-a i povrata dao zasluženo mjesto u Velikom Orijen-
„Svjetlosti“ u Orijent Zagreb. tu Hrvatske.
Vratiti Svjetlost u Orijent Zagreb, zna- Također, kod izbora imena ostalih
čilo je krenuti put Beograda. Loža koje su se osnivale u VOH-u, povo-
dili smo se istim načelima da izbor ime-
28.01.6017. - Osnivanje prve Lože
„Ban Josip Jelačić“ – Orijent
Dostojanstveno i hrabro, ponosno i s ja-
snim ciljem, krenuli smo nas dvadeseto-
rica na povijesni put i u Beogradu osno-
vali prvu Ložu, koju sam nazvao Loža
„Ban Josip Jelačić“, te postao Starješina
Josip grof Jelačić Bužimski (Petrovara-
din 16.10.1801. – Zagreb, 20.05.1859.),

bio je general i ban hrvatski, dalmatin-
ski i slavonski od 1848. do 1859. godine,
član plemićke obitelji Jelačić, te jedan
od najznačajnijih hrvatskih političara,
kako u 19. stoljeću, tako i u cijeloj povije-
sti Hrvata. Ukinuo je kmetstvo i sazvao
prve izbore za Hrvatski sabor. Kao voj-
skovođa je pobijedio u nizu bitaka protiv 28.01.6018 - U Beogradu, osnivanje prve lože Velikog Orijenta Hrvatske
ustanika u Habsburškoj Monarhiji za “Ban Josip Jelacic,” Or. Zagreb
na Lože bude vezan za povijesne osobe
od značaja za hrvatski narod ili hrvatsku
Prvi Rad, kao i svi ostali Radovi VOH-
a do izgradnje vlastitog Hrama su odr-
žavani u dvorcu Antuna Mihanovića u
Tuheljskim Toplicama. Izbor lokacije
i mjesto održavanja Rada smo pomno Prvi hram VOH-a, Hrvata i prvi puta u povijesti hrvatskog
odabrali. Također, dosljedan ideji oču- dvorac Antuna slobodnog zidarstva je Utemeljen Veliki
vanja hrvatske povijesti, a samim time Mihanovića, Orijent. Ponosno i s radošću u srcu želim
Tuheljske toplice
i očuvanja hrvatskog identiteta, idealan istaći da je ovaj dan 25.03.6017. godine,
izbor je bio Dvorac Mihanović. Antun dan koji je okončao višestoljetni san, vi-
Mihanović je autor pjesme Horvatska šestoljetnu težnju, te višestoljetnu borbu
domovina koja je dala riječi za  hrvat- naših predaka slobodnih zidara, koji je
sku državnu himnu «Lijepa naša domo- započeo još davne 1759. godine.
vino». Za himnu su uzeta prva i druga, Sam čin Utemeljenja VOH-a bio je
te posljednja i pretposljednja kitica. Pje- izvediv samo na jedan jedini mogući na-
sma je prvi put objavljena u “Danici” čin, na način da se hrvatskim slobodnim
br. 10, 14. ožujka 1835. godine. Prvi put zidarima vrati dostojanstvo, isprave uči-
javno je izvedena 1861. godine, a kao na- njene povijesne nepravde, te u konačnici
cionalna himna prihvaćena je 1891. go- da se vrati Svjetlost s mjesta na koje je
dine. odnijeto 1919. godine. To je na ovaj dan
Zahvaljujući velikom trudu i zalaganju i učinjeno. Svijetlo je unio Veliki majstor
sve Braće, 24. ožujka 6017. godine or- Velikog Orijenta Srbije (VOS) – Orijent
ganizirali smo Rad na kojem je unijeto Beograd, mr. Dušan Vukić.
Svjetlo u drugu, pa i u treću Ložu pod Po izvršenom instaliranju i unosu Svje-
zaštitom Velikog Orijenta Hrvatske. tlosti u Veliki Orijent Hrvatske, pristu-
Druga osnovana Loža bila je Loža Stje- pilo se i instaliranju mene kao Uteme-
pan Radić – Orijent Sisak (kasnije pre- ljitelja i prvog Velikog majstora Velikog
nijeta u Orijent Zagreb), a treća Loža Orijenta Hrvatske na mandat od godinu
pod zaštitom Velikog Orijenta Hrvatske, dana, kao i Predsjednika Velikog Senata
je bila Loža Vatroslav Lisinski – Orijent Velikog Orijenta Hrvatske, Uvaženog i
Zagreb. U Ovom trenutku Veliki Ori- milog Brata Vladimira Šalića.
jent Hrvatske broji preko stotinu Braće, Povijest ostavljam povjesničarima, ali
te je paralelno započeta izgradnja i dru- budućnost mila Braćo sada držimo čvr-
gih Loža koje će vrlo brzo postati puno- sto u svojim rukama! To je naša obveza,
pravne Lože ujedinjene i pod zaštitom to je naša zadaća, to su naša slobodno-
Velikog Orijenta Hrvatske. zidarska načela i nadalje više nikoga ne
možemo kriviti za uspjehe ili neuspjehe, 9
25.03.6017. – Utemeljenje Velikog osim sami sebe. Bitno je dodatno istaći,
Orijenta Hrvatske da je VOH prvenstveno nacionalan, pa
Kako je ostvaren uvjet s formiranjem tek onda internacionalan. To znači da
tri punopravne slobodno zidarske Lože, smo u potpunosti samostalni i neovisni,
pristupio sam 25. ožujka 6017. godine da nismo ničija filijala ili ispostava, te da
istinske svjetlosti Utemeljenju Velikog po pitanja ili odluke ne idemo izvan gra-
Orijenta Hrvatske. Prvi puta u povijesti nica Hrvatske. Sve odluke donosimo i
25.03.6017 -
Utemeljitelja i Prvog
Velikog Majstora
Velikog Orijenta
Hrvatske Zorana
Vojnića Tunića, 33°

donosit ćemo isključivo samostalno. Na- zadržava potpunu autonomiju i neovisnost

dalje, priznajemo i priznavat ćemo samo u svom radu.
one Velike Orijente i Velike Lože koje Uz razgovor i usmeni prijedlog, prilo-
priznaju nas, na način potpuno ravno- žio sam i pismeni prijedlog u obliku Sta-
pravnog i obostranog uvažavanja i pri- tuta UVLH, na daljnje razmatranje i na
znavanja na istoj razini i razini potpune daljnju raspravu o istom. Nažalost, ide-
autonomije. ja o osnivanju UVLH je za sada ostala
Sagledavajući činjenice da pored samo prijedlog na „papiru“, dok sam u
VOH-a u Hrvatskoj od prije djeluju i osobnom uvjerenju da skorija budućnost
rade dvije Velike Lože: Velika Loža Hr- „nalaže“ i da je „neizbježan“ slijed u ra-
vatske (VLH) i Velika Nacionalna Loža zvoju suvremenog slobodnog zidarstva,
Hrvatske (VNLH), imao sam potrebu i kako kod nas tako i u svijetu, u pravcu
osjećao obvezu kao najmlađi član hrvat- stvaranja Unija, pa na koncu i stvaranja
ske slobodnozidarske „obitelji“, prvi pri- „Globalne Unije“.
stupiti i obratiti se istima.
Odlučio sam stupiti u kontakt s oba Ve- 30.06.6017. – Izgradnja Hrama
lika majstora, s dva osnovna razloga. „Svjetlost“
Prvi razlog je što sam ih htio informi- Veliki Orijent Hrvatske napreduje, jača
rati i upoznati s činjenicom o nastanku i i širi se po svim horizontalnim i vertikal-
postojanju VOH-a, a drugi razlog je taj nim ravninama hrvatskog društva. I de-
što sam predložio konkretan prijedlog o sno i lijevo i prema gore i dolje, i sada
suradnji i zajedničkom djelovanju kroz broji preko dvije stotine Braće. Hram u
osnivanje Unije Velikih Loža Hrvatske dvorcu Antuna Mihanovića imao je ka-
(UVLH). pacitet do maksimalno 120 ljudi te nam
Susret sam obavio pojedinačno sa sva- je postao premalen za Radove VOH-a.
kim od Velikih majstora, a koji su protekli Sukladno tome novi izazov i novi ispit
u ugodnom i bratskom razgovoru. Obojici stavljen je pred nas. Potreban nam je bio

10 sam ujedno iznio ideju i prijedlog o mogu-

ćem zajedničkom djelovanju kroz Uniju
Hram koji može primiti svu našu Braću,
a njih će biti još i više.
Velikih Loža Hrvatske, koja bi imala za Novi Hram kao centralno mjesto okup-
cilj rad na zajedničkim projektima od op- ljanja, učenja i rada mora zadovoljiti
ćeg interesa za slobodno zidarstvo u Re- potrebe VOH-a na duži vremenski pe-
publici Hrvatskoj, kao što je npr. izgradnja riod, što je dodatno otežalo izbor lokaci-
prvog u povijesti slobodnozidarskog muze- je i samog prostora. Od više ponuđenih
ja u Zagrebu, uz napomenu da cilj UVLH prijedloga, izabran je prostor na adresi
nije sjedinjenje triju članica, te da svaka Heinzelova ulica 44. u Zagrebu. Pristu-
- Prvi rad u
Hramu Svjetlost

pilo se uređenju prostora i doprinosom VOH-a. Na mjesto Velikog majstora

Braće Hram je izgrađen u vrlo kratkom Velike Lože Stupa Mudrosti instalira se
vremenskom roku. Kako je VOH vratio uvaženi i mili brat, Veliki majstor Rajko
Svjetlost u Orijent Zagreb, te izgradio Vučković.
prvi vlastiti Hram, donjeta je odluka Lože koje pripadaju pod Veliku Ložu
da se Hram Velikog Orijenta Hrvatske Stup Mudrosti su:
nazove „Svjetlost“. Prvi Rad u Hramu Loža 03. Penta – Or. Zagreb
Svjetlost održan je 30.06.6017. godine Loža 11. Ivan Merz – Or. Zagreb
istinske svjetlosti. Loža 12. Marko Marulić – Or. Split
Veliki Orijent Hrvatske po Konstituciji Loža 13. Jože Plečnik – Or. Ljubljana
radi i djeluje na teritoriju Republike Hr- Loža 16. Vladimir Prelog – Or. Zagreb
vatske. Po strukturi i unutarnjem uređe-
nju, VOH u svom sastavu i pod svojom Velika Loža Stup Snage
zaštitom ima četiri Velike Lože. Od osnutka dužnost Velikog majstora
20.10.6017. g. Osnivaju se i instaliraju Velike Lože Stup Snage obnaša uvaženi i
tri Velike Lože pod zaštitom Velikog Ori- mili brat, Veliki majstor Damir Jandrašek.
jenta Hrvatske. Kako je Veliki Orijent Hr- Lože koje pripadaju pod Veliku Ložu
vatske vratio Svjetlost u Orijent Zagreb, Stup Snage su:
kako Hram VOH-a nosi ime Svjetlost, Loža 02. Stjepan Radić – Or. Zagreb
tako je bilo logično nazvati tri Velike Lože Loža 05. Ljudevit Gaj – Or. Zagreb
po tri mala Svjetla, po plamenovima Mu- Loža 06. Grof Janko Drašković – Or.
drosti, Snage i Ljepote. Neka gore vječno! Zagreb
Povijesni Rad VOH-a je održan Loža 08. Sirius – Or. Rijeka
20.10.6017. g. u Hramu Svjetlost, Ori-
jent Zagreb, na kojem je instalirano i Velika Loža Stup Ljepote
unijeto Svjetlo u slijedeće Velike Lože Dužnost Velikog majstora Velike Lože
pod zaštitom Velikog Orijenta Hrvatske: Stup Ljepote od 15.02.6018. godine ob-

Velika Loža Stup Mudrosti

naša uvaženi i mili brat, Veliki majstor
Hrvoje Kolarić. 11
Od osnutka dužnost Velikog majstora Lože koje pripadaju pod Veliku Ložu
Velike Lože Stup Mudrosti obnaša uva- Stup Ljepote su:
ženi i mili brat, Veliki majstor Nikica Loža 09. Ambroz Haračić – Or. Mali
Gabrić, koji od 25.03.6018. godine, na Lošinj
moj prijedlog, a jednoglasnom odlukom Loža 14. Kralj Petar Krešimir IV – Or.
Vijeća Velikih majstora VOH-a, posta- Zagreb
je i preuzima dužnost Velikog majstora Loža 15. Conte Gondola – Or. Zagreb
22.12.6017. g. Obnavlja se uspavana, 14.10.6017. g. u Rimu, Loža 07. Ruđer Bošković – Or. Zagreb
stara hrvatska slobodnozidarska Velika uz bratski poziv, Veliki Loža 10. Oroboros – Or. Zagreb
Loža “Libertas”. Tako uz postojeće tri Orijent Hrvatske
Velike Lože: Stup Mudrosti, Stup Snage potpisuje Ugovor o Potpisivanje Ugovora o
uzajamnom priznanju
i Stup Ljepote, Velika Loža “Libertas» međusobnom priznanju i
i bratskom savezu s
postaje četvrta Velika Loža pod zaštitom „Gran Loggia Egizia D bratskom savezu
Velikog Orijenta Hrvatske. ‘Italia“ 14.10.6017. g. u Rimu, uz bratski
Značajna je to vijest za sve slobodne poziv, Veliki Orijent Hrvatske potpi-
zidare u Hrvatskoj, jer tradicija koju nje- suje Ugovor o uzajamnom priznanju i
gujemo i kojoj posvećujemo tako veliku bratskom savezu s „Gran Loggia Egizia
pažnju nije odraz našeg konzervativiz- D´Italia“.
ma, nego izraz našeg poštovanja prema
naporima i djelovanju naših prethod- Službeni posjet Velikog Orijenta
nika slobodnih zidara koji su razvijali Francuske
slobodnozidarsku misao u prethodnim 23.11.6017. g. u Zagrebu, uz bratski
desetljećima i nadasve burnim minulim poziv, Veliki Orijent Francuske došao
stoljećima. je u službeni posjet Velikom Orijentu

Hrvatske. Dvočlana delegacija je prisu-
Velika Loža Libertas stvovala na Radu i na unosu Svjetlosti
Od osnutka dužnost Velikog majstora u Ložu „Ivo Andrić“ – Orijent Zagreb.
Velike Lože Libertas obnaša uvaženi i
mili brat, Veliki majstor Mirko Kostelac. Nova Konstitucija VOH-a
Lože koje pripadaju pod Veliku Ložu 25.01.6018. g. usvojena je nova Kon-
Libertas su: stitucija VOH-a, koji je najviši unutarnji
Loža 01. Ban Josip Jelačić – Or. Zagreb pravni akt kojim se regulira i razrađuje
Loža 04. Ivo Andrić – Or. Zagreb organizacija i odnosi u VOH-u, a naro-
Najviše priznanje
VOH-a - Hrvatski vitez

čito: organizacija i pravila rada tijela i 25.11.6017. g. u Zahvala

organa VOH-a, organizacija i rad Slo- Parizu, uz bratski Imam potrebu na samom kraju ovog
bodnozidarskih radionica pod zaštitom poziv, Veliki Orijent teksta, zahvaliti se svoj Braći Velikog
VOH-a, te ostali opći akti koji bliže ure- Hrvatske potpisuje Orijenta Hrvatske, kao i „Braći bez pre-
Ugovor o uzajamnom
đuju rad Slobodnih zidara prema po- gača“ koja su podupirala i dalje podupi-
priznanju i bratskom
dručjima definiranim u Konstituciji. savezu s „Grande Loge ru naš rad i djelovanje. U ovom trenutku
Francaise de Misraim“ u VOH-u aktivno radi i djeluje 16 loža.
Slobodnozidarsko glasilo Uz bratsku ljubav, toleranciju i ustrajnost
„LOŽA“ sve gore navedeno je zajednički rezultat
19.03.6018. g. Veliki Orijent Hrvat- i uspjeh svih nas. Kao sam zaključak
ske izdaje svoje prvo slobodnozidarsko na kraju, citirao bih Uvaženog i milog
glasilo „LOŽA“. Sam naziv glasila pro- Brata, Velikog časnika Velikog Orijenta
istekao je iz ideje da je Loža neodvojivi Francuske, koji je tijekom svoje posjete
dio slobodnog zidarstva i njezina osnov- VOH-u 23.11.6017. godine istinske svje-
na organizacijska jedinica. Kako je Loža
mjesto okupljanja svih slobodnih zidara,
tlosti izjavio slijedeće: „Ono što sam danas
čuo i vidio kod Vas, to je renesansa hrvatskog 13
tako je slobodnozidarsko glasilo LOŽA, slobodnog zidarstva“.
centralno mjesto okupljanja pisane rije-
či, razmišljanja i informiranja sve Braće. Zoran Vojnić Tunić, 33°
Uredništvo glasila LOŽA čine Braća, Utemeljitelj i prvi Veliki Majstor
eminentni novinari, grafički dizajneri, Velikog Orijenta Hrvatske
lektori, prevoditelji te Braća koja žele Orijent Zagreb, 19. ožujka 6018.
podijeliti svoja promišljanja. godine istinske svjetlosti
1919 g. (5019 g.)
Veliki rascjep hrvatskih
slobodnih zidara

Slobodni zidari su, kao što znamo, u Piše: Veliki „Ljubav bližnjeg“ i „Maksimilijan Vrho-
povijesti optuživani za sve moguće gri- majstor Velike vec“ postojale su i radile sa sjedištem u
jehe ovoga svijeta. U Hrvatskoj i bivšoj lože Libertas Zagrebu, a loža „Budnost“ imala je sje-
Mirko Kostelac,
Jugoslaviji bili su krivi za Sarajevski 33°
dište u Osijeku.
atentat, optuživani, ali i hvaljeni za svoj Među braćom slobodnim zidarima
trud oko stvaranja prve Kraljevine Ju- nije postojalo jedinstvo oko budućeg dr-
goslavije, za izlazak Hrvatske iz Austro- žavno-pravnog uređenja u kojem će biti
Ugarske Monarhije... Hrvatska. Ipak, prevladavala je tada
Doista, u to vrijeme, na početku dva- iznimno popularna jugoslavenska ideja
desetog stoljeća i na kraju Velikog rata, o stvaranju zajedničke države Hrvata,
slobodni zidari cijele Europe bili su Srba i Slovenaca koja bi, osim zema-
uključeni u sve tadašnje povijesne mije- lja iz sastava propalog austro-ugarskog
ne. Pored ostaloga, bili su najzaslužniji carstva, uključivala i Kraljevinu Srbiju.
za stvaranje prve svjetske organizacije Panslavizam koji su tada poticali ponaj-
Vijeće naroda. prije češki politički lideri Tomaš Masa-
Slobodni zidari su bili uključeni u sve rik i Euduard Beneš neupitno je vodio
događaje koji su tada iz temelja mijenjali raspadu Austro-Ugarske Monarhije i
svijet. Bilo ih je među hrvatskim proju- velikom prekrajanju europskih granica.
goslavenskim političarima, ali i među Pismom Velikog majstora Ugarske sim-
onima koji su Hrvate upozoravali da u boličke Velike lože 1919. godine dozvo-
novu državnu zajednicu „ne srljaju kao ljeno je hrvatskim slobodnim zidarima
guske u magli”. Bilo ih je među srbijan- da osnuju svoju samostalnu „provincij-
skim intelektualcima i političarima koji sku“ Veliku ložu s pravom formiranja
su vodili svoju državnu politiku, među novih loža pod njezinom zaštitom. Tako
boljševičkim revolucionarima koji su je osnovana Matica Velike lože „Lju-
srušili veliko Rusko carstvo, među fran- bav bližnjem“. Rasprave, pa i podijele
cuskim republikancima koji su oblikova- među hrvatskim slobodnim zidarima
Krajem Prvog
14 li novu Europu.
Krajem Prvog svjetskog rata u Hrvat- svjetskog rata
time nisu prestale. Iste te 1919. godine
je osnovana Velika loža Srba, Hrvata
skoj je djelovalo nekoliko slobodnozi- u Hrvatskoj je i Slovenaca „Jugoslavija“ sa sjedištem
darskih loža pod zaštitom Ugarske sim- djelovalo neko- u Beogradu pod čije su pokroviteljstvo
boličke velike lože. Legalistički principi liko slobodnozi- i „vlast“ ušle gotovo sve hrvatske lože.
vodili su slobodne zidare u organizacije darskih loža pod Ipak, dio slobodnih zidara u Hrvatskoj,
koje su slijedile aktualne državno-pravne zaštitom Ugar- potpuno u skladu s tada prevladavaju-
zajednice. Stvari su se mijenjale kako su ske simboličke ćim dilemama u društvu, nije se slagao
se mijenjale i povijesne okolnosti. Lože velike lože s tim. Velika Loža „Jugoslavija“ imala je
što su se povećavale političke podjele
u novonastaloj državi. Nezadovoljstvo
Hrvata nakon atentata u Skupštini Ju-
goslavije na Stjepana Radića i nekoliko
drugih hrvatskih zastupnika, protivlje-
nje kraljevskoj diktaturi i sve veći sukobi
između Hrvata i Srba nisu mogli ostati
bez traga među slobodnim zidarima. U
hrvatskim ložama koje su djelovale pod
pokroviteljstvom Velike Lože Srba, Hr-
vata i Slovenaca „Jugoslavija“ podjele
su dovele do izbacivanja dijela hrvatskih
slobodnih zidara. Istjerani nisu željeli
odustati od svojih slobodnozidarskih na-
zora i djelovanja i tako je stvoren temelj
za osnivanje novih slobodnozidarskih
loža koje nisu bile u sastavu Velike lože
Uz nekoliko neovisnih loža koje su već
postojale, u Zagrebu, u Osijeku, u Subo-
tici je još 1927. stvorena Simbolička Ve-
tada, baš kao i novonastala Kraljevina lika loža „Libertas“. Činili su je „otpad-
SHS, veliku podršku pobjedničkih sila u nici“ iz loža „Ljubav bližnjeg“ i nekoliko
Europi nakon Prvog svjetskog rata i ve- drugih. U političkom smislu Velika loža
ćina slobodnih zidara nastavila je djelo- „Libertas“ nije bila „projugoslavenska“
vati u novonastalim okolnostima. Dobra jer se zalagala za ravnopravniji položaj
suradnja, ponajprije hrvatskih i srpskih Hrvata u tadašnjoj Kraljevini Jugoslavi-
slobodnih zidara, bila je preduvjet za
stvaranje jedinstvene slobodnozidarske
ji. Kako nije imala međunarodnu potpo-
ru slobodnozidarskih organizacija, Ložu 15
organizacije. Nova Velika loža „Jugosla- „Libertas“ tada su nazivali „zakutnom“
vija“ prihvatila je Ivanovski obred koji je ili čak „divljom ložom“. Zato je bilo pre-
otprije korišten u hrvatskim ložama, ali sudno dobiti legitimitet od velikih europ-
nije napustila niti Škotski obred koji su skih slobodnozidarskih loža.
koristile srbijanske lože. Preokret se odigrao 1937. godine kada
Međutim, rascjep među hrvatskim slo- je Velika loža „Libertas“ priznata od Ve-
bodnim zidarima nije jenjavao, baš kao likog Orijenta Francuske!
Povijesni rad 20. listopada 6017.,
dana kada su utemeljene tri
Velike lože pod zaštitom VOH-a
VOH se toliko razvio i narastao da je bila nužna reorganizacija, zato su
instalirane tri Velike lože pod zaštitom VOH-a

Povijesni Rad Velikog Orijenta Hrvat- utemeljitelja i Velikog Majstora VOH-

ske 20. listopada 6017. godine u kojem a instalirane su tri Velike lože Orijenta
je sudjelovalo više od dvjesto članova
Zagreb pod zaštitom Velikog Orijenta
našega Bratstva ostat će upisan zlatnim Hrvatske i instalirani Veliki Majstori
slovima. Nikada do sada nije postojao novih Velikih Loža na mandat od tri go-
Veliki Orijent Hrvatske kao krovna slo- dine.
bodnozidarska institucija. U povijest će Na čelo Velike Lože Stup Mudrosti
biti upisana činjenica da se u manje od Orijent Zagreb instaliran je Veliki Maj-
godinu dana, od inicijalne lože Ban Jo- stor prof. dr. Nikica Gabrić. Ova velika
sip Jelačić, VOH toliko razvio i narastao Loža u svom sastavu ima pet loža: Vatro-
da je bila nužna reorganizacija. Ukazom slav Lisinski Orijent Zagreb, Loža Penta
Orijent Zagreb, Ivan Merz Orijent Za- Na temelju Konstitucije Velikog Ori-
greb, Marko Marulić Orijent Split i Ivo jenta Hrvatske i statuta tri Velike lože
Andrić Orijent Zagreb. Orijenta Zagreb imenovani su i časnici
Novi Veliki Majstor Damir Jandrašek loža.
instaliran je na čelo Velike Lože Stup Posebno svečan čin bila je dodjela Or-
Snage Orijent Zagreb. Ona u svom dena hrvatskog viteza, najvišeg odličja
sastavu ima šest loža: Stjepan Radić Velikog Orijenta Hrvatske dvadesetorici
Orijent Zagreb, Ljudevit Gaj Orijent braće osnivača prve lože VOH-a Ban Jo-
Zagreb, Ivan Mažuranić Orijent Za- sip Jelačić – Orijent Zagreb.
greb, Stjepan Lacković Orijent Kri- U sve tri nove Velike lože pod zaštitom
ževci, Loža Ivan plemeniti Zajc Orijent Velikog Orijenta Hrvatske Svjetlost je
Rijeka i Ambroz Haračić Orijent Mali unio Utemeljitelj i Prvi Veliki majstor
Lošinj. Zoran Vojnić Tunić.
Veliku Ložu Stup Ljepote Orijent Za- Braći su se obratili sva trojica novih Ve-
greb vodi Veliki Majstor Damir Poku-
pec. I ova Velika loža u svom sastavu
likih Majstora.
Veliki Majstor Velike Lože Sup Mu- 17
ima šest loža: Ban Josip Jelačić Orijent drosti, prof. dr. Nikica Gabrić je rekao:
Zagreb, Ivan Kukuljević Sakcinski Ori- „Najuvaženiji, Najmoćniji, Utemeljitelju
jent Varaždin, Studentska loža Nikola i Prvi Veliki Majstore Velikog Orijenta
Tesla Orijent Koprivnica, Loža Josip Hrvatske, dozvoli da ti u svoje ime i u
Juraj Strossmayer Orijent Zagreb, Josip ime moje braće zahvalim na počasti koju
Plečnik Orijent Ljubljana i Loža Franjo si nam ukazao imenujući nas za Velike
Šeper Orijent Osijek. Majstore, unapređujući našu braću u
Velike časnike i uspostavom tri Velike li sam to promijeniti. Ali imam i jednu
Lože, Mudrosti, Snage i Ljepote. vrlinu; znam tablicu dijeljenja, to je naj-
Nije lako biti slobodni zidar. Još teže važnija operacija u životu. Većina ljudi
je biti Veliki Majstor nakon standarda zna zbrajati i množiti, a ja znam i dije-
kojeg si ti ovdje postavio i uspostavio. liti. Nakon dijeljenja uvijek imam više
Ja, kao Veliki Majstor Velike Lože Stup nego kada drugi množe i zbrajaju. Pre-
Mudrosti, truditi ću se da budem po- ma tome, u svome radu ću se truditi da

18 šten i pravedan. Da vodim svoju Ložu

s mudrošću uz pomoć Snage i Ljepote i
uvećam vrijednost ljudi koje ću voditi i
vrijednost organizacije, a ne vlastitu vri-
uz pomoć svih vas. Kao i svaki čovjek jednost. U tome ćete mi vi pomoći. Sebe
imam i mane i vrline. Najveća mana ću upravljati glavom, a vas ću upravljati
mi je nestrpljivost samo zbog toga što svojim srcem. Kada sam nekad strog to
mislim da nemam dovoljno vremena nije zato što sam loš, nego zato što iz vas
u životu da postignem sve ciljeve. Ta želim izvući maksimum.
mana prouzrokuje moj kratak fitilj. Ovo U siječnju 2018. izaći će jedna knjiga
je najbolja pozicija da provjerim mogu Neila Fergusona „Od FM-a do FB-a“ od
FreeMasonsa do Facebooka. Ta knjiga raju normalne i tradicionalne vrijedno-
kaže da su društvene mreže i kontakti sti.
stvarali snagu i moć. Ja više vjerujem u Želim puno uspjeha svim starješinama
snagu riječi i osobnog kontakta nego u i mojoj braći Velikim Majstorima i svojoj
snagu medija koji je apersonalan i ameo- imenovanoj braći. Još jednom zahvalju-
cionalan. Kada me ljudi pitaju zašto mi jem Velikom Majstoru i želim uspiešan
posao dobro ide i je li to posljedica mar- rad jer s današnjim danom je završen
ketinga, ja im uvijek odgovorim; kako
mravi znaju da se na petom katu u nekoj
važan povijesni čin uspostave slobodnog
zidarstva u Hrvatskoj”, rekao je Veliki 19
zgradi nalazi šećer pa dođu. To je moć Majstor Velike Lože Stup Mudrosti -
slobodnih zidara. Vi morate biti ljudi Orijent Zagreb.
koji ste u stanju mobilizirati druge ljude, Novi Veliki Majstor Velike lože Stup
bez velike pompe i reklame. U svom ži- Snage – Orijent Zagreb, brat Damir
votu i praksi pokušavam, a to ću činiti i Jandrašek u svom obraćanju je rekao:
u svojoj loži i ne podleći modernističkim „Izrazito sam ponosan što sam ovdje sa
trendovima, jer mene još uvijek motivi- svima vama i što zajedno gradimo nešto
veliko. Možda još ni sami nismo svje- živimo i to u najširem smislu te riječi.
sni što gradimo, ali budimo svjesni da A osobito u boljitku društva Republike
je ono na čemu smo zasnovani, a to su Hrvatske, ovog bratstva, ali i svih ljudi
Mudrost, Snaga i Ljepota, mora uroditi koji žive oko nas.
ostvarenjem naših ciljeva. Ono što želim Mi smo vratili ponos slobodnom zidar-
s vama podijeliti je da se slobodno zidar- stvu Republike Hrvatske, ali očekujem
stvo i organizacija Velikog Orijenta Hr- da upravo to Slobodno Zidarstvo Re-
vatske temelji na građenju, na harmoniji publike Hrvatske vrati određene vrijed-
i na doprinosu svih nas. Bez svih nas ov- nosti i kvalitete društvu uopće. To oče-
dje ne možemo. Pojedinci ne mogu sami kujem od braće koja će raditi u Velikoj
voditi VOH i zato smo svi ovdje i dajemo Loži Stup Ljepote, a siguran sam da će
svoj maksimum”, rekao je Veliki Majstor nam se u tom radu pridružiti i sva osta-
Damir Jandrašek. la braća pod zaštitom Velikog Orijenta
„Mila braćo, Utemeljitelju i prvi Veli- Hrvatske. Pod time podrazumijevam da
ki Majstore Velikog Orijenta Hrvatske, će braća složno raditi i donositi odluke,
prije svega zahvaljujem tebi što si mi provoditi mjere i planove na način da će
ukazao čast da postanem Veliki Majstor prvo pomagati sebi i između sebe unutar
Velike Lože Stupa Ljepote”, kazao je u bratskog lanaca, a nakon toga napraviti
svom govoru Veliki Majstor Damir Po- strategiju i plan mjera koje će biti na do-
kupec. brobit društva u kojem živimo.
„Danas je veliki dan za sve slobodne To je osnovni zadatak Velike Lože Stup
zidare u Republici Hrvatskoj i danas Ljepote. Držati ćemo se svih odredbi
je velik dan za sve one koji istinski žele Andersenove konstitucije, provodit ćemo
razviti slobodno zidarstvo i ono što je zadatke slobodnog zidarstva, uspostav-
slobodno zidarstvo u svojoj biti. Želim ljati ćemo veze s braćom iz inozemstva
zahvaliti svoj braći, svojoj dvadesetori- i stranih loža i raditi ćemo na izgradnji
ci braće, Hrvatskim vitezovima koji su čovjeka do čovječnosti i to do kraja”, re-
donijeli svjetlost i vratili svjetlost i vratili kao je Veliki Majstor Damir Pokupec.
dostojanstvo slobodnom zidarstvu u Re- Iznimno emotivno bilo je obraćanje
publici Hrvatskoj. Učinili su veliku stvar počasnog Velikog majstora Velikog Ori-
svi koji su u tome sudjelovali, možda ne- jenta Hrvatske i zamjenika Velikog maj-
svjesni trenutka, no već sada svjesni po- stora Velikog Orijenta Srbije brata Deja-
sljedica. Posljedice su vidljive, rezultat je na Pudara koji je rekao:
ovdje, ali to je tek početak. „Najuvaženiji i najmoćniji utemeljitelju
Ono što mogu obećati braći koja će ra- i Prvi Veliki majstore VOH-a, najuva-
diti u Velikoj Loži Stup Ljepote je rad, ženiji i najmoćniji Veliki majstori Veli-
rad i opet rad, uz, vjerojatno, krv, znoj kih loža, uvaženi predsjedniče Senata

20 i suze. Ali tražeći rezultate prije svega

od sebe samog, a nakon toga i od svih
VOH-a, uvaženi starješino, braćo visoki
časnici, braćo u kolonama, ja ću biti vrlo
mojih visokih časnika, ali i braće u ko- kratak, a oni koji me poznaju i znaju da
lonama, ono što očekujem je da svojim sam vrlo emotivan, znaju da mi je jako
radom unutar našeg bratstva pokažu i teško sada govoriti, pogotovo poslije
dokažu da su prije svega dobri ljudi na ovih izvanrednih govora braće velikih
dobrom glasu i da su u stanju sukladno majstora. 
odredbama Andersenove konstituci- Iskoristio bih ovu priliku da prije svega
je doprinijeti boljitku društva u kojem čestitam novopridošloj braći i izrazim
jedno veliko nadanje da će shvatiti u Da, ljudski je plašiti se, ja sam se plašio,
kakvu su organizaciju danas primljeni, imao sam predrasudu, ali vidite, od tog
shvatiti kako je ovaj dan jedan od najve- dana prošlo je jako malo vremena i ja
ličanstvenijih dana u njihovim životima sam sad zahvaljujući ovim divnim ljudi-
i nadam se kako vide veličinu ove orga- ma ovdje dio jedne krasne priče i mogu
nizacije. Želio bih čestitati uvaženoj bra- reći da sad ovdje imam prijatelje za cijeli
ći, mojim prijateljima, velikim majstori- život, da se osjećam predivno u Zagrebu
ma koji su danas proglašeni. Ovo je velik i da je to ono što je meni osobno, mila
dan za vas, a vi ste ga zaslužili svojim braćo, najznačajnije. Cilj masonerije je
radom i svojim bratskim odnosom.  bratska ljubav, o tome bih mogao mno-
I sada ono što mi je onako najteže i naj- go pričati. Mi smo na jako dobrom putu
emotivnije pričati, a to su ova naša braća da povezivanjem, reći ću, običnih ljudi,
hrvatski vitezovi. Ne bih rekao da su oni kroz bratstvo, a ponajviše kroz ljubav i
samo vitezovi Hrvatske, slobodno bih iskreno prijateljstvo, ugasimo ono što je
dao sebi za pravo reći kako su ova bra- predugo gorjelo na ovim prostorima. Ne
ća koju ste maloprije vidjeli pred sobom, bih dužio, iako bih sada mogao pričati
vitezovi masonerije uopće. Pored toga dugo, jer sam svjestan trenutka, ovo je
što su vitezovi Hrvatske, oni su i vitezo- povijesni događaj za masoneriju u Re-
vi bratske ljubavi. Svi koji sjedite ovdje publici Hrvatskoj, ali i u cijelom svijetu.
vrlo dobro znate što znači danas poslije Više ne želim pričati o regiji, to stalno
svega što se, nažalost, događalo u našoj ponavljam, novopridošla braća to mo-
skorijoj povijesti, sjesti u autobus i doći u raju znati, da braća koja sjede ovdje na
Beograd. Na nepoznato mjesto, kod ne- istoku imaju više iskustva i više saznanja

poznatih ljudi, staviti povez na oči i ući jer su bili u ložama po cijelom svijetu.
u prostoriju u kojoj ne znate što vas čeka. Mogu samo reći da je razina organiza-
To je meni pokazalo da je put sada ve- cije VOH-a, razina vaše ozbiljnosti, ra-
likog majstora i utemeljitelja i sve braće zina samog ovog velebnog objekta koji
koja su bila tamo veoma jasan, odlučan imate, više nije ni na regionalnoj razini
i smjeo. Isto tako moram priznati, meni nego na svjetskoj. I da mi je izuzetna čast
je 5. siječnja 6017. bilo veoma teško i ne- i zadovoljstvo što imam čast i što sudje-
izvjesno, s puno predrasuda, kada sam lujem u ovom i svim ostalim radovima
prvi put u svom životu došao u Zagreb. zajedno s vama.“
Gnothi seauton,
spoznaj samoga sebe

Slušajući ljude oko sebe čini mi se kako Piše: Veliki jedinca (mikrokozmosa) i Univerzuma
ih većina vjeruje da im se milijardu stva- majstor Velike (makrokozmosa), i to preko polisa ili me-
ri treba poklopiti kako bi oni bili sretni. lože Stup ljepote zokozmosa.
Hrvoje Kolarić,
Upravo suprotno takvom promišljanju, 33°
Makrokozmos je univerzalna priroda
sretni ljudi žive u okolnostima u kojima iz koje izvire sve pravedno, dobro i lije-
se trenutno nalaze i tome prilagođavaju po, što je neposredno nedostupno pro-
svoj stav. Svaki dan ima iskru radosti i sječnom čovjeku. Makrokozmos može
mali paketić sreće, samo ako se dovolj- spoznati samo mudrac. Mikrokozmos je
no zagledamo u njega. Jer, draga braćo, područje individualne, unutarnje priro-
kada se sve zbroji i oduzme ravnoteža je de. To je umanjena slika Univerzuma.
jedini zalog harmoničnog življenja. Teš- Mezokozmos je grad-država, područje
ko ju je dostići, jer prečesto stremimo ek- društvenog života i ljudske organizacije.
stremnim emocijama. Ili smo odlično ili Idealan grad-država (polis), preko koje
smo jako loše. Rijetko smo dobro. su povezani makrokozmos i mikrokoz-
Da bismo mogli prepoznati taj trenu- mos, za Platona je temeljen na skupu
tak, trebamo upoznati sebe i spoznati svih načela kojima polis treba težiti pre-
svoje mjesto u Univerzumu. ma zakonima prirode i koji se odnose na
Da bismo kao slobodni ljudi na do- ljudsku zajednicu.
brom glasu djelovali prosvjetiteljski Filozofija za njega nije bijeg od života,
trebamo stalno propitkivati svoja mo- Sretni ljudi žive napuštanje problema u društvu, odla-
ralna, filozofska, etička promišljanja i u okolnostima zak u svijet misli, već želja i težnja da se
to s onime što svakodnevno primjenju- u kojima se preobrazi kako pojedinac tako i društvo.
jemo u životu. trenutno Platon kaže da se filozofija ne može na-
Danas, kad filozofija vrlo oprezno pri- nalaze i tome učiti, već se mora doživjeti, pa je zbog
stupa metafizičkim pitanjima, između toga filozofija istovremeno i umjetnost i
ostaloga zbog ne prihvaćanja metafizike svoj stav. Svaki znanost. Da bismo nešto dobili moramo
kao znanosti, postoji bojazan od otvore- dan ima iskru doći do vlastitih spoznaja.
nih razgovora o duši, smrti i svim stvari- radosti i mali Nadalje po Platonu svaki pojedinac
ma koje se nalaze van granica osjetilnog paketić sreće, ima svoju osobitu izvrsnost, a izvrsnost
svijeta i njegove istine. samo ako ljudskog bića živi u duši. Mane kao ne-
Antički su Grci, i kasnije filozofi rene- se dovoljno znanje, malodušnost, neumjerenost i
sanse, smatrali da je za evoluciju čovjeka zagledamo u nepravednost nanose štetu duši i čine
potrebno uspostaviti odnos između po- njega ju zatočenikom tijela, dok prekomjerno
samoljublje zasljepljuje dušu čovjeka i
tada loše prosuđuje pravednost, ljepotu
i dobrotu. Kada je prisutno prekomjerno
samoljublje čovjek smatra da mora više
cijeniti ono što je njegovo negoli istinu.
Iako se i danas uredno uči o Platonu
kao jednom od najvećih filozofa čovje-
čanstva i spominje ga se kao izvor inspi-
racije, ako ćemo suditi po današnjoj slici
svijeta, čini mi se da ga nitko nije previše
slušao i razumio.
Pred nama je, mila braćo, veliki posao,
ali kažu da budućnost pripada onima
koji vjeruju u ljepotu svojih snova.
Pogled na moju malu mapu bogatstva
dolazi iz iskustva da ništa ne može za-
mijeniti upornost. Niti talent, niti ge-
nijalnost, niti obrazovanje. Upornost i
odlučnost donose sretan i ispunjen život,
donose uspjeh.
Jer, priroda je u naše okružje stavila sve
što nam je potrebno. I ne samo da je to
učinila već je i savršeno uskladila ritmo-
ve i upozorila koje nas to stvari moraju

držati u harmoniji.
Mane kao neznanje, Za naš zajednički uspjeh imajmo
malodušnost, neumjerenost na umu misao Antoinea de Sainta-
i nepravednost nanose štetu Exuperyja iz „Malog princa“, koji kaže
duši i čine ju zatočenikom tijela, da ako hoćeš sagraditi brod, nemoj tje-
dok prekomjerno samoljublje rati ljude u šumu da sasijeku stabla i pile
zasljepljuje dušu čovjeka i tada grede. Umjesto toga nauči ih da vole
loše prosuđuje pravednost, ljepotu more.
i dobrotu Oči su slijepe - treba tražiti srcem.
Hram Slobodnih zidara, mjesto na kojem
razvijamo bezgranične mogućnosti

Hram nije samo prostorija u kojoj se slobodni zidari okupljaju i vrše svoje
rituale, Hram ima puno bitnije simboličko, značenje

Ukoliko netko Slobodnog zidara upita simbolizira sklonost ljudskog razuma

za oblik Hrama, slobodni zidar se lako materijalnim dobrima, oblik svijesti koji
može zbuniti, ne znajući kakav odgovor čovjek koristi u obavljanju svojih svakod-
se od njega očekuje. Odgovor na ovo pi- nevnih poslova. Iz ovog pravca kandidat
tanje zavisi u mnogome i od onoga tko za prijem ulazi u Hram. Kroz moralne
ga je postavio, jer za Slobodne zidare, za pouke i usavršavanje prvo kandidat, a
razliku od profanih, Hram ne predstav- kasnije Učenik, polako napušta svoje
lja samo prostoriju u kojoj vrši ritualne težnje ka materijalnim dobrima i sve
radove, već ima mnogo šire, simboličko više teži duhovnim vrijednostima. Ove
značenje. Ako izuzmemo shvaćanje pro- duhovne vrijednosti simboliziraju Istok,
fanih o Hramu kao prostoriji, fizičkom mjesto s kojeg dopire svjetlost i osvjetlja-
dijelu zgrade, u kojoj se slobodni zidari va Hram. On predstavlja čovjekovu du-
okupljaju i obavljaju svoje rituale, Hram hovnost, najviši oblik svijesti koji je kod
ima simboličko značenje i samo učenje o većine ljudi i nije razvijen. Tek Slobodni
obliku Hrama daje Slobodnim zidarima zidar, koji je u potpunosti ovladao svo-
mnoge pouke. jom duhovnom snagom, koji je u pravom
Pravilan odgovor Slobodnog zidara na smislu riječi Majstor, može naći svoje
pitanje o obliku Hrama bio bi da je on mjesto na Istoku. Dubina Hrama pred-
dugačak od Istoka do Zapada, širok od stavlja razliku između između površine
Sjevera do Juga, dubok od površine do naše svijesti i najvišeg stupnja svijesti čo-
središta Zemlje i visok sve do neba. Če- vjeka koja se nalazi u njegovom središtu.
tiri strane svijeta ukazuju nam na četiri Visina Hrama simbolizira da, ukoliko u
različita oblika svijesti. Sjever simbolizi- potpunosti razvijemo svoje sposobnosti,
ra mrak i neznanje, osjetilne utiske, stra- možemo ovladati sa sva četiri oblika svi-
nu svijeta s koje nikada ne dopire sunče- jesti pa su nam tada mogućnosti bezgra-
va svjetlost. Učenici iz tog razloga sjede nične.
Svaki Slobodni
24 na Sjevernoj – tamnoj strani Hrama, ali
i između Zapada i Istoka, kao podsjet-
Svaki Slobodni zidar je starješina svog
Hrama, Hrama koji se nalazi u njemu i zidar je
nik na ono odakle su došli i na ono čemu odgovoran je za njegovu gradnju. Uko- starješina
streme. Na jednoj strani je staza koja liko Slobodni zidar ne radi vrijedno na svog Hrama,
vodi do vječne svjetlosti Istoka i na koji svom usavršavanju, tada zapostavlja iz- Hrama koji se
put ga Braća podstiču, a s druge strane je gradnju vlastitog Hrama, pa čak i nosio nalazi u njemu
staza neznanja na koju se lako može za- majstorsku pregaču, ne može se nazvati i odgovoran
lutati. Južna strana Hrama simbolizira istinskim Majstorom Masonom. Iako se je za njegovu
intelektualnu stranu čovjeka. Zapad lože Hram nalazi unutar svakog Slobodnog gradnju.
Tek Slobodni zidar, koji je u potpunosti ovladao svojom
duhovnom snagom, koji je u pravom smislu riječi Majstor,
može naći svoje mjesto na Istoku

zidara, on je istovremeno i neograničen, moć stečene samokontrole usuglasili sa

prostire se preko cijele kugle zemaljske. svojim mogućnostima. Odgovor na
Zbog toga se smatra da su sva Braća pri- pitanje je li neka loža regularna ili nije,
padnici jedne Lože te da u svom svakod- daje nam to koristi li u svojim rituali-
nevnom životu moraju djelovati u skladu ma tri Velike Svjetlosti ili ne. Samo ona
s poukama koje nas uči Slobodno zidar- Loža koja koristi ove tri Svjetlosti, može
stvo, jer nikada i ne napuštaju Hram. se nazvati regularnom.
Hram leži na tri mala svjetla Slobod- Pod lože je mozaična šahovska ploča, s
nog zidarstva, koja simboliziraju Sunce, crnim i bijelim slovima i ona predstavlja
Mjesec i Starješinu lože. Slobodni zida- dvostruko svojstvo svega što je vezano sa
ri kažu da je Hram otvoren sve dok ga zemaljskim životom i što nas okružuje.
obasjavaju ova tri svjetla. Sve dok sun- Mason u svom svakodnevnom životu
ce rukovodi danom, a mjesec noći, tako hoda po podu na kome je izmiješano do-
starješina ima pravo da rukovodi Lo- bro i zlo, svjetlo i tama, sreća i tuga, dan
žom. Pored tri mala svjetla Slobodnog i noć, te prelazeći ove prepreke on po-
zidarstva, u Hramu se nalaze i tri velika staje sposoban da se izdigne iznad svojih
svjetla – uglomjer, šestar i Knjiga svetog materijalističkih potreba i razvije svoje
zakona. U svakoj Loži dok radi, nalaze unutrašnje duhovne sposobnosti.
se tri velika svjetla. Knjiga svetog zako- Kako je svako od Slobodnih zidara
na razlikuje se od tradicije do tradicije starješina svog unutrašnjeg Hrama, od
određene masonske Lože, najčešće je Bi- njega samog zavisi kako će njegov du-
blija, ali može biti i neka druga priznata hovni razvitak teći. Riječi koje nam
duhovna vrijednost. Slobodnim zidari- mogu pomoći da dođemo do središta
ma se preporučuje da čitaju i proučavaju Hrama su „Spoznaj samoga sebe“. Tek
Svete spise, jer će u njima naći temelje onaj tko je spoznao samoga sebe, tko je
moralnih načela na kojima se samo Slo- potpuno prihvatio svoju prirodu, svoju
bodno zidarstvo zasniva. Šestar i kuto- osjetilnu, intelektualnu i svjesnu stranu,
mjer, koji uz knjigu svetog zakona pred- može kroz Slobodno zidarstvo otkriti
stavljaju tri Velike Svjetlosti, se nalaze i usavršiti svoju duhovnu stranu svije-
na oltaru. Kutomjer je simbol materije, sti. Tek onaj tko spozna i nauči koristiti
časti, postojanosti karaktera, moralnog sve četiri strane svijesti može se nazvati
zakona. On nas, kao spoj vertikalnog i istinskim Majstorom. Na ovaj put, me- 25
horizontalnog podsjeća na značaj rav- đutim, ne možemo poći sami. Iz tog ra-
noteže i pomaže u donošenju ispravnih zloga se Braća i okupljaju u Hramu, jer
odluka. Šestar simbolizira duh, ali i upo- tek u zajedništvu s Braćom na ritualnim
zorava na granice saznanja, te se u ma- radovima, zajedničkom meditacijom i
sonskim ritualima nikad ne širi na kut ponavljanjem određenih okolnosti, po-
veći od 90 stupnjeva. Šestarom okružu- ruka i radnji, možemo se osjećati osna-
jemo naša stremljenja kako bi ih uz po- ženim i na putu da postanemo Majstori.
Mali uvod u put prema savršenom
Jedna od najčešćih zabluda o Škotskom redu je da on potječe iz Škotske
te da se 33° može dobiti samo odlaskom u Škotsku. Prvi spomeni
Škotskog reda zapravo se nalaze u dokumentima u Francuskoj

DEUS MEUMQUE JUS God and my nu Morinu iz Bordeauxa pravo da svoje Piše: I.G.
right. više stupnjeve prenese preko Atlantika u
U srcima ljudi graditi osobnu moral- nove teritorije kao Zapadne Indije gdje
nost i promovirati toleranciju i bratstvo, je nastao sustav od 25 viših stupnjeva
slobodu misli, slobodu svijesti i jamstvo koji su se zvali „Red Savršenstva”. Kroz
sloboda svih ljudi, postavljanje temelja godine dodani su rituali i struktura do
pravednosti i milosrđa, zaštitu slabijeg i danas poznatih 33°. Jedan od najvažni-
borbu protiv svih dogmi i doktrina koje jih ljudi u povijesti Škotskog reda bio je
žele ograničiti ljudski duh - to je temelja Albert Pike koji je sredinom 19. stoljeća
misija Škotskog reda u Slobodnom zi- unio, ali i definirao moderna pravila koji
darstvu. obliku ovaj red.
Škotski red (obred) jedan je od nekoliko Bitno je razumjeti da se organizacija
organizacijskih struktura koje nastavlja- Škotskog reda nastavlja na takozvane
ju put braće Slobodnih zidara nakon što Simbolične lože. Iako su stupnjevi u tim
dosegnu stupanj majstora (3°). Taj put ložama numerički iznad stupnjeva u
počinje sa 4° i završava sa 32°, uz posto- „plavim ložama”, tj. takozvanim zanat-
janje 33° kao posebnog stupnja za izvan- skim ložama u kojima se prakticiraju ri-
redna dostignuća i služenje bratstvu. tuali od 1° do 3°, koje zovemo i plavima Bitno je razumjeti
Jedna od najčešćih zabluda o Škotskom zbog tradicionalno plavih regalija koje da se organizacija
redu je da on potječe iz Škotske te da se su se koristile u Engleskoj i Irskoj. Škotskog reda
33° može dobiti samo odlaskom u Škot- Cijeli Škotski red prihvaća i priznaje nastavlja na
sku. Prvi spomeni Škotskog reda zapravo da je osnovni 3° majstora jednako vrije- takozvane
se nalaze u dokumentima u Francuskoj dan svim višim stupnjevima u Škotskom Simbolične lože.
gdje je krajem 17. Stoljeća, zbog već redu. Škotski red i njegovi stupnjevi su Cijeli Škotski red
tada teških odnosa Engleske i Škotske, dodatak majstorskom stupnju, a ne iznad prihvaća i priznaje
na Britanskim otocima velik broj ljudi iz njega. da je osnovni 3°
Škotske našao utočište. Među njima bilo Što je stvarni cilj Škotskog reda? majstora jednako
vrijedan svim
26 je i braće Slobodnih zidara koji su or-
ganizirali svoju prvu ložu 1732. godine
Škotski red je postavljen kako bi braća
Slobodni zidari spoznali da nisu savrše- višim stupnjevima
koja se zvala „Ecossais” tj. Škotska loža u ni, ali da postoji put prema savršenom. u Škotskom redu.
Bordeauxu koji je već tada bio jedan od Taj put kreće od 4 do 14 stupnja u Sim- Škotski red i
najutjecajnijih središta Slobodnog zidar- boličkoj loži koja se zove Loža savršen- njegovi stupnjevi
stva u Francuskoj. Između 1738. i 1740. stva, to se naslanja na Biblijsku priču o su dodatak
formirali su se prvi „Hauts Grades” tj. gradnji prvog hrama Kralja Solomona i majstorskom
viši stupnjevi, a 1761. slobodnozidarski služi za utvrđivanje temelja koji se uče u stupnju, a ne
autoriteti u Francuskoj dali su Stephe- prva 3 stupnja Slobodnog zidarstva. iznad njega.
Imena tih stupnjeva na neki način nata i vještine, također uči da razmatra
određuju prava i obveze braće na tom mnoge aspekte života i da se s njima nosi
stupnju. kao Božje dijete, uporno napredujući do
4. stupanj - Tajni Majstor onih visina iskustva koje mi nazivamo
Četvrti stupanj naglašava obvezu, vjer- savršenstvom.
nost, integritet i neophodnost tajnosti u 13. stupanj – Kraljevski svod Salomona
svim povjerljivim vezama. Ovaj stupanj uči da teškoće i opasnosti,
5. stupanj - Savršeni Majstor bez obzira koje veličine, ne smiju zatrti
Ovaj stupanj uči da je povjerenje zna- istinu i vjernost brata u napredovanju
čajnije od samog života i da se nalazi u prema savršenstvu. Uči velikoj istini, da
osnovi slobodnozidarskih počasti. Kao najfinije stvari u životu dolaze samo kao
dodatak, moramo poštivati sjećanje na rezultat upornog i često bolnog napora.
preminulu, vrijednu braću. 14. stupanj - Veliki Izabranik, Potpuni
6. stupanj - Intimni Tajnik i svijetli zidar
Ovaj stupanj uči da su posvećenost prija- Ovaj stupanj je okupljanje stare slobod-
teljima i odsustvo ljubomore u provođenju nozidarske vještine. Kao okrunjeni stu-
dužnosti vrline koje bivaju nagrađivane. panj Lože Savršenstva, njegova suština
7. stupanj - Predsjednik i Sudac je svetost Boga i činjenje u Njegovo sveto
Ovaj stupanj uči pravednom suđenju, ime. Bog ga neće smatrati grešnim, ako
gdje su zakon i običaji primjenljivi na ne uzima njegovo ime uzalud.
sve. Dozvoliti pravdi da bude nepristra- Stupnjevi Rose Croix
na i usklađena sa zasluženom milošću. Stupnjevi 15. i 16. odnose se na grad-
8. stupanj - Intendant gradnje nju drugog hrama Zerubbabela, koji je
Ovaj stupanj uči da bi svako novo od- izgrađen kao zamjena za Solomonov
ličje trebalo biti korak ka usavršavanju hram nakon što je on uništen od strane
moralnog koda. Babilonaca 586. godine p.n.e.
9. stupanj - Izabranik devetorice Taj hram izgrađen je 516. godine p.n.e.
Lekcije na ovom stupnju uče da treba i stajao je do 70. godine nove ere kada je
biti oprezan, da ne budemo tašti u pro- srušen od strane Rimskog carstva.
vođenju pravde, čak ni u pravične svrhe, 17. stupanj je približavanje, a 18. stu-
i da treba izbjegavati povrede ličnosti is- panj je prepoznavanje Kršćanske etike
hitrenim i neodgovornim djelima. kao podloge za univerzalnu etiku koja
10. stupanj – Slavni Izabranik petnae- gradi naša srca, ali i Treći hram, hram
storice koji se ne gradi rukama već srcima.
Učenje ovog stupnja je da ambicija i ta- 15. stupanj - Vitez Istoka ili Mača
ština vode osobu ka lošim djelima, da će Ovaj stupanj uči važnu lekciju o lojal-
pravičnost na kraju pobijediti nad zlom i nosti, uvjerenju i predanosti ispravnosti.
da će oni koji čine zlo biti kažnjeni.
11. stupanj - Uzvišeni Izabrani Vitez
16. stupanj - Princ Jeruzalema
Ovaj stupanj uči lojalnosti istini i vjer- 27
Ovaj stupanj se odnosi na dobrog gra- nosti dužnosti.
đanina. Zlodjela treba kazniti. Poštenje i 17. stupanj - Vitez Istoka i Zapada
poštivanje prema drugima bit će nagra- Lekcije ovog stupnja uče da je lojalnost
đeno. Biti otvoren, pošten i iskren. Bogu čovjekov primarni zadatak i da
12. stupanj - Veliki Majstor Arhitekt privremeni nadzor koji nije osnovan od
Ovaj stupanj uči kako da Slobodni zi- strane Boga i Njegovih prava će se ne-
dar koristi oruđa i instrumente svog za- minovno urušiti.

4. stupanj - Tajni Majstor 5. stupanj - Savršeni Majstor 6. stupanj - Intimni Tajnik 7. stupanj - Predsjednik i

8. stupanj - Intendant gradnje 9. stupanj - Izabranik 10. stupanj – Slavni Izabranik 11. stupanj - Uzvišeni
devetorice petnaestorice Izabrani Vitez

12. stupanj - Veliki Majstor 13. stupanj – Kraljevski svod 14. stupanj - Veliki Izabranik, 15. stupanj - Vitez Istoka ili
Arhitekt Salomona Potpuni i svijetli zidar Mača


16. stupanj - Princ 17. stupanj - Vitez Istoka i 18. stupanj - Vitez ružinog 19. stupanj – Veliki svećenik
Jeruzalema Zapada križa
20. stupanj - Majstor svih 21. stupanj - Patrijarh 22. stupanj – Vitez kraljevske 23. stupanj – Poglavar
simboličkih loža Nojevog reda, Pruski vitez sjekire, Princ Libana Tabernakla

24. stupanj – Princ 25. stupanj – Vitez 26. stupanj - Princ milosrđa 27. stupanj – Vitez upravnik
Tabernakla mesingane zmije škotske zahvalnosti Hrama

28. stupanj – Vitez Sunca, 29. stupanj – Škotski vitez 30. stupanj - Vitez Kadoš, 31. stupanj - Veliki inspektor
Prosvijećeni princ Svetog Andrije, Veliki Škot, Vitez bijelog i crnog orla inkvizitor komandor
Patrijarh križonoša


32. stupanj - Princ kraljevske 33. stupanj – Suvereni Veliki 33. stupanj – Suvereni Veliki
tajne Generalni Inspektor Generalni Inspektor
18. stupanj - Vitez ružinog križa 23. stupanj – Poglavar Tabernakla
Lekcije naučene ovim stupnjem su da Ovaj stupanj uči da nečiste i sebične
čovjek mora posjedovati novi hram u misli, nedostojna ambicija kvare i da su
svom srcu gdje je Bog obožavan u duhu destruktivne. Čovjek koji zaboravlja svo-
i istini i da mora posjedovati novi za- je dužnosti prema obitelji, zemlji i Bogu
kon ljubavi koji svi ljudi bilo gdje mogu će biti moralno i duhovno uništen.
razumjeti i upražnjavati. Ovaj stupanj 24. stupanj – Princ Tabernakla
promiče široke principe univerzalnosti i Ovaj stupanj uči da je obostrano vje-
tolerancije. rovanje ujedno istinski, živi Bog koji uči
Konstitorij čovjeka da služi čovječanstvu i svjetskom
Stupnjevi od 19. do 32. odnose se na bratstvu.
elaboratne i visoko mistične pristupe 25. stupanj – Vitez mesingane zmije
masonskim učenjima, neki od njih kori- Ovaj stupanj uči da postoji pustinja
ste križarske ratove kao pozadinu. koja se rasteže u svakom posebnom živo-
30., 31. i 32. stupanj su kulminacija tu, u povijesti svake nacije i da to rezul-
učenja škotskog reda, a 31. stupanj sma- tira slomom discipline i gubitkom vjere.
tra se „sudskom granom” Škotskog reda. Ovaj stupanj je svjetionik koji poziva na
19. stupanj – Veliki svećenik vjeru u nas same, jedne u druge i u Boga.
Ovaj stupanj promiče duhovnu zajed- 26. stupanj - Princ milosrđa škotske za-
nicu svih koji vjeruju u Boga i gaje nadu hvalnosti
o besmrtnosti, bez obzira koje religijske Ovaj stupanj uči kvaliteti milosti. To je
vođe slijede ili koju konfesiju ispovije- duh suosjećanja i nježnosti srca koji nam
daju. Primarno je bavljenje konfliktom omogućuje da prebrodimo povrede i da
između svjetlosti i mraka, dobra i zla, se ophodimo prema onome tko nas vrije-
Boga i Sotone. đa bolje nego što zaslužuje.
20. stupanj - Majstor svih simboličkih 27. stupanj – Vitez upravnik Hrama
loža Ovaj stupanj uči da Škotski slobodnozi-
Ovaj stupanj se suprotstavlja izazovima darski obred vjeruje u koncept slobodne
nelojalnosti i izdaje. Slobodnozidarski crkve u slobodnoj državi, svaka supe-
principi i liderstvo su na krucijalnom riorna u svojoj oblasti, ne težeći da do-
testu. Ovaj stupanj pokazuje slobodno- minira nad drugim, već surađuje u cilju
zidarski prezir prema svemu što je uro- zajedničkog dobra.
ta, protiv sigurnosti nacije i sreće našeg 28. stupanj – Vitez Sunca, Prosvijećeni
naroda. princ
21. stupanj - Patrijarh Nojevog reda, Ovaj stupanj simbolizira oruđa i im-
Pruski vitez plementira arhitekturu. Također, uči
Ovaj stupanj uči da slobodno zidarstvo da izgradnjom visokih moralnih karak-

30 nije štit od zla i da je pravda jedan od

temelja našeg bratstva.
teristika među sljedbenicima Slobodni
zidari mogu unaprijediti odlučni ljudski
22. stupanj – Vitez kraljevske sjekire, zahtjev za dostignućem jedinstva i dobre
Princ Libana volje širom svijeta.
Na ovom stupnju se pokazuje vrijednost 29. stupanj – Škotski vitez Svetog An-
rada. To nije prokletstvo, već privilegija drije, Veliki Škot, Patrijarh križonoša
za čovjeka da mu je dozvoljeno zarađi- Ovaj stupanj naglašava Slobodno zi-
vati kroz osobni rad. Lijenost je nečasna, darsko učenje o jednakosti i toleranciji.
a ne rad. Time se podsjećamo da niti jedan čo-
Alber Pike
Alber Pike živio je od 1809. do 1891. godine, bio je odvjetnik, vojnik, pisac i Slobodni
zidar, rođen je u saveznoj državi Massachusetts gdje je proveo djetinjstvo, primljen
je na već tada prestižno sveučilište Harvard no zbog cijene školarine za prve dvije
godine nije ga pohađao, te se samoobrazovao i kasnije postao učitelj. 30-tih
godina 19. stoljeća krenuo je iz Massachusettsa prema zapadu te se nastanio u
Arkansasu gdje je bio novinar, a kasnije je postao i odvjetnik, ali i general u vojsci
Konfederacije. Njegov najveći doprinos je kada je sredinom 19. stoljeća postao
slobodni zidar te je izabran za Suvernog Komandera Južne Jurisdikcije Škotskog
reda 1859. godine. Bio je suvereni komander do kraja života te je objavio 1871.
godine kardinalno djelo Morali i dogma starog i priznatog Škotskog reda Slobodnog
zidarstva. Najzaslužniji je za modernu verziju stupnjeva Škotskog reda, donošenja
rituala za pojedine stupnjeve te povezivanje stupnjeva s legendama o hramu i
biblijskim vrijednostima.

vjek, niti jedna crkva, niti jedna religija zidarstva u plavim loža, postoji još neko-
nema monopol nad istinom, da moramo liko velikih zabluda.
biti odani osobnim uvjerenjima i mora- Jedna od čestih zabluda, čak i braće
mo poštovati tuđa. Slobodnih zidara, je da je Kraljevski luk
30. stupanj - Vitez Kadoš, Vitez bijelog stariji red od Škotskog reda; to jedno-
i crnog orla stavno nema povijesnu utemeljenost. Već
Ovaj stupanj postavlja testove i ceremo- spomenuta godina 1732. za prve zapise o
nije koje simboliziraju da moramo kre- škotskom redu predatira povijesne zapi-
nuti u izgradnju izuzetnosti karaktera. se o Kraljevskom luku koji nastaju 1744.
31. stupanj - Veliki inspektor inkvizitor godine u Dublinskom glasilu, a prvi ritu-
komandor ali Kraljevskog luka datiraju iz današnje
Ovaj stupanj nas uči da treba svakom savezne države Virginije iz 1753. godine.
čovjeku dati šansu da pokaže svoju ne- Također, često se krivo misli kako su
vinost i čistoću namjera. Onaj tko sudi Yorški i Škotski red i njihovi stupnjevi jako
drugima, mora prvo sebi suditi. drugačiji; to je samo djelomično točno jer
32. stupanj - Princ kraljevske tajne oba reda koriste istu podlogu i teme u for-
Ovaj stupanj opisuje pobjedu duhov- miraju svojih stupnjeva. Radi se isključivo
nog nad ljudskim u čovjeku i osvajanje o organizacijskim razlikama, no u suštini
apetita i strasti putem morala i razuma. radi se o istim principima i temeljima.
Primjer predstavlja svaki Slobodni zidar Albert Pike nikada nije tvrdio da su
koji je željan služiti čovječanstvu, ali je stupnjevi Škotskog reda, njegove obveze
uhvaćen između osobnih interesa i duž- i prava iznad ostalih stupnjeva u Plavim
nosti. Dužnost često zahtijeva žrtvu, po- ložama. Dapače, Alber Pike rekao je da
nekad i onu vrhunsku. je svaki legitimni simbol 31
33. stupanj – Suvereni Veliki Generalni Plavih loža, kao i svatko tko pripada
Inspektor Plavoj loži simbol religijskog značaja,
Neke od čestih zabluda o Škotskom velike povijesne važnosti koji vuku svoje
redu korijene iz poganskih običaja koji su obi-
Uz već spomenute zablude da je red lježili početak Slobodnog zidarstva.
potekao iz Škotske i da su stupnjevi Škot- LUX E TENEBRIS - Light out of dar-
skog reda iznad stupnjeva Slobodnog kness.
Kako je obitelj Sruk postala
„slobodnozidarska obitelj“
Nevjerojatna priča o Borisu Sruku koji je dosegao vrhunac
iskrenosti u odnosu sa svojim pravim bratom Bojanom i ocem
Brankom kada ih je uveo u VOH

Piše: Boris Sruk, Kao što ste i sami nekada doživjeli u i tada, s trinaestero braće, od kojih ne-
pomoćnik Velikog životu da vam se otvore, niotkud, neke kolicinu nikada ranije nisam vidio, po-
majstora Velike mogućnosti ili prilike – to jednostavno čeo sam upravljati Ložom. Meni je bilo
Lože Stup Snage,
Majstor 11.
znate i prihvatite bez razmišljanja. Te ključno u tom poslu savjetovati se i sluša-
stupnja veljače 6017., na poziv visokog časnika ti iskusnije od sebe.
i uvaženog brata, odlučio sam se, bez Tada me je moj novi brat Mirsad za-
razmišljanja, pristupiti bratstvu slobod- molio za dozvolu da razgovara s novim
nih zidara u Velikom orijentu Hrvatske. moliteljem. Na moje potpuno iznenađe-
Veliki orijent Hrvatske (VOH) je tada nje, želio je razgovarati s mojim pravim
bio još u nastajanju, rastu, razvoju i želio bratom Bojanom! Naravno, odbio sam,
sam sudjelovati u nečem povijesnom za čak štoviše, rekao sam da Bojan još nije
pojedinca, društvo i državu u kojoj živi- spreman, da ću uložiti veto te da ću ga
mo; izgradnji čovjeka, čovječanstva do balotirati crnom kuglicom. Zapravo, ni-
čovječnosti, kako bi rekli slobodni zida- sam želio nikakve razgovore o tome jer
ri. Rekao bih humanost. Jedan od postu- sam već razrađivao cijeli plan – „Obitelj
lata masonerije i nalaže da, ukoliko želiš masona“. Želio sam da i brat i otac budu
mijenjati društvo na bolje, prvo promi- članovi VOH-a i moja „masonska bra-
jeni sebe. Moram priznati da, u ovih 10 ća“, koliko god to čudno zvučalo.
mjeseci, koliko sam aktivan u bratstvu, Prolazilo je vrijeme, Loža Stjepan Ra-
osjećam da sam djelomično promijenio dić je provodila sve zacrtane aktivnosti.
svoje poglede na svijet, društvo i pojedin- Educirali smo braću o pojmu i životu
ce (a to je dugotrajan i zahtjevan posao). slobodnih zidara, svaki od braće imao je
Biti slobodni zidar ne znači samo pa- određene zadatke u pripremi edukacij-

sivno sudjelovati na Radu u Hramu jed- skih materijala u vezi npr. povijesti ma-
nom mjesečno ili jednom godišnje. To je sonerije, jedan od braće imao je zadatak
set svakodnevnih aktivnosti koje se pro- prezentirati Simbole u Slobodnom zi-
vode kako bi cijeli sustav, organizacija, darstvu. Svi su sudjelovali. I dalje mi je,
ljudi mogli stići tamo gdje je i zacrtano; potajno, ideja bila dozvoliti bratu Mir-
izgradnja nečeg većeg, boljeg, snažnijeg. sadu da pozove mog „rođenog“ brata u
U lipnju sam dobio priliku preuzeti Bratstvo. Čekao sam pravi trenutak.
upravljanje Ložom Stjepan Radić (ina- Cijelo to vrijeme Bojan je zapitkivao,
če drugoosnovanom ložom u VOH-u) raspitivao se i razgovarao s različitim
ljudima. U rujnu je čak rekao, doslovno,
da bi trebalo ući u masone jer oni vla-
daju svijetom! Klasični profani stereotip.
Obuzeo me je smijeh, ali ostao sam hla-
dan kao pravi mason. Ipak, priznajem,
trebala je velika samokontrola da s rođe-
nom bratom ne podijelim jednu tako ve-
liku tajnu. Gotovo da sam ga ignorirao,
ispitujući ga, usput, što je čuo o masoni-
ma, zašto misli da su vladari svijeta, da
su utjecajni…
U to vrijeme donesena je odluka o for-
miranju Tri Velike Lože u Velikom Ori-
jentu Hrvatske – Velika Loža Stup Mu-
drosti, Velika Loža Stup Snage i Velika
Loža Stup Ljepote. Ceremonija za taj
veliki povijesni čin planirana je za 20. li-
stopada 6017. Tako su se planovi VOH-a U trenutku skidanja poveza s očiju, kada mu se
točno poklopili s mojim planovima uvo- ukazala Svjetlost u Hramu, brat Bojan me nije
đenja brata Bojana u slobodne zidare. prepoznao, iako sam ga vodio za ruku. Tek po izlasku
Na redovnom sastanku Lože Stjepan iz lože se šokirao: „Što ti radiš tu?“
Radić otvorio sam novu točku dnevnog
reda – pitanje novih Molitelja. Svima
sam dao priliku da predlože imena mo- mogao spavati nekoliko dana. Što od
litelja pa je tako došao i trenutak da brat straha, što od uzbuđenja. Pozvao je oca
Mirsad nominira mojeg brata Bojana. i mene na kavu da nam „priopći veliku
Dogodilo se točno ono što sam očekivao stvar“, da je pozvan u masone i da ga
i što mi je bio plan. Razgovor s Bojanom „prate“ i „analiziraju“ već pola godine.
je odobren. Uključio sam i određene po- Najsmješnije i najzabavnije je to što je
znanike i poslovne partnere u cijelu „ak- govorio potpuno iskreno, samo što nije
tivnost“ dovođenja brata Bojana. imao ni primisli da ga prati i analizira
Inače, za našeg oca znao sam i znam vlastiti brat.
da cijeli život živi po postulatima slobod- Otac je pokazao visoku razinu svijesti
nog zidarstva u cjelini, premda toga nije i znanja o tome što su slobodni zidari,
ni svjestan. Već tada se drugi dio mojeg što rade i za što se zalažu. Tada je moj
plana sastojao od ideje da i oca uvedem u „Plan broj 2“ ušao u završnu fazu i dobio
Bratstvo. Ali, u tom trenutku ni brat, ali novu dimenziju: nakon brata u slijede-
niti otac, nisu znali da sam ja slobodni
zidar. Tako je i ostalo sve do same prise-
ćem mjesecu mora ući otac. Tako se i do-
godilo. Naravno, majka još ništa ne zna 33
ge koju je brat Bojan položio, na sveča- jer sve mora biti obavijeno velom „velike
nom Radu 20. listopada 6017., na kolje- tajne“.
nima u Hramu na 5. katu. Uključio sam desetero braće u aktivno-
Tih desetak dana, otkad je pozvan da sti oko dolaska brata Bojana koji je slao
kao molitelj pristupi slobodnim zida- slike kako se oblači, javljao gdje je kupio
rima, vrijeme je koje će se dugo pamti- crno odijelo, koju je leptir mašnu oda-
ti. Bojan je bio toliko nervozan da nije brao... Uzbuđenju nije bilo kraja. Naj-
Tada je moj jedini upit bio – hoćeš li zaokružiti svoju karijeru i način
života ulaskom u slobodne zidare? Odgovor je bio trenutni, bez imalo
razmišljanja. Otac je postao slobodni zidar 9. studenoga 6017., kao
treći član obitelji.

simpatičnije se dogodilo kad mi je pred ja razgovarali o Bojanu i njegovim im-

ocem rekao: Ne brini, Boris, kad ja malo presijama oko ulaska. To jutro je brat
vidim što se tamo događa, predložit ću Bojan maltretirao sve redom i iznosio
i tebe. svoje dojmove. Čak je bio simpatično
Moj brat Bojan ušao je u prostorije naporan. Odlučio sam se (sve planski
VOH-a 20. listopada 6017. sav izbe- odabrani trenuci) otvoriti ocu i reći mu
zumljen i nervozan. S predsjednikom da sam i ja slobodan zidar, rekavši mu
Velikog senata dogovorili smo da mu da sam dio Visokog časničkog tima. Tu
ja budem pratitelj prilikom ulaska u razinu uzbuđenja, radosti i veselja (čak
Hram, ali da ne smije znati tko ga vodi. me od uzbuđenja udario po glavi) nisam
U trenutku skidanja poveza s očiju – kad dugo vidio kod svoga oca. Tada je moj
mu se ukazala Svjetlost u Hramu, mene jedini upit bio – hoćeš li zaokružiti svoju
nije ni primijetio ni prepoznao, ostao je karijeru i način života ulaskom u slobod-
ukočen i stisnut. Mogao sam mu osjetiti ne zidare? Odgovor je bio trenutni, bez
ubrzani rad srca, jer sam mu stajao tik u imalo razmišljanja. Otac je postao slo-
tijelo. Tek po „okretu“ i izlasku iz Lože, bodni zidar 9. studenoga 6017., kao treći

34 nastupio je veliki šok i nevjerica – reakci-

ja ukočenog brata i lice koje govori: Što ti
član obitelji.
Razinu oduševljenja koje smo postigli
radiš tu, jesi li ti normalan, što si napra- sva trojica jedni drugima, razinu pošto-
vio?! Par sekundi nakon toga, u očima vanja koju smo postigli, razinu razumi-
sam mu ipak vidio ponos i zadovoljstvo. jevanja u vezi slobodnog zidarstva koju
Akcija dovođenja novog molitelja, bra- smo postigli, smatram krunom svoje
ta Branka, mojeg oca, započela je slje- osviještenosti, mudrosti, humanosti, sta-
deći dan kad smo u jednom malom lo- bilnosti, ali i iskrenosti prema bratu Bo-
kalu, na istočnom dijelu Zagreba, otac i janu i bratu Branku.
Akademski slikar
i slobodni zidar Jadranko
Ferko u svijetu tajni
Ferko je svojim četrdesetogodišnjim slikarskim
iskustvom pristupio je masoneriji na potpuno drugačiji
način - nadrealnim novim ciklusu slika
Jadranko Ferko rođen je u Zagrebu
14.veljače 1962. godine. Tijekom osnov-
nog i srednjoškolskog obrazovanja ističe
se crtanjem karikaturnih portreta i stri-
pova, kao i slikanjem u tehnici ulja na
platnu. Pohađao je srednju školu primi-
jenjene umjetnosti u Zagrebu gdje objav-
ljuje stripove u „Poletu” i „Studentskom
listu”. Likovnu akademiju završio je u
Ljubljani. Put prema profesionalnom
slikarstvu započinje 1982. godine pr-
vom samostalnom izložbom u Vrbovcu,
a nastavlja ga u renomiranim prostori-
ma diljem Hrvatske. Ostvarenja koja su dosadašnji slikarski simboli poput ruže,
izuzetno zapažena su slike Križni put u knjige, svijeće postaju središtem umjet-
Sesvetskom Kraljevcu, o kojem je objav- ničkog stvaralaštva.
ljena i knjiga pod istim nazivom, te oltari Prepoznatljiv je po opusu sjetnih mr-
Sv. Rok i Sv. Katarina u Petrinji, a pod- tvih priroda gdje je čest motiv violina.
sjetimo se i ciklusa slika „Klauni i prija- Muzički instrumenti, vrčevi, voće, po-
telji” te ciklusa „Bikers”. neki fazan, predmeti su koji dominira-
Jadranko Ferko iniciran je u slobodno ju na slikama. U različitosti tema svog
zidarstvo 2017. godine. Potaknut ide- likovnog interesa mrtvoj prirodi davao
jama, tajnama i simbolima slobodnog je vidnu pažnju, stoga joj je u potpuno-
zidarstva započinje novi ciklus slika „U sti posvetio i nekoliko slikarskih ciklusa.
svijetu tajni”. Slikarstvo kao jedan od Nesporna vještina i sigurnost gradnje
najstarijih zanata čovječanstva ima broj- omogućavaju spoj igre i dorađenosti te
ne majstorske tajne što ga je približilo taj- osjećaj lakoće u punini slikarskog polja.

nom svijetu masonerije i implementiralo U Ferkovim slikama svjetlo je poveznica
u ideju razvoja čovjeka do čovječnosti. svih dragih predmeta i nositelj blage me-
Svojim četrdesetogodišnjim slikarskim lankolije kojom odišu slike.
iskustvom pristupio je masoneriji na pot- Do sada je priredio 22 samostalne i oko
puno drugačiji način. U nadrealnom 180 kolektivnih izložbi. Sudjelovao je na
pristupu novom ciklusu slika, na platno stotinjak humanitarnih likovnih koloni-
prenosi majstorskim sfumato prijelazima ja. Član je Hrvatskog društva likovnih
vječiti sukob svjetla i tame kao i mističnu umjetnika i LIKUM-a. Uvršten je u edi-
simboliku slobodnog zidarstva. Njegovi ciju 50 hrvatskih slikara i kipara.
Tri velika stupa
slobodnog zidarstva
Svi su slobodni zidari vođeni trima vo- Snaga kojom „Malo znanja je opasna stvar, treba ra-
diljama: mudrošću, snagom i ljepotom. uspostavlja zlikovati od znanje od mudrosti. Znanje
Riječi „Jer bi trebalo biti mudrosti da svoje bratstvo je spoznaja činjenica. Mudrost je snaga
otkriju, snage za podršku i ljepotu da ih nije snaga uma da primjenjuje svoje znanje. Slo-
krasi” su starije od naših Rituala. građe nego bodni zidar može znati svaku riječ naših
Veliki Orijent Hrvatske svojim pristu- snaga volje; rituala od prve do posljednje riječi, ali
pom masonskom učenju i posebice svo- stupovi Snage još uvijek nema mudrosti, slobodnozi-
jom organizacijom rada prenosi obrise ne podupiru zid darske ili bilo koje druge.“
slobodnozidarske mudrosti u tri stupnja. kako bi zadržali Znanje dolazi iz knjiga, mudrost iz
Na njima počiva organizacija Velikog lopove, već iskustva.
Orijenta Hrvatske koji bdije nad Veli- Prvi od tri Velika stupa koji podržava
kim Ložama stupa Mudrosti, Snage i naše Bratstvo svaki Brat treba shvati-
Ljepote, koje počivaju na povijesnim te- ti kao simbol stvarne potrebe Brata da
meljima i vrijednostima starih učenja. postane mudar u skladu s vrijednostima
prema krivim
Za slobodne zidare, vjerojatno najzani- Slobodnog zidarstva,
mljivija referenca u vezi s mudrošću po- Ako Brat nešto nije znao, ili je pitao;
vrijednostima i
tječe iz I. knjige o kraljevima: „Kako mogu dobiti slobodnozidarsku
„Jahve je dao Salomonu mudrost i izu- mudrost?“ neka pronađe odgovor koji
zetnu razboritost i srce široko kao pijesak nije u ritualu, nego kod drugog Brata.
na obali morskoj. Mudrost je Salomonova Snaga, drugi je od naših Velikih stupo-
bila veća od mudrosti svih sinova Istoka i va, bez koje ništa može biti stabilno, čak
od sve mudrosti Egipta. Bio je mudriji od ni kad se podržava mudrošću i ukrašava
svih ljudi, od Etana Ezrahanina, od He- ljepotom. Srećemo je u dva oblika u na-
mana, Kalkola i Darde, sinova Maholo- šem svakodnevnom životu.
vih; njegovo se ime pronosilo među svim Prvo, snaga koja leži u akciji, moć; sna-
narodima unaokolo. Izrekao je tri tisuće ga ruku, motora, vojske.
mudrih izreka, a njegovih je pjesama bilo Drugo, druga, suptilnija snaga koja nije
tisuću i pet. Zborio je o drveću: od cedra manje snažna jer je pasivna; snaga stu-
što je na Libanonu pa do izopa što klija na pa koji podupire, snaga temelja bratstva
zidu; raspravljao je o životinjama, o ptica- koja traje; snaga načela po kojima živi-
ma, o gmazovima i o ribama. Dolazili su mo, pojedinačno, kolektivno, nacional-

36 od sviju naroda da čuju mudrost Salomo-

novu, od svih zemaljskih kraljeva koji su
no - masonski.
To je drugi oblik snage s kojom se bavi
čuli glas o njegovoj mudrosti.“ slobodni zidar.
Salomon je uvelike cijenio mudrost: Slobodni zidari ne grade nikakvu ze-
„Ulijte uho mudrosti i primjenjujte svoje maljsku zgradu ili objekt .
Piše Damir
srce razumijevanju. Blago čovjeku koji Istina, postavljamo kamen temeljac jav-
nađe mudrost i čovjeka koji razumije.“ Veliki majstor ne zgrade u sjeveroistočnom kutu pored
Lako je, masonski, pomiješati mudrost Velike lože Stup radnog tepiha, ali zgrada je simbolična,
sa znanjem. snage a ne praktična.
Ljepota je zastupljena u slobodnozidar-
skom hramu korintskim stupom, najljep-
šim u svim drevnim redovima arhitekture.
Hiram Abif, vođen njome je „uljepšavao
i ukrašavao Hram.“
Potrebno je da ljepota krasi sve velike
graditelje kao što ih mudrost potiče i
snaga ih podupire.
U priči o Solomonovom hramu nalazimo
detaljan opis onoga što je bilo očito onima
koji su ušli u detalje njegove konstrukcije;
najljepšu građevinu koja je bila moguća za
inženjersku vještinu, bogatstvo i vrijedno-
sti izraelskog naroda u to doba.
Svatko od nas ima svoja shvaćanja o
tome što ljepotu čini i svako je tumači na
svoj način, ali ne i unutar Bratstva.
Ljepota koju su slobodni zidari poduča-
vaju jest ona vrsta „u kojoj se sva braća
slažu i vide je na isti način“.
Slobodnozidarsko shvaćanje ljepote ne
može biti materijalna ljepota.
Zidarski stup ljepote mora biti simbol
unutarnje ljubavi; ljepota uma, srca; lje-
lako je, masonski, Naša građevina i gradnja ima snagu pota ideje i ideala; ljepota duha.
pomiješati mudrost koja traje u srcima i umovima, a ne na Naš korintski stup nam nije samo podrš-
sa znanjem. „Malo ono što se gradi suhim materijalima. ka Hrama, već ono što održava naš lik.
Naša zgrada sastoji se od bratske vo- Takva ljepota gotovo je u potpunosti
znanja je opasna
lje i posvećenosti. Slobodni zidar kon- sastavljena od nesebičnosti.
stvar, treba razlikovati
struira samo duhovnu zgradu; njegov Tko hoda u ljepoti misli o drugima
od znanje od kamen je njegov um; duhovan, a ne pred sobom, pruža ruku, ne za osobnu
mudrosti. Znanje je materijalan. korist, nego da pomaže.
spoznaja činjenica. Snaga kojom uspostavlja svoje brat- Takva uloga trećeg Velikog stupa pred-
Mudrost je snaga stvo nije snaga građe nego snaga volje; stavlja jednu od naših najvećih vrijedno-
uma da primjenjuje stupovi Snage ne podupiru zid kako bi sti; ljubav - milosrđe razmišljanja, djelo-
svoje znanje. zadržali lopove, već predstavljaju simbol vanja, razumijevanja i darivanja.
Slobodni zidar može otpornosti prema krivim životnim vri- Slobodnozidarska se ljepota mora sma-
znati svaku riječ naših
rituala od prve do
jednostima i površnosti.
Ako slijedimo slobodnozidarska učenja
trati samo ljepotom duha.
Jer izrazito je bitno uvidjeti razliku do- 37
i vjerujemo da je „neprocjenjiv dar Božji brog čovjeka i onoga koji se samo izvana
posljednje riječi, ali još
čovjeku za vladavinu, vodstvo njegove prilagođava zakonima i običajima druš-
uvijek nema mudrosti, vjere“, tumačenje slobodnozidarske kon- tva, ali i Bratstva.
slobodnozidarske cepcije života i življenja tj. „snage“ kojoj Sigurno je jedino: uloga i poslanje VOH-
ili bilo koje druge.“ bi slobodni zidari trebali težiti je stjeca- a je slijediti unutarnje i duhovno značenje
Znanje dolazi iz knjiga, nje snage koja će uspostaviti našu suvere- triju Velikih stupova Mudrosti, Ljepote i
mudrost iz iskustva. nost nad samim sobom. Snage koji nose i čuvaju naše Bratstvo.
Sukob znanosti i religije kroz povijest na

Tijekom povijesti do 19. stoljeća baza Piše: Veliki proučavali astronomiju. Tako je jedan o
znanja je bila u rukama vjerskih službe- majstor Velikog pionira bio poljski astronom iz redova
nika, crkava i religija koje su tumačile Orijenta Hrvatske Isusovaca, Nikola Kopernik. Njegova
Nikica Gabrić, 33°
vjeru i znanost. Sukob između znanosti najveća spoznaja 1543. godine sastoji
i religije nastao je jer se u religiji i pro- se u izgradnji heliocentričnoga sustava,
učavanju religijskih knjiga davao veći što je bio revolucionaran i dalekosežan
naglasak etičkom kodeksu i ponašanju prekid sa starim shvaćanjima. Nasuprot
ljudi na ovom svijetu, dok je objašnjava- dotadašnjemu shvaćanju da je Zemlja
nje prirodnih zakona bilo insuficijentno središte svemira, Kopernik ističe da je
s obzirom na današnju bazu znanja o Zemlja samo jedan od planeta koji kruže
prirodnim pojavnostima. U 19. stoljeću oko Sunca. Kopernik se ipak nije mogao
razvojem znanosti i širenjem obrazov- potpuno osloboditi ukorijenjenih nazora
nog sustava, baza znanja se eksponen- pa je vjerovao da se nebeska tijela mora-
cijalno širi te sve veći broj znanstvenika ju jednoliko gibati po kružnicama. Taj je
propituju prirodne zakone. Tada dolazi problem poslije riješio Johannes Kepler,
do povremenih konflikata između vjere koji je otkrio nejednoliko gibanje planeta
i znanosti, no polako i religijski službeni- po elipsama, kojima se u jednom žarištu
ci uviđaju ispravnost nekih znanstvenih nalazi Sunce. Svojim djelom Kopernik je
spoznaja. utemeljio modernu astronomiju i stvorio
Jedan od najčešćih konflikata, koji su se preduvjete za Keplerova otkrića (Keple-
javljali između religijskih i znanstvenih rovi zakoni) i Newtonovo određivanje
tumačenja, bio je na području astrono- Poanta zakonitosti koja upravlja gibanjima nebe-
mije. S obzirom na to da neke velike re- shvaćanja i skih tijela (Newtonov zakon gravitacije).
ligije tumače postojanje Boga na nebu, prihvaćanja Kopernikovo je naučavanje imalo
a nebo je nepregledno, prostrano, puno vlastite sljedbenike i nastavljače, ali i protivnike.
zvijezda i djeluje mistično i u njega se malenkosti u Njegov glavni sljedbenik, dominikanac
gleda s poštovanjem, svako propitivanje dimenzijama Giordano Bruno, bio je zbog grešnih mi-
svemira nije
38 znanstvenika astronoma o strukturi sve-
mira i Zemlje nailazilo je na otpore reli- relativiziranje
sli o heliocentrizmu, beskraju svemira i
strukturi atoma, podvrgnut 1566. inkvi-
gije jer se u to vrijeme smatralo da nebo vlastitog ziciji Katoličke crkve. Unatoč tome pre-
pripada Bogu. postojanja, davao je u Veneciji, Ženevi, Toulouseu,
Nakon srednjeg vijeka, tijekom kojega nego širenje Parizu, Londonu, Oxfordu, Frankfur-
su sve dotadašnje znanstvene spoznaje horizonata uma tu, Pragu i drugim gradovima. Po do-
iz područja astronomije otišle u zabo- iznad učenja lasku u Veneciju biva uhićen od strane
rav, razvitkom pokreta humanizma i religijskih i Papinske inkvizicije te osuđen na smrt
renesanse javili su se znanstvenici koji su sekularnih škola nakon sedam godina istrage i javno spa-
temi astronomije

Veličanstvenost puno shvatiti osim u dva vida: kao dušu

Božjeg dijela svijeta i materiju, koje se međusobno do-
nije Zemlja i punjuju. Duša svijeta prožima sve stva-
čovjek nego ri sačinjene od materije, tako da se one
svemir, jer očituju povezano kao uzrok i princip.
znamo da Boga ili prirodu, kao aktivni stvaralački
postoje stotine princip Bruno naziva natura naturans,
milijarde planeta a kao ostvareni svijet natura naturata.
i čini se gotovo Ali to su samo dvije jedinstvene cjeline,
nevjerojatnim gdje se sve nalazi u svemu; pojedinačno
da je jedina u univerzalnom, a univerzalno u pojedi-
načnom .
Galileo Galilei bio je talijanski ma-
života statistički
tematičar, fizičar, astronom i filozof.
samo na zemlji
Nakon završenih medicinskih studija
posvetio se proučavanju geometrije i
Arhimedovih djela te postao jedan od
najvećih fizičara i astronoma. Njegova
značajna astronomska otkrića uključuju
otkrivanje Mliječne staze kao golemog
skupa zvijezda, otkriće Jupiterovih mje-
seca te otkriće Sunčevih pjega. Zala-
ganje za Kopernikov sustav, kao jedini
točan i istinit, dovelo je Galilea u sukob
ljen kao heretik 1600. g. Bruno je imao s crkvenim tumačenjem pa mu je odlu-
slobodarski duh te je poricao kršćanske kom Inkvizicije 1616. bilo zabranjeno
dogme smatrajući da su filozofija i teo- tumačenje da se Zemlja giba oko Sunca i
logija nespojive. Suprotstavljao se kr-
šćanskom shvaćanju Boga kao ličnosti i
da je ono središte svijeta. Iako je obećao
da će odustati od svojeg uvjerenja, pota- 39
nečeg transcendentnog te je stvarao pan- knut otkrićima do kojih je došao nije mo-
teističku doktrinu po kojoj se sve sastoji gao odustati od znanstvene istine pa je
od vječne i beskrajne supstance. Bog je, u svojem djelu Dijalog o dvama glavnim
prema tome, istovjetan s prirodom. Za svjetskim sustavima izložio heliocentrič-
njega je jedini cilj filozofije saznati tu ni sustav. To je djelo Crkva odmah oci-
nestvorenu i oduhovljenu supstancu, ali jenila kao heretičko. Dosljednost Galilea
osjetila i ljudski razum ne mogu je pot- da iznosi i brani znanstvenu istinu iza-
zvala je oštru reakciju. U Rimu, u pro- Abbasijski halifa El-Me’mun je okupio
storijama Inkvizicije, održan je proces najbistrije umove tog vremena u Bag-
protiv Galilea (1633.), koji je tada bio u dadu, koji su izračunali obujam Zemlje
sedamdesetoj godini života. U progon- te odstupili samo 4% od njene stvarne
stvu, lišen slobode i odvojen od svijeta, veličine. Prema tome, ideja o Zemlji kao
pod stalnim nadzorom Inkvizicije, do- ravnoj ploči pada u vodu, a pobili su je
vršio je svoje najveće djelo o mehanici i muslimanski znanstvenici 600 godina
obrazlažući zakone slobodnoga pada, prije nego je ona dokazana od strane Za-
uveo pojam ubrzanja, obradio gibanje pada.
niz kosinu, vodoravni hitac i tako dalje.
Tim djelom uveo je Galileo eksperimen- Antropocentrični i egocentrič-
talnu metodu istraživanja i matematičko
ni religijski pristup nasuprot
formuliranje eksperimentom utvrđenih
zakonitosti te time položio temelje mo-
znanstvenim spoznajama u
dernoj fizici. astronomiji
Crkva je 1616. zabranila sva djela koja
su za osnovu imala Kopernikovo nauča- Premda je vjerovanje o Zemlji kao sre-
vanje. Zabrana je 1757. skinuta s Koper- dišnjem planetu u svemiru napušteno
nikovih, a 1835. s ostalih djela. Godine od gotovo svih religija, razmišljanje o
1992. Papa Ivan Pavao II. službeno je Bogu kao svemogućem biću i ljudima
ustanovio pogrešku Rimske inkvizicije, kao njegovim stvorenjima njeguje i dalje
zatražio oprost i tom prilikom pozvao antropocentrični i egocentrični pristup.
druge na dijalog znanosti i vjere po uzo- Do prije 90 godina mislili smo da po-
ru na Galilea.
Zanimljivo je napomenuti da su i prije
pojave kršćanstva, islama i budizma u
staroj Grčkoj ljudi bili sposobni prouča-
vati svemir. Tako su još starogrčki misli-
oci Aristotel i Platon 400. - 300. godine
prije Krista utvrdili da je Zemlja okrugla
te se kreće oko sunca. Grčki je mudrac
Eratosten izračunao opseg zemlje 200
godine prije Krista. Odredio je udalje-
nost od Aleksandrije do Asuana kao pe-
deseti dio Zemlje, što je ukupno 40.000 Slika 1.
kilometara. Galaksija
Također, dok je Europa bila u tami

40 srednjeg vijeka, muslimanski znanstve-

nici halife el-Me’muna došli su do vrlo
stoji samo jedna galaksija Mliječni put
s nekoliko stotina milijuna planeta, dok
naprednih spoznaja o Zemlji. Znan- 1922. godine američki astronom Edwin
stvena otkrića o obliku i veličini Zemlje Hubble nije dokazao da je naša galaksi-
počela su tijekom muslimanskih zlatnih ja tek jedna od mnogih otkrivši zvijezdu
era (750. - 1100. god.). Među musliman- koja je suviše udaljena da bi bila dijelom
skim krugovima rasprava je bila zapravo Mliječne staze. Ovu novootkrivenu ga-
o tome koliko je Zemlja zaista velika, a laksiju nazvao je Andromedina maglina.
ne je li okrugla ili ne. U ranim 800-tim, Tako danas već znamo da naša galaksija
ima između 100 i 400 milijardi planeta, je znatno poboljšana. 2009. NASA je
a osim naše galaksije ima 220 milijardi lansirala 600 milijuna dolara vrijedan
galaksija, svaka s po nekoliko milijardi teleskop Kepler; taj je teleskop do sada
planeta. S obzirom na to da je svemir otkrio preko 2000 egzoplaneta od čega
homogen i izotropan, uz pomoć Hubble- 21 nalik našoj Zemlji.
ovog teleskopa znanstveno je potkrije- Nije potrebno čak ići niti toliko daleko.
pljena teorija o broju galaksija i zvijezda Naime Jupiterov mjesec Europa pokazu-
u svemiru. je izboje koji bi mogli odgovarati tekućoj
I danas ljudi koji vjeru u Boga slažu se vodi što naravno predstavlja mogućnost
da je svemir nastao prije 13,7 milijardi za održivi život možda i u našem plane-
godina velikim praskom s tim da nevjer- tarnom sustavu.
nici misle da iza praska stoji priroda ili
neka prapočetna neobjašnjiva sila, dok Ljubav, tolerancija i suradnja
ljudi religije smatraju da je božje posto-
znanosti i religija na Zemlji kao
janje induciralo veliki prasak.
Veličanstvenost Božjeg dijela nije Ze-
preduvjet za susrete s novim
mlja i čovjek nego svemir, jer znamo da vanzemaljskim civilizacijama
postoji 220 milijardi galaksija sa stotina-
ma milijardi planeta u svakoj galaksiji i Zapravo postoji ozbiljna vjerojatnost da
čini se gotovo nevjerojatnim da je jedina osim ljudske civilizacije u svemiru posto-
mogućnost života statistički samo na ze- je i druge civilizacije. Religije na Zemlji
mlji. su antropocentrične i nisu bile u stanju
I nedavna NASA-ina otkrića novih
planeta samo potvrđuju ovu statističku
vjerojatnost. Radi se o sustavu sedam
egzoplaneta oko zvijezde TRAPPIST
Slika 2. Veličina
1. Otkriveni planetarni sustav ne nalazi
Zemlje u usporedbi
se u nekoj dalekoj galaksiji već u našem s manjim planetima
svemirskom susjedstvu na udaljenosti od našeg Sunčevog
40-tak svjetlosnih godina. Tri od sedam sustava
novootkrivenih planeta nalaze se u po-
tencijalno naseljivoj zoni i mogli bi na
svojoj površini imati oceane s vodom što
povećava mogućnost nastanka života u
tom zvjezdanom sustavu. Planeti su svo- Slika 3. Veličina
jom veličinom slični Zemlji. Prošle godi- Zemlje uspoređena
s većim planetima
ne je također otkriven potencijalno na- našeg Sunčevog
seljivi planet Proxima b, a 2015. godine
planet Kepler 452. Razlog zašto se po-
sljednjih godina otkriva sve više Zemlji
sličnih planeta leži u razvoju tehnologi-
je. Moćni teleskopi na zemlji, te teleskopi
Slika 4. Veličina
sateliti u Zemljinoj orbiti, omogućavaju zemlje uspoređena s
mnogo preciznija mjerenja i bolju razlu- našim Suncem koje
čivost. Analiza dobivenih podataka na se smatra malom
iznimno moćnim računalima također zvijezdom
jama. Postavlja se pitanje dozvoljavaju li
religije unutar svojih učenja mogućnost
da je Bog osim ljudske, stvorio i neke
druge civilizacije koje možda imaju dru-
gačije poimanje Boga od ovozemaljskih
religioznih učenja. Kolektivni antropo-
centrizam i egocentrizam ljudske rase je
Slika 5. Sunce se u svojoj biti netolerantan prema svakoj
smatra malom
različitosti, a time i vjeri, te bi kao ta-
zvijezdom u Svemiru
kav mogao biti poguban ukoliko za 150 -
200 godina otkrijemo postojanje drugih,
možda i razvijenijih civilizacija u susjed-
nim galaksijama.
Slika 6. Naša galaksija U današnjem svijetu na planetu Zemlji
Mliječna staza (bijela postoji mnogo netolerancije, diskrimi-
točka dolje desno) nacije i sukoba na osnovi rasne, vjerske,
smatra se malom narodnosne, spolne, kulturološke i civili-
galaksijom u Svemiru
zacijske nesnošljivosti. Upravo je nevje-
rojatno kada promatramo svemir kao
veličanstvenu kreaciju koja se sastoji od
milijardi galaksija i zvijezda istog mate-
rijalnog sastava, a udaljenih toliko mili-
juna svjetlosnih godina, kako je moguće
Slika 7. Spiralna da na jednom malenom planetu Zemlji
galaksija je jedna od postoji toliko diversifikacijske nesnošlji-
najvećih galaksija u vosti. Zemlja kao planet u samoj našoj
galaksiji predstavlja manje od zrnca pije-
prihvaćati druge religije. Mi ljudi na ska u Sahari ili kapi vode u Tihom ocea-
ovoj Zemlji moramo shvatiti da u okviru nu, a čovjek pojedinac tek je atom u tom
svog domaćeg zadatka moramo tolerira- zrncu pijeska. Upravo ljudska potreba da
ti druge ljude i druge vjere jer postoji oz- svoju malenkost prikaže važnijom nego
biljna mogućnost da postoji negdje druga što jest, dovela je do umjetnih podjela u
civilizacija koja ima drugačije poimanje ljudskoj rasi. Ta potreba pojedinca da
Boga. Poanta shvaćanja i prihvaćanja sebi i drugima dokaže svoju važnost te
vlastite malenkosti u dimenzijama sve- nekritički osvrt na vlastiti značaj i vri-
mira nije relativiziranje vlastitog posto- jednost, pogonila je mnoge pojedince da
janja, nego širenje horizonata vlastitog umjesto sličnosti s drugim ljudima baš

42 uma iznad učenja današnjih religijskih i

sekularnih škola. Slike 2-7.
suprotno - ističu razlike. Tako su mno-
gi „vođe“ kroz ljudsku povijest umjesto
Stoga ne treba dovoditi u pitanje je li integrativnih osobina i univerzalnih vri-
znanost oprečna religiji i je li crkva za- jednosti upravo inzistirali na razlikama
tire znanost, već jesu li se ljudi spremni te su sofisticiranim manipulacijama,
odreći kratkoročnog osjećaja sigurnosti posebice u vremenima tame i neznanja
u zamjenu za širenje granica vlastitog te egzistencijalne ugroženosti naroda,
uma do neslućenih ljepota i spoznaja populističkim pristupom isticali krivnju
nekih drugih bića u susjednim galaksi- drugih religija, naroda i kultura kao
odgovornu za tegobe vlastitog naroda. Ljubav i nama i da su te razlike upravo bogatstvo
Kako je u ljudskoj prirodi da uvijek lakše tolerancija koje nam je Bog podario, kao što razlike
prihvati krivnju nekog drugog za vlastite među među cvijećem doprinose ljepoti cijeloga
neuspjehe i poteškoće, zbog nemogućno- ovozemaljskim vrta, tako i razlike među ljudima dopri-
sti suočavanja s vlastitom neadekvatno- vjerama, nose ljepoti i bogatstvu našeg zajednič-
šću, takvi takozvani vođe poveli su cije- religijama, kog zemaljskog vrta.
le narode i religije u sukobe sa svojom rasama i ljudima Ljubav i tolerancija među ovozemalj-
ljudskom braćom, iako smo svi Božja su conditio sine skim vjerama, religijama, rasama i lju-
djeca. Zapravo je zapanjujuće kako se qua non želimo dima su conditio sine qua non želimo li
civilizirano ljudsko biće može pretvoriti li spremni spremni dočekati susret s nekim novim
u neempatičnu zvijer i postati neprijatelj civilizacijama u budućnosti. Ne bi bilo
dočekati susret
svome bratu po Bogu. Najbolji primjer dobro da nas tek možebitni susret s ne-
s nekim novim
za takvo ponašanje je najveće zlo čovje- kom novom civilizacijom uvjeri koliko su
civilizacijama u
čanstva Holokaust tijekom Drugog svjet- razlike među nama Zemljanima male i
skog rata. umjetno inducirane. Tek zajedno može-
Upravo suradnja znanosti i religije u mo spremni dočekati i moguće izazove
sinergiji njihove prosvjetiteljske uloge koje bi susret s novim vanzemaljskim
mora djelovati na sve ljude planeta Ze- civilizacijama mogao izazvati. Ukoliko
mlje da spoznaju koliko je ljudsko biće se nećemo tolerirati međusobno na Ze-
sitno u usporedbi s beskrajem svemira mlji, nećemo moći imati razumijevanje
i koliko su umjetno izazvane podjele za te možebitne nove civilizacije, niti
među narodima i religijama zapravo se znati odnositi i koegzistirati s novim
potpuno oprečne svrsi našega postoja- svjetovima koje vjerojatno u beskrajnom
nja. Vrhonaravna je zadaća znanosti svemiru negdje postoje, a i te druge ci-
i religija upravo da svojom suradnjom vilizacije također su Božje djelo, a Bog
amplificiraju prosvjećivanje svih ljud- promiče ljubav među svojom djecom ma
skih bića da smo na planetu Zemlji svi gdje se ona nalazila u beskrajima našeg
Božja djeca bez obzira na razlike među svemira.

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Obilježavanje prve obljetnice
i instalacija Velikog majstora VOH-a
Brata Nikice Gabrića 33°
Točno je godina dana prošla od tog po- Utemeljen Veliki Orijent. Sam čin Ute-

44 vijesnog dana 25.03.6017 godine istin-

ske svjetlosti. Tog povijesnog dana u
meljenja VOH-a bio je izvediv samo na
jedan jedini mogući način, na način da
Tuheljskim Toplicama u dvorcu Antun se hrvatskim slobodnim zidarima vrati
Mihanović, utemeljen je Veliki Orijent dostojanstvo, isprave učinjene povijesne
Hrvatske, a Veliki majstor velikog Ori- nepravde, te u konačnici da se vrati Svje-
jenta Srbije (VOS) – Orijent Beograd, tlost s mjesta na koje je odnijeto 1919.
mr. Dušan Vukić unio je svijetlo. Prvi godine.
puta u povijesti Hrvata i prvi puta u po- Po izvršenom instaliranju i unosu Svje-
vijesti hrvatskog slobodnog zidarstva je tlosti u Veliki Orijent Hrvatske, pristupi-
lo se i instaliranju Zorana Vojnića Tuni- Više od 200 greb, posvećen obilježavanju Prve obljet-
ća, 33°, kao Utemeljitelja i prvog Velikog braće i gosti nice Velikog Orijenta Hrvatske te je na
majstora Velikog Orijenta Hrvatske na iz drugih istom Radu za Velikog Majstora Velikog
mandat od godinu dana, kao i Predsjed- Objedijencija Orijenta Hrvatske instaliran Najuvaže-
nika Velikog Senata Velikog Orijenta nazočili su niji i Najmoćniji Veliki Majstor, brat Ni-
Hrvatske, Uvaženog i milog Brata Vla- radu točno kica Gabrić, 33°.
dimira Šalića. godinu dana Tom Radu, još jednom od iznimnog
Idućih godinu dana braća Slobodni zi- od povijesnog značaja u relativno kratkoj povijesti
dari marljivo rade na unaprjeđenju sebe VOH-a, prisustvovalo je više od 200 Bra-
samih, društva oko sebe i cijelog VOH-
godine istinske će koji su došli obilježiti svečani trenutak 45
a, unosom svjetlosti u nove Velike Lože svjetlosti proslave prve godine postojanja VOH-a
te okupljajući oko sebe novu braću, a u te svjedočiti instalaciji jednoglasnom od-
tih godinu dana broj braće koji u VOH- lukom Vijeća Velikih majstora VOH-a,
u aktivno djeluju i rade popeo se na pre- Najuvaženijeg i Najmoćnijeg Velikog
ko 300. Majstora, brata Nikica Gabrića, 33°, za
Zato je Rad 25.03.6018. godine istinske Velikog Majstora Velikog Orijenta Hr-
svjetlosti, u hramu „Svjetlost“ – Or. Za- vatske. Rad je vodio po Ritualu 1. stup-
nja Uvaženi i Moćni Veliki Majstor Velike Lože
Stup Snage, brat Damir Jandrašek, 33°.
Osim više od 200 Braće iz VOH-a koji su
prisustvovali ovom Radu i 28 gostiju, na obi-
lježavanju Prve obljetnice Velikog Orijenta
Hrvatske i Instalaciji Velikog Majstora Velikog
Orijenta Hrvatske, brata Nikice Gabrića, 33°,
bili su nazočni gosti iz drugih Objedijencija.
Tako su tu bili Veliki majstor Zdenko Šantić,
33°, iz Velike nacionalne Lože Hrvatske, Veliki
majstor dr. Čedomir Vukić, 33°, iz Regularne
Velike lože Srbije, Veliki majstor Aristid Havli-
ček, 33°, iz Velikog Orijenta Slovenije, Suve-
reni vrhovni zapovjednik Otmar Zorn, 33°, iz
Velike Regularne lože Slovenija te Veliki maj-
stor Gechevski Lazar, 33°, iz Velike nacionalne
lože Makedonija.
Ceremoniju Instalacije brata Nikice Gabrića,
33°, Velikog Majstora Velikog Orijenta Hrvat-
ske vodili su Utemeljitelj i Prvi Veliki Majstor
Velikog Orijenta Hrvatske, brat Zoran Vojnić
Tunić, 33°, i Predsjednik Velikog Senata Veli-
kog Orijenta Hrvatske brat Vladimir Šalić, 33°.
Povodom obilježavanja Prve obljetnice Ve-
likog Orijenta Hrvatske, Prvi Veliki Majstor
Velikog Orijenta Hrvatske i Suvereni Vrhov-
ni Zapovjednik 33 stupnja brat Zoran Vojnić
Tunić izdao je 25.03.6018. godine istinske svje-
tlosti prvi zlatnik i srebrnjak Velikog Orijenta
Na Radu je održana i aukcija slika, koju je
vodio Uvaženi i Moćni Veliki Majstor Velike
Lože Stup Ljepota, brat Hrvoje Kolarić 33°.
Uvaženi brat i akademski slikar Jadranko Fer-
ko donirao je 9 svojih slika u tehnici ulje na
platnu opremljenih širokim zlatnim baroknim
okvirima Velikom Orijentu Hrvatske za po-

46 trebe aukcije te je prikupljeno više od 30.000

kuna. Kako je jedan od ciljeva Velikog Orijenta
Hrvatske osnivanje Muzeja „U svijetu tajni,“ a
za koji je potreban angažman sve braće i za koji
su potrebna sredstva, brat Jadranko Ferko svoj
je doprinos dao donacijom slika. Prikupljena
sredstva sa aukcije namijenjena su za osnivanje
ne samo Muzeja „U svijetu tajni,“ koji će svje-
dočiti kako sadašnjim tako i budućim genera-
cijama o slobodnozidarskom postojanju
i djelovanju kroz povijest na ovom po-
dručju, već i za osnivanje Men›s Cluba u
prostorima VOH-a.
Pod zaštitom Velikog Orijenta Hr-
vatske danas djeluju 4 Velike Lože i 16
Loža, a to su:
VELIKA LOŽA STUP MUDROSTI Marijan Hanžeković, dipl. iur. 33°
Veliki Majstor Rajko Vučković 33° 18.1.1952 – 28.1.2018.
Loža 03. Penta, Or. Zagreb Veliki majstor Velike lože Hrvatske
Loža 11. Ivan Merz, Or. Zagreb
Nakon duge i teške bolesti dana 28. siječnja
Loža 12. Marko Marulić, Or. Split
2018 u 67. godini života na Vječni je istok otišao
Loža 13. Jože Plečnik, Or. Ljubljana Veliki majstor Velike lože Hrvatske, Marijan
Loža 16. Vladimir Prelog, Or. Zagreb Hanžeković, član lože Tri svjetla #3 or. Zagreb.
Hanžeković je primljen u bratstvo u Beču 23.
ožujka 2002. u Ložu Tri svjetla #3 u kojoj je
unaprijeđen u pomoćnika 12. travnja 2003. i
podignut u majstora 30. ožujka 2004.
Godine 2008., 2009. i 2010. biran je za starješinu
Lože Tri svjetla #3, 2012. i 2014. za velikog
rizničara, a 20015. izabran je za velikog majstora
Velike kože Hrvatske.
Bio je dugogodišnji član i obavljao visoke
dužnosti u Škotskom i Jorkškom obredu, Redu
crvenog križa cara Konstantina te Shrineu
VELIKA LOŽA STUP SNAGE Hrvatske. U profanom životu bio je istaknuti
pravnik, uspješan poduzetnik, sportski djelatnik i
Veliki Majstor Damir Jandrašek
ljubitelj umjetnosti.
Loža 02. Stjepan Radić, Or. Zagreb
Loža 05. Ljudevit Gaj, Or. Zagreb IN MEMORIAM
Loža 06. Grof Janko Drašković, Or.
Loža 08. Sirius, Or. Rijeka
Veliki Majstor Hrvoje Kolarić 33°
Loža 09. Ambroz Haračić, Or. Mali
Lošinj Davor Borisavljević
Loža 14. Kralj Petar Krešimir IV, Or.
Loža 15. Conte Gondola, Or. Zagreb Brat Davor Borisavljević, majstor 3° u loži Ivan
VELIKA LOŽA LIBERTAS Merz, Or. Zagreb, napustio nas je u 55. godini
Veliki Majstor Mirko Kostelac 33° života nakon kratke bolesti i na Vječni je istok
otišao 18. ožujka 2018. godine. U profanom
Loža 01. Ban Josip Jelačić, Or. Zagreb
životu bio je uspješni poslovni i obiteljski čovjek
Loža 04. Ivo Andrić, Or. Zagreb te je iza sebe ostavio ožalošćenu suprugu Vesnu,
Loža 07. Ruđer Bošković, Or. Zagreb kćerke Petru i Luciju te sestru Marinu i brata
Loža 10. Oroboros, Or. Zagreb Dražena.
Veliki Orijent Hrvatske
Veliki Majstor Velikog Orijenta Hrvatske, Brat Nikica Gabrić 33°

Grand Orient of Croatia

Grand Master of the Grand Orient of Croatia Brother Nikica Gabrić, 33°


Veliki Majstor Veliki Majstor Veliki Majstor Veliki Majstor
Rajko Vučković Damir Jandrašek Hrvoje Kolarić Mirko Kostelac
33° 33° 33° 33°

Loža 03. Loža 02. Loža 09. Loža 01.

Penta, Or. Zagreb Stjepan Radić, Or. Zagreb Ambroz Haračić, Or. Mali Lošinj Ban Josip Jelačić, Or. Zagreb
St. Ante Lučić St. Mile Grubišić St. Marko Krstačić Galić St. Tihomir Kovač

Loža 11. Loža 05. Loža 14. Loža 04.

Ivan Merz, Or. Zagreb Ljudevit Gaj, Or. Zagreb Kralj Petar Krešimir IV, Or. Zagreb Ivo Andrić, Or. Zagreb
St. Marijo Ermakora St. Slaven Vrhovski St. Bojan Sruk St. Željko Šimek

Loža 12. Loža 06. Loža 15. Loža 07.

Marko Marulić, Or. Split Grof Janko Drašković, Or. Zagreb Conte Gondola, Or. Zagreb Ruđer Bošković, Or. Zagreb
St. Goran Morović St. Krešimir Jelić St. Neven Kolarić St. Ratko Matijević

Loža 13. Loža 08. Loža 10.

Jože Plečnik, Or. Ljubljana Sirius, Or. Rijeka Oroboros, Or. Zagreb
St. Andrej Jakšić St. Željko Miljanić St. Vladimir Par

Loža 16.
Vladimir Prelog, Or. Zagreb
St. Zlatko Giljević
Currently 4 Grand Lodges and 16 Lodg-
es operate under the protection of the IN MEMORIAM
Grand Orient of Croatia, and these are:
Grand Master Rajko Vuckovic 33°
Lodge 03 Penta, Or. Zagreb
Loža 11. Ivan Merz, Or. Zagreb Marijan Hanžeković, dipl. iur. 33°
Loža 12. Marko Marulić, Or. Split 18.1.1952 – 28.1.2018.
Loža 13. Jože Plečnik, Or. Ljubljana Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Croatia
Loža 16. Vladimir Prelog, Or. Zagreb
After a long and difficult illness, on 28. January
2018, in his 67th year of life, the Grand Master of
the Grand Lodge of Croatia Marijan Hanzekovic,
a member of the Lodge Three Lights #3 or
Zagreb, departed for the Great east. Hanzekovic
was admitted into the fraternity in Vienna on 23.
October 2002 into the Lodge Three Lights #3 in
which he was advanced to fellow on 12. April
2003 and to master on 30. March 2004.
In 2008, 2009 and 2010 he was elected Master
of the Lodge Three Lights #3, in 2012 and 2014
he was elected Grand Treasury and in 2015 he
was elected as Grand Master of the Grand Lodge
STRENGHT He was a long-term member and high ranking
Grand Master Damir Jandrassek officer in the Scottish and York Rites, the order of
33° the Red Cross and Shrien Croatia. In the profane
Lodge 02. Stjepan Radić, Or. Zagreb life he was a distinguished lawyer, successful
Lodge 05. Ljudevit Gaj, Or. Zagreb entrepreneur, sports official and art lover.
Lodge 06. Grof Janko Drašković, Or.
Lodge 08. Sirius, Or. Rijeka
Grand Master Hrvoje Kolaric 33°
Lodge 09. Ambroz Haračić, Or. Mali
Davor Borisavljević
Lodge 14. Kralj Petar Krešimir IV, Or.
Zagreb 47
Lodge 15. Conte Gondola, Or. Zagreb
Brother Davor Borisavljevic, Master 3° in the
GRAND LODGE LIBERTAS Lodge Ivan Merz, Or. Zagreb, left us in his 55th
year of life after a short illness and departed
Grand Master Mirko Kostelac 33°
for the Eternal east on 18. March 2018. In his
Lodge 01. Ban Josip Jelačić, Or. Zagreb profane life he was a successful entrepreneur
Lodge 04. Ivo Andrić, Or. Zagreb and family man, leaving behind him his saddened
Lodge 07. Ruđer Bošković, Or. Zagreb wife Vesna, daughters Petra and Lucia, sister
Lodge 10. Oroboros, Or. Zagreb Marina and brother Drazen.
pated in this work, a number of esteemed guests
from other lodges came to witness the one-year
anniversary of the Grand Orient of Croatia
and the installation of Grand Master Nikica
Gabric, 33°, as Grand Master of the Grand
Orient of Croatia. Present were Grand Master
Zdenko Santic 33°, from the Grand National
Lodge of Croatia, Grand Master Cedomir Vu-
kic, 33°, from the Regular Grand Lodge of Ser-
bia, Grand Master Astrid Havlicek, 33°, from
the Grand Orient of Slovenia, the Sovereign
supreme commander Otmar Zorn, 33°, From
the Grand Regular Lodge of Slovenia and
Grand Master Gachevski Lazar, 33°, from the
Grand National Lodge of Macedonia.
The installation ceremony of brother Nikica
Gabric, 33°, Grand Master of the Grand Ori-
ent of Croatia was led by the Founder and the
first Grand Master of the Grand Orient of Cro-
atia, Zoran Vojnic Tunic, 33°, and President of
the Grand Senate of the Grand Orient of Croa-
tia brother Vladimir Salic, 33°.
Marking the first anniversary of the Grand
Orient of Croatia, the first Grand Master of
the Grand Orient of Croatia and Severing Su-
preme Commander of the 33 degree brother
Zoran Vojnic Tunic issued on 25.03.6018. year
of true light the first gold and silver coins of the
Grand Orient of Croatia.
An auction of painting was also held at the
work and it was led by the Esteemed and Pow-
erful Grand Master of the Grand Lodge Pillar
of Beauty, brother Hrvoje Kolaric, 33°. The es-
teemed brother and academic painter Jadranko
Ferko donated 9 of his oil on canvas paintings
decorated with wide ornate golden frames to the
Grand Orient of Croatia to be auctioned off and
more than HRK 30.000 was collected. As it is
one of the goals of the Grand Orient of Croatia
to establish the “In the world of secrets” Museum,
46 for which the engagement of all brothers and sig-
nificant funds will be needed, brother Jadranko
Ferko made his contribution by donating his
paintings. The collected funds will be used for the
“In the world of secrets” Museum which will tes-
tify to the current and future generations about
the existence and actions of freemasonry in this
area, but also for the establishing of a Men’s club
in the GOC building.
one-year term and Esteemed and Dear More than 200 33°, was installed as Grand Master of
Brother Vladimir Salic was installed as brothers and the Grand Orient of Croatia.
the President of the Grand Senate of the guests from More than 200 brothers participated in
Grand Orient of Croatia. other Lodges this Work, another of great significance
Over the next year, freemasons have been attended the in the relatively short history of the
working on improving themselves, the so- GOC, and they gathered to mark the
Work exactly
ciety around them and the entire GOC by moment of celebration of the one year
introducing Lights into new Grand Lodg-
one year after anniversary of the existence of the GOC
es and gathering around them new broth- the historic and to witness the installation, by virtue
ers, and in the one year since the founding 25.03.6017 of a unanimous decision of the Coun-
the number of brothers who actively par- year of true cil of the Grand Masters of the GOC, 45
ticipate in the GOC has risen to over 300. light of Grand Master Nikica Gabric, 33°, as
This is why the Work on 25.03.6018 Grand Master of the Grand Orient of
year of true light, in the Temple “Light” Croatia. The Work was conducted ac-
– Or. Zagreb, was dedicated to the cording to the Ritual of the 1st degree by
marking of the one-year anniversary of the Esteemed and Powerful Grand Mas-
the Grand Orient of Croatia and at the ter of the Grand Lodge Pillar of Strenght
same Work the Most esteemed and Most Damir Jandrasek, 33°. Apart from the
powerful Grand Master Nikica Gabric, 200 brothers and 28 guests who partici-
The marking of the first anniversary
and the installation of the GOC
Grand Master Nikica Gabric, 33°
Exactly a year has passed since the his- act of forming the GOC was only possi-
toric day 25.03.6017 year of true light. On ble in one way – to restore the dignity of
44 that historic day in Tuheljske Toplice in Croatian freemasons, rectify the historical
Castle Mihanovic, the Grand Orient of injustices that they suffered and ultimately
Croatia was formed and the Grand Mas- bring the Light back to where it was taken
ter of the Grand Orient of Serbia (VOS) away from in 1919.
– Orient Belgrade, mr. Dusan Vukic After the Light was installed and
brought the Light. For the first time in the brought into the Grand orient of Croatia,
history of Croats and for the first time in Zoran Vojnic Tunic, 33°, was installed
the history of freemasonry in Croatia, a as Founder and the first Grand Master
Grand Orient has been formed. The very of the Grand Orient of Croatia for a
and the existential threat to a people, and Love and we are on God’s planet and all of God’s
populist approach to point out the blame tolerance children, regardless of the differences
of other religions, peoples and cultures as among earthly between us and that these differences
responsible for the troubles of their own faiths, religions, are the very richness God has given us,
people. As it is in human nature to more races and just like the differences among the flow-
easily blame someone else for one’s own people are a ers contribute to the beauty of the whole
failures and troubles, due to the inability condito sine garden, and the differences in people
to face their own inadequacies, these lead- qua non if we contribute to the beauty and richness of
ers led whole peoples and religions into want to be our common Earth’s garden.
conflicts with their human brothers, even prepared to Love and tolerance among earthly
though we are all God’s children. It is as- faiths, religions, races and people are
meet a new
tounding how a civilized being can turn a condito sine qua non if we want to
civilization in
into an unemphatic beast and become an be prepared to meet a new civilization
the future
enemy to his brother under God. The best in the future. Would it not be good if a
example of such behavior is the greatest possible meeting with a new civilization
evil of mankind – the Holocaust during convinces us that the differences among
the Second World War. us on Earth are small and artificially
It is the cooperation between science created. Only together can we be pre-
and religion in the synergy of their en- pared for the possible challenges that
lightenment role that must act on all a meeting with new civilizations could
people of planet Earth to understand cause. If we do not tolerate each other
how a human being is tiny in compari- on Earth, we will not have tolerance for
son with the infinite universe and how new civilizations, nor we will know how
artificially the divisions between peoples to co-exist with new worlds that likely
and religions are in fact completely con- exist in the endless universe and that
trary to the purpose of our existence. It these other civilizations are also God’s
is the natural task of science and religion work and God promotes love among all
that they cooperate and amplify the en- of his children, regardless of where they
lightenment of all human beings that are in our universe.
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whether the Church ignores science, but
rather whether people are prepared to
give up on the short-term feeling of se-
curity in order to broaden the borders
PICTURE 4 of their own mind to reach the beauty
Size of Earth compared and understanding of some other beings
to the Sun, considered in neighboring galaxies. The question is
a smaller star
whether religions allow within their own
teachings the possibility that God cre-
ated, apart from the human one, other
civilizations that may have a different
understanding of God than what the
human religions teach. Collective an-
thropocentrism and egocentrism of the
human race is in its essence intolerant to
PICTURE 5 any difference, including religion, and as
The Sun is a smaller such could be detrimental if we discover
star in the universe
in the next 100 or 200 years the exist-
ence of other, perhaps more advanced,
civilizations in neighboring galaxies.
In today’s world, there is a lot of intoler-
Our galaxy, the ance, discrimination and conflict based on
Milky Way (white race, religion, nationality, gender, cultural
dot bottom right) is and civilizational intolerance. It is impos-
considered a small sible to observe the universe as a majestic
galaxy in the universe creation consisting of billions of galaxies
and stars made up of the same materials,
separated by millions of light years, and to
then see that there is so much diversifying
intolerance on the small planet Earth. The
Earth as a planet in our galaxy can be rep-
PICTURE 7 resented as a grain of sand in the Sahara
The spiral galaxy is Desert of a drop of water in the Pacific.
one of the largest in The very human need to show its size as
the universe more important than it is, led to artificial
high possibility that there is another civi- divisions in the human race. The need of
lization that has a different understand- an individual to prove his importance to
ing of God. The basis of understanding himself and to others as well as the un-
42 and accepting our own small size in the critical thought of his own importance
dimensions of the universe is not relativ- and value has haunted many individuals
izing our own existence, but rather the to point out differences instead of similari-
broadening of the horizon of our own ties. Many “leaders” throughout human
mind above the teaching of today’s reli- history insisted on differences instead of
gious and secular schools. integrating traits and universal values,
The question, therefore, is not wheth- and used sophisticated manipulations, es-
er science is opposed to religion and pecially in the time of lack of knowledge
by discovering a star that is too far to be vide much more accurate measurements
part of the Milky Way, that our galaxy and better resolution, just like analysis of
is just one of many. He called this new the data obtained on extremely power-
galaxy Andromeda. We know today that ful computers. In 2009 NASA launched
our galaxy has between 100 and 400 bil- the 600 million dollar worth Kepler tel-
lion planets, and there are 220 billion escope and since then it has discovered
galaxies, each with several billion plan- over 2000 exoplanets of which 21 are
ets. Considering the fact that the uni- similar to Earth. We do not even have
verse is homogenous and isotropic, using to go that far. Jupiter’s moon Europa
the Hubble telescope the theory of the shows bursts that could be liquid water
number of galaxies and stars was scien- which of course represents a possibility
tifically proven. for sustainable life perhaps even in our
Today people who believe in God agree own solar system.
that the universe was created 13.7 bil-
lion years ago from a Big Bang. Non- Love, tolerance and
believers also think that this bang was
cooperation between science
caused by nature or some inexplicable
power, while people of religion believe
and religion on Earth as a
that God’s existence has caused the Big precondition for meetings
Bang. The majesty of God’s work is not with new extraterrestrial
Earth and man, but the universe, since civilizations.
we know that there are 200 billion gal-
axies with hundreds of billions of planets There is a very high probability that
in each galaxy and it seems almost unbe- there are other civilizations in space
lievable that the only possibility of life is apart from the human civilization. Reli-
statistically only on earth. gions on Earth are anthropocentric and
The recent NASA discovery of new were not able to accept other religions.
planets only confirms this statistical We, people of Earth, need to understand
probability. This is the system of seven that it is part of our homework to tolerate
exoplanets around the start TAPPIST 1. other people and religions since there is a
The detected planetary system is not in
a distant galaxy, but rather in our space
neighborhood at a distance of 40 light
years. Three of the seven newly discov-
ered planets are located in a potentially PICTURE 2
Size of Earth
inhabitable zone and could have ocean
compared to smaller
water on their surface, which increases planets in the Solar
the likelihood of life in that star system. system
The planets are similar in size to Earth. 41
Last year, the potentially settling planet
Proxima b was also discovered, and in
2015 the planet Kepler 452. Technology
development has led to a spike in discov-
Size of Earth
ery of Earth-like planets in recent years. compared to larger
Powerful telescopes on the ground, and planets in the Solar
satellite telescopes in Earth’s orbit, pro- system
Two Chief World Systems he explained of the Earth. Scientific discoveries of the
the heliocentric system. The work was shape and the size of the Earth began
immediately deemed to be heretical by during the Muslim Golden Age (750
the Church. Galileo’s consistency to to 1100 AD). In the Muslim circles the
defend the scientific truth caused harsh discussion was focused on how large the
reactions. A process against Galileo was Earth was, not whether it was round
held in 1633, when he was in his sev- or not. In the early 800s, the Abbasic
enties, in the Inquisition chambers in Caliph El-Me’mun gathered the most
Rome. In exile, deprived of liberty and brilliant minds of the time in Baghdad,
isolated from the world, under constant where they calculated the circumference
control of the Inquisition, he completed of the Earth, missing by only 4% of its
his greatest work on mechanics by ex- actual size. The idea of an Earth as a flat
plaining the laws of free fall, introduc- surface was dismissed by Muslim scien-
ing acceleration, explained movement tists 600 years before it was proven by
down a slope, a horizontal shot and so Western scientists.
on. With this work Galileo introduced
the experimental method of research Anthropocentric and
and mathematical formulation of laws
egocentric religious approach
proven by experiments, thus laying the
foundations for modern physics.
opposed to scientific
In 1616 the Church banned all works knowledge in astronomy
that were based on Copernicus’ teach-
ings. The ban was lifted in 1757 from Even though the belief of Earth as the
Copernicus’ work and in 1835 from oth- central planet in the universe has been
er works. In 1992, Pope John Paul II offi- abandoned by virtually all religions,
cially stated that the Roman Inquisition seeing God as an all-powerful being
made a mistake, asked for forgiveness and people as his creatures continues
and asked for dialogue between science to foster the anthropocentric and ego-
and religion just like Galileo did. centric approach. Up until 90 years ago
It is interesting to note that before the we believed that only one galaxy – the
emergence of Christianity, Islam and Milky Way – exists with several hundred
Buddhism, people in ancient Greece million planets, until in 1922 the US as-
were able to study the universe. Old tronomer Edwin Hubble did not prove,
thinkers like Aristotle and Plato in 400
and 300 BC claimed that the Earth is
round and moving around the sun. The
Greek thinker Eratostanes calculated
the circumference of the Earth 200
40 years BC. He determined the distance
between Alexandria and Aswan as the
fiftieth part of the Earth, which had the
total of 40.000 kilometers.
Similarily, while Europe was in the
darkness of the Middle Ages, Muslim PICTURE 1
scientists working for Caliph el-Me’mun Andromeda
came to some very advanced knowledge Galaxy
history on the topic of astronomy
The majesty of the only goal of philosophy was to find
God’s work is out this substance, but senses and human
not Earth and reason cannot completely grasp it expect
man, but the for in two aspects – as a soul of the world
universe, since and mater, both of which complement
we know that each other. The soul of the world per-
there billions of meates all things made up of matter so
planets and it that they are manifested as related to
seems almost cause and principle. God or nature, as
unbelievable an active creative principle, Bruno calls
that the only natura naturans, and as a realized word
natura naturata. But these are only two
possibility of life
unique wholes, where everything is in
is statistically
everything; individually in the universal
only on earth
and the universal in the individual.
Galileo Galilei was an Italian mathe-
matician, physicist, astronomer and phi-
losopher. After completely his medical
studies he devoted himself to studying
geometry and Archimedes’ works and
became one of the greatest physicists and
astronomers. His significant astronomi-
cal discoveries include the detection of
the Milky Way as a massive collection
was arrested by the Papal inquisition, of stars, the discovery of Jupiter’s moons
sentenced to death after a seven-year and the discovery of Sun spots. Galilee’s
long investigation and burned as a her- commitment to the Copernicus system
etic in 1600. Bruno had a free spirit and as the only true and correct one led Gali-
denied Christian dogmas, believing that leo to clash with the Church’s interpre-
philosophy and theology did not go hand tation so the inquisition decided in 1616
in hand together. He opposed the Chris- to ban him from interpreting that the
tian understanding of God as a person- Earth moves around the Sun and that it
ality and something transcendent and is the center of the world. Although he
created a pan-theistic doctrine accord- promised to give up on his believes, in-
ing to which everything is made up of spired by the discoveries he came to, he
eternal and limitless substance. Accord- could not give up the scientific truth so
ingly, God is one with nature. For him, in his work the Dialogue Concerning the
Conflict of science and religion throughout
Throughout history up until the 19th Grand Master opment of the humanist and renaissance
century the basis of knowledge was in of the Grand movements, scientists started studying
the hands of religious officials, churches Orient of astronomy. One of the pioneers was the
Croatia Nikica
and religions which interpreted religion Gabrić, 33°
polish astronomer and Jesuit Nicolaus
and science. The conflict between sci- Copernicus. His greatest discovery in
ence and religion started because re- 1543 was the development of the helio-
ligion and the study of religious books centric system, which was a revolution-
put more emphasis on the ethical code ary and wide-ranging disconnect with
and the conduct of people in this world, old understandings. Opposing the then
while the explanation of natural laws prevalent understanding that the Earth
was insufficient considering todays’ basis is the center of the universe, Copernicus
of knowledge of natural occurrences. In points out that Earth is just one of the
the 19th century, with the development planets that circle the Sun. However,
of science and the expansion of the edu- Copernicus could not completely free
cational system, the basis of knowledge himself from the rooted world view so he
exponentially broadened and a larger believed that the bodies in the sky were
number of scientists started questioning moving in perfect circles. This problem
natural laws. This is when occasional was ratel resolved by Johannes Kepler
conflicts between religion and science who discovered the uneven movement
started happening, but slowly religious of planets on ellipses, with the Sun in
officials saw the correctness of some sci- the middle. With his work, Copernicus
entific knowledge. founded modern astronomy and created
The point of
One of the most common conflicts, the conditions for Kepler’s discoveries
which occurred between the religious (Kepler’s laws) and Newton’s definition
and scientific interpretations, was in the
and accepting
of the laws that direct the movement of
area of astronomy. Since some large re-
our own bodies in the sky (Newton’s laws).
ligions interpret the existence of God smallness in the Copernicus’ teaching had its followers,
in the sky, and the sky is vast, with lots dimension of but also its opposition. His main follower
of stars, seems mystical and is regarded the universe is was the Dominican priest Giordano Bru-
38 with respect, any questioning from scien- not diminishing no, who was subjected to the inquisition
tists astronomers on the structure of the our existence, of the Catholic Church in 1566 because
universe and Earth was met with resist- it is broadening of his sinful thoughts on heliocentrism,
ance from religion since it was believed the horizons of the endless universe and the structure of
at the time that the sky belongs to God. the mind above the atom. Despite this he was a profes-
After the Middle ages, during which all the teachings sor in Venice, Geneva, Toulouse, Paris,
known scientific facts from the area of as- of religious and London, Oxford, Frankfurt, Prague and
tronomy were forgotten, with the devel- secular schools other cities. Upon arriving in Venice, he
Beauty must adorn all great and impor-
tant builders as much as wisdom drives
them and strength supports them.
The story of Solomon’s Temple con-
tains a detailed description of what
was evident to those who went into
details of its construction; the most
beautiful building possible for the en-
gineering skill, the wealth and the val-
ues of the people of Israel of that day.
All of us have our own understandings
of what constitutes Beauty and our own
interpretations of Beauty, but not within
the Brotherhood.
The Beauty that the Freemasons are
taught is the beauty “in which all Broth-
ers agree and see it in the same way”.
The Masonic conception of beauty can-
not be of a material beauty.
The Masonic Pillar of Beauty must be
the symbol of an internal love; a beauty
of the mind, of the heart; a beauty of
idea and ideal; a beauty of the spirit.
Our Corinthian Column is to us not
It is easy to Our building consists of brotherly will merely the support of the building,
confuse wisdom and dedication. but that which upholds a character.
The Freemason constructs only the Such Beauty is almost entirely made up
and knowledge. “A
spiritual building; his stone is his mind; of selflessness.
little knowledge is spiritual, not material. Whoever walks in beauty thinks of the
a dangerous thing. The strength by which he establishes others before them, extends their hand,
We must know the his brotherhood is not a strength of build not for their own personal benefit, but to
difference between but a strength of will; the Columns of help others.
knowledge and Strength do not support a wall to keep Such a role of the Third Grand Col-
wisdom. Knowledge the thieves out, but represent a symbol umn represents one of our greatest val-
of resistance against the wrong values in ues: love - the clemency of thinking, act-
is the cognizance of
life and superficiality. ing, understanding and giving.
facts. Wisdom is the If we follow Freemason teachings and Masonic Beauty must be understood
strength of mind to believe that “the inestimable gift of God as the beauty of the spirit, because it is
apply its knowledge. to man for the rule and guide of his of utmost importance to see the differ-
A Freemason may faith” holds a true interpretation of the ence between a good man and a man
know every word Mason’s concept of life and living, the who only outwardly adjusts to the laws 37
of our ritual from “strength” which Masons should strive and customs of the society, but also of the
to acquire is that which will establish our Brotherhood.
the first to the last
sovereignty over ourselves. Only one thing is certain: the role and
and still have no Beauty is represented in a Masonic tem- the mission of the Grand Orient of Croa-
wisdom.” Knowledge ple by the Corinthian Column, most beau- tia is to follow the internal and the spiritual
comes from books, tiful of the ancient orders of architecture. meaning of the three Grand Columns of
Wisdom comes from Hiram Abif was guided by it when he Wisdom, Beauty and Strength that sup-
experience “beautified and adorned the Temple”. port and protect our Brotherhood.
Three great pillars of freemasonry
All Freemasons are guided by three The strength “A little knowledge is a dangerous thing.
lights: Wisdom, Strength and Beauty. by which he We must know the difference between
The words “For there should be Wis- establishes his knowledge and wisdom. Knowledge is
dom to contrive, Strength to support brotherhood is the cognizance of facts. Wisdom is the
and Beauty to adorn” are older than our strength of mind to apply its knowledge. A
not a strength
Rituals. The Grand Orient of Croatia Freemason may know every word of our
conveys the outlines of the Freemason
of build but a ritual from the first to the last and still have
wisdom in three stages into its approach strength of will; no wisdom, Masonic or otherwise.”
to the Freemason teachings and espe- the Columns Knowledge comes from books, Wis-
cially into its work organisation. of Strength do dom comes from experience.
The organisation of the Grand Orient not support a Every Brother must understand the first
of Croatia, which watches over the three wall to keep of the three Grand Columns supporting
Grand Lodges representing the Col- the thieves out, our Brotherhood as the symbol of actual
umns of Wisdom, Strength and Beauty, but represent need to become wise in accordance with
is based on the Columns, which are in a symbol of Masonic values.
turn based on historical foundations and resistance If a Brother did not know something,
values of the old teachings. or wondered “How can I get Masonic
against the
For the Freemasons, perhaps the most Wisdom?”, he should seek the reply not
interesting reference regarding wisdom
wrong values in the Ritual, but from another Brother.
is from I Kings: “God gave Solomon in life and Strength is the second of our Grand
wisdom and very great insight, and a superficiality Columns without which nothing can be
breadth of understanding as measureless stable, not even if it is supported by Wis-
as the sand on the seashore. Solomon’s dom and adorned by Beauty.
wisdom exceeded the wisdom of all chil- In everyday life, we encounter it in two
dren of the east country and all the wis- forms.
dom of Egypt. For he was wiser than all First, the strength which lies in action,
men; than Ethan the Ezrahite, and He- power, might - the strength of the arm,
man and Chalcol and Darda, the sons of the engine, the army.
Mahol; and his fame was in all the na- Second, that other, subtler strength
tions round about. He spoke three thou- which is not less strong for being pas-
sand proverbs and his songs numbered a sive; the strength of the column which
thousand and five. He spoke about plant supports, the strength of the founda-
life, from the cedar of Lebanon to the tion which endures; the strength of the
hyssop that grows out of walls. He also principles by which we live, individually,
spoke about animals and birds, reptiles collectively, nationally - Masonically.
and fish. From all nations people came It is the second form of strength with
to listen to Solomon’s wisdom, sent by all which the Freemason is concerned.
36 the kings of the world, who had heard of Freemasons build no earthly building
his wisdom.” or structure.
Salomon esteemed Wisdom greatly: True, we lay the cornerstone of the
“Incline thine ear unto wisdom and ap- Written by: public building in the northeast corner,
ply thy heart to understanding. Happy Grand Master next to the work carpet, but the building
is the man that findeth wisdom and the of the Grand is symbolic, not practical.
man that getteth understanding. Lodge Pillar of Our building has the strength that en-
For Freemasons, it is easy to confuse Strength Damir dures in hearts and minds rather than
wisdom and knowledge. Jandrasek, 33° that which is built with dry materials.
Academic painter and
Freemason Jadranko Ferko
in the world of mysteries
With his forty years of experience in painting, Ferko
approached freemasonry in a completely different
way – a surreal new cycle of paintings
Jadranko Ferko was born in Zagreb on
14 February 1962. In primary and sec-
ondary school he was noted for his cari-
cature portraits and cartoons as well as
for his oils on canvas. He attended the
Applied Arts High School in Zagreb,
where he published his cartoons in the
publications Polet and Studentski list. He
earned his degree from the Academy of
Fine Arts in Ljubljana.
His career as a professional painter
started in 1982 with his first solo show His past painting symbols, such as the
in Vrbovec and continued with shows rose, the book or the candle, become the
at renowned venues across Croatia. His centre of artistic creation.
most noted works include The Way of He is recognisable by his opus of melan-
the Cross in Sesvetski Kraljevac, the cholic still lifes, in which the violin appears
subject of a book with the same title, the as a frequent motive. Music instruments,
altars of St. Rochus and St. Catherine in jugs, fruits and an occasional pheasant
Petrinja, and the collections Clowns and are the objects dominating his paintings.
Friends and Bikers. He devoted a notable attention to still life
Jadranko Ferko was initiated into Free- in the diverse themes of his artistic inter-
masonry in 2017. Inspired by Freemason est and has dedicated several complete
ideas, mysteries and symbols, he started painting collections to it. Indisputable skill
the new collection of paintings In the and confidence with which he builds al-
World of Mysteries. As one of humanity’s low for a combination of playfulness and
oldest crafts, painting holds a number of completeness and for a sense of lightness in
masters’ secrets, which brought if closer to the fullness of the painting field. In Ferko’s
the secret world of Freemasonry and im- paintings, light brings all the treasured ob-
plemented it in the idea of the development jects together and supports the mild mel-
of man until he reaches humanity. ancholy that the paintings inspire.
Armed with forty years of experience He has had 22 solo shows and around 180
as a painter, he approached Freemason- collective shows so far. He has also partici-
ry in a completely different way. In the pated in around a hundred humanitarian
surreal approach of his new painting col- art colonies. He is a member of the Croa-
lection, he conveys the eternal conflict tian Society of Fine Artists and LIKUM,
of the light and the dark and the mystic Cooperative of Fine Artists of Croatia. He
symbolicism of Freemasonry to the can- has been included in the edition 50 Croa-
vas with masterful sfumato transitions. tian Sculptors and Painters.
My only question at the time was – will you round out your career and
lifestyle by becoming a freemason? The answer was instantaneous
and without thinking. My father became a freemason on 9 November
6017., as the third family member.
was when he said in front of our father. impressions of becoming a freemason.
“Don’t worry Boris, when I see what That very morning brother Bojan was
is happening there, I will propose they telling everyone about his experience.
take you in.” He was event loveably annoying. I decid-
My brother Bojan entered the GOC fa- ed, and these were all carefully chosen
cilities on 20 October 6017, nervous and moments, to open up to my father and
distraught. With the Senate President we tell him that I am a freemason, telling
agreed that I would be his escort when him that I am part of the high-ranking
he enters the Temple, but that he must officer team. I haven’t seen this level of
not know who is leading him. When the excitement and joy (he even hit me on
blindfold was taken of, when he saw the the head out of excitement) in my fa-
Light in the Temple, he did not notice or ther in some time. My only question at
recognize me, he remained stiff. I could the time was – will you round out your
feel his heart racing since I was standing career and lifestyle by becoming a free-
right next to him. Only when he turned mason? The answer was instantaneous,
and exited the Lodge was he shocked – a without hesitation. My father became a
reaction from my shocked brother and a freemason on 9 November 6017., as the
face that says: What are you doing here, third family member.
34 are you normal, what have you done?! A The level of enthusiasm all three of us
few seconds later, I saw pride and satis- achieved, all the respect that we gained,
faction in his eyes. the level of understanding of freema-
The action of bringing in a new appli- sonry that we have achieved, I believe
cant, brother Branko, my father, started this to be the crown of my awareness,
the very next days when my dad and I wisdom, humanity, stability but also
were talking in a small café in the east- honesty towards my brother Bojan and
ern part of Zagreb about Bojan and his brother Branko.
calm like a true freemason. However, I
admit, it took a lot of self-control not to
share such a large secret with my broth-
er. I almost ignored him, asking him in
passing what he has heard about masons
and why he thinks they rule the world,
why they are influential…
At the same time the decision was made
to form three Great Lodges in the Grand
Orient in Croatia – the Grand Lodge
Pillar of Wisdom, the Great Lodge Pil-
lar of Strength and the Great Lodge
Pillar of Beauty. The ceremony for this
historic day was planned for 20 Octo-
ber 6017. The plans of the GOC exactly
overlapped with my plans to introduce
brother Bojan to the freemasons. When his blindfold was taken of, when he saw the
At the regular meeting of the Lodge Light in the Temple, brother Bojan did not recognize
Stjepan Radic, I opened a new point on me, even though I was leading him by the hand. Only
the agenda – the issue of new Applicants. when we exited he said: “What are you doing here?”
I gave everyone an opportunity to nomi-
nate the names of new applicants and tell us “something big,” that he was in-
the moment came for brother Mirsad vited into the freemasons and that they
to nominate my brother Bojan. My ex- have been “following” and “analyzing”
act expectations and plan were fulfilled. him for more than six months. The most
The talks with Bojan was approved. I entertaining thing was that he was com-
included in the process certain people I pletely honest, only he had no idea that
knew and business partners. he was followed and analyzed by his own
By the way, I have always known and brother.
still known that our father lived his life Father demonstrated a high level of
based on the principles of freemasonry, consciences and knowledge of who and
even though he is not aware of this. Even what freemasons are, what they do and
then the second part of my plan was to what they stand for. This is when my
introduce my father into the Brother- “Plan 2” entered it final stage and got
hood. But at the moment neither my a new dimension: after my brother my
brother nor my father knew I was a free- father needs to enter in the next month.
mason. This is how it remained until the This is what happened. Of course, moth-
very moment my brother Bojan said this er did not know anything so everything
oath at the work on 20 October 6017, had to be kept a secret. 33
kneeling in the Temple on the fifth floor. I included ten more brothers in the ac-
In the ten days since he was invited to tivities surrounding my brother Bojan’s
join the freemasons is a time I will re- arrival who was sending me pictures of
member for a while. Bojan was so nerv- him getting dressed, telling me where
ous that he could not sleep for days from he bought a black suit, which bowtie
a mixture of fear and excitement. He he chose... There was no end to his ex-
asked my father and me for a coffee to citement. What was most fun for me
How the Sruk family became
a “freemason family”
The incredible story of Boris SRuk who achieved the height of honesty towards his blood
brother Bojan and father Branko when he introduced them to the GOC
Boris Sruk, As you have experienced yourself in life 13 brothers, some of who I have never
assistant to the when some opportunities open up from seen before, I started running the lodge.
Grand Master of nowhere, you just know you have to ac- It was key to me in this work to consult
the Grand Lodge
Pillar of Strength,
cept them without thinking. That Febru- and listen to those more experienced
Master 11° ary in 6017.m at the invitation of a high than me. This is when my new brother
officer and esteemed brother, I have de- Mirsad asked me permission to talk to a
cided, without much thinking, to join the new applicant. To my complete surprise,
brotherhood of freemasons in the Grand he wanted to talk to my blood brother
Orient of Croatia. The Grand Orient of Bojan! Of course, I refused, in fact, I
Croatia (GOC) was still in its infancy, it said that Bojan is still not ready and that
was growing and developing and I want- I will veto the decision and will ballot
ed to participate in something historical him with a black ball. In fact, I did not
for an individual, society and the coun- want to talk about it since I was work-
try we live in: the construction of man ing on my plan – “a masonic family.” I
to mankind, as freemasons would say. I wanted my brother and father to become
would say humanity. One of the princi- members of the GOC and my “masonic
ples of masonry says that if you want to brothers,” as weird as this might sound.
change society for the better, first change Time passed, and the Lodge Stjepan
yourself. I have to admit that, in the past Radic was fulfilling all of its planned
10 months since I became active in the activities. We educated our brothers on
brotherhood, I feel that I have partially the life of freemasons, each of the broth-
changed my views of the world, society ers had tasks in the preparation of edu-
and individuals (and this is long and de- cational materials relating to the history
manding work). of freemasonry, one of the brothers was
Being a freemason does not mean that tasked with presenting the symbols in
it is enough to passively participate in freemasonry. Everybody participate.
the Work in the Temple once a month And I was still, secretly, planning on
or once a year. This is a set of everyday allowing Mirsad to invite my “blood”
32 activities which are implemented in or- brother into the Brotherhood. I was
der for the entire system, organization waiting for the right moment.
and people could reach their goal; the All of this time, Bojan was asking
construction of something larger, bet- around and talking with different peo-
ter, stronger. In June I got the chance ple. In September he even said, literally,
to take over the running of the Lodge that we should join the freemasons since
Stjepan Radic (which was the second they rule the world! A classic profane ste-
Lodge founded in the GOC) and with reotype. I wanted to laugh but remained
Alber Pike
Albert Pike lived from 1809 to 1891, he was a lawyer, soldier, writer and a
Freemason. He was born in Massachusetts where he spent his childhood, he was
accepted to the prestigious university Harvard, but due to high scholarship for the
first two years he did not attend and was self-taught and later became a teacher. In
the 1830s he left Massachusetts for the West and found a new home in Arkansas
where he was a journalist, later a lawyer and a general in the Confederate Army.
His greatest contribution was in the mid 19th century when he became a freemason
and was appointed as the Sovereign Commander of the Southern Jurisdiction of the
Scottish Rite in 1859. He was a sovereign commander until the end of his life and
in 1871 he published his seminal work “The morals and dogmas of the Ancient and
Recognized Scottish Rite of Freemasons.” He is to credit for the modern version of
the degrees of the Scottish Rite, the implementation of rituals for certain degrees
and the connection of degrees with legends of the temple and biblical values.
This degree stresses the freemasonry land and that the degrees of the Scottish
teaching of equality and tolerance. It Rite are above the degrees of freemason-
reminds us that no man, no church and ry in blue lodges, there are several other
no religion has the monopoly over the large misconceptions.
truth, that we have to be loyal to our per- One of these, even among broth-
sonal convictions and we have to respect ers freemasons, is that the Holy Royal
others. Arch is an older rite thatn the Scottish
30th degree – Knight Kadosh, or rite; this is simply not based in history.
Knight of the White and Black The first mentions of the Scottish Rite
This degree sets the tests and ceremo- in 1732 predate the historical mentions
nies that symbolize that we have to start of the Holy Royal Arch in 1744 in the
building excellence of character Dublin journal, and the first rituals of
31st degree – Inspector Inquisitor the Holy Royal Arch are dated to 1753
This degree teaches us that we have to in Virginia.
give each person a chance to show his Also, it is often erroneously believed
innocence and purity of intention. Who- that the York and Scottish rite and their
ever judges others needs to judge himself degrees are very different; this is only
firs. partially correct since both rites use the
32nd degree – Master of the Royal Se- same basis and themes in the forming of
cret their degrees. There only organizational
This degree describes the victory of differences, but in essence these are the
spiritual over the material in man in same principles and bases.
the conquest of appetites and passions Albert Pike never claimed that the de-
through moral and reason. Each free- grees of the Scottish Rite, its obligations
mason who is willing to serve human- and rites are above the other degrees in
ity, but is caught between his personal Blue Lodges. In fact, Albert Pike said 31
interests and duties is an example. Duty that every legitimate symbol of the Blue
often demands sacrifice, sometimes the Lodges, just like everyone who belongs
ultimate one. to a Blue Lodge, is a symbol of religious
33rd degree – Inspector General significance, large historical importance
Some of the more common misconcep- which stems from the pagan customs
tions of the Scottish Rite that marked the start of freemasonry.
With the already mentioned miscon- LUX E TENEBRIS – Light out of
ceptions that the rite originate in Scot- darkness.
The lessons of this degree teach that This degree shows the value of work. It is
loyalty to God is man’s primary task and not a curse but rather a privilege for a man
that the temporary supervision that is to be allowed to make money through per-
not established by God and His rights sonal work. Laziness is dishonorable.
will undoubtedly crumble. 23rd degree – Chief of the Tabernacle
18th degree – Knight Rose Croix This degree teaches that impure and
The lessons learned at this degree are selfish thoughts, lack of ambition, are
that man must own a new temple in his destructive. A man who forgets his du-
own heart where God is adored in spirit ties towards his family, country and God
and truth and that he has to have a new will be morally and spiritually destroyed.
law of love which all people everywhere 24th degree – Prince of the Tabernacle
can understand. This degree promotes This degree teaches that mutual belief
the broad principles of universality and is a living God that teaches man to serve
tolerance. mankind and the global brotherhood.
Consistorium 25th degree – Knight of the Brazen Ser-
Degrees from 19 to 32 reffer to the pent
elaborate and highly mystical approach- This degree teaches that there is a de-
es to masonic teaching, some of them use sert in everyone’s life, in the history of
the Crusade as a backdrop. every nation and that it results in the
Degrees 30, 31 and 32 are the culmi- breaking of discipline and loss of faith.
nation of the teachings of the Scottish This degree is a beacon that calls on
Rite, while the 31st degree is considered faith in ourselves, each other and God.
to be the “judicial branch” of the Scot- 26th degree – Prince of Mercy, or Scot-
tish Rite. tish Trinitarian
19th degree – Grand Pontiff This degree teaches the quality of mer-
This degree promotes the spiritual union cy. This is the spirit of compassion and a
It is important to
of all those who believe in God and have caring heart that allows us to overcome
hope of immortality regardless of which pain and to conduct ourselves to what understand that
religious leaders the follow or which de- insults us better than it deserves. the organization
nomination the belong to. Dealing with 27th degree – Knight Commander of of the Scottish
conflict between light and dark, good and the Temple rite continues
evil, God and Satan is primary. This degree symbolizes tools and im- on the so called
20th degree – Master of the Symbolic plements architecture. It also teaches Symbolic lodges.
Lodge that with the building of high moral The entire
This degree stands up to the challenges of characteristics among followers, freema- Scottish Rite
disloyalty and betrayal. The principles of sons can improve the decisive human de- accepts and
freemasonry and leadership are put to the mand for achieving unity and good will recognizes that
test. This degree shows that the contempt in the world. the basic 3°
freemasons have towards everything that 28th degree – Knight of the Sun or
master is equally
30 is a conspiracy against the security of a na- Prince Adept
to all higher
tion and the happiness of our people This degree teaches us that the Scottish
21st degree – Noachite, or Prussian freemasonry rite believes in the concept
degrees in the
knight of a free church in a free state, each su- Scottish rite. The
This degree teaches that freemasonry perior to its own jurisdiction, not striving Scottish rite and
is not a shield against evil and that jus- to dominate over another but cooperat- its degrees are
tice is one of the bases of our fraternity. ing in the goal of mutual good. an addition to the
22nd degree – Knight of the Royal Axe 29th degree – Scottish Knight of Saint master degree,
or Prince of Libanus Andrew not above it
20th degree – Master of the 21st degree – Noachite, or 22nd degree – Knight of 23rd degree – Chief of the
Symbolic Lodge Prussian knight the Royal Axe or Prince of Tabernacle
24th degree – Prince of the 25th degree – Knight of the 26th degree – Prince of 27th degree – Knight
Tabernacle Brazen Serpent Mercy, or Scottish Trinitarian Commander of the Temple
28th degree – Knight of the 29th degree – Scottish Knight 30th degree – Knight Kadosh, 31st degree – Inspector
Sun or Prince Adept of Saint Andrew or Knight of the White and Inquisitor
32nd degree – Master of the 33rd degree – Inspector 33rd degree – Inspector
Royal Secret General General
4th degree – Secret Master 5th degree – Perfect Master 6th degree – Intimate 7th degree – Provost and
Secretary Judge
8th degree – Intendant of the 9th degree – Elu of the Nine 10th degree – Elu of the 11th degree – Elu of the
Building Fiffteen Twelve
12th degree – Master 13th degree – Royal Arch of 14th degree – Perfect Elu 15th degree – Knight of the
Architecht Solomon East or the Sword
16th degree – Prince of 17th degree – Knight of the 18th degree – Knight Rose 19th degree – Grand Pontiff
Jerusalem East and West Croix
ple of King Solomon and its purpose is 12th degree – Master Architect
to establish the basis that is taught in the This degree teaches that a freemason
first three degrees of freemasonry. uses tools and instruments of his trade
The names of these degrees in some and skill, teaches him to consider many
way determine the rights and obligations aspects of life and to face them as God’s
of the brothers at this degree. child, advancing to the heights of experi-
4th degree – Secret Master ence we call perfection.
The fourth degree stresses obligation, 13th degree – Royal Arch of Solomon
fidelity, integrity and the necessary se- This degree teaches that the hardships
crecy in all confidential bonds. and dangers, regardless of their size,
5th degree – Perfect Master cannot undermine the truth and loyalty
This degree teaches that confidentiality of a brother in his advance towards per-
is more important than life itself and that fection. It teaches the great truth, that
it is at the basis of all honors in freema- the best things in life come as a result of
sonry. As an addition, we have to respect persistend and often painful effort.
the memory of deceased brothers. 14th degree – Perfect Elu
6th degree – Intimate Secretary This degree is the gathering of the old
This degree teaches that dedication freemasonry skill. As a crowned degree
towards friends and the absence of jeal- of the Lodge of Perfection, tis essence is
ousy in the implementation of duty are the holiness of God and actions in his
virtues that are rewarded. holy name. God will not consider him
7th degree – Provost and Judge a sinner if he does not take his name in
This degree teaches just judgement, vain.
where law and customs are applicable to The Rose Croix degrees
everyone. To allow justice to be impar- Degrees 15 and 16 refer to the construc-
tial and in line with the deserved mercy. tion of the second temple of Zerubabba-
8th degree – Intendant of the Building bel, which was built as a replacement for
This degree teaches that each new Solomon’s temple after it was destroyed
honor should be a step towards perfect- by the Babylonians in 586 BC. The tem-
ing the moral code. ple was built in 516 BC and survived un-
9th degree – Elu of the Nine til 70 AD when it was destroyed by the
The lessons at this degree tach that we Roman empire.
should be careful, to not be vain in the The 17th degree is the approach, and the
implementation of justice, not even in 18th degree is the recognition of the Chris-
just purposes, and that we should avoid tian ethics as a basis of universal ethics
compromising our personality with irre- that builds our hearts, but also the Third
sponsible acts. temple, the temple that is not built with our
10th degree – Elu of the Fiffteen hands but rather with our hearts.
The teachings of this degree is that am- 15th degree – Knight of the East or the
bition and vanity lead a person towards Sword 27
bad acts and that justice will prevail over This degree teaches an important les-
evil in the end, while those doing evil son on loyalty, conviction and dedication
will be punished. to correctness.
11th degree – Elu of the Twelve 16th degree – Prince of Jerusalem
This degree refers to the good citizen. This degree teaches truth and fidelity
Bad acts should be punished. Honesty to duty.
and respecting others will be awarded. 17th degree – Knight of the East and
Be open, honest and truthful. West
A brief introduction to the path
towards perfection
DEUS MEUMQUE JUS God and my son authorities in France gave Stephen Written by: I.G.
right. Morin from Bordeaux the right to trans-
It is in the hearts of people to build per- fer his higher degrees across the Atlantic
sonal morality and to promote tolerance, to new territories like the West Indies
brotherhood, freedom of thought and where the system of 25 high degrees was
consciousness as well as the guarantee of developed and called the “Rite of Perfec-
freedom for all people, the establishment tion.” Throughout the years rituals and
of the foundations of justice and mercy, the structure of the known 33° were add-
the protection of the weak and the fight ed. One of the most important people in
against all dogmas and doctrines that the history of the Scottish rite was Albert
want to limit the human spirit – this is Pike who in the mid 19th century intro-
the basic mission of the Scottish Rite in duced and defined the modern rules that
freemasonry. form this rite.
The Scottish Rite is one of the several It is important to understand that the
organizational structures that continue organization of the Scottish rite contin-
the path of freemasons after they reach ues on the so called Symbolic lodges.
the Master level (3°). This path begins Even though the degrees in these lodges
with 4° and ends with 32° with the exist- are numerically above the degrees in
ence of 33° as a special degree for out- “blue lodges,” the so-called craft lodges
standing achievements and service to the in which rituals from 1° to 3° are prac-
brotherhood. One of the most common tice, which we also call blue due to the
misconceptions about the Scottish rite is traditionally blue regalia that were used
that originates in Scotland and that the in England and Ireland. One of the
33° can only be received in Scotland. The entire Scottish Rite accepts and most common
The first mentions of the Scottish rite recognizes that the basic 3° master is misconceptions
can actually be found in documents in equally to all higher degrees in the Scot- about the
France where a large number of people tish rite. The Scottish rite and its degrees Scottish rite is
from Scotland found refuge in the 17th are an addition to the master degree, not that it originates
century due to the difficult relations be- above it. in Scotland and
tween England and Scotland. Among What is the true goal of the Scottish rite?
26 that the 33° can
them were brothers freemasons who or- The Scottish rite is set up so that the
only be received
ganized their first lodge in 1732., calling brothers freemasons could learn that
it “Ecossais” or the Scottish lodge in Bor- they are not perfect, but that there is a in Scotland. The
deaux, which was at the time one of the path towards perfection. This path starts first mentions of
most influential centers of freemasonry at the 4° and ends at 14° in the Symbolic the Scottish rite
in France. Between 1738 and 1740. They lodge which is called the Lodge of per- can actually be
formed the first “Hauts Grades” or the fection, which is based on the Biblical found in French
higher degrees, and in 1761. the freema- story on the construction of the first tem- documents.
Every freemason is the master of his own Temple, the Temple
that is within him and he is responsible for its construction
himself a Master Mason. Even though the masonic rituals. The compasses surround
Temple is within each freemason, it is also our aspirations so that we can align then
limitless and spreads over the entire Earth. with our possibilities with the power of
This is why it is believed that all Brothers gained self-control. The answer to a ques-
belong to one Lodge and that in their eve- tion whether a lodge is regular or not is giv-
ryday lives they have to act in accordance en with the fact whether a lodge uses the
with the messages taught by Freemasonry, Three Great Lights or not. Only a lodge
since they never leave the Temple. that uses these three Lights can call itself
The Temple lies on the Three Lesser regular.
Lights of Freemasonry, which symbolize The floor of the Lodge is a mosaic chess
the Sun, Moon and the Temple Master. board, with black and white letters and
Freemasons say that the Temple is open it represents the double essence of eve-
as long as it is shone on by these three rything that is linked to this earthly life
lights. As long as the Sun runes the day, and what surrounds us. A freemason
and the Moon runs the night, the Master in his everyday life walks on a floor on
has the right to run the Lodge. Along with which good and bad, light and dark,
the Three Lesser Lights of Freemasonry, happiness and sadness, day and night,
the Temple also contains the Three Great are interlinked, and skipping over the
Lights – the Volume of Sacred Law, the obstacles he becomes capable of over-
Square and the Compasses. Every Lodge coming his material needs and develops
contains the Three Great Lights while his inner spiritual capabilities.
work is ongoing. The Volume of Sacred Since every freemason is master of his in-
Law differs from tradition to tradition of ner Temple, it is up to him to determine
a certain Masonic Lodge, and it is usually how his spiritual development will ad-
the Bible, but can also be another accepted vance. The words that can help us reach
spiritual value. It is advised that freema- the center of the Temple are “know thy-
sons read and study the Sacred Laws since self.” Only he who has truly met himself,
they will find there the basics of moral who has completely accepted his sur-
principles that freemasonry is based on. roundings, his sensory, intellectual and
The square and compasses, which along conscious side, can discover and perfect
with the Volume of Sacred Law, represents through freemasonry his spiritual side of
the Three Great Lights, are placed on the consciousness. Only who learns how to
altar. The square is the symbol of mate- use all four sides of consciousness can call
rial, honor, the perseverance of character, himself a true Master. However, we can- 25
moral law. It, as a connection between the not take this path on our own. This is
vertical and horizontal, reminds us of the why Brothers gather in the Temple, since
importance of balance and helps in mak- only in conjunction with other Brothers in
ing the right decisions. The compasses ritual work, mutual meditation and the re-
symbolize the spirit, but also warns of the peating of certain circumstance, messages
limits of knowledge and the compasses are and actions, can we feel empowered and
never extended more than 90 degrees in on the path to become Masters.
The Freemason Temple, the spot where
limitless possibilities are developed
The Temple is not just a room in which Freemasons gather and do their
rituals, the Temple has a more important, more symbolic, meaning
If someone were to as a Freemason for The South side of the Temple symboliz-
the shape of the Temple, the Freemason es the intellectual side of man. The West
could easily become confused, not know- of the Lodge symbolizes the affinity of
ing what response is expected from him. the human reason towards the material,
The answer to this question depends on the consciousness that a man uses in eve-
who has asked the question since the ryday work. This is the direction from
Temple for freemasons, unlike for the which a candidate for freemasons enters
profane, does not represent just a room the Temple. Through moral teachings
in which ritual work is done, but rather and perfecting at first the candidate and
has a broader more symbolic meaning. later the apprentice slowly leaves behind
If we exclude the profane understanding his striving for the material and strives for
of the Temple as a room, a physical part the spiritual. These spiritual values are
of a building, in which freemasons gath- symbolized by the East, the place from
er and do their rituals, the Temple has a which the light comes and shines on the
symbolic meaning and the very study of Temple. It represents man’s spirituality,
the shape of the Temple contains a lot of the highest form of consciousness which
messages for freemasons. is not developed amongst most people.
The correct answer a Freemason would Only a freemason who has completely
give when asked about the shape of the mastered his spiritual strength, who is a
Temple is that it is long from East to West, Master Mason in the true sense of the
wide from North to South, deep from word, can find his space on the East.
the surface to the center of the Earth and The depth of the Temple represents the
as tall as the sky. The four sides of the difference between the surface of our
world point to the four different shapes consciousness and the highest level of
of consciousness. The North represents consciousness of man which is at its cent-
the dark and lack of knowledge, the side er. The height of the Temple symbolizes
of the world from which the sun never the fact that, if we are able to completely
shines. This is why apprentices always sit develop our capabilities, we can master
on the North – the dark side of the Tem- all four forms of consciousness and we
24 ple, but between the West and the East, have limitless possibilities.
as a reminder from where they came and Every freemason is the master of his own
what they are striving for. On one side is Temple, the Temple that is within him and
a path that leads to the eternal light of he is responsible for its construction. If a
the East and the path that his brothers freemason does not work diligently on his
entice him on, while on the other side is perfecting, then he is neglecting the con-
a path that leads to a lack of knowledge struction of his own Temple, and even if he
on which it is easy to get lost on. wears the apron of a Master, he cannot call
self-love blinds the soul of man, resulting
in poor judgement of fairness, beauty and
goodness. When a man suffers from exces-
sive self-love, he believes that he should
value what is his more than the truth.
Even though we still learn about Plato to-
day as one of the greatest philosophers of
mankind and a source of inspiration, if we
were to judge by the image of the world to-
day, it seems to me that nobody has heard
or understood much of his teachings.
A great deal of work lies ahead of us,
dear brothers, but they say that the fu-
ture belongs to those who believe in the
beauty of their dreams.
A look at my little map of wealth stems
from the experience that nothing can
replace perseverance. Not talent, not
genius, not education. Perseverance and
resolve bring a happy and full life, they
bring success.
Because nature has placed everything we
need into our environment. Not only has
it done so, but it has also put the rhythms
in perfect alignment and warned us about
the things that must keep us in harmony.
To be successful together, let us keep in
Flaws like ignorance, mind the thought of Antoine de Saint- 23
discouragement, overindulgence Exupery from „The Little Prince”, who
and unfairness inflict damage on says that, if you want to build a boat, you
the soul and make it the prisoner should not make people go the forest, fell
of the body, while excessive trees and cut planks. Instead, teach them
self-love blinds the soul of man, to love the sea.
resulting in poor judgement of The eyes are blind - we must search
fairness, beauty and goodness with our hearts.
Gnothi seauton,
know thyself
As I listen to people around me, it seems Written by: Grand cosm) and the Universe (the macrocosm)
to me that most believe that a myriad of Master of the via the polis or the mesocosm.
things must come together in the right Grand Lodge The macrocosm is the universal nature
Pillar of Beauty,
way for them to be happy. In contrast to Hrvoje Kolarić,
that everything just, good and beautiful
such thinking, happy people live in mo- 33° stems from, everything that is not im-
ment and adapt their attitude to it. Every mediately accessible to the average man.
day holds a spark of joy and a small pack- Only a wise man can know the macro-
age of happiness. All we must do is look cosm. The microcosm is the domain of
at it hard enough to find it. Dear broth- individual, internal nature. It is the small
ers, when everything is added up and picture of the Universe. The mesocosm
subtracted, balance is the only pledge is the city-state, the domain of social life
of harmonic life. It is difficult to attain and human organisation.
because we too often strive for extreme For Plato, the ideal city-state (polis) that
emotions. We are either great or we are links the microcosm and the macrocosm
very bad. We are rarely just “well”. is based on the collection of all principles
To be able to recognise this moment, that the polis should strive for under the
we must know ourselves and our place in laws of nature, which apply to the hu-
the Universe. man community.
To be able to bring enlightenment as For him, philosophy is not a means to
free men with a good reputation, we escape life, abandon the problems of
must continually question our moral, the society and withdraw to the world
philosophical and ethical thinking and Happy people of thought, but a wish and an aspiration
compare it against what we apply in our live in the to transform the individual and the soci-
everyday lives. moment and ety. Plato says that philosophy cannot be
Today, when philosophy approaches adapt their learned; it must be experienced. For this
metaphysical issues with much caution, attitude to it. reason, philosophy is at the same time an
among other reasons, because metaphys- Every day holds art and a science. To gain something, we
22 ics is not accepted as a science, there is a a spark of joy must gain our own knowledge.
fear of open talk about the soul, death and a small Furthermore, according to Plato, each in-
and all the other things outside of the package of dividual has his own particular excellence,
sensory world and its truth. happiness. All and the excellence of the human being re-
The ancient Greeks and later the Renais- we must do is sides in his soul. Flaws like ignorance, dis-
sance philosophers believed the evolution look at it hard couragement, overindulgence and unfair-
of man required a relationship to be estab- enough to find ness inflict damage on the soul and make
lished between the individual (the micro- it it the prisoner of the body, while excessive
zation they were initiated into today, to Yes, it is human to be afraid, I was
understand that this is one of the most afraid, I had prejudice, but, you see,
special days in their lives and I hope they very little time has passed since then and
side the size of this organization. I would thanks to these wonderful people I am
like to congratulate the esteemed broth- part of a wonderful story and I can say
ers, my friends, the Grand Masters that that I have gained friends for my entire
were appointed today. This is a great day life, that I feel wonderful in Zagreb and
for you, and you have earned it with your this is what is, dear brothers, most impor-
work and brotherly conduct. tant to me, personally. The goal of free-
And now for what is hardest and most masonry is brotherly live and I could talk
emotional for me to talk about, and this is a lot about it. We are on a great path to,
about our brothers, the Croatian knights. by connecting ordinary people through
I would not just say that they are knights brotherhood and mostly through love
of Croatia, I would allow myself to say and honest friendship, extinguish what
that these brothers that you just saw be- has burned for far too long in these
fore yourselves are knights of freemason- parts. I do not want to talk too long, even
ry in general. Apart from being knights though I could, because I am aware of
of Croatia, they are knights of brotherly the moment, this is a historic moment
love. All of you sitting here know very for freemasons in Croatia, but also the
well what it means to, after everything entire world. I do not want to talk about
that unfortunately happened in our re- the region any more, I have said over and
cent past, to get on a bus and come to again, but the newly accepted brothers
Belgrade. To an unfamiliar place, with need to know that the brothers sitting on
unfamiliar people, to put a blindfold over the East have more experience and more
your eyes and to enter a room without knowledge since they have been to lodges
knowing what is waiting for you. This all over the world. I can only say that the 21
showed me that the path of the Grand level of organization of the GOC, the
Master and Founder and all of the broth- level of your seriousness, the level of these
ers who were there was very clear and facilities that you have is no longer on re-
decisive. I also have to admit that it was gional level, but on a global one. It is my
hard for me on 5 January 6017 and filled exceptional honour and privilege that I
with prejudice, when I arrived in Zagreb have the honour to participate in this and
for the very first time in my life. all other works with you.”
but we should be aware that what we fraternity, but all people that live around
have founded it on – Wisdom, Strength us.
and Beauty – needs to fulfil our goals. We have returned pride to freemasonry
What I want to share with you today is in Croatia, but I expect that this free-
that freemasonry and the organization masonry in Croatia will return certain
of the Grand Orient of Croatia is based qualities and values to society in general.
on building, harmony and the contribu- I expect this from the brothers that will
tion from all of us. We cannot do with- be working in the Grand Lodge Pillar of
out all of us. Individuals cannot lead the Beauty, but I am sure that all brothers
GOC alone, and this is why we are all under the protection of the Grand Ori-
hear and are giving our maximum,” ent of Croatia will join us in this work.
Grand Master Damir Jandrasek said. With this I mean that the brothers will
“Beloved Brethren, Founder and first work together and make decision, imple-
Grand Master of the Grand Orient of ment measures and plans in a way that
Croatia, let me first thank you for giving will help them and their brothers first,
me the honour of becoming the Grand and after that they will make a strategy
Master of the Grand Lodge Pillar of and plan of measures that will contribute
Beauty,” Grand Master Damir Pokupec to the society we live in.
said in his speech. This is the basic task of the Grand Lodge
“Today is a great day for all freemasons Pillar of Beauty. We will abide by all the
in Croatia and for those who truly want to Anderson constitution, we will implement
develop freemasonry and what freemason- the tasks of freemasons, we will establish
ry is at its core. I want to thank my broth- links with brothers from foreign lodges
ers, my 20 brothers, Croatian knights who and will work on the construction of man
brought the light and returned the light to mankind until the end,” Grand Master
and returned dignity to freemasonry in Damir Pokupec said.
Croatia. Everybody who participated, per- Especially emotional was the address
haps unaware of the moment, did a great from the honorary Grand Master of the
thing, but by now they are aware of the Grand Orient of Croatia and the deputy
consequences. The consequences are vis- Grand Master of the Grand Orient of Ser-
ible, the result is here, but this is just the bia borther Dejan Pudar who said: “Most
start. What I can promise the brothers esteemed and most powerful Founder and
who will work in the Grand Lodge Pillar First Grand Master of the GOC, most es-
of Beauty is work, work and work again teemed and most powerful Grand Masters
with, most likely, blood sweat and tears. of the Grand Lodges, esteemed President
But looking for results, primarily from of the GOC Senate, esteemed Masters,
myself and then from all my high officers brothers high officers, brothers in the
and brothers in the ranks, what I expect is ranks, I will be very brief and those who
20 that people prove with their work within know me know that I am very emotional,
our fraternity that they are people with they know it is difficult for me to speak,
good reputation and that they are able to especially after these excellent speeches
contribute, according to the regulations of given by the brothers Grand Masters.
the Anderson constitution, to the improve- I would like to use this opportunity to
ment of the society we live in, and in the congratulate the newly accepted broth-
broadest sense of the word. Especially to ers and express my great hope that they
the improvement of society in Croatia, this will understand what kind of an organi-
of the word and personal contact more I want to wish all the best to all the
than the strength of media, which is not Masters and my brothers Grand Mas-
personal or emotional. When people ask ters and all appointed brothers. I want to
my why my business is successful and thank once again the Grand Master and
whether it is because of marketing, I al- wish good work since today concluded a
ways tell them; how do ants know that historic act of establishing freemasonry
there is sugar on a fifth floor of a build- in Croatia,” the Grand Master of the
ing. This is the power of freemasons. You Grand Lodge Pillar of Wisdom Orient
need to be people who are capable of Zagreb said.
mobilizing others, without much pomp The new Grand Master of the Grand
or advertising. In my life and in my Lodge Pillar of Strength Orient Zagreb,
practice I am trying, and I will do this in brother Damir Jandrasek said in his ad-
my Lodge, and not give in to modernist dress:
trends which always strive for something “I am especially proud that I am here
abnormal, which is supposedly exciting, with all of you and that we are building
while I am still excited by the normal something big together. Maybe we are
and conservative. still not aware of what we are building,
ter the standard that you have set here. to add and multiply, and I know how
I, as the Grand Master of the Grand to divide. After each division I have
Lodge Pillar of Wisdom will try to be more than when others multiply or
fair and just. To lead my Lodge with add. Therefore, I will try in my work
wisdom with the help of Strength and to increase the value of people that will
Beauty and with the help from all lead and the value of the organization,
of you. Just like any man, I have my not my own value. You will help me
shortcomings and virtues. My great- with this. I will conduct myself with
est shortcoming is impatience, just be- my head and I will conduct you with
18 cause I believe I do not have enough my heart. When I am strict it is not be-
time in life to achieve all of my goals. cause I am evil, it is because I want to
This shortcoming causes my short fuse. bring out the maximum in you.
This is the best position to test whether In January 2018 Niall Ferguson will
I can change this myself. But I also publish the book “From FM to FB” from
have one virtue; I know the division Freemasons to Facebook. This book says
table, this is the most important op- that social networks and contacts created
eration in life. Most people know how strength and power. I trust the strength
The New Grand Master Damir Jan- Knight, the highest honour of the GOC,
drasek was installed as the Grand Master to the 20 brothers who formed the first
of the Grand Lodge Pillar of Strength. lodge of the GOC, Ban Josip Jelacic Ori-
This Grand Lodge has six Lodges within ent Zagreb.
it: Stjepan Radic Orient Zagreb, Ljude- Light was brought into to all three
vit Gaj Orient Zagreb, Ivan Mazuranic Grand Lodges under the protection
Orient Zagreb, Stjepan Lackovic Orient of the Grand Orient of Croatia by the
Krizevci, Lodge Ivan plemeniti Zajec Founder and the first Grand Master of
Orient Rijeka and Ambroz Haracic Ori- the Grand Orient of Croatia Zoran Vo-
ent Mali Losinj. jnic Tunic.
The Grand Lodge Pillar of Beauty is All three new Grand Masters addressed
led by the Grand Master Damir Poku- the brothers.
pec. This Grande Lodge also has six Grand Master of the of the Grand
Lodges under it: Ban Josip Jelacic Orient Lodge of the Pillar of Wisdom prof dr.
Zagreb, Ivan Kukuljevic Sakcinski Ori- Nikica Gabric sadi: “Most esteemed,
ent Varazdin, Student Lodge Nikola Te- most powerful Founder and first Grand
sla Orient Koprivnica, Lodge Josip Juraj Master of the Grand Orient of Croatia,
Strossmayer Orient Zagreb, Josip Plec- allow me to thank you on my behalf and
nik Orient Ljubljana and Lodge Franjo on the behalf of my brothers for the hon-
Seper Orient Osijek. our you have shown us by naming us
Based on the Constitution of the Grand Grand Masters, by advancing our broth-
Orient of Croatia and the statute of the ers to High officers and by establish-
three Grand Lodges of Orient Zagreb, ing the three Grand Lodges, Wisdom,
the officers of the Lodges were also Strength and Beauty.
named. An especially festal act was the It is not easy to be a freemason. It is
awarding of the medal of the Croatian even harder to be a Grand Master af-
The historic Work on 20 October 6017,
the day when three Grand Lodges under
the patronage of the GOC were formed
The GOC grew so fast that a re-organization was necessary and three
Grand Loges under the patronage of the GOC were formed
The historic Work of the Grand orient greb under the patronage of the Grand
of Croatia held on 20 October 6017 in Orient of Croatia were formed and three
which more than 200 members of our new Grand Masters of the Grand lodg-
Fraternity participated will go down in es were installed to a mandate of three
history. Never before was there a Grand years.
Orient of Croatia as an umbrella free- Grand Master prof. dr. Nikica Ga-
16 mason institution. The fact that will go bric was installed as the Grand Master
down in history is that in less than a year, of the of the Grand Lodge of the Pillar
from the initial Lodge Ban Josip Jelacic, of Wisdom, and this Grand Lodge has
the GOC developed so much and grew five Lodges under it: Vatroslav Lisinski
that it needed a reorganization. By de- Orient Zagreb, Lodge Penta Orient Za-
cree of the Founder and the first Grand greb, Ivan Merz Orient Zagreb, Marko
Master of the Grand Orient of Croatia, Marulic Orient Split and Ivo Andric
three Grand Lodges of the Orient Za- Orient Zagreb.
Draskovic observance which was used
previously in Croatian lodges, but at the
same time it did not abandon the Scot-
tish rite that was used by the Serbian
The division among Croatian free-
masons did not stop, while at the same
time the political divisions in the newly
formed state also increased. The dissat-
isfaction of Croats after the assassination
of Stjepan Radic and other delegates in
the Yugoslav Parliament, the opposition
to the royal dictatorship and the increas-
ing conflicts between Croats and Serbs
left their mark among freemasons. The
divisions in the Croatian lodges that
acted under the protection of the Grand
Lodge of Serbs, Croats and Sloveni-
ans “Yugoslavia” led to the expulsion
of some of the freemasons. They were
forced to leave because they would not
give up their positions and actions as
freemasons, thus creating a basis for the
forming of new freemason lodges which
were not part of the Grand Lodge “Yu-
Along with the several independent
lodges that already existed in Zagreb,
Osijek and Subotica, 1927 saw the crea-
tion of the Symbolic Grand Lodge “Lib-
ertas,” made up of defectors from the
However, some of the Croatian free- “The love of a close person” and sev-
masons, keeping in line with the prevail- eral other lodges. In a political sense the
ing dilemmas in society, did not agree Grand Lodge “Libertas” was not pro-
with this. The Grand Lodge “Yugosla- Yugoslavian as it advocated for a more
via” had at the time, just like the newly equal position for Croats in the King-
formed Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and dom od Yugoslavia. As it did not have
Slovenians, support from the victorious the international support of freemason
European forces from the First World organizations, the Lodge “Libertas” was 15
War and the majority of freemasons con- often called a “rogue lodge” and this is
tinued to work in the new circumstances. why it was of the essence that it receive
Good cooperation, primarily between legitimacy from the large European
Croatian and Serbian freemasons, was freemason lodges.
the condition for the creation of a uni- Things changed when in 1937. the
fied freemason organization. The new Grand Lodge “Libertas” was recog-
Grand Lodge “Yugoslavia” accepted the nized by the Grand Orient of France!
1919 g. (5019 g.)
The great rift among
Croatian Freemasons
Freemasons, as we all know, have been Written by: Grand changed as they did. The Lodges “The
accused throughout history for all sorts of Master of the love of a close person” and “Maksimili-
sins of this world. In Croatia and former Grand Lodge jan Vrhovec” existed and operated in
Libertas Mirko
Yugoslavia, they were responsible for the Kostelac, 33°
Zagreb, while the Lodge “Future” was
Sarajevo assassination, they were accused based in Osijek.
– but also lauded – for their efforts in the Among the freemason brothers there
creation of the first Kingdom of Yugosla- was no unity over the future legal and
via, for the departure of Croatia from the state position Croatia would find itself
Austro-Hungarian Monarchy... in. However, there was an increasingly
In fact, at that time, at the start of the popular Yugoslav idea of creating a
20th century and at the end of the Great joint state for Serbs, Croats and Slove-
war, freemasons all over Europe were in- nians which would include, apart from
volved in all the historical changes that the countries left over from the breakup
were occurring. Among other things, of the Austro-Hungarian empire, the
they were most responsible for the crea- Kingdom of Serbia. The pan-Slavic
tion of the first global organization, the movement, which was backed primar-
League of Nations. ily by the Czech political leaders Tomas
Freemasons were involved in all the Masarik and Euduard Benes, was un-
events that were substantially changing doubtedly leading towards the breakup
the world. They were among the Croa- of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy and
tian pro-Yugoslav politicians, but also a great rewriting of European borders.
among those who warned Croats not to A letter from the Grand Master of the
enter the new state union like “geese into Symbolic Grand Lodge of Hungary in
the fog.” They were among the Serbian 1919 allowed Croatian freemasons to
intellectuals and politicians who led the form their own independent “provin-
state politics, among the Bolshevik revo- cial” Grand Lodge with the right to
lutionaries who brought down the great By the end of form new Lodges under its protection.
Russian empire, among the French re- the First World This is how the Matica Grand Lodge
14 publicans who shaped the new Europe. War, there were “The love of a close person” was formed.
By the end of the First World War, several active Discussions, as well as divisions, among
there were several active Freemasonry Freemasonry Croatian freemasons did not stop there.
Lodges under the protection of the Sym- Lodges under The same year, 1919., the Grand Lodge
bolic Grand Lodge of Hungary. The the protection of Serbs, Croats and Slovenians “Yugo-
legal principles guided freemasons into of the Symbolic slavia” headquartered in Belgrade was
organizations that followed the state Grand Lodge of formed and almost all Croatian lodges
and legal unions of the time. Things Hungary entered under its protection.
25 November 6017
At a brotherly
invitation, the
Grand Orient of
Croatia signed
the Agreement
on Mutual
Recognition and
Brotherly Alliance
with the Grande
Loge Francaise de
Misraim in Paris.
The highest honour
of the GOC –
Croatian knight
Orient of Croatia in Zagreb. The two- ers. The Editorial Board of the LODGE
member delegation attended the Work is composed of Brothers who are esteemed
and the entry of Light into the Ivo An- journalists, graphic designers, proof-read-
dric Lodge - Orient of Zagreb. ers and translators, as well as Brothers who
wish to share their thoughts.
New Constitution of the GOC
25 January 6018 New Constitution of Acknowledgements
the GOC, the highest internal legal docu- At the end of this text, I would like to
ment governing and elaborating on the or- thank the Brothers of the Grand Ori-
ganisation and the relations in the GOC, ent of Croatia and the Brothers With-
particularly the organisation and rules of out Aprons who supported and continue
work for the GOC’s bodies and organs, the to support our work and our activities.
organisation and the work of the Freema- There are more 16 Lodges in the GOC
son Workshops under the GOC’s protec- at this moment. With brotherly love,
tion, and other general documents regu- tolerance and perseverance, all of us to-
lating the Freemasons’ work more closely gether take the credit for all the above
according to the areas defined in the Con- results and successes. In conclusion, I
stitution, was adopted. would like to quote Esteemed and Dear
Brother, the Grand Master of the Grand
Freemason journal LODGE Orient of France, who said the follow-
19 March 6018 The Grand Orient of ing during his visit to the GOC on 23
Croatia published its first Freemason jour- November 6017, the year of true light: 13
nal called LODGE. The name of the jour- “What I saw and heard here today is the re-
nal is derived from the fact that a Lodge naissance of Croatian Freemasonry.”
is an inseparable part of Freemasonry and
its basic organisational unit. As the Lodge Zoran Vojnic Tunic
is the meeting place of all Freemasons, the Founder and First Grand Master
Freemason journal LODGE is the cen- of the Grand Orient of Croatia
tral meeting point for the written word, Orient of Zagreb, 19 March 6018 the
thoughts and information for all Broth- year of true light
Lodge 09 Ambroz Haracic - Orient of 14 October 6017 At a Lodge Libertas since its establishment.
Mali Losinj brotherly invitation, The following Lodges belong to the
Lodge 14 King Petar Kresimir IV - Ori- the Grand Orient of Grand Lodge Libertas:
ent of Zagreb Croatia signed the Lodge 01 Ban Josip Jelacic – Orient of
Lodge 15 Conte Gondola – Orient of Agreement on Mutual Zagreb
Zagreb Recognition and Lodge 04 Ivo Andric – Orient of Zagreb
Brotherly Alliance
Lodge 07 Rudjer Boskovic – Orient of
with the Gran Loggia
28 December 6017 The dormant Egizia D´Italia in
old Croatian Freemason Grand Lodge Rome. Lodge 10 Oroboros – Orient of Zagreb
Libertas is re-established. It became the
fourth Grand Lodge under the protec- Signing the Agreement on Mutual
tion of the Grand Orient of Croatia, in Recognition and Brotherly
addition to the existing three Grand Alliance
Lodges (Pillar of Wisdom, Pillar of 14 October 6017 At a brotherly in-
Strength and Pillar of Beauty). vitation, the Grand Orient of Croatia
It was important news for all the Free- signed the Agreement on Mutual Rec-
masons in Croatia, because the tradition ognition and Brotherly Alliance with the
that we foster and devote so much atten- Gran Loggia Egizia D´Italia in Rome.
tion to is not a reflection of our conserva- 25 November 6017 At a brotherly invi-
tivism, but an expression of our respect tation, the Grand Orient of Croatia signed
12 for the efforts and the work of our prede- the Agreement on Mutual Recognition
cessors who have developed the Freema- and Brotherly Alliance with the Grande
son thought in the past decades and in Loge Francaise de Misraim in Paris.
the very turbulent past centuries.
Official visit of the Grand Orient
Grand Lodge Libertas of France
Esteemed and Dear Brother, Grand On 23 November 6017, at a brother-
Master Mirko Kostelac, has held the of- ly invitation, the Grand Orient of France
fice of the Grand Master of the Grand arrived in an official visit to the Grand
30.06.6017 -
The first Work
in the Temple
ing together. Since the Grand Orient of of the GOC at my proposal and by vir-
Croatia returned the Light to Zagreb tue of a unanimous decision of the Co-
and built its first own Temple, the deci- uncil of the Grand Masters of the GOC
sion has been made to name the Temple on 25 March 6018. Esteemed and Dear
of the Grand Orient of Croatia “Light”. Brother, Grand Master Rajko Vuckovic,
The first Work at the Temple of Light was installed as the Grand Master of the
was held on 30 June 6017 in the year of Grand Lodge of the Pillar of Wisdom on
true light. the same day.
Installation and entry of the Light into The following Lodges belong to the
four Grand Lodges under the GOC’s Grand Lodge Pillar of Wisdom:
protection Lodge 03 Penta – Orient of Zagreb
Under its Constitution, the Grand Ori- Lodge 11 Ivan Merz – Orient of Zagreb
ent of Croatia operates in the territory Lodge 12. Marko Marulic – Orient of Split
of the Republic of Croatia. Its structure Lodge 13 Joze Plecnik – Orient of Lju-
and internal organisation comprise four bljana
Grand Lodges that are under its protec-
tion. Grand Lodge Pillar of Strength
20 October 6017 Three Grand Lod- Esteemed and Dear Brother, Grand
ges under the protection of the Grand Master Damir Jandrasek, has held the
Orient of Croatia are established and in- office of the Grand Master of the Grand
stalled. Since the Grand Orient of Croa- Lodge Pillar of Strength since its estab-
tia returned the Light to the Orient of lishment.
Zagreb, and since the GOC’s Temple is The following Lodges belong to the
named Light, I felt Grand Lodges after Grand Lodge Pillar of Strength:
the three Lesser Lights: Wisdom, Beauty Lodge 02 Stjepan Radic – Orient of Za-
and Strength. May they burn forever! greb
The historical Work of the GOC was Lodge 05 Ljudevit Gaj – Orient of Zagreb
held on 20 October 2017 at Temple Lodge 06 Count Janko Draskovic – Ori-
Light, Orient of Zagreb, where the Li- ent of Samobor
ght was installed and introduced to the Lodge 08 Sirius – Orient of Rijeka
following Grand Lodges under the pro- 11
tection of the Grand Orient of Croatia: Grand Lodge Pillar of Beauty
Esteemed and Dear Brother, Grand
Grand Lodge of Wisdom Master Hrvoje Kolaric, has held the of-
Since its establishment, the office of the fice of the Grand Master of the Grand
Grand Master of the Grand Lodge Pil- Lodge Pillar of Beauty since 15 Febru-
lar of Wisdom was held by Esteemed and ary 6018.
Dear Brother, Grand Master Nikica Ga- The following Lodges belong to the
bric, who was appointed Grand Master Grand Lodge Pillar of Beauty:
25.03.6017 - The
installation of the
Founder and First
Grand Master of
the Grand Orient of
Croatia Zoran Vojnić
Tunić, 33°
we recognise and we will recognise only In addition to the proposals I made in
the Grand Orients and the Grand Lodges speech during our meetings, I also en-
that recognise us in line with the principle closed a written proposal in the form of
of fully equal and mutual recognition and the UGLC’s Statute for consideration
respect at the same level, with full auton- and discussion. Regrettably, the idea to
omy. set up the UGLC for now remains just
22 April 6017 - the Union of the Grand a proposal. Personally, I am convinced
Lodges of Croatia (UGLC) that the very near future will require us
Considering that there were two Grand to unite and that it will be the inevitable
Lodges operating in Croatia before the course of events in the further develop-
establishment of the Grand Orient of ment of Freemasonry in Croatia and in
Croatia – the Grand Lodge of Croatia the world, leading to the formation of
(GLC) and the Grand National Lodge of Unions and a Global Union.
Croatia (GNLC) – as the youngest mem-
ber of the Croatian Freemason family, 30 June 6017 – Construction of
I felt the need and the obligation to ap- Temple Light
proach them first. The Grand Orient of Croatia is mov-
I decided to contact both Grand Mas- ing forward, becoming stronger and
ters for two basic reasons. spreading in all the horizontal and verti-
Firstly, I wanted to inform them about cal planes of the Croatian society. To the
the establishment and the existence of right, to the left, up and down, we are
the Grand Orient of Croatia, and sec- now more than two hundred Brothers
ondly, I presented a specific proposal for strong. The Temple at the Antun Mih-
cooperation through the Union of the anovic Castle could receive a maximum
Grand Lodges of Croatia (UGLC). of 120 people and became too small for
I held very pleasant and brotherly meet- the Works of the Grand Orient of Croa-
ings with each of the Grand Masters in- tia, which put a new challenge in front
dividually. I presented the idea and the of us. We needed a Temple that could
proposal to work together through the accommodate all our Brothers and new
Union of Grand Lodges of Croatia to Brothers who were yet to join.
10 both of them. The objective would be to The new Temple, as a central meeting,
cooperate on projects of common inter- learning and working place, must meet
est for Freemasonry in Croatia, such as the GOC’s needs for a longer period of
the construction of the first Freemason time, which made the choice of location
Museum in history in Zagreb. Coopera- more difficult. Among several suggested
tion through the UGLC would not mean locations, we chose Heinzelova 44 in
that the three members would be united, Zagreb. We started furbishing the prem-
and each would keep their full autonomy ises and the Temple was built within a
and independence in their work. very short time with all Brothers work-
24 March 6017 - Bringing the Light to
the Stjepan Radic and Vatroslav Lisin-
ski Lodges - the Orient of Zagreb
The first Work and all other Works un-
til we built our own Temple were held at
the Antun Mihanovic Castle in Tuheljske
Toplice. We chose the location for the
Work very carefully. In line with the idea The first temple of the history of Croatian Freemasonry. It
of guarding Croatian history and identity, the GOC in the Antun brings great pride and joy to my heart
the Mihanovic Castle had been the ideal Mihanovic castle in to be able to state that 25 March 6017
choice. Antun Mihanovic is the author of Tuheljske toplice was the fulfilment of the centuries-long
the poem Horvatska domovina, the source dream, aspiration and battle of our
of the lyrics for  the Croatian  national Freemason fathers, which started back
anthem  Lijepa nasa domovino. The first, in 1759.
the second, the last and the penultimate There was only one possible way to
stanzas of the poem form the national an- establish the GOC: the way that would
them. The poem was first published in the restore the dignity of the Croatian Free-
magazine Danica, issue number 10, on 14 masons, rectify the historical injustices
March  1835. It was first performed pub- that they suffered and ultimately bring
licly in1861 and it was accepted as the na- the Light back to where it was taken
tional anthem in 1891. away from in 1919. On this day, it was
Thanks to substantial effort and com- accomplished. The Light was brought in
mitment of all Brothers, on 24 March by the Grand Master of the Grand Ori-
6017 we organised the Work where Light ent of Serbia - Orient of Belgrade, Mr.
was brought into the second and the Dusan Vukic.
third lodges under the protection of the After the Light was brought in and in-
Grand Orient of Croatia. The Stjepan stalled in the Grand Orient of Croatia,
Radic Lodge - Orient of Sisak (later we approached the business of installing
transferred to the Orient of Zagreb) was me as the Founder and the first Grand
the second lodge to be established, and Master of the Grand Orient of Croa-
the Vatroslav Lisinski Lodge - Orient tia for a one-year term and installing
of Zagreb was the third lodge under the Esteemed and Dear Brother Vladimir
protection of the Grand Orient of Croa- Salic as the President of the Grand Sen-
tia. At this moment, the Grand Ori- ate of the Grand Orient of Croatia.
ent of Croatia is more than a hundred I will leave history to historians, but we
Brothers strong and has started building are now firmly holding the future in our
other Lodges that will soon become fully own hands, my beloved Brothers! It is our
fledged Lodges united under the protec- obligation and our task. It is up to our
tion of the Grand Orient of Croatia. Freemason principles and we have no one
to blame for our successes or failures from
25 March 6017 - Establishment of this point on but ourselves. Another im- 9
the Grand Orient of Croatia portant point is that the GOC is primar-
Having fulfilled the condition of form- ily national, and only then international.
ing three fully fledged Freemason Lodg- This means that we are fully independent
es, on 25 March 6017 I embarked on the and nobody’s subsidiary or outpost, and
path of true light toward the establish- that we do not consult anyone outside of
ment of the Grand Orient of Croatia. Croatia’s borders regarding our issues or
The Grand Orient was established for decisions. We are making and will make
the first time in Croatian history and all our decisions on our own. Furthermore,
2017 (6017) - RENAISSANCE OF
Grand Orient Of Croatia
In late December 6016 and in early Written by: burg Monarchy during the Hungarian
January 6017, I started intensive con- Founder and First Revolution of 1848. He is celebrated in
sultations in Zagreb and rallied the first Grand Master of Croatia as a national hero.
Brothers together around the idea of es- the Grand Orient The Croatian Sabor convened on 5
of Croatia Zoran
tablishing the first lodge Ban Josip Jelac- June 1848, and Ban Josip Jelacic started
Vojnić Tunić, 33°
ic - Orient Zagreb and ultimately setting his welcoming speech with the follow-
up the Grand Orient of Croatia (GOC). ing words: “Gentlemen representatives
The principal task that I assigned to of the people, beloved brethren!” In his
myself was to get together the first twenty honour and memory, I amended and
free men with a good reputation by the introduced into the GOC’s rituals the
end of January and to start the journey greeting: “Beloved Brethren!”, thus in-
of establishing the GOC and returning stalling him in the position he rightfully
the Light to the Orient of Zagreb. deserves in the Grand Orient of Croatia.
In order to return the Light to the Orient The same principles guided us in nam-
of Zagreb, I first had to go to Belgrade. ing the other Lodges established in the
GOC and I named them after historical
28 January 6017 - The persons of significance for the Croatian
establishment of the first lodge people or culture.
(Ban Josip Jelacic Lodge - Orient
of Zagreb)
With dignity and courage, with pride
and with a clear purpose in mind, the
twenty of us embarked upon the his-
torical journey and established the first
lodge in Belgrade, which I named the
Ban Josip Jelacic Lodge, and became its
Count Josip Jelacic of Buzim (Petro-
varadin, 16 October 1801 - Zagreb, 20
May 1859) was a Croatian general and
Ban (Viceroy) of Croatia, Dalmatia and
8 Slavonia 1848-1859. He was a member
of the House of Jelacic and was one of the
most prominent Croatian politicians in
the 19th century and in the entire Croa-
tian history. He abolished serfdom and
called the first elections to the Croatian
Sabor (Parliament). As a military com-
mander, he was victorious in a number 28.01.6018 - In Belgrade, the founding of the first Lodge of the Grand Orient
of battles against insurgents in the Haps- of Croatia “Ban Josip Jelacic,” Or. Zagreb
The regulations, goals and
history of freemasonry
are not secret but
6 the existing rituals,
established distinguishing
signs as well as affiliation
to the brotherhood are.
Freemasons gather, apart from the pro- The brotherhood of Freemasons accepts in its ranks
fane world, in Lodges where Three Great men, free men of good reputation, guided by the wish
Lights are always present: the Volume of
to nurture the virtues and morality in society and
Sacred Law, the Square and the Com-
those who strive towards human perfection. They
passes, to work in them according to ritu-
als and according to the Constitution and accept their obligations as a freemason with an oath
other regulations of Freemasonry. over the open book of the Holy Law (the Bible, Torah,
The Brotherhood tolerates different re- Quran, Vedas).
ligious and political affiliations, does not
create religious communities and does according to the ethical principles of
not conduct a religious or church ritual. Freemasonry. Working in this way they
The Brotherhood, as an organization, contribute to the happiness and welfare
does not discuss or make statements on of all mankind.
religious and political issues nor does it The regulations, goals and history of
participate in political life, but it is its freemasonry are not secret but the ex-
duty as well as an honor, to protect the isting rituals, established distinguishing
people from tyranny with reason and signs as well as affiliation to the brother-
truth. Personal preference outside of the hood are.
Lodge is allowed. It is the obligation of every Freema-
Freemasons nurture love for their son to be loyal to his Lodge, to protect 5
homeland – they are loyal to it. They be- its sanctity from everyone who does not
lieve it to be their duty to protect its free- belong to the brotherhood, to protect
dom, integrity and independence and the interests of freemasonry and to not
are striving for work and peace while discuss internal issues of freemasonry in
respecting the democratic institutions of profane circles.
the state. Participating in public work, Every Freemason can exit the brother-
Freemasons must conduct themselves hood at his own will, just like he entered it.
Of the Ancient, free and
accepted masons
Freemasonry is a Brotherhood whose Freemasonry is active. In the Brother-
traditional bases are the beliefs in God, hood the work is based on love, truth,
who the Freemasons call the Grand Ar- justice, humaneness and honesty. These
chitect of the Universe, as well as the love virtues are transferred from the Broth-
towards man and mankind. The broth- erhood to the profane society through
erhood accepts the Basic regulations and individual work on everything that is
Charges from the Constitutions of free- good, beautiful and useful, not only for
masons from 1723. the individual but also for the whole, as
The brotherhood of Freemasons accepts well as through exemplary nurturing of
in its ranks men, free men of good reputa- noble feelings towards those close to us
tion, guided by the wish to nurture the vir- and the appropriate personal and fam-
tues and morality in society and those who ily life.
strive towards human perfection. They ac- The Brotherhood is uncompromised
cept their obligations as a freemason with in advocating purity of conscience, free-
an oath over the open book of the Holy dom of thought and the undeniability
Law (the Bible, Torah, Quran, Vedas). of the right to live. Freemasons nurture
Freemasons, regardless of their occupa- tolerance, understanding and humanity
tion and profession, material status and in order to bling the world closer to man
position, religious, national or political and with as little fanaticism and persecu-
4 affiliation, meet together and respect tion.
each other as Brothers and consider Freemasons have an obligation to,
the Brotherhood a union in which they with honorable intentions, offer help
strive towards an enlightened state of and brotherly protection to one anoth-
spirit. By nurturing ethics and morality er. In all occasions they strive towards
in its ranks, freemasonry is aimed at per- the preservation of peace and balance,
fecting and enhancing the good fortune which are necessary for the perfect con-
of all of mankind. duct of oneself.
Introduction by the Founder
and First Grand Master of the
Grand Orient of Croatia
Esteemed and beloved brethren, light serves as a guide in everyday life
freemasons! and our future work. Bless this first
We are writing the history of Croatian issue of our official journal “LODGE,”
freemasonry with great pride and everyone who participated in creating
determination. it and all the beloved brethren in the
It is not easy to be a freemason. Our Grand Orient of Croatia. Make it so
greatest obstacles are within ourselves. that our mutual love and harmony
However, we have decided with binds us into an unbreakable brotherly
perseverance to take this path on 28 chain and let the lights of wisdom,
January 6017 year of true light and we strength and beauty shine on our
continue to build. Our brothers are work on the development of man and
the stone, and our brotherly love is the mankind.
bond. Amen.
We overcome al obstacles in our path,
guided by the Grand Architect of the Zoran Vojnić Tunić, 33°
Universe. Founder and First Grand Master
O, Grand Architect of the Universe, of the Grand Orient of Croatia
let it be that your spirit, which
represents light and a source of life to Or. Zagreb, 19 October 6018 year of
us, enlightens us. We pray that this true light
2-3 Introduction
4-5 From the constitution
8-13 The history of the GOC - The renesaince of Croatian freemasonry
14-15 The great rift of Croatian freemasons 1919 g.
16-21 The historic work on 20 October 2017
22-23 Know thyself
24-25 The temple – the place where we develop our possibilities
26-31 What is the purpose of the Scottish Rite?
32-34 How a “freemason family” was formed
36-37 Three great pillars of freemasonry
35 Ferko in the world of secrets
38-43 Grand Master Nikica Gabric, 33: Are we alone in the universe?
44-47 The first anniversary of the founding of GOC
48-49 Grand Orient of Croatia structure
For though all Masons are as
Brethren upon the same Level, yet
Masonry takes no Honour from a
Man that he had before; nay rather it
adds to his Honour, especially if he
has deserv’d well of the Brotherhood,
who must give Honour to whom it is
due, and avoid ill Manners.
James Anderson, The Constitutions
of the Freemasons (1723)

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