Mlearning Assignment

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Mobile Learning Assignment Check

You will be creating a series of blog and microblog postings in this assignment
1. Create a Twitter or Edmodo Account. You should already have a Google Sites of Blogger account. (5 pts)
2. In a blog entry using Blogger or Google Sites, define the key mobile learning terms backchanneling,
microblogging, and hashtag. (5 points)
3. Explain how backchanneling, microblogging, and hashtags can be used to improve classroom instruction in a
blog entry using Blogger or Google Sites. (5 points)
4. Describe a minimum of three tools used to create mobile educational lessons or activities in a blog entry using
Blogger or Google Sites. (5 points)
5. Describe how can educators can use the Mlearning tools to improve instruction in their classrooms in a blog
entry using Blogger or Google Sites . (5 points)
6. Complete a blog entry, using Blogger or Google Sites, which describes the ways in which mobile technology is
changing K-12 education. (5 points)
7. Complete a microblog entry using Twitter or Edmodo that links to your blog entry (5 points)

8. Complete a microblog entry using Twitter or Edmodo about how educators can ensure equal access for all
students during Mlearning activities. Include a hashtag, you can use one provided in the presentation, or create
your own. (5 points)
9. Take a screen capture and post it to your blog with a short entry on ensuring equal access.(5 points)

10. Using an internet search browser or smart phone, locate at least five mobile applications for smart phones and
add them as links to your blog .(5 points)
11. Send a tweet discussing at least one of the mobile applications. (5 points )
12. Take a screen capture of the tweet and write a blog entry using Google Sites or Blogger describing what you
learned about mobile applications. (5 points )
13. In a blog entry using Blogger or Google Sites, discuss at least two ways mobile applications can be used in and
out of the classroom environment. (10 points)
14. Using Twitter Search, locate an educational hashtag and explore what you find. Post a screen cap of your
Now it is time to demonstrate what you have learned about Mlearning and microblogging.

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