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Investigate FERPA laws and restrictions. You do not want to violate student confidentiality. A

general rule to

live by is

don¶t use last

names and try

to avoid

things that

publish to the




slips and


following district requirements. Make sure that you cover all of your bases with your

department, principal and district if necessary. A good person to contact is your districts

Educational Technology specialists or even Technology Director.

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chool districts have

very specific

guidelines to what

you can do and

cannot do with

students in regards to

technology. Make

sure you familiarize

yourself with the

pring Branch ID

AUP policy before

you design your

instruction.Don¶t risk

violating the policy,

familiarize yourself

with the rules for your own safety. There is a reason these guidelines are in place.


Transparency is good for building a community with students, their parents, and your

administrators. Mobile Learning tools are a great way to reach out to individuals that are

concerned with student education. You can use tools to publish student work with parental

consent. You can use tools to make course content available to students and others from

anywhere.Parents can follow what is going on in their children¶s classes

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