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Anna university Question papers for V sem BE CSE( DBMS)

« on: November 11, 2009, 05:03 AM »


Fifth semester

Computer Science and Engineering

(Regulation 2004)
Time: 3 hours Maximum marks: 100

Answer ALL questions

PART A (10 x 2 =20 marks)
1. Define Data independence.
2. Distinguish between primary key and candidate key
3. With an example explain a weak entity in an ER diagram.
4. With an example explain referential integrity.
5. What is domain integrity? Give example.
6. Distinguish between dense and sparse indices.
7. List the properties that must be satisfied by a transaction,
8. Define deadlock.
9. State the advantages of distributed systems.
10. What is data warehousing?
PART B (5 x 16 = 80)
11. (a) (i) Construct an ER diagram for a car insurance company that has a set of customers, each of
whom owns one/more cars. Each car has associated with it zero to any number of recorded accidents.

(ii) Construct appropriate tables for the above ER diagram. (

(b) (i) Define data model. Explain the different types of data models with relevant examples. (10)
(ii) Explain the role and functions of the database administrator. (6)
12 (a) (i) with relevant examples discuss the following in SQL.
(i) Data Definition Language. (4)
(ii) Data Manipulation Language (4)
(iii) Data Control Language (4)
(iv) Views (4)
(b) What is normalization? Explain normalization techniques using functional dependencies with
relevant examples. (16)
13 (a) Explain following with relevant examples:
(i) B tree (5)
(ii) B+ tree (5)
(iii) Static and dynamic hashing (6)
(b) With a relevant example discuss the steps involved in processing a query. (16)
14 (a) Explain testing for serializability with respect to concurrency control schemes. How will you
determine, whether a schedule is serializable or not. (16)
(b) Explain the following concurrency control:

(i) Lock based protocol (

(ii) Time stamp based protocol (

15 (a) State and explain the object oriented data model. Use banking application as an example. (16)
(b) Write detail notes on following:

(i) Distributed Databases (

(ii) Data Mining (


Fifth semester

Computer Science and Engineering

(Regulation 2004)
Time: 3 hours Maximum marks: 100

Answer ALL questions

PART A (10 x 2 =20 marks)
1. List Five Responsibilities of the DB manager.
2. Give the limitations of E-R model? How do you overcome this?
3. Define Query language. Give the classification of the query language.
4. Why it is necessary to decompose a relation?
5. Give any two advantages of sparse index over dense index.
6. Name the different types of joins supported in SQL.
7. What are the types of transparencies that a distributed database must support? Why?
8. What benefit is provided by strict-two phase locking? What are the Disadvantages result?
9. Briefly write the overall process of data warehousing.
10. What is an active database?
PART B (5 x 16 = 80)
11. (a) (i) What are the types of knowledge discovered during data mining? Explain with suitable

example. (

11. (a) (ii) Highlight the features of object oriented database (


11. (b) (i)What is nested relations? Give example. (

11. (b) (ii) Explain the structure of XML with suitable example. (

12. (a) (i) Compare file system with database system (

12 (a) (ii) Explain the architecture of DBMS. (

(b) (i) What are the steps involved in designing a database application? Explain with an application.
(ii) List the possible types of relations that may exist between two entities. How would you realize that
into tables for a binary relation? (6)
13 (a) (i) What are relational algebra operations supported in SQL? Write the SQL statement for each

operation. (
(ii) Justify the need for normalization with examples.
13 (b) (i) What is Normalization? Explain 1NF, 2NF, 3NF and BCNF with suitable example

(b) (ii) What is FD? Explain the role of FD in the process of normalization. (

14 (a) (i) Explain the security features of provided in commercial query languages. (
(ii) What are the steps involved in query processing? How would you estimate the cost of the query? (


(b) (i) Explain the different properties of indexes in detail (

(ii) Explain various hashing techniques? (

15. (a) (i) Explain the four important properties of transaction that a DBMS must ensure to maintain

database. (
15. (a) (ii) What is RAID? List the different levels in RAID technology and explains its features. (

15. (b) (i) What is concurrency control? How is it implemented in DBMS? Explain. (

15. (b) (ii) Explain various recovery techniques during transaction in detail. (


Fifth semester

Computer Science and Engineering

(Regulation 2004)
Time: 3 hours Maximum marks: 100

Answer ALL questions

PART A (10 x 2 =20 marks)
1. Compare database systems with file systems.
2. Give the distinction between primary key, candidate key and super key.
3. Write a SQL statement to find the names and loan numbers of all customers who have a loan at
Chennai branch.
4. What is multivalued dependency?
5. Give the measures of the quality of the disk?
6. What are the two types of ordered indices?
7. List out the ACID properties.
8. What is shadow paging?
9. Compare DBMS versus object oriented DBMS.
10. What is Data warehousing?

PART B (5 x 16 = 80)
11. (a) (i) Describe the system structure of database system. (12)
(ii) List out the functions of DBA (4)

(b) (i) Illustrate the issues to be considered while developing an ER-diagram. (

(ii) Consider the relational database

employee (empname, street, city)

works (empname, companyname, salary)

company (companyname, city)

manages (empname, managername).

Give an expression in the relational algebra for each request.

Find the names of all employees who work for first bank Corporation.
Find the names, street addresses and cities of residence of all employees who work for first bank
corporation and earn more than 200000 per annum.
Find the names of all employees in this database who live in the same city as the company for which
they work.
Find the names of all employees who earn more than every Employees of small Bank Corporation. (4 *


12. (a) (i) Discuss about triggers. How do triggers offer a powerful mechanism for dealing with the
changes to database with suitable example. (10)
(ii) What are nested queries? Explain with example. (6)

(b) (i) What is normalization? Give the various normal forms of relational schema and define a relation
which is in BCNF and explain with suitable example. (12)
(ii)Compare BCNF versus 3NF. (4)
13. (a) (i) Describe about RAID levels. (10)
13.(a)(ii) Explain why allocations of records to blocks affects database system performance
significantly. (6)
(b) (i) Describe the structure of B+ tree and give the algorithm for search in the B+ tree with
example. (12)
(ii) Give the comparison between ordered indexing and hashing
14. (a) (i) Explain the different forms of Serializability. (10)
(ii) What are different types of schedules are acceptable for recoverability? (6)
(b) (i) Discuss on two-phase locking protocol and timestamp-based protocol. (12)
(ii) Write short notes on log-based recovery. (4)

15. (a) (i) Discuss in detail about the object relational database and its advantages. (

(ii) Illustrate the issues to implement distributed database. (


(b) (i) Give the basic structure of XML and its document schema. (
(ii) What are the two important classes of data mining problems?

Explain about rule discovery using those classes. (


Fifth semester

Computer Science and Engineering

(Regulation 2004)
Time: 3 hours Maximum marks: 100

Answer ALL questions

PART A (10 x 2 =20 marks)
1. List any two advantages of database systems.
2. Give the reasons why null values might be introduces into the database.
3. What is static SQL? How does it differ from dynamic SQL?
4. What are the different types of integrity constraints used in designing a relational database?
5. Compare sequential access devices versus random access devices with an example.
6. What can be done to reduce the occurrences of bucket overflows in a hash file organization?
7. Give the ACID properties.
8. State the benefits of strict two-phase locking.
9. What is the need for complex data types?
10. What is data mining?
PART B (5 x 16 = 80)
11. (a) Explain the system structure of a database system with neat block diagram. (16)
(b) (i) Construct an ER-diagram for hospital with a set of patients and a set of medical doctors.

Associate with each patient a log of the various tests and examinations conducted. (

(ii) Discuss on various relational algebra operators with suitable Example. (

12. (a) (i) Consider the employee database, where the primary keys are underlined.
Employee (empname, street, city)
Works (empname, companyname, salary)
Company (companyname, city)
Manages (empname, managername)
And given an expression in SQL for the following queries:
(1) Find the names of all employees who work for First Bank Corporation.
(2) Find the names, street addresses, and cities of residence of all employees who work for First Bank
Corporation and earn more than 200000 per annum.
(3) Find the names of all employees in this database who live in the same city as the companies for
which they work.
(4) Find the names of all the employees who earn more than every employees of Small Bank

Corporation. (4 * 2 =
(ii) Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the trigger mechanism. Compare triggers with other

integrity (
(b) (i) What is normalization? Explain the various normalization
techniques with suitable example. (12)
(ii) Give the comparison between BCNF and 3NF. (4)

13. (a) (i) Explain how the RAID system improves performance and reliability. (

(ii) Describe the structure of B+ tree and list the characteristics of a B+ tree. (

(b) (i) Explain the steps involved in processing a query. (

(ii) Give the algorithm for hash join. (

14. (a) (i) Describe about the testing of serializability. (6)
(ii) Discuss on two-phase locking protocol. (10)
(b) (i) Explain the differed and immediate-modification versions of the log-based recovery scheme
(ii) Write the short notes on shadow paging (6)

15 (a) (i) Highlight the features of OODBMS (

(ii) Write short notes on distributed databases (

(b) (i) Give the structure of XML data. (4)
(ii) Explain the architecture of a typical data warehouse and Describe the various components of data
warehouse. (12)

Anna University Question paper

1. Name the ACID properties of database transactions.
2. Enumerate any two concurrency problems associated with database
3. Why is "Two Phase Locking" called so?
4. When is "Two Phase Commit" important?
5. Complete the given statement -
The expression "(A JOIN B) [projection]" is equivalent to the expression
"(A [A-projection]) JOIN (B [B-projection])", if and only if ..... ?
6. Consider a database organisation in which key is hashed to an address in
a table that contains pointer to the actual record in program data file.
Give (dis)advantages of this organisation wrt following issues -
1. Variable length records.
2. Random retrieval of records.
7. Let transactions T1, T2 and T3 be defined to perform the following
operations on some item A in the database -
T1 : Add one to A
T2 : Double A
T3 : Display current value of A on screen and then set A to one
If these transactions are allowed to execute concurrently -
1. How many possible correct results are there?
2. Enumerate all the correct results and corresponding transaction
sequences, assuming the initial value of A as N.
2. Give the implications of following on recovery -
1. Force writing buffers to database at commit.
2. Never physically writing buffers to database prior to commit.
3. Consider the situation that updates are not made directly to the database itself,
but instead are recorded in a physically distinct file, called as differential file,
and are merged with the actual database at some suitable subsequent time.
Briefly discuss the merits/demerits of this scheme wrt following issues -
1. Database recovery.
2. Sequential access to the data.
4. Consider a naive database system that executes user query as given, w/o
performing any query optimisation. Which out of below two queries will you
choose for better performance. Justify your choice.
1. (A JOIN B) where (A.ja = B.ja and B.ja > 50)
2. ((A where A.ja > 50) JOIN (B where B.ja > 50)) where (A.ja = B.ja)
5. Consider a secure database that permits queries that derive aggregated
information but not queries that derive individual information. For example, the
query - "What is the average salary of teachers?" will be permitted, while the
query - "What is the salary of teacher Rustom?" will not be. Is there a possiblity
to find the salary of Rustom via legal query/queries? If yes, give the
query/queries in verbal English (the way example queries are given in this
6. Consider a DBMS with write-ahead logging. Which underlying file system will
you choose for it, for better performance - ext2 or ext3? Justify your choice.

Hints for Mid Semester Examination

1. FALSE. Depends on (bucket) data distribution in search space (partitions,
bucket is associated with).
2. FALSE. Sequential data could be laid on consecutive sectors on a track (and
consecutive tracks, if needed) on the disk.
3. FALSE. As long as insertions are happening in different buckets that can
accomodate them, no issue.
4. TRUE. B# tree is minor variation of B tree to achieve better space utilisation.

Hints for End Semester Examination

1. To-the-point answers.
1. Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation and Durability
2. Mention any two of following -
- The lost update problem
- Temporary update OR Dirty read OR The uncommitted dependency
- Incorrect summary OR The inconsistent analysis problem
- Unrepeatable read
3. Because in Two Phase Locking, the transaction has two phases - a lock
acquisition phase and a lock releasing phase. In practice the second
phase is usually compressed into the single operation of COMMIT at
end of transaction.
4. Two Phase Commit is important whenever a given transaction can
interact with multiple, independent "resource managers", each of them
managing it's own set of recoverable resources, eg. a transaction than
updates both an IMS database and a DB2 database.
5. the attributes named in "projection" consist of the union of the attributes
named in "A-projection" and "B-projection" and include all of the
attributes that are common to the two relations.
6. Hints -
1. (Advantage) Variable length records can be accomodated easily.
2. (Disadvantage) Additional block access for random retrieval of
1. Six possible correct results, corresponding to the six possible
serializations of the three transactions.
2. Following table enumerates all the correct results and
corresponding transaction sequences -
3. Transaction Sequence | Final Value of A | Value of A
displayed on screen
4. ---------------------+------------------
5. T1 - T2 - T3 | 1 | 2*N
+ 2
6. T1 - T3 - T2 | 2 | N +
7. T2 - T1 - T3 | 1 | 2*N
+ 1
8. T2 - T3 - T1 | 2 | 2*N
9. T3 - T1 - T2 | 4 | N
10. T3 - T2 - T1 | 3 | N
11. -------------------------------------------------------

1. REDO is never necessary following system failure.
2. Physical UNDO is never necessary, and hence UNDO logs are also
1. Recovery after a program/hardware failure is fast. The risk of a serious
data loss is reduced.
2. Sequential access to the data - eg., via an index, is not efficient.
4. "Query B" will (always?) result in smaller size tables (subsets of A and B)
being joined (cartesian product) and thus smaller table on which restriction is
applied. Look out for overall I/O and comparison operations.
5. Yes. A possibility exists with queries like the one given below.
Q1 : How many male PUCSD teachers aged between 38 and 42 are there, who
are MCA graduates from PUCSD and expert in Functional Programming?
Q2 : What is the average salary of male PUCSD teachers aged between 38 and
42, who are MCA graduates from PUCSD and expert in Functional
If answer to query Q1 is one and Rustom matches the criteria of this query, we
will get salary of Rustom via query Q2.
6. Ext3 is a logging based (journalling) flesystem.
Anna University Question paper 2005.

CS-6 Database Management System Question Paper

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December, 2005
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CS 06 : Database Management System
Ignou Courses
Note: Question number 1 is compulsory. Answer
any three questions from the rest. Ebooks/Articles
Bca Question Papers
Q.1. (a) Design an ER diagram for an IT training
group database that will meet the information Mca Question Papers
needs for its training program. Clearly indicate Bca/Mca Assignments
the entities, relationships and the key Free IT Magazines
constraints. The description of the environment is
as follows : Featured
The company has 12 instructors and can handle Resources (FREE)
upto 100 trainees for each training session. The
company offers 5 Advanced technology courses, View More....
each of which is taught by a team of 2 or more
instructors Each instructor is assigned to a
maximum of two teaching teams or may be
assigned to do research Each trainee undertakes
one Advanced technology course per training
(b) Examine the table shown below :
Staff Branc Hrs/Wee
Addres Name Position
No. h No. k

E10 Plaza, Assistan
B02 Ram 16
1 Delhi, t

2/3 UT,
E10 Assistan
B04 Delhi, Ram 9
1 t

E12 Plaza, Moha Assistan
B02 14
2 Delhi, n t

2/3 UT,
E12 Moha Assistan
B04 Delhi, 10
2 n t
(i)Why is the table above not in 2NF ?
(ii) Describe the process of normalizing the data
shown in the table above to third normal form
(iii) Identify the primary and foreign keys in your
3NF relations.
(c) With the help of an exampte, explain ihe
Direct file organization method.
(d) Explain the following integrity rules of a
relational model with the help of an example :
(i) Entity Integrity
(ii) Referential Integrity
(e) Explain how the "GROUP By" clause works.
What is the difference between the WHERE and
HAVING clauses ? Explain them with the help of
an example for each.
Q.2. (a) Consider the following relations :
Employee (emplD, FirstName, LastName,
address, DOB, sex, position, deptNo)
Department (dtptNo, deptName, mgr, empID)
Project (projNo, projName, deptNo)
Work on (empID, projNo, hours worked)
Write the SQL statements for the following :
(i) List the name and addresses of all employees
who work for the IT department.
(ii) List the total hours worked by each employee,
arranged in order of department number and
within department, alphabetically by employee
(iii) List the total number of employees in each
department for those departments with more
than 10 employees.
(iv) List the project number, project name and the
number of employees who work on that project.
(b) What is a database model ? Explain any two
types of data models with an example for each.
Q.3. (a) What is the need for evaluation of a
DBMS ? List the technical criteria that are to be
considered during the evaluation process.
(b) What are the main features of the Object
Oriented Database Management System ? How
is this advantageous over RDBMS ?
(c) What is a knowledge-base system? With the
help of an example for each, explain how it is
different from a conventional DBMS.
Q.4. (a) Explain the issues that are to be
addressed for a distributed database design.
Explain how these issues apply to the global
system catalogue.
(b) Why is a B+ tree a better structure than a B-
tree for implementation of an indexed sequential
file ? Explain this with an example.
(c) With the help of an example, explain the
concept of multilist file organization.
Q.5. (a) Given the relational schemes :
ENROL (S#, C#, Section) - S# represents
student number
TEACH (Prof, C#, Section) - C# represents
course number
ADVISE (Prof, S#) - Prof is thesis advisor of S#
PRE_REQ (C#, Pre_C#) - Pre_C# is prerequisite
GRADES (S#, C#, Grade, Year)
STUDENT (S#, Sname) - Sname is student
Give queries expressed in relational algebra,
tuple calculus and domain calculus for the
following :
(i) List all students taking courses with Zeba.
(ii) List all students taking at least one course
that their advisor teaches.
(iii) List those professors who teach more than
one section of the same course. (9)
(b) What are the design goals of a good
relational database design ? Is it always possible
to achieve these goals ? If some of these goals
are not achievable, what alternate goals should
you aim for and why ?

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MCS-023 Database Management Systems
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Answer any three questions from the rest.
Q.1. (a) Consider the following Bca Question Papers
requirements of a university
Mca Question Papers
database system :
Bca/Mca Assignments
The university keeps track of its
Free IT Magazines
students. It stores the student
name, enrolment number, date of Featured Management
birth, phone number, gender and Resources (FREE)
The university also keeps track of View More....
the programmes offered by it. The
information that is to be kept about
the programme is : programme
code, programme name, fee,
minimum eligibility and date of start
of programme.
The university has many
departments. A programme is
associated with only one
department. Each department has a
location address and name.
A student can register only for one
programme at a time
Draw an E- R diagram for the
university. Make suitable
assumptions, if any.
(b) Consider the following relational
- Books (book_id, b_name, author,
purchase_date, cost)
- Members (member_id, m_name,
address, phone, birth_date)
- Issue_return (book_id,
member_id, issue_date,
Formulate SQL queries to the
following :
(i) Find the names of all those
books that have not been issued.
(ii) Display the member_id and the
number of book issued to that
member. (Assume that it a book in
issue_return relation does not have
a return_date, then it is issued.)
(iii) Find the book that has been
issued the maximum number of
(iv) Display the names and authors
of books that have been issued at
any time to a member whose
member_id is "ab".
(v) List the book-id of those books
that have been issued to any
member whose date of birth is less
than '01 01-1985', but have not
been issued to any member having
the birth date equal to or greater
than '01-01-1985'.
(c) What is data independence in
the context of a DBMS ? Explain
with the help of an example.
(d) List at least four problems of
concurrent transactions. Explain
each with the help of an example.
(e) What is a primary index ? How
is it different from secondary
index ? Explain them with the help
of an example each. Why is
secondary index more helpful in
increasing the efficiency ? Explain
what the help of an example.
Q.2. (a) Explain the six limitations of
file based systems. How can the
problem of data dependence be
solved by Database systems ?
Explain this with the help of an
(b) A bank has many branches. A
customer can open his/her account
in any branch and can operate
his/her account from any branch.
The information that is stored about
the account includes account
number, branch, name of the
customer, address of customer,
guarantors of the customer,
account balance

(i) Suggest a suitable fragmentation

scheme for the bank. Give reasons
in support of your scheme.

(ii) Suggest a suitable replicaiion

scheme. Justify your suggestion.
Make suitable assumptions, if any.
(c) Write at least two advantages
and two disadvantages of data
Q.3. Consider the following
relation :
UNIVERSITY (student_id, s-name,
programme, subject, subject name,
credits, number_of_hrs,
, maximum-duration-
Please note the following points
about the database above :
A student can enrol for many
programmes at a time.
Number_of_hrs per credit is 30.
A programme may consist of many
subjects. One subject belongs to
only one programme.
(i) Explain at least three anomalies
that exist in the relation above.
(ii) What are the functional
dependencies in the relation
above ? What is the primary key of
the relation ?
(iii) Normalise th e relation to first
2NF and then to 3NF.
(iv) Write the SQL commands for
creation of tables.
Make suitable assumption, if any.
Q.4. (a) What is a log ? What are its
contents ? How can log be used for
database recovery ? Explain this
with the help of an example. How is
a checkpoint useful for log based
recovery ? Explain with the help of
an example.
(b) Why are multiple access paths
needed for database files ? Explain
with the help of an example.
Explain the multilist file organisation
with the help of an example.
Q.5. Explain the following in the
context of database systems with
the help of an example each :
(i) The three level architecture and
its need
(ii) 2 Tier-client server architecture
(iii) Authorisation in databases
(iv) Creation of view
(v) JOIN operation

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MCS23 Database Management Systems Final Projects
Note : Question number 1 is compulsory. Ignou Courses
Answer any three questions from the rest.
Bca Question Papers

Q.1. (a) Draw an E R diagram for Mca Question Papers

inventory management systems by Bca/Mca Assignments
selecting suitable entity types, Free IT Magazines
attributes and their relationship.
Also give the relationship Featured Management
cardinality and participation Resources (FREE)
View More....
(b) Consider the following relational
EMPLOYEE (Fnarne. Mname.
Lname, SSN, Bdate. Address, Sex,
Salary, SuperSSN, DNO)
MgrSSN, MgrStartDate)
Make necessary assumptions, if
any. Formulate SQL queries for the
(i) Retrieve the name and address
of all employees who work for the
Computer Science and
Engineering’ Department.
(ii) Retrieve the name of the
manager of each department.
(iii) Retrieve, for each female
employee, a list of the names of
her dependents.
(iv) Retrieve the first name, last
name, and salary of all empioyees
who work on Project number 10.
(v) Retrieve the SSNs of all
employees who either work in
Department Number 2 or supervise
an employee who works in
Department Number 2.
(c) What are the insertion, deletion
and update anomalies that occur in
a database ? Explain the
mechanism to remove these
anomalies from tables, with the
help of an example.
(d) Explain the 2-phase locking
protocol with the help of an
example. What are the
disadvantages of basic 2-phase
locking ? How can these
disadvantages be overcome ?
(e) Explain the indexed sequential
file organisation. What are its
advantages over sequential
Q.2. (a) Consider a relation R(A, B,
C, D, E) and the set of FD’s: AB-
>C, C->D, D->A, BD->E.
(i) List the candidate keys for the
relation R.
(ii) In what normal form is the
relation presently, and why?
(iii) Normalise the relation till
(b) Explain five advantages and
five disadvantages of a distributed
database system.
Q.3. (a) Explain the various
components of a DBMS, with the
help of a suitable diagram.
(b) (i) What is a transaction ?
Explain this help of a transaction
(ii) Explain the properties of
(iii) Explain the various states
through which a transaction passes
during execution.
Q.4. (a) (i) What are sparse and
dense indices ? Give one example
of each.
(ii) Can we use Binary Search tree
as an index ? Justify your answer.
(iii) Which data structure is most
suitable for implementing indices ?
Justify your answer.
(b) For each of the following, write
suitable SQL commands and
illustrate them through an example:
(i) Creation of views
(ii) Creation of a sequence
(iii) Outer join
(iv) To give access permission to a
Q.5. Explain the following in the
context of DBMS, with the help of a
diagram or an example:
(i) Data fragmentation
(ii) Three-level architecture
(iii) Desirable properties of
(iv) Authorization

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MCS-023 Database Management Systems Question Papers

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December, 2006 - Revised
Final Projects
MCS-23 Database Management Systems
Note : Question number 1 is compulsory. Ignou Courses
Answer any three questions from the rest.
1. (a) Draw ER diagram for the Bca Question Papers
situation given below. In a
Mca Question Papers
Department many employees are
working on many projects which Bca/Mca Assignments
are under the control of the Free IT Magazines
manager of the department. The
manager of the department also Featured Management
holds the responsibility of the Resources (FREE)
welfare of the employees. Make View More....
suitable choice of the attributes for
the concerned entitles and
transform your ER diagram into a
relational database. (8)
(b) Differentiate between the
following : 4x5=20
(i) Physical data independence and
Logical data independence
(ii) Serial schedule and Serializable
(iii) Object based data models and
Record based logical data models
(iv) File base system and DBMS
(c) R1 and R2 are two given


A1 B1

A2 B2

A3 B3

A4 B4



A1 B1

A7 B7

A2 B2

A4 B4

Find Union, Intersection and Set

(d) Draw suitable graph for
following locking requests, and find
whether the transactions are
deadlocked or not.
T1 :
— —

T2 :
— —

T2 :
— —

T3 :
— —

T2 :
— —

TI :
— —

TI :
— —

T3 :
— —

All the locking requests start from


2. (a) Consider the following

relational database schema
Employee (empcode. ename,
eaddress, esalary)
Department (deptcode, dname.
Project (projcode . projname,
Worksfor (empcode, deptcode,
projcode, duration)
Perform following queries using
SQL and relational algebra : (2 1/2
(i) Find the name of the employees
whose salary is more than 5 lacs
per annum.
(ii) Find details of departments
located in Delhi.
(lii) Find details of employees
working on project 'P123'
(iv) Find the name of department in
which project 'P123' is executed.
(b) What are integrhy constraints ?
Discuss difFerent types of integrity
constraints which can be imposed
on databases.
(c) Why is normalization of
database done ? Discuss synthesis
and decomposition approach of
normalization with an example.
Q.3. (a) What is the importance of
File organisation in databases ?
What are the different types of file
organisations available ? Discuss
any one of them in detail.
(b) What are Clustering Indexes ?
Discuss with example.
(c) With the help of an example
prove the statement "Every relation
which is in 3NF is not in BCNF but
the converse is true"
Q.4 . (a) What Is the need for
distributed database systems ?
Discuss the structure of distributed
(b) What is Write Ahead Log
protocol ? What is the purpose of
this protocol?
(c) Discuss the relationship
between security and integrity.
What are different levels of security
measures that may be considered
to protect the database?
Q.5. Write short notes on:
(a) Optimistic scheduling for
concurrency control
(b) Distributed DBMS. its
advantages and disadvantages
(c) Check points
(d) Deadlock prevention protocols
(e) Locks arid its type

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