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Miss Enger,

As I mentioned in my project proposal, I am constructing a blog based on topics that were voted
on by Christian college students. My original plan was to research the top four topics and write
four blog posts based on those topics. My schedule showed that I had enough time to do one blog
a week and be done by the due date of December 3rd.
The project is going slowly and I am behind the schedule that I had originally set. I have one
blog done and posted and have the second blog mostly written. When I planned out my project I
neglected to include time at the beginning of the project to wait for my project to be reviewed.
This set me back 2 weeks because by the time I received approval I should have been as far
along as I am now. The other factors impeding my progress with the project are my workloads
from other classes, the group project that we had for this class, and the unexpected amount of
work that goes into each post.
The first thing I did was set up my blog which can be found at I
did my best to make it simple and yet pleasing to the eye. I also conducted surveys at two
different college ministries to find out which topics I should write about. The four topics that
were chosen are purpose, the person of Jesus, baptism, and creation. These subjects are deep and
difficult to cover requiring a lot of reading, research, and reflection. The first post which was
about purpose was anticipated to be the easiest one and it took me approximately seven hours to
complete. I have already posted it to my blog and I plan on having the second post about the
person of Jesus done this week.
After the original setback of about 2 weeks and after realizing how much work needed to be put
into each post, I will be cutting out one post in order to finish on time. The post that I will cut
will be the one about creation. I believe that the subject of Creationism is too large to be
summed up in one blog post and could not be done justice with the amount of time that I have
left before the project’s due date. I would rather cut one post and write three quality posts
instead of four mediocre ones. I plan on getting the rest of my project done through better time
management and prioritization.
I was anticipating the process for setting up a blog to be difficult or technical, but the site that I
chose to post on makes blogging very simple and even allows feedback and statistics for me as
the blogger. I am glad that I chose to try something new that would challenge me as a writer
having to write in a new genre, as a person not really having much technological knowledge, and
as a Christian having to research, defend, and explain vital components of my faith.

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