MH-Mental Disorders

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Mental Health

Remember- You must be diagnosed by a
licensed practitioner.
Two Categories
Anxiety Disorders Mood Disorders
  Panic Disorder   Manic
  Obsessive Depression
Compulsive (Bipolar)
Disorder (OCD)
  Post-Traumatic Depression
Stress Disorder
(PTSD)   Seasonal
Affective Disorder
Anxiety Disorder
Overwhelmed by feelings of
anxiety and loss of control.
Anxiety Disorder
  Obsessive Compulsive
Disorder (OCD) - Constant
unpleasant thoughts
(obsessions), which a person
repeats an act (compulsions) that
is unnecessary.
Anxiety Disorder
 Post Tramatic Stress
Disorder (PTSD) -
Person mentally re-
experiences/replays a
violent event.
Mood Disorder
  Periods of mania, depression and
normal moods.
  Mania is characterized by confidence,
recklessness and delusions of greatness.
  During depression the person feels
worthless and helpless.
  Extreme highs and extreme lows.
Mood Disorder
Major Depression
  Symptoms over an extended period of
  Fatigue, loss of interest, feelings of
worthlessness, hopelessness, difficulty
concentrating, etc.
  An extended period of time =
2 weeks.
Mood Disorder
  Seasonal Affective
  Form of depression caused
by a lack of exposure to
sunlight during winter
  Person is unable to
function in the real world.

  Schizophrenia- false perception of

reality. Disturbances in thoughts,
perceptions and moods.
 The fear is so great
it interferes with
 Phobia = Fear of …
Eating Disorders
Anorexia Bulimia
  Starving consumes a large
oneself amount of food
in a short period
involving of time, and then
extreme is followed by self-
induced purging.
weight loss.

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