Hostrawser102 Evens

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Peter Hostrawser

Page 106 – Chapter review – Even #s

2. – Technology can offer an important avenue to increased independence and

participation in classroom activities.

- Technology can provide access to the standard curriculum that might require
additional support to address.

- Technology can enable students who have disabilities that interfere with prerequisite
skills, such as writing, to demonstrate their understanding of subject matter.

- Technology can provide a voice for students who cannot speak.

- Technology can provide access to information and stimulating resources at

appropriately challenging levels.

4. Word prediction software makes educated guesses about the word being entered, and
enables creation of custom dictionaries. It is helpful to those students who have trouble typing
or those who may type slowly.

6. Augmented communication devices can be simple communication boards or high cost

computers in which the user uses sight to communicate the desired message.

8. Assistive Input Devices

- Keyboard labels – self-adhesive and sized to fit on the computer keys.

- Pointing devices – something the student can use to point our communications

- Keyguards – acrylic or metal covers with holes for each of the keys that are placed
atop the keyboard

- Head pointing system – affixed to the users head, they can point by moving their head
in order to communicate

- Onscreen keyboards – displays an image of a keyboard on the monitor in order for a

pointer to type.

10. CLD students are culturally and linguistically diverse students. CLD students are too often
given a program that is a game and not cognitively appropriate or challenging. This can end up
being detrimental to the students learning potential.

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