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Lesson plan Model

Date: November 09th Level: 5º grade. Primary School.

Skill: Listening, Vocabulary

Expected Outcomes: Students show comprehension on an oral test, recognizing general and
specific information. They learn vocabulary related to food, drinks, and healthy habits.
Resources: Text Book, Notebook and Data, cupboards.

Time Comments

Introduction: 15 min -Students are given back the test of the previous class.
-We check mistakes in order to reinforce the learning

-Students comments about the differences between healthy

Core of the class 15 min and junk food.
Pre-stage: -They share their experiences and habits.
Before listening to the audio, they select their prediction
about the test.

While-stage: 25 min -Students listen to the speech alone, and check their
-They answer the exercises in the book. (What food the
boy eats, true or false, and put the speech in order)

Post-stage: 15 min -Students reinforce the use of quantifiers and solve doubts.
-We check examples on the board.

Closing: 20 min Students play a bingo game, related to food and drinks

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