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Natalia Schiappacasse

Professor Rieman

English 1103

Writing Log

OMG: Texting Writing to explore

November 1, 2010 (1pm)

Natalia: Text messages, emails, moodle, papers, note cards, lists and notes; my writing throughout this

week was endless. As I look back at the various writings I did, it amazes me that I am not a better writer.

I guess it all depends on how you write with each individual piece of writing.

WTE (Writing to Explore): What do you mean?

Natalia: Well, as I was looking at certain types of writing I noticed that I write different for emails than I

do for texts. I write different in my notes as opposed to papers. Every different piece of writing is

appealing to who I am writing to. It is quite interesting.

WTE: Ok, wait a minute, so, how did you write with your texts?

Natalia: Well, for my texts, I wrote as if I was in a hurry. And to be honest, in that particular writing

setting I was writing short conversations, where the words were not even spelled right,for example, the

famous “you” as “u” and many other shortcuts. The same thing goes for my notes. For example, I have a

class in where sometimes the teacher goes really fast when we are going over the power point and since

he goes fast I needed to take some shortcuts of my own. An arrow here on important topics, and

asterisk there if that was something the teacher said. It was interesting the things that you make up if

you are in a hurry. What is also amazing is the fact that sometimes you can transform the notes into a

formal paper.

WTE: Huh?
Natalia: You know when you have to transform your raggedy notes into a paper. It is Like the other day,

I was taking notes on a speaker who came to speak at UNCC and he was speaking so fast I had to jot

down some key points. When I went home I needed to put all of my ideas together into a formal paper.

The transformation from the notes, to my ideas on the subject, to the final product was interesting. It is

as if it was a brainstorm just like I have been doing for the papers I have been writing this week. They all

start off with a brainstorm, an idea, on a scratch sheet of paper, then they turn into the rough draft,

then annotated bibliography and then finally the rough draft. These transformations of writings that I

have done this week show not only the transformations of our writing but the process’ in which the

mind goes through.

WTE: Ok, ok so if you are telling me you write different in different settings, and the way you write

depends on y our audience, and then how the brain goes through transformations, What did you

discover about yourself as a writer?

Natalia: As a writer, I discovered that maybe I should not change my writing style as much just because

it is with a different source. I think that if I text, for example, I should text correctly because that will not

only help me but it will keep me from making those errors throughout my writing in formal papers. I also

noticed that I write a lot; whether it is a grocery list, notes for class, or even making a calendar at home I

am constantly writing; which I think is great. I think that not only me but all of us are constantly writing

and that is great because that is what keeps us going. Our writing, even though we have advanced

through cell phones and all other sorts of technology, we are still constantly communicating through our

words and that is how we keep the culture we have established today, that is how we maintain our

history, that is where our legacy lies and I am hoping that I can leave mine.

WTE: Well that was very in depth, thanks for that, talk to you next week.

Natalia: Ok, until next time : )

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