Lesson Plan Colegio Adventista Valparaiso

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Lesson plan

Colegio Adventista Valparaiso.

Date: October 12th ,2010 Level: 8º grade. Primary School.

Skill: Listening, lexical and grammar.

Expected Outcomes: Students show general and specific comprehension on the conversation
about jokes. They learn new vocabulary from the audio text

Resources: Notebook, data show, text book, audio CD.

Time Comments:

10 min Students are asked about some words seen in the previous
class through the game called “Hangman”.

Core of the class

Pre-stage: 20 min -Students watch a short video about a ranking of top 10
April Fools day in history.
- Students learn words and expressions that they will hear
in the audio text. They match each one with their
respective synonym in english.
- Students see the Pictionary for the last time before
listening to the conversation.

-Students listen the recording twice, first to get general

While-stage: 35 min information and then to circle the correct answer in
exercise 7 of the text book.
- Students recognize the speaker and their speeches by
doing the activity 8.
- Students say if the statements of exercise 9 are true or

Post-stage: 15 min - Students learn the grammar structure (There

is/are/was/were) through a brief Power Point Presentation.

Closing: 10 min - Students reflect on the connections between jokes and

people’s live.

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