Database Table and Queries

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1.First of all make an employee tables with several

names, IDs, address, city, salaries, empid etc with
suitable data type for ex= text for names ,
addresses or number data type for salaries , IDs

2. The next is to save the data table, a box with

name SAVE AS is open then click on OK, the
table is saved.
A dialog box is open containing the table , click on

3. A table is open containing all the fields

Put the data on there fields.

4. Click on queries, then click on create query in

design view

A dialog box is open name as SHOW TABLE click

on add , the table is add on query `dialog box
,then right click on and select SQL view
After selecting SQL view a new query sheet is
open, by writing query statement on it we can
update, delete, set table as increase and decrees
Order, change the table’s data.

1. Show all the report from employee
table where ID is 1.

2. Show the name of all the employees whose

salary b/w 5000-8000.
3. Show all the reports from employee table
where salary of employee greater or equal to

4. Delete the record from employee table where

empid= 420
5. Show all the report from employee table
where empid=777 and salary = 6450.

6. Show all the report from employee in

ascending order by name.
7. Write a query to insert values in employee

8. Show all the report from employee in

descending order by city.
9. Update the salary of employee table whose
empid =897.

10. Write a query to add new field remain n the

employee table.

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