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English Test

Name: _______________________________ Class: 8th Date:

November 30th

I. Listening: “Living in
Australia” (5 pts)

Listen to the text and complete the sentences.

1. The recording is: a) a dialogue b) a personal report c) A piece of

2. John is: a) giving information b) asking for a favor c) telling a

Listen the recording again and choose the correct alternative for each
1) Australia is very similar to England / Ireland
2) Australian / English people are very nice.
3) Sometimes the weather is too cold / hot.

II. Read the words and phrases in the box, and put them in the right
sentences. (6 pts)

attend – relax – wake up – ride –

weak – brave

1. Unlike the typical superheroes, Chapulin Colorado was rather _________.

2. In Korea, students have got little time to _________.
3. El Zorro used to _________ a horse called “Tornado”.
4. Salvo and Vicencio ___________ classes everyday.
5. I ___________ at 6 o’clock to go to school.
6. Robin Hood was a __________ fighter.

III. Prepositions of time.

(7 pts)
Read the rule and complete the sentences below.
We use in when we talk about months, years and
We use on when we talk about the days of the week.
We use at when we talk about time.

1. Stories about Robin Hood began to appear ____ the XIV century.
2. Lorena was born ____ the 20th of October, 1996.
3. Palma wakes up ____ 6:15 every morning.
4. ___ summer the temperatures are so hot.
5. Paola’s birthday is ___ March.
6. People open the gifts ___ midnight in Christmas.
7. I will go out with my friends ___ saturday night.

IV. Match the clues with the pictures, and solve the crossword.
(12 pts)


2. Something that cover your face.

4. A weapon used for shooting
6. Difficulty or problems.

Down __ __ __
1. Sad because one's expectations
haven't been fulfilled.
3. Place full of trees.

__ __ __
5. A thin stick with a sharp point at one end
Bye Bye kids…

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