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Is it enough?

Moses Gur
Obviously, This Isn’t Okay
People can sneak into the freshman high-rises from
the backdoor, avoiding any security.
People are found throwing up, passed out, and
obnoxiously drunk all around the high rises,
usually without any consequence.
There is one guard per building, and often no
additional security or law inforcement around.
Students get many warnings before any
The high-rises have a colorful history of break-ins and
The Issue in More Depth
 “UNC Charlotte police department…lacks sophisticated police
technology and policies, and needs to increase officer visibility”
 Study of UNCC police in 2010 found “…a department with no clear
direction, and a level of sophistication disappointing for a modern police
force…has minimal technology, little policy guidance, fragmented
internal communication, unclear expectations, and a mission and vision
that is not clearly spelled out” (Perlmutt).
 “…Officers aren’t adequately visible on campus. [The Study]
recommends instituting a community-policing posture where officers get
out of cars and walk or bike in assigned sectors of the campus. Officers,
[the study] said, need to take a more “proactive” approach to policing by
implementing crime prevention – not just react to it” (Perlmutt).
 “UNCC follows the Incident Command System, under which they would
call local and state law enforcement agencies for help when needed.”
What The School Already Does
 “Officials Installed an outdoor warning siren”
 “…University safety and security precautions,
procedures and suggested behaviors keep you
safe when you know and follow them.”
 University uses card access to building to keep
strangers out.
 University has easy access to country police
when needed.
Other NC Campuses and What They Did

 “In an emergency” Davidson College has “a

reverse 911 system that alls mobile and land
lines” (Newspapers)
 “Queens University of Charlotte has an
emergency plan under which officials would
try to isolate the situations to help make those
on campus safe” (Newspapers)
 UNC Chapel Hill uses students and other low
wage workers as extra security to have in every
building and to scout around campus.
First Possible Solution:
Increased Surveillance and Punishment
 Placing cameras throughout the campus and
residential buildings, and more surveillance to
be able to detect who is doing what throughout
the night. This would come hand in hand with
increased punishment for whoever is seen
doing wrong.
Why It Wouldn’t Work
 This would cost a lot for the school as new
equipment and such drained funds. Also,
many students wouldn’t be bothered by the
threats of heavier punishment or by being
 Also, cameras are easily vandalized and when
one student gets heavy punishment many
others wont care. This leads to the heavy
punishment of many students which could also
cost a lot.
Second Possible Solution:
Increased student security education
 The University could make it a requirement for
students to go to courses that teach them about
security and how breaching or disregarding it
can be hazardous to themselves and the whole
school. This aids the school in protecting its
students and its facilities.
Why This One Wouldn’t Work
 Students would, even if it is a requirement,
often skip the classes and if they do go
probably rarely pay attention or actually listen
to what the classes teach them.
 Also, having enough classes to make it enough
of a regular thing for it to be a student
requirement would require many instructors
and cost lots of money extra money.
Very Possible Solution:
Increased Security and use of low wage guards

 The University could hire more security guards

and also offer low wage positions for students
that include jobs such as rounds and extra
security while reporting to the campus police
and full time guards.
 Also, increased security should have easy
access to campus and local police so as to easily
enforce the law.
Very Possibly Continued
 This would work since many students would be more
then willing to do this kind of work, even for low
wage considering that it would be right in their living
 Also, since students would be reporting back to
authorities, and getting paid for it they would be
taking it more seriously and actually make sure that
other students aren’t doing anything wrong.
 And even though this would cost more for the
university, it would not cost as much as brand new
equipment (Camera’s and such) and real living people
are the best kind of law enforcement.

Department of Housing and Resident Life. "Safety In Your

Personal Space." UNC Charlotte - Housing & Residence Life. 2007.
Web. 06 Dec. 2010.
2. David Perlmutt. "Report cites weaknesses in UNCC's police
force." Charlotte Observer, The (NC) 29 Jun. 2010, 1st, Local News:
1B. NewsBank. Web. 6 Dec. 2010.
TALK SECURITY." Charlotte Observer, The (NC) 17 Apr. 2007,
ONE-THREE, MAIN: 10A. NewsBank. Web. 6 Dec. 2010.

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