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This survey is being carried out to in compliance of the course

c u r r i c u l u m o f t h e S u m m e r T r a i n e e , b y fi l l i n g o u t t h i s q u e s ti o n n a i r e y o u a c c e p t
and provide the permission to use the data in the survey.

M e a n i n g o f f e w t e r m s u s e d i n t h i s q u e s ti o n n a i r e a r e a s f o l l o w s :

Cola stands for Thumps Up, Coke and Pepsi.

Orange stands for Mirinda and Fanta.

Lemon stands for Limca, Sprite, 7Up and Mountain Dew.

Impulse: Sudden Urge.

C h i l l e d A v a i l a b i l i t y : A p p e a r a n c e o f b o tt l e s a s c h i l l e d w i t h c o n d e n s e d d r o p l e t s
of water on their surfaces.


1). NAME: __________________________________

Gender: a). M b). F


a). Professional b). Businessman c). Student d). Housewife e). Others

2). AGE:

a). 18-25 b). 26-35 c). 36-45 d) >45

3). Do you buy carbonated drinks?

a). Yes b). No

4). Do you buy carbonated drinks for:

a). Yourself b). Family Members c). Both

If you buy carbonated drinks for yourself please answer the questions on pg.2,

If you are buying carbonated drinks for your family please answer questions on pg. 3

If you are buying carbonated drinks for you and your family both please answer questions on pg. 4

5). Which carbonated drink do you consume most (Please mark your choices from 1 to 3 with 1 referring

your highest preference and 3 as lowest)?

a). Orange b). Cola c). Lemon

6).I ). Which brand in Orange do you prefer (Please mark your preference from 1 to 2)?

a).Mirinda b). Fanta

II). Which brand in Cola do you prefer ( Please mark your preference from 1 to 3)?

a). Thumps Up b). Coke c). Pepsi

III). Which brand in Lemon do you prefer ( Please mark your preference from 1 to 4)?

a).Limca b). Sprite c).7Up d). Mountain Dew

7). What made you buy carbonated drink now?

a). Out of Impulse b). It was earlier decided by you.

8). How frequently do you buy carbonated drinks for yourself in a month

9). Which package of carbonated drink you mostly buy (Please mark them 1 to 5 with 1 referring your

mostly bought choice and 5 for least bought)?

a). 200 ml b). 300 ml c). 600 ml d). 1.25 lt e). 2 lt

10). What made you buy the specific carbonated drink?

a). Easy Availability b).Taste c). Chilled Availability d). Packaging

e). Price f). Any Other _________

If you are buying carbonated drinks for your family please answer questions below:

5). Which package of carbonated drink you mostly buy for your family ( Please mark them 1 to 5 with 1
referring your mostly bought choice and 5 for least bought)?

a). 200 ml b). 300 ml c). 600 ml d). 1.25 lt e). 2 lt

6). What made you buy carbonated drink now for your family members?

a). Out of Impulse b). It was earlier decided by you.

7). How frequently do you buy carbonated drinks for your family members in a month

8). When do your family generally have carbonated drinks?

a). During Parties b). With Dinner c). With Lunch d). Any other ________

9). You usually buy carbonated drinks from:

a). General Store b). Modern Trade (Super Markets etc)

If you are buying carbonated drinks for you and your family both please answer questions below:

5). Which carbonated drink do you consume most (Please mark your choices from 1 to 3 with 1 referring
your highest preference and 3 as lowest)?

a). Orange b). Cola c). Lemon

6) I). Which brand in Orange do you prefer (Please mark your preference from 1 to 2)?

a).Mirinda b). Fanta

II). Which brand in Cola do you prefer ( Please mark your preference from 1 to 3)?

a). Thumps Up b). Coke c). Pepsi

III). Which brand in Lemon do you prefer ( Please mark your preference from 1 to 4)?

a).Limca b). Sprite c).7Up d). Mountain Dew

7). What made you buy carbonated drink now for you or your family member?

a). Out of Impulse b). It was earlier decided by you.

8). How frequently do you buy carbonated drinks for yourself in a month ?

9). How frequently do you buy carbonated drinks for your family members in a month?

10). Which package of carbonated drink you mostly buy for yourself ( Please mark them 1 to 5)?

a). 200 ml b). 300 ml c). 600 ml d). 1.25 lt e). 2 lt

11). Which package of carbonated drink you mostly buy for your family (Please mark them from 1 to 5)?

a). 200 ml b). 300 ml c). 600 ml d). 1.25 lt e). 2 lt

12). What made you buy the specific carbonated drink for you?

a). Easy Availability b).Taste c). Chilled Availability d). Packaging

e). Price f). Any Other _________

13). When do your family generally have carbonated drinks?

a). During Parties b). With Dinner c). With Lunch d). Any other ________

14). You usually buy carbonated drinks from:

a). General Store b). Modern Trade (Super Markets etc)

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