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Although, I had given in my early writes up about the effect of Saturn’s

transition and Jupiter’s transition which is called GOCHARA PHALA, I
would like to tell about the transition of all the seven planets
( Including SUN which is considered as a planet by Hindu Astrologers )
through all the 12 houses. GOCHARA means the present position of
one planet with respect to the Moon’s position in the Horoscope. or
position of moon in the Natal Chart. Why, Hindus included SUN AS A
PLANET is although Earth moves around the sun, it appears to us that
the SUN is revolving around the Earth as when we travel by train or
bus we feel the trees , hills etc move.

First, let us see the average transit period of all the planets. Kindly
note that the period varies certain times according to Raasis through
which the planets move.

(1) Ravi (Sun) 1 month in each Rasi App.

(2) Chandra (Moon), 2.25 days each Raasi
(3) Kuja ( Mars ) , 49 days app. In each Raasi
(4) Budha ( Mercury ), 1 month app.
(5) Guru ( Jupiter ) , 361 days app.
(6) Shukra ( Venus ) , 1 month app.
(7) Mandan ( Saturn ), 2 years and 5.5 months app.

Rahu and Kethu give favourable effects

of Mars (Mangala or Kuja ) in 3rd, 6th and 11th Bhavas from the natal

VEDHA: When a transiting planet moves through a favorable position

from the natal moon, another transiting planet might obstruct its
capacity or vice-versa i.e. when a transiting planet moves through an
unfavorable position , another transiting planet might move in such a
way to obstruct the destructive tendancies of such a transitting planet.
This is called VEDHA. This has to be studied while checking the
horoscope, without which the prediction will not be accurate.

Please note that the positioning of father and sun as “Sun and Saturn
“,” Moon and Mercury” will not cause VEDHA.
This is one of the reasons as to why Chaara Phala is not felt
sometimes in certain persons’horoscopes.



If Ravi is positioned in Janma Rasi during its transition period , then ,

the person will suffer from ill health, loss of wealth, will have to wander
and toil for nothing.

If Ravi transits through the second house from Chandra in the

horoscope, the person will suffer from loss of wealth, will be prone to
deceits, will suffer from eye problems etc.

If Ravi transits through the 3rd house from Chandra , the person will
earn a good position in the society, might get promotions in the
job/office will have sound health and earn wealth.

When Ravi transits through the 4th house and 5th house from Chandra,
the person will suffer from ill health .

But when Sun transits through the 6th house from Chandra in the
horoscope , the person will get promotion in his job and will earn

When the Sun transits through the 7th house from Moon in the
horoscope , the person will be disliked by women and will have to
undertake unnecessary journeys.

If Ravi transits through the 8th house from the Moon in the horoscope,
the person will suffer from illness during the transition period.

When Sun transits through the 9th house from the Moon in the
horoscope , during the transition period the person will have to face lot
of dangers.,

When the Sun transits through the tenth house from the Moon in the
horoscope, the person will meet with success in all the work he

When the Sun transits through the 11th house from the Moon in the
horoscope, during such transitional period the person is liable to be
honored (Either with promotion or otherwise ) , and will meet with
success in all the work he/she undertakes.
However the transition of Sun through the 12th house from the Moon in
the horoscope will bring de-recognition of the position of the person (
Sthaana Bramsha )
Loss of wealth etc. Some astrologers include promotion as “sthana
However, I disagree with them since Bramsha is removal from the
position and hence cannot mean promotion ( elevation ).


Transition through 1st Hose or the House in which Chandra is located in

the horoscope :- When Chandra transits through the house in which
Chandra is positioned in the horoscope, the person will get sumptuous
food. In other words , he/she will be wealthy so that such person need
not worry for food.

When Moon transits through the second house from the Moon in the
horoscope, such person will suffer humility, will not succeed in any
work, will loose wealth etc.

When Chandra transits through the 3rd house from Chandra in the
Horoscope such a person will get , if man a good girl and if woman a
good man, will be very happy during the period of transition, will
possess good garments, and will be wealthy.

When the Moon transits through the 4th house from the Moon in the
horoscope will lose trust in others as a mountain infested with snakes.

Moon ‘s transit through the 5th house will bring utmost humiliation,
illness, lot of grief, obstructions during journey and other troubles.

When the Moon transits through the 6th house, the person will become
wealthy, happy and his/her enemies will be destroyed and will be
warded off diseases.

If the Moon transits through the 7th house from the Moon’s house in the
Horoscope then the person will suffer from Stomach ailments, will have
to undertake difficult and tedious expeditions, will feel helplessness
and tiresome and will be humiliated.

When the moon transits through the 8th house, the spouse will be harsh
towards such persons due to such persons’ ill health and fear. If they
are men will be repulsed by women and if they are women vice-versa
and will be under constant threat from the rulers.

When the moon transits through the 9th house from the natal moon the
native will experience imprisonment like life , lot of agony, stomach
problems and will be feeling always tiresome.

When the moon moves through the 10th house from the natal moon,
trhe native will get position of authority, all his/hers desires will be
fulfilled and will get favours from the government.

When Chandra moves through the 11th house from the natal moon, the
native will experience all sorts of prosperity, will have good friends, will
be rich, will be joyful and will be visited by relatives.

When the moon moves through the 12 th house from the position of
Chandra in the horoscope, the native will experience lot of expenses,
will act foolishly and cause himself/herself all blemishes, loss of money
and obstruction in daily work.


During the Gochara period of Mangala through Janma Rasi, the native
will suffer from bodily afflictions and will meet wit obstructions in all
the undertakings.

When Mars transits through the second house from natal moon the
native will be troubled by the government ( King in olden times ) , and
will have enemies who will cause trouble, will unnecessarily quarrel
with others , fall sick, will suffer from biliousness, will meet with
accidents through fire, even if the person is like Devendra.

When Kuja transits through the third house from the Janma Rasi. The
native will be conferred benefits through thives and poor people, will
be energetic, will be authoritative , will have plenty of wealth including
mineral wealth like Gold etc by the grace of Lord Subrahmanya.

When Mars transits through the 4th house from the natal moon, the
native will suffer from stomach problems, fever, unnecessary bleeding
through bad association of friends and might suffer from disease in

When Kuja transits through the 5th house from the Rasyadhipa in
horoscope the native will suffer from enmity , will become angry
unnecessarily , will suffer from ill health, will be aggrieved by the
conduct of off springs, and suffer loss of energy.

During the transit of Mars through the 6th house from the natal moon,
the native will be free from danger, free from fear of enemies, free
from quarrels. Will possess gold, coral, copper etc. and will be able to
keep his head up always.

When Mars traverse through the 7th House from the Natal Moon, the
native will have frequent quarrels with his/her spouse, will suffer from
eye disease and stomach problems.

When Kuja moves through the 8th House , the native will become weak
through bleeding, will suffer from loss of wealth and honour, will suffer
from mental depression, will suffer from blows from others and thereby
loss of blood and defeat.

When Angaraka moves through the 9th House , the native will suffer
from humility, will lose wealth , will lose his/her gait due to ill-health,
loss of fluids from body and hence become weak and loss of wealth.

When Mars is in transit through the 10th house from the Natal Moon,
the native will earn profits and will be able to counter ill-effects.

When Mars transits through the11th house, the native will be conferred
with all riches, will succeed in all attempts, will be able to command
respect , power and authority over all countrymen, and will be elevated
as the head of a village.

When Mars moves through the 12 th House from the natal Moon, the
native will suffer from lot of expenditure, will lose immovable
properties, and will have to face the wrath of women , might suffer
from jaundice or such bilious problems, eye problems etc even if he is
the Head of the Deva Loka.



When Mercury transits through the house where moon is situated in

the Horoscope,
The native will lose his wealth through cheats and thieves, tale-
bearers, thieves , one’s own foolishness, will have plenty of enemies,
will not even get a gesture of kindness from others, will be
misunderstood by relatives, Loss of wealth through all means etc.
When Soumya moves trough the second house from the natal
Chandra, the native will suffer humiliation but will earn wealth, general
prosperity and high influence.

When Mercury moves through the 3rd house from Natal Moon, the
native will acquire new friends, will run away due to fear of the King i.e.
Government due to their own wicked deeds, and will be full of

When Mercury moves through the 4th house from the natal moon, the
native’s relations and especially the family will prosper, will gain
wealth, and the family along with the native will progress well.

When Budha moves through the 5th house from the Rasi where
Chandra is situated in the horoscope, the native will have quarrel with
his/her wife/husband and children and will not be able to enjoy
conjugal relation.

When Budha transits through the 6th house from the natal Chandra, the
native will become very popular among others, will prosper, will
become wealthy, will succeed in all his efforts, and will et promotion

During the Gochara of Budha through the 7th House from the natal
moon, the native will lose his prestige, and will indulge in frequent

When Mercury transits through the eighth house from the natal moon,
the native will get lot of wealth, prosperity, increase in learning,
pleasure of having children, good clothes, mental peace , victory in all
attempts etc.

When Soumya transits through the 9th House from the Natal Chandra,
the native will meet with obstacles in all attempts and suffer from

When Budha transits through the 10th House from the house where
Chandra is situated in the horoscope, the Native will destroy all his
enemies, will be bestowed with a good and beautiful and wealthy wife ,
will hear sweet words etc.

When Mercury transits through the 11th House from the natal moon,
the native will be , very happy and jubilant , will bestowed with wife ,
children , wealth, good friends, and will get vehicles etc.
When Budha moves through the 12th House from natal Chandra, the
native will be troubled by enemies, will suffer from diseases , and due
to this will not be able to enjoy marital bliss etc.



When transits through the natal moon ( 1st House ), the native will lose
wealth, will lose his position , will be having a depressed mind , and will
have to face frequent quarrels.

When Jupiter transits through the second house, the native will get
wealth through different sources, will be free from enemies, and as a
bee does with a lotus will sport with the mouth of his/her beloved.

When Bruhaspathy moves through the third house from the natal
moon, the native will suffer loss of wealth, position, and their
undertakings will be ruined , can also expect some changes in their

When Guru transits through the 4th house from the natal Chandra, the
native’s relations will give all sorts of trouble and will not get peace of
mind either in the ouse , village or even in the forest.

When Guru transits through the 5th house, the native will be bestowed
with lot of servants, will perform auspicious rituals, will beget children,
elephants, horses, gold, house properties, will get married, will get
gold, and will acquire vehicles etc.

When Jupiter transits through the 6th House from the natal moon, the
learned men say that even the sight of the thilak on the forehead of
the native’s wife will not be appealing to the native if he is a man and
if the native is a lady, she will be disgusted in just seeing the husband.
Even the forest which is filled by the sweet voice of Koyal, and
peacock will be disgusting to the native. The native will be unhappy
with everything in life. Even the native might become a slave and

During the transition of Guru through the 7th House from the natal
Chandra, the native , will be conferred with fine bed, will get erotic
pleasure, lot of wealth, good and tasty food, flowers, garlands etc,
vehicles, will be endowed with intelligent eminence and will be able to
convince others with their speech, and will be able to succeed in all
their undertakings.
When Jupiter transits through the 8th house from the natal moon, the
native will be experiencing lot of hardship during journey, will lose
his/her liberty, suffer from all sorts of ailments which might cause
death or fear of death to the native , over exertion and thereby severe

During the gochara of Guru through the 9th house, the native will be full
of authority, will beget male children, will succeed in all attempts, will
be conferred with lot of wealth, both landed and other wealth,
happiness with spouse and children etc.

When Jupiter transits through the 10th house from the natal moon, the
native will lose his/her position and wealth, will not be able to succeed
in any attempt, will lose health etc.

When Bruhaspathy transits through the 11th house from the house
where Chandra is positioned in the Horoscope, the native will get a
good position , will be in sparkling health, will possess wealth , will
succeed in all attempts, will get promotions to a higher and
distinguished post.

During the transit of Bruhaspathy through the 12th House the native
will get wealth through wrongful means, will be aggrieved due to their
wrongful ways. Will suffer from fatigue due to long journey and will
lead a miserable life.


During the transition of Shukra through the natal Moon (1st House ) ,
the native will be conferred with all sorts of erotic requisites, like
perfumes etc, will be conferred with good coats and mattresses, will be
blessed with house property, good and tasty food , a good wife or life
partner, and as the result the native will resemble the honey bee on
the lotus after drinking the honey and getting intoxicated with all

When Venus moves through the 2nd house from the natal moon, the
native is destined to get children, will become wealthy and be
bestowed with royal or Government favors, all round prosperity for the
family, gems, flowers, ornaments and wealth. Even if the native is in
his/her middle age will be able to enjoy full sexual pleasures. There
will be happiness for all family members.

During the Gochara period of Shukra through the 3rd house from the
natal moon,
The native will be bestowed with authority and position, lot of wealth,
honor and prosperity, good clothes and his / her enemies will be
destroyed. The native will command honor and respect as others will
listen to him/her words and obey.

When Venus transits through the 4th house, the native will command
power and strength by associating with friends and reconcile with
relatives and will prosper.

During the transit of Shukra through the 5th house from the natal
moon, the native will be bestowed with favors by elders and Gurus
( teachers ), meet relatives whom the native has thought as lost for
ever, acquire new friends and relatives, plenty of wealth, will beget a
child and lot of prosperity.

When Shukra transits through the 6th house from the natal moon, the
native will be suffering from diseases, suffer from humiliation and
troubles from enemies, mental torture and there by be a person like

During Venus’ transition through the 7th house from the natal moon,
the native will be liable to face disasters from opposite sex.

When Venus transits through the 8th house, the native will acquire
house properties, servants, a very rich spouse, and will be happy and
enjoy sexual pleasures. The native will acquire ornaments and
household utensils.

When Shukra moves through the 9th house from the Natal Moon, the
native will perform many religious functions, get their children or
relatives married, lot of wealth, clothes and their long awaited liberal
and charitable action will end in fruition.

The movent of the Planet Shukra through the 10th house from the natal
Chandra is not very good. The native will suffer from insults, quarrels
etc. However, he/she will utter few words but will have more and more
enemies, and will suffer dishonor due to it.

When Shukra transits through the 11th House , the native will be
endowed with lot of friends, wealth, perfumes, good food and favours
from relatives.

During the transition of Venus through the 12th House from the natal
Chandra, the native will gain wealth, good garments etc. The native is
liable to get wealth through different sources. However the native is
also liable to lose some of them later.

During the transit of SANI through the 1st house i.e the Natal Chandra,
the native will suffer from burns by fire or by intake of poison by any
means, will be separated from their family and relatives, will earn the
name of murderer by killing one of their relatives, will be a constant
wanderer, seeing their face itself will be disliked by others, will become
poor and will lose health.

When SATURN moves through the 2nd House from NATAL MOON, the
native will lose all happiness, pride and vitality which leads for a good
appearance, and even if he/she earns wealth, will not be sufficient for
her/his use.

When Sani moves through the 3rd House from the natal Chandra, it will
fetch for the native, wealth, slaves, attendants , household animals like
horse. Cows etc, will have sound health, will be free from ailments and
even if the native is a coward by birth, will be able to suppress his/her
enemies and all efforts of the native will succeed.

When Saturn moves through the 4th House from the natal moon, the
native will be separated from his/her spouse, relatives and friends, will
not be able to earn wealth, will have a wicked, crooked and sinful mind
and will quarrel with all.

When Sani moves through the 5th House from the natal Chandra, the
native is liable to be involved in litigations and will lose his/her wealth
and children.

When Saturn moves through the 6th House from the natal moon, the
native will be able to successfully get rid of their enemies, and will be
cured of the diseases the native suffers will be cured and will get a
charming better half.

When Saturn moves through the 7th House from the natal moon, the
native will have illicit intimacy with even the servants, will wander
away from their houses and go to distant places.

When Sani moves through the 8th House from the natal Chandra the
native will be with out spouse and children ( This can be divorce also )
will get entangled in performing mean activities and will never get help
from others at the time of crisis.
When Saturn moves through the 9th house apart from getting into
similar problems as given above, the native will drift away from his/her
religious duties, liable to suffer from heart disease, will be liable to be
imprisoned , hated by friends and relatives and all others.

When Saturn moves through the 10th house although will get some
work will lose his/her health/wealth.

When Sani moves through the 11th house from the natal moon the
native will get wealth, fame and authority, will become aggressive in
nature, will be attracted by others wife/husband and will have intimacy
with opposite sex.

When it moves through the 12th house from the natal moon the native
is liable to suffer from all sorts of miseries.


THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. In the beginning I had told about
VEDHA which will not allow the GOCHARA EFFECTS to yield the results.
I am giving hereunder the positions of Vedha which will yield good and
bad effects :-

“Following are tables that indicate in which Rasis from the natal Moon
the different planets are favorable
(+) or unfavorable (–) :-
Rasi 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th
+/– – – + – – + – – – + + –
Vedha 9th 10th 11th 12th 3rd 4th 5th 6th

Rasi 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th
+/– + – + – – + + – – + + –
Vedha 5th 7th 9th 10th 1st 12th 2nd 11th 3rd 4th 8th 6th

Rasi 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th
+/– – – + – – + – – – – + –
Vedha 12th 11th 9th 6th 5th 3rd

Rasi 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th
+/– – + – + – + – + – + + –
Vedha 8th 5th 4th 3rd 2nd 9th 1st 6th 8th 12th 11th

Rasi 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th
+/– – + – – + – + – + – + –
Vedha 12th 7th 5th 4th 3rd 11th 10th 9th 8th 2nd
Rasi 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th
+/– + + + + + – – + + – + +
Vedha 8th 7th 1st 10th 9th 12th 2nd 5th 11th 4th 3rd 6th

Rasi 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th
+/– – – + – – + – – – – + –
Vedha 12th 11th 9th 6th 5th 3rd “

The above chart is as given by Mr. Emst Wilhelm

Regards to one and all.


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