Lesson Plans (Unit 6 Healthy Habits)

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Lesson plan Model (Unit 6)

Healthy habits
Date: October 20th , 2010 Level: 5th grade A Time: 90 minutes

Skills: speaking-listening

Expected Outcomes: Students will recognize vocabulary about daily routines and ask and
answer questions about time.
Resources: whiteboards, markers, projector, YouTube video about healthy food, power point
presentation, cardboard clock, radio

Time Comments

Introduction 5’ Students greet the teacher; look at the date and the objectives of the
class written by the teacher on the whiteboard. Students recall what
they have learned the previous class.

5’ Students will participate in a warm up activity.

Core of the class 20’ The Students are presented the new Unit “Healthy habits” through a
power point presentation.
Pre-stage Students look at an image in the presentation related to daily routine
activities and are requested answer some questions about the image
5’ and also to give their opinions about the situation seen and also talk
about their own daily routines habits as a way of introduced the new

Students are presented a comic strip about a health situation. They are
While-stage 20’ requested to comment about that and also practice pronunciation of
difficult words with the teacher help. In order to practice speaking
skills students are requested to practice the dialogue in pairs.
Students are presented a 2:30 minutes video about healthy food. They
also comment about the video.

Questions and answers about time and daily routines are introduced in
Post-stage 20’ the whiteboard. Students are requested to write down the information
and examples on their notebooks
Students receive a worksheet prepared for the teacher
The previous evaluation is delivered to the students. Students receive
15’ some comment of the test.
Students say good bye to the teachers.
Lesson plan Model
Healthy habits (unit 6)
Date: October 22th , 2010 Level: 5th grade A Time: 90 minutes

Skills: speaking -writing

Expected Outcomes: Students will practice healthy food vocabulary by relating the image with
the habit. They will practice time questions and answers
Resources: body parts papers (warm-up), whiteboard, markers, daily routines worksheet,
power point presentation, healthy food video.

Time Comments

Introduction 5’ Students greet the teacher; look at the date and the objectives of the
class written by the teacher on the whiteboard. Students recall what
they have learned the previous class.

3’ Warm-up activity “Simon says”

Core of the class 15’ Students will practice pronunciation by repeating chorally after the
Pre-stage teacher the healthy habits studied the previous class.
5’ Students are also asked to remember the two new words studied the
previous class. (headache and stomachache). The teacher does the
mimic of the words and they try to remember.

While-stage 10’ Students are showed a video related to junk food (48 second). They
make comment about eating these kinds of food and its complications.

Students are showed a second video related to Pedro’s daily routines

10’ and the time he does those routines. (2:26 minutes)

Post-stage Students work in a worksheet prepared by the teacher. They have to

20’ answer questions related to time they perform daily routines.

The time is introduced by the teacher with a very special clock that
only works with the help of the students. Volunteer students practice
the time in front of the class by putting the correct time given by the

Closing 5’ Students practice one more time the song about healthy food
introduced by the teacher the previous class.
Student say good bye to the teacher

Lesson plan Model

Healthy habits (unit 6)
Date: October 22 , 2010 Level: 5th grade A Time: 90 minutes

Skills: speaking -writing

Expected Outcomes: Students will practice healthy food vocabulary by relating the image with
the habit. They will practice time questions and answers
Resources: body parts papers (warm-up), whiteboard, markers, daily routines worksheet,
power point presentation, healthy food video.

Time Comments

Introduction 5’ Students greet the teacher; look at the date and the objectives of the
class written by the teacher on the whiteboard. Students recall what
they have learned the previous class.

3’ Warm-up activity “Simon says”

Core of the class 15’ Students will practice pronunciation by repeating chorally after the
Pre-stage teacher the healthy habits studied the previous class.
5’ Students are also asked to remember the two new words studied the
previous class. (headache and stomachache). The teacher does the
mimic of the words and they try to remember.

While-stage 10’ Students are showed a video related to junk food (48 second). They
make comment about eating these kinds of food and its complications.

Students are showed a second video related to Pedro’s daily routines

10’ and the time he does those routines. (2:26 minutes)

Post-stage Students work in a worksheet prepared by the teacher. They have to

20’ answer questions related to time they perform daily routines.

The time is introduced by the teacher with a very special clock that
only works with the help of the students. Volunteer students practice
the time in front of the class by putting the correct time given by the

Closing 5’ Students practice one more time the song about healthy food
introduced by the teacher the previous class.
Student say good bye to the teacher

Lesson plan Model

Healthy habits (are pre-teens healthy?) reading
Date: October 29th , 2010 Level: 5th grade A Time: 90 minutes

Skills: Listening and speaking

Expected Outcomes: Students will be able to recognize adverbs of frequency by reading

Resources: notebook, whiteboard, markers, power point presentation, worksheets.

Time Comments

Introduction 5’ Students greet the teacher; look at the date and the objectives of the
class written by the teacher on the whiteboard. Students recall what
they have learned the previous class.

5’ Warm-up activity “Simon says”

Core of the class 15’ The students are showed a power point presentation related to “pre-
Pre-stage teens” with the purpose of clarify the meaning of this word to the
students. This presentation also includes some adverbs of frequency.
The teacher tries to elicit the meaning of these adverbs by asking
questions related to their daily routines. Ex: How often do you brush
your teeth? How often do you watch TV? Etc…

While-stage 15’ The students are ask to work in the pre- reading activities 1, 2, 3 (page
97, from the student’s book). For this purpose the teacher projects the
book on the wall. In this way everybody will be able to check the
answers and at the same time participate in the activity. ( If the
students become bored, break the environment by doing a Simon says

The students are asked to reading the text quickly and then identify
Post-stage 5’
what kind of text the reading is. A letter, a magazine article or an e-

The students are asked to read for a second time, this time they will
20’ work with the reading projected on the wall and they will read with the
teacher’s help.

After reading the students are asked to work in the controlled practice
15’ exercise of the page 98 from the student´s book. (5,6,7,8,9).
Students receive a worksheet prepared by the teacher with adverbs of
frequency and some related exercises.

The students are announced the next week project. They will work
Closing 10’ building a group-individual poster related to healthy habits. The main
purpose will be promoting healthy habits among the school.

Students say good bye to the teacher.

Lesson plan Model
Healthy habits (doctor’s orders) listening
Date: October 27 , 2010 Level: 5th grade A Time: 90 minutes

Skills: Listening and speaking

Expected Outcomes: Students will be able to recognize healthy and bad habits and recognize
health problem by listening
Resources: notebook, speakers, flashcards, whiteboard, markers, cd, radio, power point
presentation, worksheets, videos.

Time Comments

Introduction 5’ Students greet the teacher; look at the date and the objectives of the
class written by the teacher on the whiteboard. Students recall what
they have learned the previous class.

5’ Warm-up activity “Simon says”

Core of the class Students are showed the mimic of the healthy habits studied the
Pre-stage 5’ previous class. They are asked to guess the daily habits. (The teacher
does the mimic of the habits) . The mimic is supported with the time
in the very special clock designed by the teacher.

In order to practice questions and answers about time, the students are
While-stage asked to work in the worksheet given by the teacher the previous class.
15’ This time they will go to the whiteboard to write the answers and it
will be correct for the whole class.
In order to practice isolated hours during the day, the students are
asked to write down in the same worksheet the correct time said by the
teacher. The answer will be corrected on the whiteboard by the
teacher with the student’s help.

Students are asked to work in the page 95, exercise 1 from their book
Post-stage 5’
that is closely related to their own healthy habits. The exercise is
checked by the teacher orally. (Different students are selected to
3’ Students practice pronunciation of the following word with the teacher
help: (Where- When- How many- why-how old.)
Students are asked to remember the vocabulary about health problems
studied the previous class: ( headache and stomachache)
Students listen and repeat health problems: stomachache, headache,
5’ earache, toothache.
10’ The students are ask to listen a dialogue between Antonio and his
doctor and answer the exercise 4, page 95, from the student’s book.
15’ The second time they listen they are asked to listen with the help of a
transcript of the dialogue prepared by the teacher and work in the
exercise 5, page 95 from the same book. The answers are checked by
the teacher and the whole class.
10’ Language focus is checked if times allows
Students are asked to say some new vocabulary studied during the
5’ class.
Closing Students practice the song about healthy food
5’ Students say good bye to the teachers.
Lesson plan Model
Healthy habits (healthy habits poster project)
Date: November 3rd , 2010 Level: 5th grade A Time: 90 minutes

Skills: Listening and speaking

Expected Outcomes: Students will be able to apply all the vocabulary related to healthy habits
and create a poster.
Resources: whiteboard, worksheets, craft paper, block paper, markers, glue, magazines,

Time Comments

Introduction 5’ Students greet the teacher; look at the date and the objectives of the
class written by the teacher on the whiteboard. Students recall what
they have learned the previous class.

10’ Students are presented the instruction for the poster project.
Core of the class The purpose of this poster is promoting healthy habits first in the 5
Pre-stage grade and also in the whole school.

The students will work in groups of 4 students.

25’ The students are asked to look for pictures related to healthy habits in
While-stage the magazines or newspapers. They are asked to decide if the poster
will be about good habits or bad habits.

Post-stage 45’ They are asked to gather all the pictures and then work in a draft
before going to the craft paper.

This project will be evaluated with two grades (individual and group
grade) the two grades will be average out.

Closing 5’ Students say good bye to the teachers

Lesson plan Model

Healthy habits (healthy habits poster project II)
Date: November 5 , 2010 Level: 5th grade A Time: 90 minutes

Skills: speaking -writing

Expected Outcomes: Students will be able to apply all the vocabulary related to healthy habits
and create a poster.
Resources: whiteboard, worksheets, craft paper, block paper, markers, glue, magazines,

Time Comments

Introduction 5’ Students greet the teacher; look at the date and the objectives of the
class written by the teacher on the whiteboard. Students recall what
they have learned the previous class.

10’ The students that were absent the previous class are asked to gather in
Core of the class groups of 4 or 5 members.
Students are presented one more time the instructions for the poster
project. The purpose of this poster is promoting healthy habits first in
the 5 grade and also in the whole school. The students will paste the
While-stage 25’ poster around the wall of the school.

The students will continue working in groups of 4 or 5 students.

20 The students are asked to finish their individual mini posters with all
the required information and also the pictures.
Once they finish that first part, they will gather their mini posters to
Post-stage build the final group poster. They are asked to find as a group a title
for the big poster.

15’ The groups of students are asked to decorate the final big poster. This
is an opportunity to make them worked with their creativity. They are
also asked to work with the vocabulary learned the whole unit.
5’ This project will be evaluated with two grades (individual and group
grade) the two grades will be average out.

Students say good bye to the teachers

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