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Lesson plan Model

Date: September, 22nd, 2010 Level: 7° Básico

Skill: Writing (grammar), Speaking.

Expected Outcomes:
- Students use have/has to describe people´s objects. They also make questions with do,
does, don´t, doesn´t.
- Students Describe the objects in their rooms using have.

Resources: Student´s book, white board, imagination.

Time Comments

Introduction 10 min Student´s greetings, calling the row, class objectives.

Core of the class 15 min The teacher makes a review on questions with have using
Pre-stage do, does, don´t, doesn´t.
Students complete a handout given by the teacher in which
they have to complete and create sentences using have.

While-stage 40 min Students work in pairs to ask and answer questions in

exercise 6. After that, students have to think of more
questions created by them.
Students have to write about their own things in their
rooms using have. Ex: I have three posters in my room.

Post-stage 10 min Some students selected at random have to describe their

rooms to their classmates.

Closing 5 min The teacher makes a short review on the use of have and
also explains the difference of have/has.

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