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Natalia Schiappacasse

Dr.Jan Rieman

English 1103

December 7, 2010

As It Comes To the End

Dear Dr. Jan,

As it comes to the end, I am very excited about what the next few months have to offer. It
was a great first semester experience but I am ready for a clean slate. As I look back at my
midterm reflection, I know that it was a bit overwhelming, and now with finals it is the same
feeling, but they are slowly winding down. Throughout this journey of mine, through English
1103, I have learned more about myself, and others than I had ever known before. Through the
daybook entries and the writing to explore, I pushed myself to do things that I normally would
not do and I am very thankful for Dr.Jan for giving us this freedom. Through the articles we read
I am now able to go back and use the articles for future reference, and for me that is something
that had never stuck before. When we did things in class, I did them, don’t get me wrong, but
they didn’t stick. For example, Jacqueline Novogratz, I had never heard about her before this
class, but now that I have, I am completely interested in the things that she does and am looking
up things to take away from her story. I enjoyed the book so much; I may even read it again. As I
looked back upon my first few writings I see a difference in my work. I compared it to writings
that I am doing now and am proud to see that I have been able to make a difference in myself,
along with the help of peers and my professor. I am also very thrilled that I was introduced to the
Writing Resource Center. They have been a great help to me and I know that this semester will
not be the last that I visit them. This class also showed me to use my resources, such as the
librarians, which being a small fish in a huge pond, can be a little frightening to do. There is no
doubt in my mind that this class has benefited me for the long run. I am very excited to see what
will come my way in the future. As a writer, I know that that is not my absolute passion, so as a
career, I may not do it justice but I know it will be a hobby of mine in the near future. Thank you
for all of your help.


Natalia Schiappacasse

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