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MAY-JUNE, 2009



Report on 45 Days Summer Training submitted towards partial fulfillment of two

years MBA Degree program of Rajasthan Technical University, Kota





Theories are being developed, designed and stated on the groundwork of their practical
implementation and usage. Work experiences seems to be the most effective and
indispensable factor for making an individual an adept. This is because one cannot do
without being exposed to varying circumstances and possible consequences. Training
not develops individual’s skills and abilities but also provides proficiency in work

The researcher has done summer training in ‘’ANGEL BROKING LTD., JAIPUR’’.
Which constitutes an essential part of two years M.B.A. program at training period
consists of 45 working days. The researcher was provided the project study on the topic
opportunity getting practical insight of the market.

Initially I felt that classroom study was irrelevant and is useless in any concern’s working
but gradually I realized that all the basic fundamental concepts studies are linked in one
or the other ways to the organization but how and what can done with theoretical
knowledge depended on the applicability of the individuals. It’s just a matter of
modifying the theory, so as to apply it to given practical solution.

The successful completion of this project was a unique experience for me because by
visiting many places and interacting with various persons, I achieved a batter
knowledge about market.

I sincerely believe that there is no better place to learn the practical side of management
studies than the industry itself.

I sincerely want to thank all the people who helped me throughout the procedure of 45
Days of my Summer Internship program. It really has been a learning experience for

I specially want to thank my company guide Mr. smit sood for his guidance from the first
day of training till the last. It has been a great experience of working with him. His
assistance really helped me in learning and gaining the practical knowledge.

I would also like to thank Mrs. Shrikant vyas my faculty guide at MEC, was there for the
guidance and He directed me whenever I was in need of it. I am highly obliged for his

I would also like to appreciate the help given by the Sales Team of Angel Broking and
Trading persons, for giving their valuable time and for sharing their experience with us
and I would also like to thank other employee of Angel Broking for guiding us with their
valuable practical experience of their working life.

As a partial fulfillment of my MBA curriculum I have undergone six weeks

summer training at “ANGEL BROKING.” I have done my summer training project at
Jaipur branch from 11th May to 26th June.

The Angel Group has emerged as one of the top 5 retail stock broking houses in
India, having memberships on BSE, NSE and the two leading commodity exchanges in
the country i.e. NCDEX and MCX. Angel Broking Ltd is also registered as a depository
participant with CDSL. Angel has exceeded customer’s expectations by providing
world-class service.

The questionnaire was used as data collection instrument and both open ended and
close ended type of questions were used as per the requirement. From the survey it
was found that

*Business class investors more proportion of their income in shares and securities as
compared to service class investors.

*Majority of investors trade according to expert the daily traders.

*Majority of investors take the decision on investment (where/what amount to invest) on

their own idea and some rely on expert’s opinion and broker’s advice.

* In case segment, capital gain is the prior motives of the investors followed by regular
of the investors followed by regular income and tax income and tax planning etc.

*More details about the project are available in later part of this report.




















The Indian Capital Market is one of the oldest capital markets in Asia which evolved
around 200 years ago.

Chronology of the Indian capital markets

1830s: Trading of corporate shares and stocks in Bank and cotton Presses in
1850s: Sharp increase in the capital market brokers owing to the rapid development of
commercial enterprise.
1860-61: Outbreak of the American Civil War and ' Share Mania ' in India.
1894: Formation of the Ahmadabad Shares and Stock Brokers Association .
1908: Formation of the Calcutta Stock Exchange Association.

The pattern of growth in the Indian capital markets in the post independence regime can
be analyzed from the following graphs.
From the above graph we find that the number of stock exchanges in India increased at
a crawling pace till 1980 but witnessed a sharp rise thereafter till 1995.

The following diagram shows the trend in the no. of listed companies participating in the
Indian Capital Market . Here again we register a sharp rise after 1980. the number of
stocks issued by the listed companies also show a similar trend.


The trading on stock exchange in india used to take place through open outcry without
use of information technology for immediate matching or recording of trades. This was
time consuming and inefficient. This imposed limits on trading volumes and efficiency.
In order to provide efficiency, liquidity and transparency, NSE introduced a nation wide
online fully automated screen based trading system (SBTS) where a member can
punched into the computer quantities of securities and the prices at which he likes to
transact and the transaction is executed as soon as it finds a matching sale or buy order
from a counter party. SBTS electronically matches orders on a strict price/time priority
and hence cuts down on time, cost and risks of error, as well as on fraud resulting in
improved operational efficiency. It allows faster incorporation of price sensitive
information into prevailing prices, thus increasing the informational efficiency of markets.
It enables market participants, irrespective of their geographical locations, to trade with
one another simultaneously, improving the depth and liquidity of the market. It provides
full anonymity by accepting orders, big or small, from member without revealing their
identity, thus providing equal across to everybody. It’s also provides a perfect audit trail,
which helps to resolve disputes bay logging in the trade execution process in entirely.
This sucked liquidity from other exchange and in the very first year of its operation, NSE
became the leading stock exchange in the country, impacting the fortunes of other
exchange and forcing them to adopted SBTS also. Today India can boast that almost
100% trading take place through electronic order matching. Technology was used to
carry the trading platform from the trading hall of stock exchanges to premises of
brokers. NSE carried the trading platform further to the PCs at the residence of
investors through the internet and to handheld devices through WAP for convenience of
mobile investors. This made a huge difference in terms of equal to investors in a
geographically vast country like India.



Securities markets provides a channel for allocation of savings to those who have a
reductive need for them. As a result, the savers and investors are not constrained by
their individual abilities, but by the economy’s abilities invest and save respectively,
which inevitably enhance saving and investment in the economy.

Market segment

The securities market has to interdependent and inseparable segments; the primary
and the secondary market. The primary market provides to channel for creation of new
securities through issuance of financial instrument by public companies as well as
Government and government agencies and bodies whereas the secondary market
helps the holders of these financial instruments to sale for exiting from the investment.
The price signals, which subsume all information about the issuer and this business
including associated risk, generated in the secondary market, help the primary market in
allocation of the funds. The primary market issuance is done either through public
issues or private placement. A public issue does not limit any entity in investing while in
private placement, the issuance is done to select people in terms of companies Act,
1956, an issue becomes public if it results in allotment to more than 50 persons. This
means an issue resulting in allotment to less than 50 person is private placement. There
are two major types issuers who issue securities. The corporate entities issue mainly
debt and equity instrument (shares, debentures, etc.), while the governments (central &
state Government)issue debt securities (dated securities, treasury bills). The secondary
enables participant who hold securities adjust their assessment of risk and return. They
also sell securities for cash to meet their liquidity needs. The exchanges do not provide
facilities for spot trades in a strict sense. Closest to spot market is the cash market in
exchange where settlement takes place after some time. Trades taking place over a
trading cycle (one day under rolling settlement) are settled together after a certain time
all the 23 stock exchange in the country provide facilities for trading of corporate
securities. Trades executed on NSE only are cleared and selected by a clearing
corporation which provides innovations and settlement guarantee. Nearly 100% the
trades in capital segment are settled through demat delivery. NSE also provides a
formal trading platform for trading of a wide range of debt securities including
government securities in both retail and wholesale mode. NSE also provides trading in
derivatives of equities, interest rate as well indices.

In derivatives market (F&O market segment of NSE), standardized contracts are traded
for future settlement. These futures can be on a basket of securities like an index or an
individual security. In case of options, securities are traded for conditional future
delivery. There are two types of options – a put option permits the owner to sell a
security to the writer of options at a predetermined price while a call option permits the
owner to purchase a security from the writer of the option at a predetermined price.
These options can also be on individual stocks or baskets of stocks like index. Two
exchanges namely NSE and the stock exchange, Mumbai (BSE) provide trading of
derivatives of securities. Today the participants have the flexibility of choosing from a
basket a products likes:

• Equities

• Bond issued by both government and companies

• Futures on benchmark indices as well as stocks

• Options on benchmark indices as well as stocks

• Future on interest rate products like national 91 – day T-bills, 10 year

national zero coupon bond and 6% national 10 year bond.

The past decade in many ways has been remarkable for securities market in India. It
has grown exponentially as measured in terms of amount raised from the market,
number of stock exchanges and other intermediaries, the number of listed stocks,
market capitalization, trading volumes and turnover on stock exchanges and investor
population. Along with this growth, the profiles of the investors, issuers and
intermediaries have change significantly. The market has witnessed several institutional
changes resulting in drastic reduction in transaction costs and significant improvement
in efficiency, transparency, liquidity and safety. In a short span of time, Indian
derivatives market has got a place in list of top global exchanges. In signal stock futures
category, the futures industry association (FIA) placed NSE in second position in the
year 2000.

Reforms in the securities market , particularly the establishment and empowerment of

SEBI, market determined allocation of resources, screen based nation wide trading,
dematerialization and electronic transfer of security, rolling settlement and ban on
deferral products, sophisticated risk management and derivatives trading have greatly
improved the regularity framework and efficiency of trading and settlement. Indian
market now comparable to many developed markets in terms of a number qualitative


A total of RS- 2,520,179 million were raised by the government and corporate sector
during 2002-03 as against Rs. 2,269,110 million during the preceding year, Government
raised about two third of the total resources, with central government along raising
nearly Rs. 1,511,260 million.

Corporate Securities

Average annual capital capital mobilization from the primary market, which used to be
about Rs 70 crore in the 1960s and about Rs. 90 crore in the 1970s, increased manifold
during the 1980s, with the amount raised in 1990-91 being Rs. 4,312 crore. It received a
further boost during the 1990s with the capital raised by non government public
companies rising sharply to sharply to RS 26,417 crore in 1994-95. The capital raised
which used to be less than 1% of gross domestic saving (GDS) in the 1970s increase to
about 13% in 1992-93, in real terms, the capital raised increased 4 times between 1990-
91 and 1994-95. During 1994-95, the amount raised through new issues of securities
from the securities market accounted for about four-fifth fo the disbursements by FIs.
Issuers have shifted focus to other avenues for raising resources like private placement.

There is a preference for raising resources in the primary through private placement of
debt instruments. Private placements accounted for about 93% of total resources
mobilized through domestic issues by the corporate sector during 2002-03. Rapid
dismantling of shackles on institutional investments and deregulation of the economy
are driving growth of this segment. There are several inherent advantages of relying on
private placement route for raising resources. While it is cost and time effective method
of raising funds and can be structured to meet the need of the entrepreneurs, it does not
require detailed compliance with formalities as required in public or rights issue.
However, to prevent public issues from being passed on as private placement, the
companies (Amendment) Act, 2001 considers offer of securities to more than 50
persons as made to public.

Indian market is getting interested with the global market though in a limited way though
euro issues. Since 1992 when they were permitted access, Indian companies have
raised about Rs 34,264 million through ADRs / GDRs. By the end march 2003, 502 FIIS
were registered with SEBI. They had net cumulative investments over of US $ 15.8
billion by the end of March 2003. There operations influence the market as they do
delivery-based business and their knowledge of market is considered superior. The
market is getting institutionalized as people prefer funds as their investment vehicle,
thanks to evolution of a regulatory framework for mutual fund, tax concessions offered
by government and preference of investors for passive investing. The net collection by
MFs picked up during this decade and increased to Rs 199,530 million 1990-00.

This declined to Rs. 111,350 million during 2001-01 which may be attributed to increase
in rate of tax on income distributed by debt oriented mutual fund and lackluster
secondary market. The total collection of mutual funds for 2002-03 is been Rs. 105,378
million. Starting with asset base of Rs. 250 million in 1964, the total assets under
management at the end of March 2003 was Rs. 794,640 million. The number of
households owning units of MFs exceeds the the number of household sowing equity
and debentures. At the end of financial year march 2003, according to a SEBI press
release 23 million unit holders had invested in units of MFs, while 16 million individual
investors in equity and of debentures.


The primary issues of the central Government have increase many-fold during the
decade of 1990s from Rs. 89,890 million in 1990-91 to Rs. 1,511,260 million in 2002-03.
The issues by state government increased by about twelve form Rs. 25,690 million to
Rs. 308,530 million during the same period The central Government mobilized Rs
1,250,000 million through issued of dated securities and Rs. 261,260 million through
issued of T-bills. After meeting repayment liabilities of Rs. 274,200 million for dated
securities, and redemption of T-bills of 195,880 million net market borrowing of central

Government amounted to Rs. 1,041,180 million for year 1000-03. The state government
collectively raised Rs. 305,830 million during 2002-03 as against Rs. 187,070 million in
the preceding year. The net borrowings of state government in 2002-03 amounted to
Rs.290,640 million. Along with growth of the market, the invester base has become very
wide. In addition to banks and insurance companies, corporate and individual investors
are investing in government securities. With dismantling of control regime, and gradual
lowering of the SLR and CRR, Government is borrowing at near market rates. The
coupons across maturities went down recently signifying lower interest rates. The
weighted average cost of its borrowing at one stage increased to 13.75% in 1995-96,
which declined to 7.34% in 2002-03. The maturity Structure of government debt is also
changing. In view of bunching of redemption liabilities in the medium term, securities
with higher maturities were issued during 2002-03. About 64% of primary issues were
raised through securities with maturities above 5year and up to 10 years. As a result the
weighed average with maturities of dated securities increased to 13.83 years from 6.6
years in 1997-98.


Corporate securities

Selected Indicators in the secondary market are presented in table 5.3. The number of
stock exchanges increased from 11 in 1990 to 23 now. All the exchanges are fully
computerized and offer 100% on-line trading. 9,413 companies were available for
trading on stock exchanges at the end of March 2000. The trading platform of the stock
exchanges was accessible to 9519 members from over 358 cities on the same date.

The market capitalization grew ten fold between 1990-91 and 1999-00. It increased by
221% during 1991-92 and by 107% during 1999-00. All india market capitalization is
estimated at Rs. 6,319,212 million at the end of March 2003. The market capitalization
ratio, which indicates the size of the market, increased sharply to 57.4% in 1991-92
following spurt in shares prices. The ratio further increased to 85% by march 2000. It
however, declined to 55% at the end of March 2001 and top 29% by end March 2003.
The trading volumes on exchanges have been witnessing growth during the 1990s. the
average daily turnover grew from about Rs. 1500 million in 1990 to Rs. 120,000 million
in 2000, peaking at over Rs. 200,000 million. One-sided turnover on all stock exchanges
exceeded Rs.10,000,000 million during 1998-99 Rs 20,000,000 million during 1999-00
and approached Rs. 30,000,000 million during 2000-01. However, the trading volume
substantially depleted to Rs. 9,689,541 million in 2002-03. The turnover ratio, which
reflects the volume of trading in relation to the size of the market, has been increasing
by leaps and bounds after the advent of screen based trading system by the NSE. The
turnover ratio for the year 2002-03 increased to 375 but fell substantially due to bad
market conditions to 119 during 2001-02 regaining its position accounted 153.3% in

The relative importance of various stock exchanges in the market has undergone
dramatic change during this decade. The increase in turnover took place mostly at the
large big exchange and it was partly at the cost of small exchange that failed to keep
pace with the changes. NSE is the market leader with more 85% of total turnover
( volume on all segments) in 2002-03. Top five stock exchange for 99.88% of turnover,
while the rest 18 exchange for less than 0.12% during 2002-03( table5.4). About ten
exchange reported nil turnover during the year.


In a shot span of 22 years since inception, the Angel Group has emerged as one of the
top five retail stock broking houses in India, having membership of BSE, NSE and the
two leading Commodity Exchanges in the country i.e. NCDEX & MCX. Angel Broking is
also registered as a Depository Participant with CDSL.
The group is promoted by Mr. Dinesh Thakkar, who started this business as a sub-
broker in 1987 with a team of 3. Today the angel group is managed by a team of 1937
direct employees and has a nation wide network comprising of 21 Regional hubs, 124
branches and 6810 sub brokers & business associates. Angel is 100% focused on retail
stock broking business unlike any other larger national broking house. The group
currently services more than 5.9 thousand retail clients.

Angel habitually generates value added features without the cost burden being passed
on to the clients as they strongly believe that better understanding of client’s needs and
wants is their top priority. Their e-broking facility is one such effort, which gives the
client a platform to access state of the art trading facility at the click of a button.

Angel has always strived for delivering customer delight and developing strong long
term bonds with its clients as well as channel partners. Angel thrives on a vision to
introduce new and innovative products and services constantly. Moreover, Angel has
been among the pioneers to introduce the latest technological innovations and integrate
them efficiently within its business.

About the Angel

Angel Booking’s tryst with excellence in customer relations began more than 20 years
ago. Angel Group has emerged as one of the top 3 retail broking houses in India and
incorporated in 1987. Today, Angel has emerged as a premium Indian stock-broking
and wealth management house, with an absolute focus on retail business and a
commitment to provide "Real Value for Money" to all its clients.

It has memberships on BSE, NSE and the leading commodity exchanges in India
NCDEX & MCX. Angel is also registered as a depository participant with CDSL.
Angel Group Companies

Member on the BSE and Depository Participant

Angel Broking Ltd.
with CDSL

Angel Capital & Debt Market Membership on the NSE Cash and Futures &
Ltd. Options Segment

Angel Commodities Broking

Member on the NCDEX & MCX

Angel Securities Ltd. Member on the BSE

• Incorporated :1987

• BSE Membership :1997

• NSE membership :1998

• Member of NCDEX and MCX

• Depository Participants with CDSL

Angel’s presence-

• Nation- wide network of 21 regional hubs

• Presence 124 cities

• 6800 + sub brokers & business associates

• 5.9 lakh +clients


Products of Angel Broking

1. Online Trading 8. Personal loans

2. Commodities 9. Quality assurance

3. DP Services

4. PMS (Portfolio Management Services)

5. Insurance

6. IPO Advisory

7. Mutual Fund
Online- Trading

Specially designed for the net savvy traders and investors who prefer
operating from their home or office through the internet. The investor can access
state of the art Technology with three different e-broking products and voila trading
on BSE, NSE, F & O, MCX and NCDEX.


Application based product for Traders.

• Application based ideal for traders.

• Multiple exchanges on single screen
• Online fund transfer facility
• User friendly & simple navigation


Application based product for Traders with Charts.

• Application-based platform for day traders

• Intra-day/historical charts with various indicators
• Online fund transfer facility
BSC, NSC, Cash & Derivatives


Browser based product for Active Investors.

• Browser based for investor

• No installation required
• Advantage of mobility
• Trading as simple as internet surfing


• User-friendly browser for investors

• Easy online trading platform
• Works in proxy and firewall system set up
• Integrated Back office: Access account information – anytime,
• Streaming quotes
• Refresh static rates when required
• Multiple exchanges on single screen
• Online fund transfer facility

Investment Advisory Services

To derive optimum returns from equity as an asset class requires professional guidance
and advice. Professional assistance will always be beneficial in wealth creation.
Investment decisions without expert advice would be like treating ailment without the
help of a doctor.

● Expert Advice: Their expert investment advisors are based at various

branches across India to provide assistance in designing and monitoring portfolios.

● Timely Entry & Exit: Their advisors will regularly monitor customers’
investments and guide customers to book timely profits. They will also guide them in
adopting switching techniques from one stock to another during various market
● De-Risking Portfolio: A diversified portfolio of stocks is always better than
concentration in a single stock. Based on their research, They diversify the portfolio
in growth oriented sectors and stocks to minimize the risk and optimize the returns.


A commodity is a basic good representing a monetary value. Commodities are most

often used as inputs in the production of other goods or services. With the advent of
new online exchange, commodities can now be traded in futures markets. When they
are traded on an exchange,

Commodities must also meet specified minimum standards known as basic grade.

Types of Commodities

● Precious Metals : Gold and Silver

● Base Metals : Copper, Zinc , Steel and Aluminum
● Energy : Crude Oil, Brent Crude and Natural Gas
● Pulses : Chana , Urad and Tur
● Spices : Black Pepper, Jeera, Turmeric , Red Chili
● Others : Guar Complex, Soy Complex, Wheat and Sugar
Benefits at Angel
● Three different online products tailored for traders & investors.
● Single Screen customized market-watch for MCX / NCDEX with BSE / NSE.
● Streaming Quotes and real time Rates. Intra-day trading calls.
● Research on 25 Agro Commodities, Precious and Base Metals, Energy products
and Polymers.
● An array of daily, weekly and special research reports.
● Highly skilled analysts with professional industry experience.
● Active relationship management desk.
● Seminars, workshops and investment camps for investors

Depositary Participant Services

Angel Broking Ltd. is a DP services provider though CDSL. We offer depository services
to create a seamless transaction platform to execute trades through Angel group of
companies and settle these transactions through Angel Depository services.

● Wide branch coverage

● Personalized/attentive services of trained a dedicated staff
● Centralized billing & accounting
● Acceptance & execution of instruction on fax
● Daily statement of transaction & holdings statement on e-mail
● No charges for extra transaction statement & holdings statement

Portfolio Management Services

Successful investing in Capital Markets demands ever more time and expertise.
Investment Management is an art and a science in itself. Portfolio Management
Services (PMS) is one such service that is fast gaining eminence as an investment
avenue of choice for High Net worth Investors (HNI). PMS is a sophisticated investment
vehicle that offers a range of specialized investment strategies to capitalize on
opportunities in the market. The Portfolio Management Service combined with
competent fund management, dedicated research and technology, ensures a rewarding
experience for its clients.

Angel PMS brings with it years of experience, expertise, research and the backing of
India's leading stock broking house. At Angel, experienced portfolio management is the
difference. It will advise you on a suitable product based on factors such as your
investment horizon, return expectations and risk tolerance.



 Market Outlook at 9:15 a.m.

 Technical Report at 6:00 p.m.
 Derivative Analysis Report at 9:15 a.m.


 The Sunday Weekly Report

 The Industry Watch
 Stock Analysis
 Flash News


 Nifty Tracker
 Online Chart
 Intraday Calls
 Position Calls
 Derivative Strategies
 Futures Calls



PMS Schemes @ Angel

 Scheme 1: Angel OYSTER

 Scheme 2: Angel BLUE- CHIP


 Agro Tech Speak
 Call Evaluation
 Commodities Tech Speak







 The Sunday Weekly Report :

This weekly report is the ace of all reports. It offers a comprehensive
market overview and likely trends in the week ahead. It also presents few top
picks based on an in-depth analysis of technical and fundamental factors. It
gives short term and long term outlook on these scrip’s, their price targets and
trading strategies. Another unique feature of this report is that it provides an
updated view of about 70 prominent stocks on an ongoing basis.

 The Industry Watch :

This report provides an in-depth analysis of specific industries which are
likely to outperform others in the economy. It analyzes their strengths and
weaknesses and ascertains their future outlook. The final view is arrived at after
thorough interaction with industry experts. Also comparative performances of
various companies in the sector are evaluated and top picks are recommended.

 Stock Analysis :
Angel’s stock research has performed very well over the past few years
and the Angel Model Portfolio has consistently outperformed the benchmark
indices. The fundamentals of select scrips are thoroughly analyzed and an
actionable advice is provided along with investment rationale for each scrip.

 Flash News :
Key developments and significant news announcements that are likely to
have an impact on markets / scrips are flashed live on trading terminals. Flash
news keeps the market participants updated on an online basis and helps them
to reshuffle on their holdings.


 Nifty Tracker :
Nifty Futures is the most traded instrument with highest volumes in F & O
and excellent liquidity. The team tracks the Nifty Future and generates calls
based on unique trading system which is a result of their focused research over
the past few years. The objective is to generate positive returns for traders who
are looking for a high risk / high reward product.

 Online Chart :
An online forum to help clients, specifically day traders in judging the
directions of the market and stocks which are in the limelight.

 Intraday Calls :
For day traders, Angel provides intra-day calls with entry, exit and stop
loss levels during market hours. These calls are flashed on their terminals. Their
analysts continuously track the calls and provide recommendations according to
the market movements.

 Position Calls :
Angel’s “Position Trading Calls” are based on thorough analysis of the
price movement in select scrip’s. These calls are for a 10-15 day time span with
stop loss and target levels. These calls are flashed on their terminals during
market hours.

 Derivative Strategies :
Their analysts take view on the Nifty and select stocks based on the
derivatives data and technical tools. Suitable “Derivative Strategies” are devised,
which are flashed on their terminals and published in their reports.

 Futures Calls :
A customized product for HNIs to help them trade with leveraged position;
wherein clients are advised on the stocks with entry, exit and stop loss level for
short term benefits. Over and above this, financial status of the calls is
monitored at all times.

At Angel, they have a dedicated Investment Advisory Desk:

 To help manage client’s equity portfolio and create wealth

 To help client understand their risk profile and define investment goals

 To minimize client’s risk and maximize their returns

 To help client decide what to buy / sell and when to buy / sell

 To help client’s understand macro-economic trends and sectoral / company


 To help client restructure their portfolio based on sound research


Angel offers discretionary PMS to investors in order to assist them in

managing their funds amidst continuous changing market dynamics and increasing
complexities of investing. Investing in equity market requires in-depth knowledge
and thorough analysis coupled with clear understanding of domestic and
international economies. Investors need the services of an expert to manage their
funds and deliver good returns in diverse market conditions. Continuous wealth
creation with and emphasis on capital preservation is essential in today’s complex

In order to systematically diversify the holdings of clients across varied

sectors and with and intention to give them handsome returns, Angel devised the
concept of the Model Portfolio :

 Angel came out with its first Model Portfolio in August 2002

 Since then it has come out with Model Portfolios which have consistently
outperformed the Sensex YOY

 In fact the latest model portfolio by Angel has successfully outperformed

the Sensex by a whooping 80%

Angel’s Portfolio Advisory Team had a successful track record of assisting its
clients in managing their portfolios for over 4 years.

The Portfolio Management Process starts with understanding each investor’s

risk appetite and return expectations. The Portfolio Management Team not only
draws support from Angel’s in-house research team for new investment ideas but
also has its own stocks picking by adopting bottom up research.

Salient features of PMS schemes are 100% discretionary , time horizon 12-18 months
and Wealth creation at minimum risk.

Scheme 1: Angel OYSTER


The main objective of the scheme is wealth generation by delivering superior returns
over long term through investments and equity related instruments.

Investment Strategy:

 To generate wealth on consistent basis rather than outperform by taking higher


 Logic works well and thus will be given weight age along with financials

 Early identification of stocks to ride through the entire investment cycle

 Timing of investment is important to generate superior returns

 Bottom –up approach

Parameters Driving Investment Decision:

 Blend of growth and value stocks

 Investments in companies regardless of market capitalizations

 Keen selection of stocks based on potential for value unlocking based on

key events

 Focus on companies which display

 Scalable business potential
 Large market opportunity
 Beneficiary of favorable economic cycle
 Valuation at steep discount to asset value

Sectoral Composition:

 May include under- researched companies

 Portfolio could invested in liquid funds

Investor Profile:

 Safety of capital will be of utmost importance

 The scheme would be suited for investors having medium to long term
perspective (i.e. 12-18 months)
Scheme 2: Angel BLUE- CHIP


The objective of the scheme is to generate capital appreciations in the medium to long
term through investments in equities and equity related instruments comprising
predominantly large cap companies.

Investment Strategy:

 The scheme will seek to achieve returns through brand based participants in
equity markets by creating a diversified equity portfolio. The portfolio will be
overweight on large cap companies.

 The portfolio strives at all time to achieve an 80% allocation to large cap

 The allocation of sectors and stocks in the portfolio may be dynamically

structured in tune with changes in broader market conditions
 Overweight on large cap stock. However quality mid cap stocks may also be
considered for investment.
 Portfolio to comprise of a combination of growth & value stocks.

 The portfolio strives to limit the exposure to any sector to less than 25% of the
portfolio size

 The portfolio strives to limit the exposure to any stock to less than 10% of the
portfolio size

 The allocation and composition of medium capitalized stocks to vary based

market conditions

Investor Profile:

 The scheme would be suited for investors with low to moderate risk appetite

 The scheme would be suited for investors having medium to long term
Benefits of Angel PMS :

 Understanding risk : At Angel, utmost emphasis is given to understanding the

risk profile of an investor.

 Periodic Evaluation : Periodic evaluation of the Model Portfolio is carried out

and market movements are cashed upon.
 Administrative Convenience : Angel focuses on providing hassle free
administrative / operational support and customized services.

 Transparency : Regular statements and updates as well as online access to

information required for investment.

 Regular Analysis and Monitoring : Investments undergo regular monitoring

and analysis to check any deviation from the structured goal ensuring creation of
wealth over a period of time.

 Professional Management : PMS is provided to professional management by

experts on equity with an aim to optimize returns.

Angel PMS – Ideal For :

Portfolio Management Services from Angel are essential for investor who needed

 Long term wealth generation

 Personalized service

 Investment opportunities in Indian equities

 Fundamental research based investment decisions

In essence, all investor who have faith and belief in the Indian growth story and robust
corporate performance would find Angel PMS most suitable to meet their objectives.

In a volatile market it is very difficult for an investor to pick up value stocks which
will give decent returns in the long run. We at Angel Gold realize your need for a
professional financial advisor and hence are here to assist you in making wise and
profitable decisions.

We strongly believe that right decisions taken at the right time are always
beneficial and that's why our entire research team comprising of 12 sector specialists
along with our research head will understand your need, return expectation, risk profile
and time horizon to design your portfolio accordingly. This portfolio will be tracked
regularly and our efforts would be to optimize your returns in the long run.

Features of the Angel Gold:

 A premium service for clients who need professional guidance on long

term investments.
 Minimum fund / portfolio of Rs. 1 lac and maximum of Rs. 4 lac eligible for
Angel Gold.
 Appropriate risk profiling before taking investment decisions
 Periodic group meetings and seminars in branches.
 Monthly Newsletter from the desk of “Angel Gold” .
 Browser based back-office software.

 Agro Tech Speak:

Mainly gives the investors insight into and a forecast for agro commodities
viz. pulses (urad channa etc); reports on oil complex (soyabean castor etc.)
along with spices with reports on kapas guar seed

 Call Evaluation:

A report designed for evaluating the calls given by the angel research
team where the reports are classified in 3 broad categories viz. achieved ,
triumph, not achieved along with the trade recommendations

 Commodities Tech Speak:

This report mainly equips the investors dealing in MCX segment in

commodities like gold, silver, crude oil, copper etc with the market insight and
expert recommendation on the trading strategies
 Angel Commodity Advantages :

 Top Quality Research :

o Professionally qualified analysts with rich industry experience
o Research on 25 agro commodities, precious metals, base metals, energy
products and polymers

 e-Broking :
o Single screen customized market watch for MCX / NCDEX
with BSE / NSE
o Streaming quotes and intra day calls

 DP Facilities in Commodities Trading on CDSL

 24x7 Online Back-office
 Efficient Risk Management
 Competitive Brokerage Rates

To enable clients to diversify their investment in the right direction, Angel Broking
has added another product in its range with mutual funds :

 Customized investment solutions based on specific individual’s financial goals

aligned with client’s risk appetite.

 Access to in-depth research and proper selection from diversified funds

based on client’s preferred criteria.

 Customized reports at desired frequency.

 Rating and Rankings of all Mutual Funds from in-house expert analysts.

 Current and historical performance of different funds enabling comparisons.

 News and alerts for client’s Mutual Fund Portfolio and performance tracking
with watch lists.

 Online Mutual Funds applications (NFO or existing) / Online order status

tracking / Online updation of unit holdings at latest NAV / Online dividend pay out
and re-investment facility.
 Single point customer query handling.


 Wide network of branches for better customer reach.

 Dedicated Research Teams generating sector related reports.

 Ease in investing with informed decision making.

 Advisory Help Desk for all IPO related queries.


Angel Broking Ltd. is a DP Service provider through CDSL. They offer

Depository Services to create a seamless transaction platform to execute trades
through Angel Group of Companies and settle these transactions through Angel
Depository Services.

 Hassle free automated pay-in of client’s sell obligations by Angel

Broking Ltd. / Angel Capital & Debt Market Ltd.

 Instant disbursement of non-cash benefit like bonus and rights

 Wide Branch coverage

 Personalized / Attentive services of trained and dedicated staff

 Centralized billing and Accounting

 Acceptance and Execution of instructions on “fax”

 “Zero” upfront payment and lowest transaction charges

 Daily statement of transactions and holding statements on e-mail

• No charges for extra transaction statement and holding statement


1. Project title

Investors dealing in capital market in jaipur city.

2. Objective

The objective of the study was:-

1. To study investor perception and investment behavior of capital market investors.

2. To identify the problems faced by the investors while on market through brokers.

3. To study the investors satisfaction level for the various services provided by the
broker relationship.

4. To get the brief knowledge of trading system in securities.

5. To get the detail information about the company and to analysis the learning in
past six weeks at Angel Broking.

6. To know the absolute working in Angel Broking at it different segments like

commodity, equity, risk management and dealings.

7. To gain the knowledge about the market conditions.

8. To learn how to convince the client to buy a Demate at Angel Broking.

9. How to handle the various questions raised by them and how to deal with them.
10. Need for the MBA Degree

11. To learn how corporate world works, and what people things about it.



For any researcher the research methodology is the most important criteria to decide
before the actual research process starts. There are many methods for conducting the
research some of them are as under:

The design of a research is a plan or a model that helps researcher to conduct a formal
investigation and survey. It is an application of methods and procedures for acquiring
the information needs for getting a desire out come. It decides the sources of data and
methods for gathering data. A good design insures that the information obtained is
relevant to the research question and that it was collected by objectives. Since,
research design is simply the frame work or plan for a study. It is a blue print that of a
house devised by an architect. My approach to research is descriptive and quite

Out of various research methods the research method, which was most suitable to my
research, was Exploratory Research because it provides me all the opportunities to
cover the all the aspect that I require to conduct the research and get an appropriate out

Types of Data Collection

There are two types of data used. They are primary and secondary data. Primary data is defined
as data that is collected from original sources for a specific purpose. Secondary data is data
collected from indirect sources. (Source: Research Methodology, By C. R. Kothari)

Primary Sources

These include the survey or questionnaire method as well as the personal interview
methods of data collection.

Secondary Sources

These include books, the internet, company brochures, product brochures, the company website,
competitor’s websites etc, newspaper articles etc.

Data collection instrument was structured schedule.

Contact methods : Schedule reservation filled with data by

asking questions from respondents.

Sampling universe : share market investors of jaipur city

Sample size : 200

Scope of the study:-

The study was conducted at angel broking ltd, Jaipur (Rajapark branch).

The study was conducted for a period of 18th May 2009 to 26th June 2009.

Tools for analysis:-

Weighted average calculation

Justification of the project:-

The company was interested to find out the investor perception and the problems
faced by the general investor while dealing with the brokers. The company was
also interested to find out the common problems as faced by general investor
while in share market and the satisfaction level for the services provided by the
brokers to the investor.


Learning in 45 Days of my executive training with Angel Broking:

 Basic practical knowledge about share trading, online and off line both online
trading is done by customers direct through their home and offline is done
through phone.
 Detailed knowledge about various market segments like BSE, NSE, F&O, MCX,
and NCDEX.
 Get knowledge about the different department at Angel Broking like Risk
management, IT, Dealing room, B2B, B2C.
 Get knowledge about Demat accounts and then how to convince the customers
to open an account.
 Get knowledge about cold calling practically.
 Get knowledge about how to talk to customers to convey them.
 Knowing my weaknesses that are I could not convey customers due to lacing in
conveying power which I have less than required power, Lacking in Practical

Learning in 45 Days of my executive training with Company Guide:

 Know about Branch process and control over branch.

 Learn about interaction between various departments at branch.
 Learn about Interaction with high level management.
 Interactions with company guide many times and learn about new creative
thoughts, to control expenses of branch and to know about to know about new
plans of my career.
 Increase in confidence level.
 Give respect to your working place and be faithful with your company.
 Control over your negative thoughts and try to be optimistic.
 Learn about interaction with typical market i.e. service marketing.

Learning in 45 Days of my executive training with Faculty Guide and Guest


In my 45 days a wonderful program was conducted by SIP coordinator at SIP center

Jaipur. It was guest lectures by corporate people and by Mr. Ranveer Singh, Regional
Head, and Mr. Amit Aggarwal , Branch Head. .

 I knew that how is a team built. I learnt about team building and had team spirit
with all the members of team and also knew about working of leader in a team.
 I got a spiritual thinking to maintain self esteem. I got my self realization and
respect you first yourself.
 I got many tips regarding marketing to achieved my targets.

To company

In the growing competition & availability many options will be able to exist which
can cater the market efficiency & effectively, no about this only supplement the
quality services and many other factors.

With the help of this study the company will be able to identify the loose points,
which it should improve upon to deliver the best of service to investors. It will help
the company to find out the investment behavior for the investors. The
undertaken was part for attainment of this objective for the company in jaipur city.

To researcher

To bride practical orientation with the theoretical and conceptual it is pertinent for
one to enter in the corporate world. By this project the researcher not only fulfilled
his requirement of MBA degree programe but also learn a lot in the field of
marketing, the researcher has got an opportunity of implementing her theoretical
knowledge of management programe in his practical life.

To Third Party

The manual will serve the purpose of guidance for all those into may have
professional or academic interest in the project.


1) The study was restricted to Jaipur City so it is difficult to generalize

The interpretation made out of the findings.

2) This research is dependent on the information provided by the

respondents and sometimes the respondents are very reluctant in
providing right informantion and often provide it carelessly and the
result drawn out by only this information, so sometimes all efforts
might not find direction and results.

3) This conclusion and recommendations made are based on a very

less experience of researcher in this field.

4) Time was the biggest constraints as the study was limited for a
period of 45 days only as per the curriculum of researcher, which
means that any relevant market phenomenon before and after this
duration of time might have been skipped in the study.

5) Many respondents did not reply and didn’t gave accurate answer.



Age group(years) No. of respondents
Below 20 0
20-35 31
36-50 78
51-65 59
Above 65 32

Out of total 200 respondents, below 20 years of age were none, 39% of
the respondents falls in the age group of 36-50 years where as 29% were
in the age group of 51-65 years and next 16% falls in the group of more
than 65 years.


Category No. of respondents

Service 94
Business 80
Others 26

Out of total respondents , most of respondents were from service class

and 40 % were during business and rest of the respondents include retired
person, other people, other professional’s students etc.


Income group No. of Respondents

Less than 1 lac 50
1-5 lacs 93
More than 5 lacs 57

Most of the respondents belong to the income group of 1-5 lacs followed
by the respondents belong to income group of more than 5 lacs which is
28% of total respondents and rest of Respondents belonging to the
income group below 1 lac.


Qualification No. of respondents

Under graduate (U.G) 53
Graduate 79
Post graduate(PG) 55
Others(O) 13

Most of the respondents were graduate and 26% were post graduate and
rest 6% belong to other category.

When the respondent were asked their preference of investment, is

cash market , derivatives market or both, the following respondents
were obtained .

Options No. of respondents

Only cash/capital market 76
Only derivative market 21
Both 103

Out of 200 respondents amount 52% respondents their fund in

cash and derivative market, 38% investment is only cash market
and rest is derivative market.
When the respondents were asked about the time period for which
they are investing, the following responses were obtained.

Time period No. of respondents

Less than 1 year 25
1-5 year 97
More than 5 year 78

Out of total 200 respondents 12% respondents were new investors, 48% were investing
for 1-5 year and rest were for more than 5 year.

When the respondents were asked about proportion of income they

invest in shares and securities, the following responses were
Investment proportion No. of respondents
Up to 5% 47
5 to 10% 59
10 to 25% 63
More than 25% 31

When the respondents asked about the proportions of income they invest in shares and
securities, it was found that most of the (32%) respondents invest 10-25% of their
income, 30% of respondents invest 5-10%, 24% of them invest up to 5% and rest more
than 25%.

When the respondents were asked trading frequency, the following

responses were obtained.
On analyzing the trading practices it was found that majority, 65% of the investors trade
according to the market 25% trade daily followed by weekly traders 7%.

When the respondents were asked about trading advice , the

following responces were obtained.
Regarding the decision of amount and investment area, 98 out of 200 takes the idea
on their own and 37 on expert’s opinion, 35 on brokers advice, and 19 on friends

When the respondents asked whether any professional advice is

available to them when required, the following responses were
Out of 200, 108 respondents said that they don’t and professional advice , 73 said that
they get it sometimes, and 19 of them get advice when needed.

When the respondents were asked about the motive for making
investment in capital market, the following responses were obtained.

Option Rank I Rank II Rank III

Regular income in 113 27 60
the form of dividend/
Tax planning 55 26 119
Capital gain 120 25 55

Calculation of weight, (Rank I=3, Rank II=2,Rank =1)

Option Rank I Rank II Rank III

Regular income in 339 54 60
the form of dividend/
Tax planning 165 52 119
Capital gain 360 50 55

On analyzing motives for investment in capital market it was found that capital gain was
the most important factor that influences investment decisions followed by regular
income and tax planning.
When the Respondents were asked about the factors they consider
while selecting a broker, the following responses were obtained.

Option Rank I Rank II Rank III

Brokerage 129 59 12
Frequent payments 112 43 45
& transfer of
Less advance 59 79 62
Credit limits 65 46 89
Personal Relations 79 24 97

Calculation of Weight, (Rank I=3, Rank II=2, Rank III=1)

Option Rank I Rank II Rank III

Brokerage 387 118 12
Frequent payments 336 86 45
& transfer of
Less advance 177 158 62
Credit limits 195 92 89
Personal Relations 237 48 97
When The respondents were asked about the difference they feel
between ring trading (order form of trading) and online, the following
responses were obtained.
Differences No. of respondents
The later is more easier than the former 59
The later is more transparent than the 106
The later is faster easier than the more 15
The later is more accurate than the former 18
Others 2

About 53% Respondents said that online trading is more transparent then the older ring
trading system where as 30% investors feel online trading is more easier understanding
the mechanism of trading, 7.67% Respondents feel the later is more faster, 8.66% feel it
is more accurate.
When the Respondents were asked whether they are aware of
different charges by their broker , the following responses were

Charges No. of respondents

Yes No
Turnover/Transaction 197 3
Demat charges 184 16
Service Tax 179 21

When the respondents were asked whether they are satisfied with the
different charges by their brokerage, the following responses were
When the Respondents were asked to rate the service provided by
their broker, the following responses were obtained.

Service Good Fair Poor

Phone service 33 50 117
Brokerage 122 67 11
Conformation of 53 23 124
Professional advice 28 60 112
Relaxation in 26 85 89
advance margin
Payment/delivering 50 42 108
of securities
Staff behavior 31 124 45

Service Good Fair Poor Total

Phone service 99 100 117 316
Brokerage 366 1344 11 511
Conformation of 159 46 124 329
Professional advice 84 120 112 316
Relaxation in 78 170 89 337
advance margin
Payment/delivering 150 84 108 342
of securities
Staff behavior 93 248 45 386

A remarkably high dissatisfaction was there among the investors for the brokerage
charged by their broker, most of them are dissatisfied with the staff and relation in
advance margin.


Job Profile and Investment Proportion

Out of 94 services class investors, about 40% invest 10-25% of their total
income in shares and securities, 22% invest 5-10%,228% invest up to 5%
where as only 10% invest more than 25%. Out of 80 investors belonging to
business class, 26% invest more than 25% of their income in shares and
securities where as 30.15% invest 10-25% and rest invest 5-10. Out of 26
respondents having job other profession, 73% invest up to 5% where as
rest invest 5-10% of the total income/earning in shares & securities.

Annual Income & Investment Proportion

Out of 57 respondents having annual income than 5 lacs, 45% invest more
than 25% of their income in shares and securities, 34% invest 10-25% and
rest invest 5-10% in shares and securities. In 1-5 lacs annual income
category 63% invest in 10-25%, 12% more than 25% and rest invest 5-10%
of their earnings in shares and securities. Respondents having annual
income up to 1 lac, mostly invest only up to 5-10% of total income in shares
& securities.

Age Group and Motive of Trading

While trading in each segment, the main motive of the respondents Is the
age group of 51-65 years and above 65 years was regular income in the
form of dividend/interest. About 81% of the total respondents in these
capital gain and 2nd Tax Planning. 64% respondent in the age group of 36-
50 years have given priority to regular income, followed by capital gain &
Tax planning.


Conclusion based on findings

• Business class investors more proportion of their income in shares &
securities as compared to service class investors.

• Majority of investors trade according to expert the daily traders.

• Majority of investors take the decision on investment (where/what

amount to invest)on their own idea and some rely on expert’s opinion
and broker’s advice.

• In cash segment, capital gain is the prior motive of the investors

followed by regular of the investors followed by regular income and
tax income and tax planning.

• The satisfaction level regarding services by brokers of phone service

& professional advice is very low.

• Professional advice available is not adequate regarding investment in

secondary market.

• Most of the investors feel that online trading is more transparent than
the older form of trading (Ring trading).

• Most of the people are aware of different charges charged by the

brokers (Demat charges, transaction charges, service charges,
service charges etc.).

• While selecting a broker, brokerage & frequent payments were

considered as main factors followed by personal relations.

• Most of the investors are not satisfied with “phone services” provided
by the brokers,
• The major problem faced by the investors is of broker’s attitude
towards small investors is not same as with the big investors.

• Another major problems faced by the investors is to decide

where/what amount is invested.


• Professional advice should be made available in the city.

• Brokers should transfer the deliveries/payments to the investors in


• Brokers should deal all the investors in same respect.

• The phone service should be made prompt.





Phone No:………………………………………………………………

Age: ( ) 20 to 35 ( ) 36 to 50 ( ) 51 to 65 ( ) 36 to 50 ( ) more than65

Job profile: ( ) Govt. Servant ( ) Business ( ) Others

Annual Income (in lacs): ( ) less than 1 ( )1-5 lacs ( ) More than 5 lacs

Club Membership: ( ) Yes ( ) No


Under Graduate Graduate Post Graduate Others

(1) Where do you invest your funds?

(a) Only Cash/Capital Market

(b) Only Derivative Market

(c) Both ( )

(2) How much share or your income do you invest?

(a) Up to 5% (b) 5-10%

(c) 10-25% (d) More than 25% ( )

(3) For long you have been dealing in derivatives market?

(a) Less than 1 year (b) 1-5 year

(c) More than 5 year ( )

(4) Are you aware of Derivatives like ?

(a) Options ( b) Future in shares

(c) Future in Index ( )

(5) Where do you invest in derivative market ?

(a) Options (Call Option, Put Option)

(b) Future in shares and Index

(c) Both ( )

(6) Whom do you Consult before taking decision about the investment ?

(a) On your own idea

(b) Expert’s Opinion

(c) On Friend’s/Family members advice

(d) Broker’s advice

(e) Other source ( )

(7) How often do you trade ?

(a) Daily (b) Weekly

(c)Monthly (d) According to Market ( )

(8) Whether the professional advice is available to you ?

(a) Yes (b) No (c) Sometimes ( )

(9) What are your motives for making investment in shares and securities in Derivatives
Market (Please Rank) ?

(a) Risk Management

(b) High Volume transaction with less margin

(c) Low Brokerage as compared to cash delievery segment

(d) Portfolio/Index/Basket Trading

(e) More Opportunity for speculation ( )

(10) Which factors influence you while selecting a broker (Please rant up to 3 ) ?

(a) Brokerage

(b) Frequent Payment

(c) Less advance margin

(d) Credit Limits

(e) Personal Relations ( )

(11) Are you aware of the different charged by your broker ?

(a) Turnover/Transaction charges

(b) Service Tax

(c) Others ( )

(12) What is your satisfaction level pertaining to different charges charged by your
broker ?

(a) satisfied (b) Neutral

(c) Dissatisfied ( )

(13) What are the benefits of trading in derivative segment over the cash segment ?

(a) Basket trading (b) Low Brokerage

(c) Short-Sale for a longer period

(d) Option (CA,PA)available which provides calculation risk( )

(14) Rate the services Provided by your brokers ?

Service Good Fair Poor

Confirmation of
Phone Service
Professional advice

Relaxation advance
Staff Behavior
(15) Tick the problems faced by you ?

(a) Depending the initial amount of investment

(b) To trade where to invest

(c) To Complete Paper Work

(d) Delay in Payment

(e) Brokers do not deal all the investors in same respect

(f) Lack of knowledge about the rules and regulation of SEBI( )

(16) Any other problems faced by you:


Suggestion, if any:









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