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Sub SendMailCDONTS(aTo, Subject, TextBody, aFrom)

Const CdoBodyFormatText = 1

Const CdoBodyFormatHTML = 0

Const CdoMailFormatMime = 0

Const CdoMailFormatText = 1

Dim Message 'As New cdonts.NewMail

'Create CDO message object

Set Message = CreateObject("CDONTS.NewMail")

With Message

'Set email adress, subject And body

.To = aTo

.Subject = Subject

.Body = TextBody

'set mail And body format

.MailFormat = CdoMailFormatText

.BodyFormat = CdoBodyFormatText

'Set sender address If specified.

If Len(aFrom) > 0 Then .From = aFrom

'Send the message


End With

End Sub

2. IIS SMTP + CDO.Message

Sub SendMailCDO(aTo, Subject, TextBody, aFrom)

Const cdoOutlookExvbsss = 2
Const cdoIIS = 1

Dim Message 'As New CDO.Message

'Create CDO message object

Set Message = CreateObject("CDO.Message")

With Message

'Load IIS configuration

.Configuration.Load cdoIIS

'Set email adress, subject And body

.To = aTo

.Subject = Subject

.TextBody = TextBody

'Set sender address If specified.

If Len(aFrom) > 0 Then .From = aFrom

'Send the message


End With

End Sub

Sub SendMailCDOCacheConf(aTo, Subject, TextBody, aFrom)

'cached configuration

Dim Conf ' As New CDO.Configuration

If IsEmpty(Conf) Then

Const cdoOutlookExvbsss = 2

Const cdoIIS = 1

Set Conf = CreateObject("CDO.Configuration")

Conf.Load cdoIIS

End If
Dim Message 'As New CDO.Message

'Create CDO message object

Set Message = CreateObject("CDO.Message")

With Message

'Set cached configuration

Set .Configuration = Conf

'Set email adress, subject And body

.To = aTo

.Subject = Subject

.TextBody = TextBody

'Set sender address If specified.

If Len(aFrom) > 0 Then .From = aFrom

'Send the message


End With

End Sub

3. 远程 SMTP + CDO.Message
修改以上列出函数 SendMailCDOCacheConf 的代码,如下
Sub SendMailCDOCacheConf(aTo, Subject, TextBody, aFrom)

'cached configuration

Dim Conf 'As New CDO.Configuration

If IsEmpty(Conf) Then

Const cdoSendUsingPort = 2

Set Conf = CreateObject("CDO.Configuration")

With Conf.Fields
.Item("") =

.Item("") =


End With

End If

Dim Message 'As New CDO.Message

'Create CDO message object

Set Message = CreateObject("CDO.Message")

With Message

'Set cached configuration

Set .Configuration = Conf

'Set email adress, subject And body

.To = aTo

.Subject = Subject

.TextBody = TextBody

'Set sender address If specified.

If Len(aFrom) > 0 Then .From = aFrom

'Send the message


End With

End Sub

4. Outlook
Sub SendMailOutlook(aTo, Subject, TextBody, aFrom)

'Create an Outlook object

Dim Outlook 'As New Outlook.Application

Set Outlook = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")

'Create e new message

Dim Message 'As Outlook.MailItem

Set Message = Outlook.CreateItem(olMailItem)

With Message

'You can display the message To debug And see state


.Subject = Subject

.Body = TextBody

'Set destination email address

.Recipients.Add (aTo)

'Set sender address If specified.

Const olOriginator = 0

If Len(aFrom) > 0 Then .Recipients.Add(aFrom).Type = olOriginator

'Send the message


End With

End Sub

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