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Activities with

-Case on struggle against
outsourcing of Dongsan hospital
restaurant for the patients

Human Rights Solidarity Struggling

against Poverty and Discrimination
History of struggle
GyuMyung University Dongsan Hospital
 Located in Daegu, established in early 1900
 To maximise its profits, the hospital restaurant has
been outsourced since June 2007
 Since June 1 2010, Pulmuwon ECMD -> Unitos
 Application of minimum wage, and dismissal of the
workers who protested against the minimum wage
 Low quality of food for the patients, employment as
informal worker
 Civil groups and the dismissed workers protesting for
last 7 months
▣ It use for the struggle – Online cafe
① Sharing information and communications among the activists and the
victims ⇒ Headquarter for Withdrawal of outsourcing and achievement of
regular employment (
② Documentation and achieve of struggle
③ Communication / Discussion on strategies
- Joint struggle, democratic struggle
④ Daily communication to maximize relay protest and mass rally
▣ Usage of Multiple Sending Service of Message
Prompt and rapid communication and mobilization
Ex) 뿌리오
Ex. Sending SMS
▣ Struggle Community Notice board
- Encouraging Citizen’s interest and participation which can create
social pressure upon the hospital
Online petition
Readers' feedback for online petition
▣ Face book!/profile.php?id=100000896876651
Sharing the struggle
with my friends at
various levels
through face book
▣ Web posters, web magazines distributed to the
activists and the membership
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