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Impact on Indian Economy

Presented by:
Purbadri Das
Debanil Chakraborty
Dutta Bijoya
Vinay Tharakan
FDI (Foreign Direct Investment)
FDI occurs when an entity or investor from
one country (home country e.g. India) obtain
or acquires the controlling interest in an entity
in another country (host country e.g. USA) and
then operates and manages the entity and its
assets as part of the multinational business of
the investing entity.
FII (Foreign Institutional Investor)
FII is a category of investment instrument that
are more easily traded, may be less
permanent, and do not represent a controlling
stake in an enterprise, these include
investment via equity instrument (stocks) or
debt (bonds) of a foreign enterprise which
does not necessarily represent a long term
Regulatory Body of FDI
• Reserve Bank of India

• Ministry of Finance

Impact of FDI on Indian Economy
1. Creates employment opportunity for domestic country.
2. Good relationship between two countries.
3. Modern technology.
4. Inflow of foreign funds in Indian Economy.
5. To provide the goods and services at best suitable prices.
6. It creates the competition among the domestic company and MNC.
In this way domestic companies increase their efficiency.
7. Indian companies get the chance to work as a professional body.
8. Indian companies get the chance to work with World Market
Leader Companies.
9. Backward areas can be developed.
10. Creating good capital market in India.
11. Government earns in the form of license fees, registration fees and
taxes which is spend for public expenditure.
Impact of FII on Indian Economy
1. FII leads to appreciate currency
2. FII and exports
3. FII and stock market
4. FII and inflation
5. FII and local companies
6. Capital formation in Domestic Market
Factors affecting the FII
• Interest Rate of the country
• Money Supply and Inflation Rate
• Exchange Rate of the country
• Economic Growth
Difference between FDI and FII
• Meaning
• Entry & Exit in Stock Market
• Stability
• Types of Market
• Types of Investment
• Source
• Regulatory Body
• Purpose
How much of FDI & FII too much
for Indian Economy?
Thank You

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