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November 14th 2010

Dear Parents of Sec 2 Youth,

Important Notes for Sec 3 Confirmation Program 2011

1. If your child has not yet submitted his/her 2011 SEC 3 PASTORAL
ATTACHMENT REGISTRATION FORM, we ask that you do so as soon as
possible before the Catechist Office closes for the year, or else your child may be
randomly assigned to a Pastoral Attachment ministry.

2. As stated in our letter dated October 10th, 2010, please be reminded that your child
will resume catechism in 2011 on Sunday February 13th in St. Clare Hall at 10am.

Paraliturgy & Meeting with PA Ministry Mentors

On Sunday February 13th 2011 from 10am – 12 noon there will be a special prayer
session for you and your child, and your child will also meet the volunteer from the
ministry which he/she have been assigned to and receive instructions on where to go
for his/her ministry meeting. Vital information about the Confirmation Program such
as programme schedule for the year, programme requirements as well as material
necessary for the Pastoral Attachment will also be distributed on this day. Please
make arrangements to attend this session with your child so that you can be informed
and engaged with his/her catechesis process.

• Date: Sunday, February 13, 2011

• Time: 1000 – 1130 hrs
• Venue: St. Clare Hall

NB: Please note that your child’s attendance at this session will be counted towards
class attendance.

3. Please note that when regular catechetical sessions resume after the period of
Pastoral Attachment, it will be on Sundays, from 11:45am – 1:30pm.

We look forward to the journey we are about to undertake together with your child,
and to your support and cooperation.

God bless!

Timothy Wong
Confirmation Programme Coordinators

Contact: / 9185 5890

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