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Make-Up Lab Tyler Sydenstricker


Title: Machines

Goal: To Determine the mechanical efficiency and advantage, both actual and ideal, of a simple machine
as I change the load.

Apparatus: Incline plane, cart, string, weights.


1. Record the mass of the cart and the angle of the inclined plane.
2. Attach a string to the cart, and adjust the pulley to make the string horizontal.
3. Find the mass required to make the cart move up the ramp and down the ramp at a uniform
speed, and record.
4. Repeat for the following loads.
5. With the following equations, fill in the table.
6. Plot EFFexp with EFF against load.


ml M mu md IMA AMA EFFexp mr EFF

g g g g
0 431.6 167 135 2.858278 0 0 0
100 531.6 205 165 2.873514 0.487805 0.169759 0.167017
200 631.6 245 195 2.870909 0.816327 0.284344 0.281147
400 831.6 320 255 2.892522 1.25 0.432149 0.427062
1000 1431.6 552 450 2.857485 1.811594 0.633982 0.046 0.620189
1500 1931.6 745 600 2.872268 2.013423 0.700987 0.046 0.689477


IMA=1/sin EFF=AMA/IMA IMAex=2M/(mu+md) r=(mu-Msin)/(Mcos)

AMA=mlg/Fu=ml/mu EFF  EFFexp=AMA/IMA
M (1  )
tan 

It is nice to see that machines do in fact give humans an advantage to move things, even though
friction makes things a lot less than ideal. We were not very precise in measuring our angle and we do
know in fact that our angle was measured slightly wrong in the first place, these both defiantly lead to
errors, there were also errors with how precise we were measuring the weights too, and there was
guess work on when the cart was moving at a uniform speed. Though all these errors were there, there
still wasn’t a lot wrong with this experiment. We also know now that the more weight that you give a
machine, the more efficient your energy is spent moving it, thank god wheels have such a low
coefficient of friction.

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