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Erik Matti
“I MAKE movies to Richard Gomez and Joel Torre
tell stories … to have expressed interest in the
project, he adds.
engage the audi- Erik’s other noteworthy
ence, to let people know films: “Scorpio Nights 2”
what I think and how I (1999), “Ekis: Walang Takas”
feel about things that (1999), “Pedro Penduko”
matter to me. I make (2000), “Sa Huling Paghihin-
films that I myself would tay” (2001), “Prosti” (2002),
“Mano Po 2” (2003), “Gagam-
want to watch,” says Erik boy” (2004), “Pa-siyam”
Matti. (2004), “Exodus: Tales from
His latest film, “The Arrival,” the Enchanted Kingdom”
represented the country in fes- (2005). “THE has made money in the past.”
tivals in Italy, Germany, Hong He is thrilled about what he ARRIVAL” Erik calls on aspiring film-
Kong, as well as in New York calls “a newfound democra- makers to be honest in what
and Hawaii. It received eight tized filmmaking revolution.” they do. “Don’t second-guess
Urian nominations. Francis de Anyone who has a story to tell critics,” he says. “Half the time
Veyra, who composed the can just borrow a camera and they don’t know how to watch

sound track, won the 2010 make a film, Erik notes. “[This] ERIK MATTI: movies—check out some of the
Gawad Urian for Best Music. liberation from the clutches of “If your movie reviews of ‘Sa ’Yo Lamang.’
Erik is currently working on a those we deem powerful in the is good, festivals Don’t second-guess festivals. If
number of projects under his business has opened the gates will ask for it.” your movie is good, they will
company, Reality Entertain- to a surge of ideas from the seri- ask for it. Don’t be impatient.
ment. One of these is “OJT.” ous, quirky, crazy, gay, preten- Learn the medium first.”
“It’s a character-driven, hard- tious, poignant, deep, mundane their ignorance.” movies,” he says. [output], though half of them ac- There is no excuse for bad
boiled movie like ‘Heat,’ ‘Ameri- to any idea deemed ‘filmable,’” Erik believes there is an au- There is a need to unite the tually wish their movies would filmmaking, he says, no matter
can Gangster’ and ‘The Depart- he says. dience for local films. “This is mainstream and independent make it to mainstream.” On the how good the intention. “This
ed.’ It’s a mentor-protégé paral- He stresses a need for pro- evident during the annual film camps, he adds. “The indie other hand, he says, “The prob- country has gotten so low on
lel story of two hit men from ducers, “who are not con- Metro Manila Film Festival, people have become snooty. lem with mainstream producers principles that we easily hail
prison,” Erik relates. Actors Pio- cerned only about tricking the though we constantly hear the They think their films are more is that their notion of what’s mediocre work with good in-
lo Pascual, John Lloyd Cruz, audience or cashing in on same clamor for better relevant than the mainstream commercial is limited to what tentions.” Marinel R. Cruz


Francis Jeffrey Jeturian

Xavier Pasion
EQUIRED to com-
pose a letter to a
possible employer
in a high school typing
class, Francis Xavier Pa-
sion had written to Lily
Monteverde, matriarch of
Regal Entertainment.
“But that’s not what led me
to filmmaking,” says Francis,
who graduated cum laude in JEFFREY JETURIAN:
Communications from Ateneo. “If you want it bad
His first job was as wardrobe enough, your passion
assistant on the set of director will see you through.”
Marilou Diaz-Abaya’s “Muro-
Ami.” He recalls: “She was my FRANCIS XAVIER PASION:
teacher in Ateneo, and my first “There is no more excuse

not to be a filmmaker.” E IS a true child of product of the so-called pito- competed in the Cinema del
employer. She would get my pito (literally, seven-seven) film Presente section of the Venice
salary from her salary.”
cinema, having
worked his way up movement in the 1990s. Lily International Film Festival. Five
Francis describes his “Muro- the life of a murdered teacher chronicles the journey of the Monteverde allowed indepen- years later, Jeffrey scored a per-
Ami” stint as a “priceless” expe- and, in the process, solves the sampaguita garland, from from the ranks, starting as dent-minded filmmakers to do sonal best with his seventh
rience. “I worked with the best crime. It won Best Picture at the time the buds are plucked production assistant, then their thing—if they could finish work, “Kubrador.” It won crit-
people in the industry. I learned Cinemalaya 2008. in a farm out of town to the production designer and shooting in seven days and ics’ prizes in the Brisbane, Cine-
a lot.” “Jay” has since been time the finished products
In 2003, he co-wrote “Crying screened in 28 international are sold in the city. The story
assistant director. post-production in another sev- fan (India), Moscow and Val-
Jeffrey Jeturian recalls en days. ladolid (Spain) Fests.
Ladies” and was a script consul- film festivals, premiering at is told by the children in- One such movie was Jeffrey’s “Kubrador” also won for lead
watching Susan Roces movies
tant for “Kung Ako na lang the prestigious Venice Inter- volved in the different stages. “Sana Pag-Ibig Na” (1998). star Gina Pareño a string of Best
at age 6, and having a “magical
Sana.” Then he wrote the script national Film Festival in It won the Special Jury Prize This modest debut was fol- Actress trophies from Amiens,
experience.” But seeing Lino
of the TV series, “Sa Piling Mo” 2008. It won honors in festi- at Cinemalaya 2010. lowed by a quick succession of Cinefan, Brussels and local
Brocka’s “Maynila sa mga Kuko
in 2006 and later became head vals in Mexico, Switzerland, Francis counsels aspiring six thoroughly indie films—all award-giving bodies as well.
ng Liwanag” in high school
writer and producer of the pub- Spain and the United States. filmmakers: “Watch as many acclaimed and award-winning, Straddling the mainstream
rocked his world.
lic service program “Nagmama- Francis served as a mem- Filipino films as you can, even here and abroad. and indie scenes has given Jef-
He told himself, “Movies
hal, Kapamilya.” In 2008, he ber of the international jury the bad ones. The biggest sin His second movie, “Pila frey a fuller view of the land-
have the power to move audi-
worked as scriptwriter on the at the 2009 Vladivostok In- you will ever commit as a Fil- Balde” won at WorldFest Hous- scape. “The local industry was
ences … I wish I could be a
mini-series “Volta.” ternational Film Festival in ipino filmmaker is not direct- ton (Texas) in 2000 and was already pronounced dead.
filmmaker someday!”
That same year, he wrote and Russia. ing a bad film, but directing a shown at the Bogota Film Fest Then, this boom in indie film
Like another INQUIRER hon-
directed “Jay,” about a filmmak- His second film, “Sampa- copy of a Hollywood film and in 2001. Also in 2001, “Tuhog” production,” he recalls the last
oree, Lav Diaz, Jeffrey was a
er who makes a documentary on guita, National Flower” calling it Filipino.” five years. “We are in the midst
He adds: “If you really “TUHOG” of a golden age. In terms of out-
want to direct [at this time], put alone, we can see a com-
you are probably already on bustion of creative energy.”
a film set, or in a film school, The next challenge is to sus-
or have a huge collection of tain the world’s interest and at-
DVDs. You don’t need advice tract a wider local audience at
from anyone because passion the same time, he says. “We can
requires no advice. If you are do this by depicting what is true
in a call center, quit and be a and real in our cultural and so-
production assistant. One di- cial experiences as Filipinos.”
rector told me once, ‘Choose His advise to neophyte film-
your passion; the money will makers: “Pursue your dream.
follow.’ Act now; there is no “If you want it badly enough…
more excuse not to be a film- your passion will see you
“JAY” maker.” Marinel R. Cruz through.” Bayani San Diego Jr.

Jerrold Tarog

“T HERE IS no Jerrold directs, writes, edits

new wave. and scores his own films. His
There is only a feature film debut, “Confes-
sional,” which he co-directed
bunch of people doing the with Ruel Dahis Antipuesto,
same thing at the same collected 13 major awards, in-
time,” Jerrold Tarog says of cluding Best Film at the 10th
the current “indie” scene. Osian’s Cinefan (India). It pre-
The director of award-win- miered at the 2007 Cinema
ning films “Confessional” and One Originals Film Festival,
“Mangatyanan” cautions where it won seven awards. It
against “allowing trophies and also won Best Film in the JERROLD TAROG: “CONFESSIONAL”
medals from foreigners to fool Southeast Asian category of “Have something
us into thinking there is a the 10th Cinemanila. worthwhile to say
movement of sorts here. The His second film, “Man- and say it well.” for exploration. I also think they As a filmmaker, Jerrold is
impact of important Filipino gatyanan,” was a finalist in the disseminate cultural wisdom pleased that, “in spite of every-
films from the past five years on full-length feature category in faster than anyone else.” thing, there are still people try-
Philippine society is weak at Cinemalaya 2009, where it won as composer for feature films, with ment of the middle class, he He adds, “On the marketing ing to make movies that have
this point. Cinema institutions two awards, including Best critically-acclaimed titles under his opines. “I’ve always believed side, we need help from some- respect for the audience.” He
that still hold the most influ- Editing for Tarog. Che Ramos, belt, like “Kaleldo,” “Foster Child” that the nation’s power comes one intelligent, passionate and tells aspiring directors to “have
ence are those that encourage received an Urian Best Actress and “Kubrador.” from the middle class—the Edsa powerful in the mainstream something worthwhile to say,
mediocrity, and overtly refuse nod for the lead role. Building a local audience for revolutions being cases in media to get indie films the au- and say it well.” Marinel R.
to let their audiences grow.” Jerrold also maintains a career indie films requires the involve- point—so I think it’s a rich field dience they deserve.” Cruz

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