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Raymond Red
Y HIS own admis-
sion, Raymond
Red has witnessed
the evolution of the indie
scene—from its infancy
in the days of 16mm,
8mm and super-8mm to
its recent resurgence with
digital technology.
“What we are witnessing now
is only a revolution in technolo-
gy, as the cinema revolution has
been happening for decades,”
Raymond notes. “It is a continu-
ing evolution and revolution.”
A dogged revolutionary for
the cause of cinema, he dared,
in the 1990s, to tackle historical
themes in the landmark films
“Bayani” and “Sakay.”
As short filmmaker, Ray-
mond won in Montreal (Cana- “ANINO”
da), Brussels (Belgium) and the
ultimate prize: a Palme D’Or “Inspiring,” he describes the strong national cinema that will age makers, and the new audi-
(Cannes) for “Anino” in 2000. “emergence of Philippine cine- survive, with or without interna- ences. They will create and de-
He and Kidlat Tahimik are the ma as a major force in festivals tional festivals to legitimize it.” mand according to their will,
only Filipinos mentioned in the abroad.” Digital technology sparked and they will have to adapt to
Oxford History of World Cinema. It’s a “cause of pride,” he the revolution anew in the last the swiftly evolving technolo-
He served as juror in the Singa- adds, but swiftly cautions, “I five years, he says, but, “I go gies that will continue to
pore, Tokyo Short Shorts Asia, have seen trends come and go. back to the realization that change our viewing habits, the
BMW Shorties Malaysia and New We should take advantage of these are just tools or weapons way we will make, as well as
York Asian-American festivals. the moment to establish our as I focus on the true intent of absorb, new motion pictures.”
In 2009, Raymond made his cinema, not for the glitz and making a film. That is, commu- It’s a never-ending story.
first digital feature, “Himpapaw- glamour ... but rather to redis- nicating with an audience.” “Every generation, or possibly

id,” which competed in cover cinema as part of our cul- The future is here and now, every decade, will have a ‘new
Tokyo—the first time the country tural heritage, as a recognized he says. “Philippine cinema is in wave.’ I hope they have sincere
RAYMOND RED: “Develop a strong national cinema with or without participated in the 22-year history and respectable art form.” the hands of the new genera- and progressive convictions.”
international festivals to legitimize it.” of the A-list festival. There is a need to “develop a tion, both the new moving im- Bayani San Diego Jr.

Rico Maria Ilarde

ICO Maria
Ilarde takes
great pride in
being an outsider
—even within a com-
munity of so-called cin-
ematic rebels.
In a filmmaking scene
where social realism is the
norm, Rico has boldly pur-
sued genre films—a hodge-
podge of horror, drama and
action flicks that defies clas-
sification in the end.
For his daring and deter-
mination, Rico has been re-
warded with recognition on “ALTAR”
foreign soil—with screen-
ings in “fantastic”-niche
events like Puchon (Korea), tain of his passion for cinema Then and now, Rico regards market, Rico says, “the indies
Sitges (Spain) and Santiago even as a child. “Nine out of 10 filmmaking as “an opportunity need to upgrade the overall
Rojo (Chile), as well as in of my childhood heroes were to share stories with people production value of films, while
more “general” festivals like filmmakers,” he recalls. from all over the globe.” the mainstream folks need to
Fribourg, Udine (Italy), Van- He grew up on a steady diet The world is now paying at- do the opposite and tackle grit-
couver (Canada) and Rotter- of movies by Sam Peckinpah, tention to Rico and other out- tier and more dangerous mate-
dam (The Netherlands). Steven Spielberg, Martin Scors- siders. rial.”
He also won two interna- ese, Stanley Kubrick and Alfred He sums up the last five years He urges the youth to learn
tional Best Picture awards: Hitchcock, among others. as “exciting and exasperating.” from the experiences (mistakes
for “Sa Ilalim ng Cogon” at In his early 20s, he made the It’s thrilling, he says, “because and successes) of the indies:
the 2005 Buenos Aires Rojo superhero film “Z-Man,” which of the worldwide acclaim,” but “Read Khavn de la Cruz’s book,
Sangre Film Fest in Argenti- was picked up by the Los Ange- frustrating because “no one is ‘Philippine New Wave.’ You’ll
na and for “Altar” at the 2009 les-based firm Overseas Film- making any real money from all get a healthy dose of wisdom

Montevideo Fantastic Film group/Firstlook Pictures in the attention. The world buys from people who’ve survived in
Fest in Uruguay. 1988. “It’s still available on films from all over Asia, except the cinematic trenches and won
Son of radio and TV host Amazon, but it’s in German,” he the Philippines.” a few battles along the way.” RICO MARIA ILARDE: “No one is making any real money from
Eddie Ilarde, Rico was cer- quips. To make a dent in the foreign Bayani San Diego Jr. all the attention.”

Sherad Anthony Sanchez

HERAD Anthony first feature “Huling Balyan ng Award, which comes with a

Sanchez can speak Buhi (The Woven Stories of the HK$150,000 (US$19,230) cash
passionately about Other).” His debut topped the prize, for his proposed film
cinema, even between Cinema One Originals fest and “Kaluha” this year. (The HAF or
sips of beer and drags on was screened in Jogjyakarta the Hong Kong-Asia Film Fi-
(Indonesia), Singapore, Seoul, nancing Forum is the region’s
his cigarette. Torino, Kuala Lumpur, Hong premier “pitching” market.)
Seems his films are just as Kong, Vienna, Mexico, San He proudly said of his film
potent and feverish as his ideas. Francisco, Paris, Mexico, Rome, work: “The term industry is de-
His short film “Apple” pre- among others. fined on the basis of economy.
miered at the Rotterdam fest in “Balyan” also won top prizes My practice doesn’t have one.”
2006. at the Osian’s-Cinefan (in In- He admitted that his stint as
A year later, Sherad, as a se- dia), Munich and Marseille scholar in the University of
nior college student, made his fests. Southern California (as part of
the US Embassy of Manila’s Fu-
sion Arts Program) in 2007
opened up a world of possibili-
ties. “It showed me that I can do
mainstream if I wanted to. It
showed me what I like about
Philippine cinema.”
The last five years witnessed
SHERAD ANTHONY SANCHEZ: “Cinema is a powerful healing medium.” a boom, he conceded. “There is
an increase in number of films
produced, as well as in the
His follow-up “Imburnal” and Woosuk awards in Jeonju Davao gangs, as a personal number of aspiring filmmakers.
was equally well-received and (South Korea). journey, a “healing process.” But with diversity also comes
well-traveled, in spite of an X “Imburnal,” which swept the “It may sound like a cliché recklessness.”
rating from the local censors in Cinema One fest and cinched but cinema is a powerful heal- The next big task is formulat-
2009. the Lino Brocka award in Cine- ing medium. I hope it continues ing “distribution strategies” for
It was shown in Hong Kong, manila, won Special Mention to heal me ... that the film will these films.
Jogjyakarta, Granada, Thessa- prizes at the Bangkok and connect to people who under- He pushed neophyte film-
loniki, Rome, Goa (India), Izola Buenos Aires fests as well. stand and relate with the film’s makers to be fearless: “There is
(Slovenia), among others, and He described the making of message,” he said. no formula! There is no dead-
won the Grand Prize, Netpac “Imburnal,” a gritty story of He also picked up the HAF line!” Bayani San Diego Jr.

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