Coffee Consumption in India-2005

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Coffee Consumption in India-2005

 Per capita consumption of coffee: 75


 Penetration of coffee
Proportion of people consuming the beverage in the last 12 months.
 Up in 2005 to 62% from 59% of 2003.
 Instant coffee Penetration - 52%
 But R&G (Filter coffee) - (15%).
 Penetration of tea- 94%.
Share of Throat

Ratio of the volume of that


1 1
beverage consumed to the 14

volume of all beverages B utter m ilk

consumed yesterday 4 Lassi

(excluding water). 9
F lav ou red M ilk

Na tural bere v ages

•Tea 52% P ackage d fruit

flavou red drink l

•Plain milk 14%. CSD

•Coffee 13% (filter + P lain m ilk

instant) during 2005

Filter Coffee

against 10% earlier Instan t Co ffee


2 00 5
Heaviness of consumption
Classification of Consumers
 38% Non-drinkers - who did not consume
coffee in the past 12 months.
 40% Occasional drinkers - who consumed
coffee in the past 12 months but not yesterday.
 22% Coffee drinkers – who consumed coffee 2% 1%
yesterday. 19%
Light (1-2 cups a day)
Medium (3 cups a day)
Heavy (4 or more cups a day).
Non drinker Occasional drinker Light drinker Medium drinker Heavy drinker

.The potential for growth lies with occasional

drinkers and more so in North and Eastern
zones where the occasional drinkers are
maximum in number i.e 64% and 52%
Between 2003 and 2005, there is a marginal
reduction of non-drinkers but the proportion
of occasional drinkers remains the same.
Places of consumption

Most of the daily consumption is at home.

During 2005 about 24% also consumed it
away from home. This is a marginal
increase of 2% over the previous estimate of
22%. Consumption of coffee away from
home is mainly at restaurants (45%) and hot
teashops (40%). Cafes and vending
machines are more visible now in the out-
of-home segment.
Estimation of volumes

During the year 2005, the total volume of coffee consumption 80,200 MT
with an urban and rural divide of 58,500 MT (73%) and 21,700 MT
( 27%).
This represents an overall increase of 9900 MT or 7% annual growth over
the 2003 consumption of 70,300MT (with an urban and rural share of
49,600 MT and 20,700 MT respectively).
About 64,405 MT is consumed in South India, which is 80% share of all
India consumption of 80,200 MT.
In the South, Tamil Nadu is the largest coffee consuming state with an
estimated volume of about 22,000 MT (34%) closely followed by
Karnataka with 19,000 MT (30%). Andhra Pradesh & Kerala account
for about 13,000 MT (20%) and 10,000 MT (16%) respectively.
In South zone, instant and filter coffee almost have an equal share. In
other zones, instant coffee is more predominant.
Consumption – Volume Trends
2005 Instant % R&G % Vol. R&G Vol Total

Overall 52 48 41704 38496 80200

Urban 59 41 34515 23985 58500

Rural 45 55 9765 11935 21700

2003 Instant % R&G % Vol. R&G Vol Total

Overall 51 49 35853 34447 70300

Urban 53 47 26288 23312 49600

Rural 47 53 9565 11135 20700

Statewise volume (Urban+Rural) AP
TN 20%
2003 2005
2003 2005 Share share

T.N 22692 22000 0.35 0.34

Karnataka 17505 19000 0.27 0.30 K e r a la

16% K a rn a ta k a
AP 12967 13000 0.20 0.20 30%
Kerala 11670 10000 0.18 0.16

South 64834 64000 0.92 0.80 AP

TN 20%
Non-South 5466 16200 0.08 0.20

Total 70300 80200 K e r a la

18% K a r n a ta k a

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