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5.2601 HERIOT-WATT UNIVERSITY ‘SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING & PHYSICAL SCIENCES Degree of BEng Mechanical Engineering Degree of MEng Mechanical Engineering Degree of BEng Mechanical Englnoaring & Energy Engineering Degree of MEng Mechanical Engineering & Energy Engineering ‘Degree of BEng Automotive Enginsering Degree of BEng Robotics & Cybertronics Degree of MEng Robotics & Cybertronics Second Year MECHANICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE 3 Wednesday, 16 December 2009 13:30- 15:30 ‘Answer TWO questions from each Section A and B ‘Section A- Dynamics ‘Section B ~ Strength of Meterials, SECTION A 5.2601 1. A uniform cisc of mass 2.27 kg rolls WITHOUT slipping down an inclined bar ‘AB. Tho bar AB is pin-cinted at A ard constrained without fricton at 8. The ‘mags of the bar AB is 10 «9, as (a) (o) © @ © Draw the free body diagram forthe disc; Determine the Ineat acceleration ofthe disc; Datermine the tition force asting on the disc; Draw the free body diagram forthe bar AB Determine the horizontal reaction force atthe end A. Figure a1 [5 marks] {5 marks] {5 marks] [5 marks} [S marks} mr) B5.£EC1 2, Part C, of mass m= 1800 kg, stars to move aong a horizontal plane towards the wail where two “nested” springs wil stop part C's movement ir the end. The ‘ritional coatficient between part © ard the plane is 0.01. When Part C has a distance of 1 m tothe wal, its spead is V = 5mis. The stitiness of Spring A is ke 000 Nim and its length before pat C collides with itis, s4 = 0.5 m. The ‘stiffness of Spring B is ke = 3000 Nim and its length before rat C colides with itis ¢9~= 0.45 m. The mass ofthe springs can be ignored. Determine: (a) kieticenergy a pat CJUST bot it colldeswith spring A. [Smarts] (©) velocity of prt JUST botorsiteldes wth sping B [9 mars} (©). the dalection ofeach spring when part G comestorest. [13 marks} (0) total work done bythe spring A to stop par: C [2 mars} (@) total work done by the spring B to stop par: C. [8 marks] Figure a2, B5.8EC1 Q3. A slender rigid uniform lever AB has mass, mya=2 hg, and tctal length, L = 250 mm. Itis pivoted witnout friction at its mid-point C, see Figure QS. One end of the lever A Is held against a stoo by a spring, wih the lever In a horizontal otientacion. The spring has a stiffness of 800 Nim and an intial compression of 12.5 mn. Asmall body D, mass ro =2.5 kg, fal freely from a height of 6 mm onto the end B, and does not rebound ‘rom the lover. (@) Determine the velocity of the body D just before it impacts with the ever 8 f4marks} (©) Provethe mass moment of inertia ofthe levor AB rotating about Cts: taemad, tsa (©) Cale the angurvelocy of pont B of telever immedi atts impacted by the body D. [@ marks] (6) Cataato the maximum deletion othe spring (emate] it ' ' oe ' DL AF ovine _. B Fowreas (24, Section BY B52E01 SECTION 04, A simply supported beam is loaded as shown in Figure Q4. The weight of the beam ise san be ignored and the beem has a sonstant cross-section. oss @ ) Using Macaulay's method, write en expression for the bending moment as ‘function of x (the distance along the beam fram the lef-hard end). Mustrete your answer with airoe body diagram forthe entire beam. 18 marks] ‘Show that the x positon of the maximum éeflestion of the beam occurs at 2.94 m measured from the left-and-end of the beam. [14 marks} Note: You are NOT required to sketch the bending moment distibution or the deflected shape of tre beam In parts (2) or (b). © ‘Again using Macaulay's method, now write an expression fer the bending moment a8 a function of x (the distance along the beam measured from the RIGHT-hand end), Explain why it would be more complicatec to calculate the postion cf the rmaxirrum beam detection with this choice of origin. (Bo NOT repeat the ‘calculation for the position of the maximum beam deflecion). [8 marks} 30KN —20KN/m mM ee —_—>— x Figure a4 85.8601 5. A simply supported beam Is loaded as shown In Figure Q5. The weight of the beam Iself can be ignored, and the beam has a constant cross-section lalso shown nthe Figure. a) ©) © Calculate an expression for the bending moment in each section oF the bbeam as a function of x (the distance along tre beam from the left-hand end). liustrate your answer with relevant free body diagrams for the whole beam and for each section ofthe eam, [10 marks} Differentiate the expression forthe bending moment in each section o* the beam 0 obtain the shear force in that section. [3 marks} ‘Sketch the bending moment distribution along the beam (Le. you DO NOT Reed fo use graph paper). Mark important values on the graph, including labels for the axes and the values of bending moment at the beam ends: ‘and at the discontinuities in the beam loading, “Tho beam has the cross section shown in Figure QS. Calculate whether the lorgituginal stress 0, In the beam exceeds the material veld stress of 200 MWe, [12 marks} Beam: Beam cross-section: 6 8s Figure 5 BS.aECI 06, A steel strt of square section, shown in Figure Q6(2), ie loaded axially in ‘Compression. Its to be replaced by a stool stut tubular sooton, shown in Figure G6(t). For the material, E=200CNim and the yield stress is 350 MN? What outer slameter ofthe tube, Cis required ithe same erica buckling load 's requred for both sectons? What isthe percentage saving in material by Using the tuauar replacement? {7 marks} ‘What is the critical bucking load for a tubular strut of length 1.5 m assuming thatthe strut is: (@)_ pinned at both ends? (©) fixed (or builtins at both ends? Why does areal stru: buckle at a lower load than this, in practice? (9 marks] When the strut is pinned at both ends, what woulc be the shorest lengih of ‘tubular strutfor which buckling rather than yielding isthe limiting fellure mode? [9 marks} Outer diameter, D 40 70m Inner diameter, ome 35mm @ © Figure a6

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