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Shallow : structural

Learning depends on how the information is processed, not the stage. Intermediate: acoustic
retention and retrieva will be superior for deep processing
Deep: semantic

Stimuli presented at the same time are held in STM and one of them
is selected (attention) to be brought into conscious awarness.
It is an all or nothing model, doesn't explain the Cocktail party
Phenomenon. Hence the analysis happens prior to the selection

SM Really short duration is sense

Capacity: Miller's number 7+-2,
can be improved by chunking

STM Duration: 15 to 30
Encoding: primarily

Capacity: virtually
Duration Virtually unlimited. Could lack in
accessibility rather than availability
Encoding: mainly semantic,
but also visually and acoustic

Tulvig 1972

Account for Primacy&Regency Effect,

generated lots of research on memory

Oversimplyfied, Focus too much on

Reharsal and attention

Control coordination of subsystems, allocation

of attention, problem solving, reharsing

Articulatory Control System (Verbal Reharsal

system, time-based capacity, speech production)
Central Executive Phonological Loop
Phonological Store (Speech based storage
system, speech perception, 1-2 sec duration)

Visuo-Spatial Sketchpad (Stores and processes visual-spatial

information, more likely to pick up wrong information)

Visual&Spatial sketchpad should be separate (blind people). Little

evidence on how CE works, when and its capacity. Doesn't explain
changes in processing ability due to time and practice.

Makes sense of a range of

tasks, supported by evidence.
Applies to real life tasks.

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