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Nama Siswa : Hari/Tanggal :

Mata pelajaran : Bhs. Inggris Waktu :
Kelas : IX Jumlah soal : 40 butir soal pilihan ganda
1. Jawaban dikerjakan pada lembar soal
2. Sebelum mengerjakan soal-soal, tulislah terlebih dahulu pada lembar jawaban: nomor peserta ujian, nama lengkap, dan asal
sekolah SMP/MTs!
3. Pilihlah jawaban yang tepat/benar dan berilah tanda kolom pilihan jawaban yang disediakan!
4. Berilah tanda pada satu pilihan jawaban saja untuk satu soal! Bila tanda X lebih dari satu untuk satu soal, maka jawaban
dianggap salah.
5. Jika terjadi kesalahan memilih jawaban, maka coretlah tanda dengan dua garis lurus mendatar pada jawaban yang dianggap
salah (contoh : X ), kemudian berilah tanda pada jawaban yang dianggap benar.
6. Tidak diizinkan menggunakan kalkulator, HP, tabel matematika, atau alat bantu hitung lainnya.
7. Berdo’alah sebelum mengerjakan
8. Periksalah pekerjaanmu sebelum diserahkan kepada pengawas ujian!

1. Mr. Eka : Nada, who is he? Can you lift this suitcase?
Nada : Oh, this is my friend in
English Club. Dea … a. Who can help me
Dea : Nice to meet you, Mr. Eka. b. Can you help me
Mr. Eka : Nice to meet you, too, Dea. c. Would you like any help
The correct statement to fill the blank is … d. Why do you need any help
a. Please meet Mr. Eka.
b. Go from my house. 8. Novi : Do you bring my dictionary
c. Mr. Eka is asking about you. with you?
d. Say your name. Ika : I’m sorry. I forgot.
Novi: Well, but don’t forget to bring
2. Ardi : Can I help you? it tomorrow. I need it for the
Mr. Ichya : Yes … some handkerchiefs, period class.
please? Ika : I won’t.
Ardi : Yes, of course. Here you are. From the dialog, Ika is asking for …
a. May I borrow to Rina.
b. Could I show you a. help c. information
c. Would you mind helping me b. approval d. an apology
d. Could you show me.
9. Ayim : The bus fare will increase in
3. Annisa : I will have a party for next month.
my birthday. Antoni : Oh, I don’t think it’s good.
Why don’t you come? It will need more money
Desy : How nice of you. Thanks a lot. to spend.
The underlined expression is showing … The underlined utterance is about …
a. an order c. a command a. agreeing c. disagreeing
b. a refusal d. an invitation b. apologizing d. requesting

4. Wahyu : What do you want to drink? One day, the wolf was shaking his thirst at a
Wandih : Just a glass of water. Thanks. stream when he chanced to see a lamb, also drinking, at
The underlined utterance expresses … some distance down the stream.
a. asking for information Outraged, he growled.
b. offering something “You are muddying my drinking water, now I shall
c. inviting people eat you.”
d. asking someone to do something The lamb protested, “But, sir, how can I be
muddying your drinking water? I am farther down stream
5. Aulia : Where are the English book, than you are. The water is flowing from your part of the
Ms. Gendis? stream to where I am.”
Ms.Gendis: They are on the shelves near “Upstream or downstream, your drinking is muddying
the window. my water, and I shall eat you.” After saying, the wolf
Aulia : …. , Mom. leaped upon the lamb and devoured him.
a. I think so c. Oh, there!
b. Thank you d. I see 10. What can of text the story above is?
a. narrative c. report
6. Mr. Malik : Oh, thank you for the presents, b. recount d. descriptive
students! It’s very kind of you.
Students : You are welcome, Mr. Malik! 11. Where was the wolf shaking?
The underlined sentence expresses … a. at the forest c. at the mountain b.
a. apologizing c. showing sympathy at a stream d. at the downstream
b. gratitude d. greetings
12. Why did the lamb protest? Because…
7. Mr. Ichya : …? a. the wolf wanted to eat him
Ms. Gendis: Yes, thank you. b. the lamb was at downstream
c. the wolf was drinking near the lamb eyes and strong face. He wears glasses. He is short
d. the lamb muddying the water sighted. He takes them off when he doesn’t work.
Uncle Martin is a textile engineer. He works for
13. Which paragraph is the introduction? a big firm in the city. He travels widely in his job. He
a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4 is an expert in solving problems with machines. At
present, he is in the United States. He is visiting the
14. What is the communicative purpose of the text? firm’s customer’s there.
a. to amuse or entertain the reader He is very fond of the sea. He has a boat at
b. to give information about the wolf the seaside. He goes there every weekend in
c. to describe something summer to sail it. I sometimes stay with my cousins
d. to retell the story in the past at their house on the coast. When Uncle Martin is at
home, he usually takes us out in the boat.
15. What is the generic structure of the text?
a. introduction – resolution – conclusion 21. What kind of text the passage above?
b. introduction – complication – conclusion a. recount text c. procedure text
c. introduction – complication – resolution b. descriptive text d. narrative text
d. orientation – steps – ending
22. The text above is about …
You need: a. Angela c. Uncle Martin
1. A digital camera b. Anne and Bob d. Martin’s boat
2. An object (classmate/friend)
Follow the steps below to take a picture: 23. Who is Martin?
1. Hold up the camera and center the object in the a. Anne’s father c. Angela’s husband
LCD. b. Bob’s brother d. writer’s uncle
2. Move closer or the zoom control for the result
you want. 24. What is the generic structure of the text?
3. When you are ready to take the picture, hold the a. identification – description
shutter half way. It is very important, so the b. general classification – description
camera sets the focus, shutter speed, and c. orientation – complication - resolution
various other calculations. This may take a few d. orientation – sequence of events
4. A light should appear that lets you know the 25. “He travels widely in his job.” (paragraph 3)
camera is set to go. His in the sentence refers to …
5. Press shutter all the way down. a. the writer c. a customer
b. Uncle Martin d. Aunt Angela
It may necessary to turn off the LCD and use the view
finder when there is extreme sunlight or to conserve Nowadays many jungles in the world are
battery life. The glare from the LCD does not work well threatened to extinction. Elephant in Africa, tigers in
with bright light. India, seals in the North and South poles, pandas in
China, one horned rhinoceros in Indonesia.
Human being has damaged the wild life. People
16. What kind of text information above is? hunt animals in order to get the advantages. They don’t
a. recount c. descriptive pay attention to the importance of the conservations.
b. narrative d. procedure They don’t understand that the life of the forest has a
relative with the life of human being. They cut the trees
17. How many steps we should do before we press the to get a farming field. However, it threatens the
shutter of a digital camera all the way down? environment.
a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4 Each government in the world gives attention
seriously to nature. Singariti national Park in Kilimanjaro
18. “When you are ready to take the picture.” valley, Kenya, is known as wild conservation. We find a
The underlined word could be best replaced with the lot wild animals in it. National park in Ujung Kulon, West
word … Java is also known as wild conservation. These
a. paintings c. poster conservations are useful to keep animals from the
b. photograph d. drawings extinction due to human. We must be ware that the
existence of relation between the human life and the
19. What we should do before taking a picture? environment is very important.
a. press the shutter and hold it half way
b. press the shutter all the way down directly 26. From the story, we know that …
c. do not press the shutter at all a. The animals must be protected.
d. turn off the LCD to conserve battery life b. We must destroy the conservation.
c. The conservation is not important for us.
20. What is the generic structure of the text above? d. There is no conservation in Indonesia.
a. introduction – events – ending
b. goal – steps – ending 27. Where is Singariti National Park situated?
c. goal – material – steps a. Africa c. Australia
d. orientation – material – conclusion b. America d. Asia

My uncle Martin is my mother’s elder brother. 28. We may not destroy the jungles, kill the animals, cut
He is my favorite among my mother’s brother. He is the trees carelessly because they important …
a very interesting man. He lives quite near us with a. for our life c. as a dangerous area
my aunt Angela and my cousins Anne and Bob. I b. as a wild life d. for hunting animals
often go to his house.
He is about 45 with grey hair. He is still quite 29. One of the following words that is similar to jungles
good looking. He is tall and well built. He has blue (paragraph 1) is …
a. plants c. forests
b. trees d. wild life 34. The text gives us information about …
30. The appropriate title for the text above is … a. The wonderful Borobudur temple.
a. Conservation b. The souvenirs to be bought.
b. Singariti National Park c. Dara’s last day in Yogya.
c. Wild Life d. A comfortable hotel near Malioboro.
d. The City
35. Who is the letter from?
31. 1. An interesting program makes us keep watching it. a. customers c. Betty
2. They are music, film, sports, news, and many b. the hotel staffs d. Dara
3. We can choose as we wish. 36. How do the staffs serve the customers of the hotel?
4. There are a lot of TV programs we can enjoy. a. proudly c. surely b. badly
The best arrangement of the above sentence is … d. nicely
a. 4-3-2-1 c. 1-2-4-3
b. 4-2-3-1 d. 1-2-3-4 37. Where does the writer stay in Yogya?
a. in Malioboro c. in a hotel
32. The best arrangement of these words to make a good b. at Borobudur d. at ‘lesehan’
sentence is …
You – not – in – thank – for – area – smoking – this 38. When does the writer write the letter?
a. For not smoking in this area thank you. a. after going to Yogya
b. Thank you for not smoking in this area b. after lunch at ‘lesehan’
c. Not smoking in this area for thank you. c. after getting back from Borobudur
d. In this area thank you not smoking for. d. after getting back from Malioboro

33. The best arrangement is …

1. Then, pour some oil into the frying pan and heat it
2. First, break the eggs
3. Now, the omelet is ready to be served
4. After that, season it with some salt and pepper COUNTRY 1975 2000
5. Finally, cook the omelet Indonesia 200 million 280 million
a. 4-3-2-5-1 c. 2-3-4-1-5 China 800 million 1,4 billion
b. 2-4-1-5-3 d. 2-4-1-3-5 India 700 million 1,1 billion

Dear Betty, 39. How much is the population of China in 1975?

I’m writing to you concerning of my last day in a. 200 million c. 700 million
Yogya. I just got back from Borobudur, the wonderful b. 280 million d. 800 million
temple I’ve ever seen. The weather is fine. We are now
staying in a hotel. It’s not far from Malioboro. We are 40. China has increased … people with in a time spend of
treated well here. It has many excellent staffs who serve about 25 years.
the customers. We plan to go around Malioboro after the a. 80 million c. 600 million
children take a short nap. We want to enjoy having b. 400 million d. 800 million
‘lesehan’ there. It is a kind of a restaurant but we sit on
the ground.
Many kinds of local handicraft are sold along
Malioboro street. Both domestic and foreign tourists are
interested I them. I want o buy some as souvenirs.
Don’t worry! I’ll also buy you the most interesting


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