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You can make 17 cupcakes with this recipe.


− 1 cup of vegetable oil

− 1 whole orange
− 4 eggs
− 2 cups of sugar
− 2 cups of wheat flour (sieved)
− 1 tbs of yeast

For the orange sauce:

− Juice of one orange

− 3 tbs of sugar
− 1 tbs of margarine

Preheat the oven to 180°C

Mix in blender, until well combined: the vegetable oil, the orange (just washed, cuted into 4
pieces, seedless), the eggs and the sugar.

In a separated bowl, stir the flour and yeast with the liquid mistured, you doesn't have to beat in a
eletric wisk. Put the misture in the cupcakes tins and bake for 20 minutes.

Wait 5 minutes after you took the cupcakes of the oven, and unmold them.

Pierce the cupcakes with a toothpick, while they're still hot.

Put all the ingredients of the orange sauce in a pan over the stove, and boil for 3 to 5 minutes.

Put over the hot cupcakes the hot orange sauce.

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