AST-0002448 Can Wireless LAN Denial of Service Attacks Be Prevented

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Can Wireless LAN Denial of

Service Attacks Be Prevented?
Understanding WLAN DoS Vulnerabilities
& Practical Countermeasures
Executive Summary

Wireless communications that use a shared Radio Frequency (RF) medium

are often vulnerable to Denial of Service (DoS) attacks. Wireless Local Area

Networks (WLAN) based on the IEEE 802.11 standard are no exception.

In addition to brute force Physical (PHY) layer jamming attacks, WLANs

are susceptible to various Media Access Control (MAC) vulnerabilities that

can lead to DoS. This paper provides an overview of various WLAN DoS

scenarios and available countermeasures to detect and mitigate them.

WLAN Denial of Service Overview
WLANs use the 2.4 and 5 GHz license-free spectrum for communication. This spectrum is shared by
other wireless devices and protocols such as cordless phones, microwave ovens, Bluetooth devices, etc.
These devices and protocols often do not coexist well together and can create mutual interference when
co-located and operating concurrently. WLANs use the IEEE 802.11 protocol to avoid collisions between
different devices and allow fair sharing of the medium. WLAN Denial of Service can be intentional (by an
attacker in the vicinity) or unintentional (neighboring devices interfering with each other) as illustrated
in Figure 1.

Figure 1: Denial of Service scenarios for WLANs

Physical Layer Vulnerabilities

WLAN devices sense the RF medium to determine if the channel is free before transmitting their own
packets. The protocol is referred to as Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Avoidance (CSMA/CA).
In CSMA, a device wishing to transmit has to first listen to the channel for a predetermined amount of
time so as to check for any activity on the channel. If the channel is idle, the device is allowed to transmit.
If the channel is busy, the device has to defer its transmission. Collision Avoidance schemes tend to be
less “greedy” when it comes to grabbing the channel and back off transmission for random intervals if
they sense activity. In essence, WLANs are designed to “play nice” on the shared communication medium.

On the contrary, devices such as microwave ovens simply spew energy in the 2.4 GHz band when they
are powered up. Other devices such as wireless video cameras might use a continuous wave modulation
scheme where they are always radiating energy on a given RF channel. If these devices are operating in
the vicinity of a WLAN, they can effectively shut down all WLAN communication because devices will
defer their transmissions until they sense that the medium is idle.

Figure 2: A wireless jammer

for 2.4 GHz and cell phone
(source: Global Gadget UK Ldt)

3 WHITE PAPER: Can Wireless LAN Denial of Service Attacks Be Prevented?

Malicious RF jammers are also freely available on the internet. These devices are illegal and are specifically
designed to disrupt wireless communications. Figure 2 shows a handheld, quad-band, cellular and 2.4 GHz
band jammer that uses a 6.0V NiMH battery pack with an approximate battery life of one hour. The device
has a total output power of 1200 mW (a typical WLAN access point normally operates at 100 mW). Such
a device can effectively block WLAN communication within a 30 meter radius. Very high power jammers
capable of radiating 200 W of power, effective over a 1 km, are also available in the black market.

MAC Layer Vulnerabilities

The 802.11 MAC is particularly vulnerable to DoS. The current standard protects only data frames and leaves
various control and management frames subject to manipulation by an attacker. Since the ratification of the
IEEE 802.11i standard in 2004, WLANs have been able to provide strong authentication of wireless devices
and encryption of data traffic. The 802.11i standard uses the IEEE 802.1X Extensible Authentication Protocol
(EAP) to guarantee that only authorized devices gain access to the wireless network and uses the Advanced
Encryption Standard (AES) to guarantee confidentiality and integrity of the data communications between
authenticated devices. IEEE 802.11i is the basis for the WPA2 (Wi-Fi Protected Access 2) industry standard.
A major limitation in the 802.11i standard is that no protection is available for management or control frames
that establish connections and, in general, affect the behavior of WLANs. Tools such as “wlan-jack”, “hunter-
killer” and “void11” exploit the lack of management and control frame protection to mount DoS attacks
in WLANs.

Management Frame Exploits

One of the most popular WLAN DoS attacks is based on spoofed deauthentication and disassociation
frames as depicted in Figure 3. These management frames, like other 802.11 management frames, are
not authenticated. As such, an attacker can spoof the MAC address of an AP and send a deauthentica-
tion frame to a client, or vice versa. The attacker can periodically scan all channels and transmit spoofed
deauthentication messages to valid clients, terminating their connection. Deauthentication is not a request,
it is a notification. When the station hears a deauthentication frame, it had no cryptographic mechanism
to determine whether the frame actually came from the AP. It terminates its wireless session and may
attempt to reauthenticate. The attacker can keep transmitting deauthentication frames preventing any data
communication from happening between the AP and station, despite the authentication and encryption that
exists for data traffic, resulting in a successful DoS attack. Using the same basic principle, an attacker can
spoof the source of other management or control frames that result in DoS.

A spoofed disassociation frame also produced the same end result – disassociating the client from the AP. A
deauthetication attack is slightly more effective than disassociation since the client has to first
re-authenticate and then re-associate, i.e. do more work to re-establish the wireless connection.

4 WHITE PAPER: Can Wireless LAN Denial of Service Attacks Be Prevented?

Power Save Exploits
Another DoS attack in WLANs exploits the power saving mechanism in the standard. Mobile WLAN clients
are allowed to enter a sleep state during which their WLAN radio is disabled to conserve battery life. When
an associated client is in a sleep state, the AP buffers any traffic destined for the client. The client wakes up
periodically and polls the AP for any buffered traffic, which the AP delivers and subsequently discards. An
attacker can send a spoofed power save poll message, while the client is still sleeping, causing the AP to
transmit and discard any buffered traffic. It is also possible to trick the client into thinking that there are no
buffered frames. Bufferred frames at the AP are advertised in a Traffic Indication Map (TIM). An attacker can
spoof a TIM, convincing the client that there is no buffered traffic, causing the client to immediately go back
to the sleep state, resulting in the frames for the client eventually getting dropped.

Figure 3: DoS attack using spoofed deauthentication and/or disassociation messages

Media Access Control Vulnerabilities

AThe 802.11 MAC is designed for collision avoidance and fair sharing of the RF medium. The fundamental
assumption behind fair sharing, of course, is that devices are following the protocol. The basic protocol
requires 802.11 devices to contend for the channel during a contention window of time as illustrated in
Figure 4. Devices wait for a random backoff period, before sensing the medium and initiating transmission.
Once a device has initiated a transmission, other devices wait for the channel to be free before transmitting.
A typical MAC frame includes a duration field that tells other devices the length of time (including acknowl-
edgement, ACK) for which the medium will be busy. This facilitates virtual carrier sensing in addition to
physical carrier sensing. APs and stations keep track of transmission durations of other devices they hear to
determine when the next transmit opportunity will arise.

An attacker can easily circumvent the protocol and monopolize the channel. By initiating transmissions
without waiting for the mandated time during the contention window, the attacker can gain repeated access
to the channel before a legitimate device does. Further, by spoofing the duration field with very large values,
the attacker can convince legitimate stations that the medium is busy and prevent them from gaining
access. Several \ control frames such as Clear to Send (CTS) that are not authenticated can be used with
spoofed duration field values to completely block the channel on multiple frequencies with a single radio.

5 WHITE PAPER: Can Wireless LAN Denial of Service Attacks Be Prevented?

Unintentional DoS
There are several instances when WLANs experience DoS or degraded performance because of neighboring
WLAN traffic. Similar to the unintentional interference from non-WLAN sources, this type of interference
happens when co-located WLANs are operating on the same channel. For example, a client might be
hearing transmission from a neighboring AP and backing off transmissions to avoid collisions. This can lead
to reduced throughput and increased transmission latency.

Figure 4: 802.11 MAC protocol

WLAN Denial of Service Countermeasures

A 24x7 Wireless Intrusion Prevention System (WIPS) can be used to effectively detect a DoS attack.
However, mitigating DoS attacks, particularly intentional ones initiated by a sophisticated attacker is not
possible. An effective overall WLAN DoS mitigation strategy depends being able to (i) Detect an attack
accurately in real-time, (ii) Determine the physical location of the attacker and notify appropriate personnel,
(iii) Attempt WIPS mitigation and/or physically neutralize the attacker, and, (iv) Provide forensic analysis

DoS Detection
A WIPS system should be capable of detecting both PHY and MAC layer DoS attacks. Motorola AirDefense
Enterprise provides the most comprehensive Layer 1 & Layer 2 WLAN DoS detection capabilities available
in the industry. The Motorola AirDefense Enterprise system is capable of detecting 17 different DoS attacks
using attack signatures (e.g., wlan-jack, fata-jack, hunter-killer, etc.) as well as protocol anomaly analysis
(e.g., EAP floods, CTS floods, deauthentication/disassociation, virtual carrier exploits, etc.). Further, unlike
competitive solutions, AirDefense Enterprise is capable of detecting non-WLAN sources of interference
that could be causing intentional or accidental DoS. Figure 5 depicts the spectrum analysis capability of
AirDefense Enterprise that can be leveraged effectively to detect Layer 1 DoS attacks and classify the type
of source.

6 WHITE PAPER: Can Wireless LAN Denial of Service Attacks Be Prevented?

Location Tracking
Once a DoS attack is detected, it is paramout to determine the physical location of the source or attacker.
For example, the attacker could be in the parking lot of an office. By generating an alarm in real-time and
pin-pointing the location of the attacker, security guards can be dispatched to neutralize the perpetrator.
AirDefense Enterprise can not only detect an attack but also determine the location of the source using
signal strength triangulation. Using the highly flexible and configurable notification mechanisms, appropriate
personnel present at the site of the attack can be notified in real-time.

Figure 5: AirDefense Enterprise detecting physical layer DoS attacks

DoS Mitigation
Most DoS attacks cannot be mitigated. Unintentional attacks, such as interference from neighboring WLANs
or co-located devices such as microwave ovens, can be mitigated by changing the channel plan for the
WLAN. The Motorola WLAN includes SmartRF algorithms that can automatically determine the optimum
channels based on changing real-time conditions. Motorola AirDefense Enterprise DoS alarms can be
leveraged by WLAN management systems to trigger a reconfiguration of the operating channels to minimize

However, a determined attacker can always disrupt a WLAN. Some WIPS vendors misleadingly assert
that they can “prevent” DoS attacks. One vendor in particular claims that they can use their sensors to
effectively prevent the attacker from gaining access to the channel, while allowing authorized devices to
communicate, by using a mechanism similar to that described in Figure 4. The vendor claims that they can
spoof duration fields in their transmissions and reserve the channel for authorized devices while denying
them to the attacker. It is based on the flawed assumption that the attacker is playing in accordance with
the 802.11 rules and will listen to them! The attacker can simply ignore the channel reservation attempted
by spoofed frames from the WIPS sensor and continue to transmit numerous deauthentication frames.
The authorized devices need to hear just one to end the wireless session. Further, the attacker can always
mount a physical layer attack that is totally immune to the proposed technique. By attempting to orchestrate
transmit opportunities for valid devices in a proprietary manner, the vendor’s system will result in significant

7 WHITE PAPER: Can Wireless LAN Denial of Service Attacks Be Prevented?

performance degradation when traffic load increases with virtually no real DoS mitigation benefits.
The IEEE 802.11 community has recently ratified the 802.11w standard that will provide authentication
and encryption protection to several 802.11 management frames. Motorola WLAN infrastructure supports
802.11w. The primary advantage of 802.11w is that it can prevent DoS attacks that exploit spoofing of
management frames. An 802.11w compliant station will be able to distinguish whether the deauthentication
frame in Figure 3 came from the AP it is connected to (if the AP also supports 802.11w) or was spoofed
by the attacker masquerading as the AP. It will ignore the spoofed deauthentication frame and prevent
the DoS attack from being successful. Similarly, the authenticity and integrity of other commonly spoofed
management frames is provided by the 802.11w standard. The fundamental mechanism that Layer 2 DoS
attacks exploit in WLANs is the lack of authentication of management and control frames. Unfortunately,
while the 802.11w standard offers protection from DoS attacks that exploit spoofed management frames
(such as deauthentication or disassociation), it offers no protection from similar attacks that use spoofed
control frames, media access blocking or RF jamming methods.

The only guaranteed mechanism to neutralize an intentional DoS attack is to find and eliminate the attacker.
For that, the WIPS needs to be able to accurately detect both Layer 1 and Layer 2 DoS, locate the source
as well as provide flexible notification mechanisms that integrate with the enterprise’s physical security
infrastructure to capture and neutralize the attacker.

Forensic Analysis
Real-time DoS attack detection is important. However, the ability to analyze minute-by-minute wireless
behavior with a historical perspective is indispensable for detecting sophisticated and persistent WLAN
attacks. AirDefense Enterprise allows organizations to trace any suspicious device by rewinding and
reviewing minute-by-minute records of connectivity and communication with the WLAN, thereby facilitating
forensic investigations. Wireless activity is logged and data is stored in a tamper-proof way to ensure a full
audit trail is maintained. AirDefense Enterprise maintains 325 different statistics for every wireless device,
every minute, and is capable of storing this data for months. By analyzing patterns over a period of time,
even subtle DoS scenarios can be unearthed. Sophisticated capabilities such as historical location tacking
can be utilized to determine the physical whereabouts of the attacker, over time, and can be vital in nabbing
the culprit.

Figure 6: Advanced Forensics for investigating WLAN DoS attacks

8 WHITE PAPER: Can Wireless LAN Denial of Service Attacks Be Prevented?

Wireless DoS attacks can be initiated at the physical or MAC layer and can cripple a WLAN. While intentional
DoS attacks cause the most damage, unintentional interference can also be deleterious. Physical layer DoS
attacks are caused by RF jammers that prevent WLAN devices from communicating. MAC layer DoS attacks
exploit the lack of management and control frame protection, along with media access vulnerabilities in the
802.11 protocol. Management frame protection has been recently incorporated into the standard through the
802.11w-2009 amendment. However, control frame protection and RF jamming attacks are not addressed
by the revision. Some vendors inaccurately claim to be able to “prevent” DoS attacks. These claims are
dubious since RF jamming attacks as well as MAC based attacks initiated by a determined attacker cannot
truely be prevented. A successful mitigation strategy involves being able to accurately detect, locate and
physically neutralize the attacker. Granular historical forensic data is extremely useful in detecting and locating
sophisticated attacks. AirDefense Enterprise provides the most comprehensive DoS detection and mitigation
capabilities for WLAN deployments.

9 WHITE PAPER: Can Wireless LAN Denial of Service Attacks Be Prevented?

About Motorola AirDefense Solutions

Motorola offers a comprehensive portfolio of wireless LAN (WLAN) infrastructure solutions designed
to enable the truly wireless enterprise, regardless of the size of your business — from large enterprises
with locations all over the world to branch offices and small businesses. Delivering Internet protocol (IP)
coverage to virtually all spaces both indoors and outdoors, Motorola’s innovative wireless enterprise
portfolio includes fixed broadband, mesh, enterprise WLAN and Motorola AirDefense wireless security
solutions. With time-proven resiliency, security and performance equal to or greater than that of a wired
network, Motorola’s solutions substantially reduce network deployment and maintenance costs, and
ensure the availability of cost-effective wireless connectivity in every corner of the enterprise. The
result is the truly wireless enterprise — offering full mobility at a fraction of the cost of a traditional
wired network.

For more information visit us on the web at or www.motorola.


Part number WP-WLAN-DENIAL. Printed in USA 12/09. MOTOROLA and the Stylized M Logo are registered in the
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©Motorola, Inc. 2009. All rights reserved. For system, product or services availability and specific information within
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