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Q) How do you conduct Job Analysis in an organization?

(Word Limit: 400 words)

Job analysis method is based on the purpose for which the information is to
be used (job evaluation, pay increase, development and so on).

1) Questionnaires: - structured questionnaires are given to employees to

identify the tasks they perform. Employees may tend to exaggerate the
significance of tasks, this makes this method less useful

2) Observation: - Job analyst observes the worker perform the task. This
method is primarily used to gather information on jobs emphasizing
manual skills.

3) Interviews: - interviews are conducted with employee or supervisor

helping them describe the duties performed. Interviewer contacts
supervisor to check the validity of responses provided by the employee in

4) Employee recording: - information is gathered by having employees

describe their daily work activities in a dairy or log. The problem of
employee exaggerating job importance has to be overcome

There are other methods as well like functional job analysis; position analysis
questionnaire etc. job analysis is done by gathering data on what is involved
in performing a particular job.

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