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MEA - Year to Year Salary Increases For Union Leaders

Year 2007 2008 2009 2010

Total MEA Staff 447 438 454 456
Total # Earning Over $100k 156 158 164 164
Percent of MEA Staff Over $100k 34.90% 36.07% 36.12% 35.96%
Average Pay Increase For Those Over $100k 14.19% 13.11% 19.20% 17.37%
Median Pay Increase For Those Over $100k 8.68% 4.09% 8.40% 5.19%
Median Pay Increase For All MEA Staff 9.52% 3.98% 9.50% 4.67%
Median Pay Increase For All MEA Staff -Filtered* 14.98% 6.14% 9.68% 5.15%

*This excludes those reporting $11,000 or less; eliminates the influence of expense reimbursements to ee's.

Top Ten MEA Salaries 2010

SALTERS, IRIS $297,458
COOK, STEVEN $232,301
MUNROE, JAMES $213,732
LUTKE, DONNA $209,404
BAIRD, THOMAS $187,291
NOBLE, DONALD $183,901

Not Making The Top Ten:

Governor Jennifer Granholm $177,000 (note: returns 5% to General Fund)
State Treasurer $174,204
All MI Supreme Court Justices (7) $164,610
Lieutenant Governor $123,900
Secretary of State $124,900
Attorney General $124,900

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