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Jeopardy Rubric

1-3 4-7 8-10

Use of Less than 9 10-24 questions 25-30 questions
questions/answers questions/answers were used to were used. The
to review content. were used to develop the majority of the
develop the Jeopardy game. questions were
Jeopardy game well-written
Categories Headings
presented an
representation of
included in the
actual category.
Interactive There are missing There are a few There are minor
Element links throughout places where instances where
the Jeopardy the links the links between
game. between question,
question, answer, and
answer, and main slides do
main slides do not work.
not work.
Mechanics The game has The game has The game has
more than four two to four less than two
spelling errors spelling errors spelling errors
and/or and/or and/or
grammatical grammatical grammatical
errors. errors errors
Visual Appeal Color is garish There is some Differences in
and/or typographic variation in type type size and/or
variations are size, color, and color are used
overused and layout. well and
legibility suffers. consistently.
interferes with the
SubTotal /50
Total Points

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