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To: Jennie Enger

From: Chelsea Case CLC

Subject: Project Management
Date: December 5th, 2010
This memo is a reflection on how I was able to manage my first large project. It will inform you
about my strengths and weaknesses concerning project management and what I can do to
exploit them.


 I believe that I am a very strong project manager. I feel I execute things very well. This
positively affected my project management abilities. I am well planned, organized, and
timely. This is an advantage because it allows me to create a project to the highest of my
abilities within a set time. I also feel a strong point regarding my project was the design.
It was suitable and appealing for the target audience and I think that it is important. I
think it makes the user feel as if the project was made exclusively for them.


 I think my weakness regarding this project was the layout. This negatively affected my
project management abilities. I feel that my design could have been more favorable to
the reader. It could have been made it a more simple way to add ease to the use. I had
50 slides within my PowerPoint. I feel that if I were able to arrange things differently and
reduce slides it would benefit the user. My goal was to reduce the difficulty of searching
and planning for classes to take. I feel I meet this goal, but the difficulty could be
reduced even more with a different layout.

Steps to Exploit

 One way to exploit my strengths is to use them when I enter the job market. I feel this is
an aspect many companies would look at positively. My strengths could be used to
benefit me in all projects I create. I especially feel I could use these strengths to create
good marketing ads. One way to exploit my strengths would be to try different layouts
to find the best match for each project I come across. Regarding the Unit 4 Project,
doing this could reduce user difficulties. Not every project will be set up, formatted, or
designed alike. I will need to adapt these aspects to suit each projects specific needs.

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