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Written Education Plan

Goals Process Reflections

Each of you has a copy of your Written Education Plan, goals, and rubric. It is
your responsibility to be familiar with these documents. In order to ensure we
are working towards your unique goals, you must also keep the calendar
updated, and write one goal reflection per week. These calendars and goal
reflection sheets will be kept in your folder as evidence of your progress. We
will conference regularly to discuss these documents.


 Date each entry.

 Record the goal in which you are reflecting on for that week.
 Write at least one reflection per week. This reflection must be thoughtful and
specifically discuss what you have done to attempt to meet that goal. For example, if
your goal is to read various genres, maybe you worked towards your goal by looking up
science fiction books, and adding a few to your Someday List.
 Include any difficulties you may have encountered and what support you may need.
Date: ________
Goal: __________________________________________________________________________

Date: ________
Goal: __________________________________________________________________________

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