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Well done, your second investigation

was completed wither greater accuracy

and a more efficient plan.

What have I learned about

solving problems using the
number 1,000,000?

Post Assessment

NIST Year 6
• Work with a partner.
• Read through the problem.
• Devise a plan to solve your problem and put the plan into action.
• Prepare a short oral presentation to explain to your class how you
solved your chosen problem. Your explanation must include
[1] Your original plan of how to solve the problem.
[2] A step by step guide of what you did to get your answer.
[3] Details of any changes to your original plan and why those
changes were made.
[4] A detailed explanation of all your working out.
Our Chosen Problem
Paste the problem you have chosen here:
Problem 2
Meredith is in training for the 2012
Olympics. She should swim at least
1,000,000 meters during 2009. How
many laps of the pool will she need to
swim in order to swim1,000,000
meters? How many laps should she
swim each day?
Our Plan…
Write your plan of how you will solve the problem here:
1. 1,000,000 divided by 25
2. The answer of step 1 divided by 365
3. If there is a remainder, average it out and round it into a day.
Working out the answer…

Show how have worked out your answer here.

The pool is 25 meters. 1,000,000 divided by 25 is 40,000. 40,000 divided
by 365 (days of the year) is around 109.589. So the closest we can
get is around 110 laps per day but 104 for 1 day, which would
balance it out and make it closer the actual answer.
Our Solution!

110 laps per day but 104 laps

for one day
How did we work it out?
Write a step by step guide of what you did to get your answer.
You may need more than one slide.
Include details of any changes to your original plan and why those
changes were made.
1. 1,000,000 divided by 25
2. The answer of step 1 divided by 365
3. If there is a remainder, average it out and round it into a day.
That was our original plan but the changes we made were that we didn’t
average it out into all the days, just one day.
RE=Really Empowered, FL=Feel like learning, EC=Effort could improve this, T = Tell me more!

Number Knowledge RE FL EC T Comment

and Operations
Did we know enough
about 1,000,000 to
RE Yes, because of the first problem we did.
solve this problem?
Did we understanding RE Yes, because we did the million and we cut out some zeroes
how a numbers place is
connected to its value along the way.
or size help me to solve
the problem?

What strategies did I RE We used multiplication to check over our work, and division to
use? Explain
(division, do the actual solving of the problem.
subtraction, factors,
multiples, etc)
RE=Really Empowered, FL=Feel like learning, EC=Effort could improve this, T = Tell me more!

Problem Solving Strategies RE FL EC T


1. Did we create a good plan and change it when RE We changed the part where we would put the average into the whole because then the number would be with
needed? decimals.

2. Did we organise for different people to help or RE We allocated the roles by letting Wit type and most of the multiplication related checking but Lincoln did most
complete different tasks? of the real division and getting our first asnwer.

5. How did I use familiar landmarks

(or groups of numbers) to solve the problem? FL Lincoln didn’t really do grouping numbers but Wit did in the multiplication checking.

How did I check my estimations? FL Lincoln did estimate numbers around a hundred and
multiplied them by 365 then again by 25.
How did I check my calculations? RE We did multiplication after we got the answer.
How Does the Number 1,000,000
help us learn number strategies that
help with everyday life?

Pre Assessment

NIST Year 6
What do I know
Welldone, you worked quickly and efficiently. Next
time you need to:
Check your plan make sense.
Link the solution to the unit of measure and problem.
Choose a more challenging problem.
• Work alone or with a partner.
• Read through the problem.
• Devise a plan to solve your problem and put the plan into action.
• Prepare a short oral presentation to explain to your class how you
solved your chosen problem. Your explanation must include
[1] Your original plan of how to solve the problem.
[2] A step by step guide of what you did to get your answer.
[3] Details of any changes to your original plan and why those
changes were made.
[4] A detailed explanation of all your working out.
Our Chosen Problem
Choose a problem from the slides at the end
of this presentation and paste it here:
Problem 1
We are recreating the junior school library. It
needs to house 1,000,000 books that are on
average about the same width as an Oxford
dictionary. How many meters of shelving will
we need?
Our Plan…
Write your plan of how you will solve the problem here:
We will measure the width of an oxford dictionary and multiply the width
of it by a million and then divide it by 100 (as there are 100 centimeters
in a meter) so that we can find how many meters of shelving we need.

Please revise your plan to ensure it makes sense in the future.

How did we work it out?
Show how you have worked out your answer here.
Write a step by step guide of what you did to get your answer.
You may need more than one slide.
Include details of any changes to your original plan and why those changes were made.

1. We measured an Oxford dictionary . The width was approximately 5

2. We multiplied it by a million, which equals 5,000,000 centimetres.
3. We divided it by a hundred, which equals 50,000 meters, which is the
answer to this question.
Our Solution!
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RE=Really Empowered, FL=Feel like learning, EC=Effort could improve this, T = Tell me more!

Number Knowledge RE FL EC T Comment

and Operations

Did I know RE We knew enough about a million to be able to find the answer.,
enough about but the steps were sometime a little bit too easy for one of us, a
1,000,000 to little confusing for the other one of us.
solve this
What strategies RE Multiplying, getting rid of zeroes, dividing, converting.
did I use?

How did I use FL We estimated the book width and we came to a conclusion about
estimates? 5 centimetres which was the answer so we were about right.
After we got our first answer, we used another method to check.
Problem 1
We are recreating the junior school library. It
needs to house 1,000,000 books that are on
average about the same width as an Oxford
dictionary. How many meters of shelving will we
Problem 2
Meredith is in training for the 2012 Olympics. She should swim at
least 1,000,000 meters during 2009. How many laps of the pool will
she need to swim in order to swim to swim 1,000,000 meters? How
many laps should she swim each day?
Problem 3
The more we read, the better at reading we will
become. Approximately how many pages of a
newspaper should we read in order to read
1,000,000 words?
Problem 4
The NIST High school students are going to organise a mini
Olympics. The cafeteria ladies need to prepare 1,000,000
millilitres of ice cold water. How many NIST drinking bottles will
they be able to fill?
Problem 5
Varakorn is in training for the 2012 Olympics.
He should run at least 1,000,000 meters
during the year 2009. How many laps of
the oval will he need to run in order to run
1,000,000 meters? How many laps should
he run each day?
Problem 6
The space created by the dots on the ceiling save
paint. A painter is coming to repaint the ceiling of
your class and he needs to know the approximate
number of dots on classrooms ceiling.
Problem 7
Someone has an OCD and would like to find out
the number of flecks in the floor of the corridor
outside of the classroom. Approximately how
many flecks are there?

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