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Monthly Test (Science Form 4)

INSTRUCTIONS: Answers all questions in this paper.

1. Diagram 1 shows the human brain

Diagram 1 R

a. What are the parts labeled P, Q, and R?




b. What is the function of the part labeled R?

c. What happens if the part labeled Q is injured?

d. Which part of the brain controls,

i. Voluntary actions?

ii. Involuntary actions?

Sek Men Keb Telok Datok Page 1

Monthly Test (Science Form 4)

2. Diagram 2 shows some of the endocrine glands found in a man and woman (in the box)


Diagram 2

a. What are P, Q and R?


b. What are the chemicals secreted by the endocrine glands known as?

c. What are the substances secreted by Q?


d. Name the two substances secreted by R

i) ________________________________________
ii) ________________________________________

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Monthly Test (Science Form 4)

3. a. State three types of beverage that contain alcohol or known as alcoholic drink

i. ______________________
ii. ______________________
iii. ______________________

b. Give three characteristics of a person who have a healthy and sound mind

i. ___________________________
ii. ___________________________
iii. ___________________________

c. Give three factors that can affect the state of mind and mental health

i. ___________________________
ii. ___________________________
iii. ___________________________

e. Addiction to alcohol is known as _______________________

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