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Michelle Taylor

p3 Eng
Questioning your Mark Proposal

Title: The Seed Grows Vertical

Explanation: I have two inspiration for this title. When I did some research, I looked at poems, the
authors are not necessarily existentialists, but they do express some existential ideas. Throw Yourself
Like a Seed by Miguel de Unamuno and I am Vertical by Sylvia Plath both deal with concepts of
existence, and even though I disagree on some points, I think their expressions for life were profound,
and went well together. We all start out as this seed that has potential, purpose, and grow up vertical
like trees. If we continue to use the tree metaphor, we can branch out to influence others, or extend
our roots and become enmeshed with others.
Part 1+ 3: My “written expression” of what I believe to be true about the existence of all humans. This
will include an annotated bibliography with sources that inspired the writing.
Part 2: Another essay, this one concerned with my self-analysis. Possibly this will be a poem.
Part 5: My artwork. I’m thinking about working a triptych with the first panel being chaos from varying
existential theories, the second my why are we, and the third a representation of myself. I may or may
not incorporate my broad statements about existence.
Part 4: Artwork of others. Right now I’m thinking about Klimt, because that’s where I got the idea to do
a triptych. But I will explore others, and bring in one or two outstanding example.
Part 6: 
Part 7: Guiding quote. See title. Also, should be incorporated into my triptych, or in the explanationor
in the paper.
Part 8: Not sure…I should have it figured out by the time I finish my paper/s.

Sunday MOnday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
25 26 27 28 29
Proposal Annotate Type Search Triptych
submit biblio Everything artworks thunbnails
In-class (IC) Other essay
Outline and draft (self-
draft essay analysis)
30 31 Jun 1 2 3 IC 4 5
Concept Supplies IC Pencils Work on Panel 1 Panel 2
sketches media Edit, rewrite triptych done, 2 done
6 7 IC 8 9 10
Pencils- Work panel Finalise
panel 3 3 everything

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