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Performance management

• Performance management is process that
ensures that employees focus on their work
objectives in order to achieve the missions,
visions, and goals of the organization.
• It comprises of 3 things.
 setting employee performance expectations
 maintaining communication between
employee and supervisor
 measuring actual performance expectations
Components of a performance management
• Performance planning
• Continuous performance communication
• Performance appraisal meetings
• Performance data gathering, observation and
• Performance training and development
How they support organization performance
The best for Lansing-Smith
• Goal setting
• Performance appraisal
• Job evaluation and incentive plan
• Job training and development
• Quality improvement
Communicating employee performance
• Meeting with employees at the beginning to
establish performance expectations
• Documented work plans for the organization
• Signed individual work plans of expected goal
• Continuous awareness of expected goals
• Setting up teams.
Training programs for managers
• Information skills
• Leadership training
• Communication skills
• Accountability
• Time management
• Problem solving
Cont: programs
• Technical skills
• Motivational skills
• Conceptual skills
• Team work
Issues that need to be considered with
implementation of the program
• Performance management is a continuous
• Communicating the purpose of the new
performance management system
• Establishing SMART goals
• Documentation of feedback is very essential
• Training employees to make desirable
behavior changes
• Arvind, V. (1997). International management.
Cincinnati, OH: South Western college
• Betty, J. & David, A. (1992). International business.
Boston: PWS-Kent
• John, A. & Richard, B. (2005). Strategic management:
Formulation, implementation, and control (9th Ed.)
New York: McGraw Hill
• Robert, Kreitner (2004). Management (9th Ed.) Boston:
Houghton Mifflin Company

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