Blog Rules

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Biome Blog Rules:

This is a blog site intended for school use and as such you are required to abide by the following rules:

-As an extension of our classroom all school rules and consequences apply to proper use of Internet.

-Respect others opinions.

-Keep comments related to classroom material: this is not facebook or twitter!

-When you comment on someone else’s response or blog, be sure to show that you have completely read and understand the
original post. Keep comments on subject and relevant.

-Never, ever, ever, ever reveal personal information or pictures about yourself or others.

-Post by due date

- Gmail account and password are for school use and as such you will submit the account usename and password along with
blog site to Mr. Fligor. This information will only be accessible to Mr. Fligor or administration upon request.

Sign and return the top half of this paper to Mr. Fligor:

I understand the rules of blogging and will abide by these rules:

Student Signature: ____________________________________ Date: ______________

Gmail account: ______________________ Password: ____________________

“Blog name:” ______________________________________________________

__________________________________________(Cut here)___________________________________

Biome Blog Rules:

This is a blog site intended for school use and as such you are required to abide by the following rules:

-As an extension of our classroom all school rules and consequences apply to proper use of Internet.

-Respect others opinions.

-Keep comments related to classroom material: this is not facebook or twitter!

-When you comment on someone else’s response or blog, be sure to show that you have completely read and understand the
original post. Keep comments on subject and relevant.

-Never, ever, ever, ever reveal personal information or pictures about yourself or others.

-Post by due date

- Gmail account and password are for school use and as such you will submit the account usename and password along with
blog site to Mr. Fligor. This information will only be accessible to Mr. Fligor or administration upon request.

My “Blog Name” is: _________________________________

Class Blog Website: _____________________________________________

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