Anna Demo Script

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Annasaheb Chakote (Anna) was born on 24th March 1974 in the family of

Mr. Balasaheb Chakote. This family live in small town place Nandani. At south side

of Nandani Jaysingpur city is situated while on north side there is Ichalkaranji city.

Nandani is mainly famous for vegetable production.

Basically Anna born in typical middle class family, his father Mr. Balasaheb Chakote

was teacher by profession. Anna has completed his primary education in nandani

and for further higher education he went to Jaysingpur. While doing higher

education Anna has started small Floor mill and really that was actual start of his

business career. Because of brave and enthusiastic mind, Anna always thinks to do

extra ordinary things.

He decided to go for production business. And as per studying surrounding market

area of Nandani Anna choose to go for production of items like bakery products like

bread, toast etc. And finally at 1992 Ganesh Bakery was established, Bakery was

started but at that time Anna was suffering through big financial crisis, due to lack

of security not a single Bank provided him loan. But as we know flowing water

always find it’s way.., with the help of some friends and relatives Ganesh Bakery

could keep it’ work on progress.

Due to financial problem Anna had to face low Bakery production items, but he kept

is hard work consistent. He was starting his work in Bakery from early morning,

after completing whole production work in bakery he goes to market to supply it.

That time because of improper production quality, packing etc nobody was

entertaining Anna in market. But Anna never gave up he was always taking efforts

to improve quality of products on all aspects.

While surveying market Anna found one thing that other competitors was having

well packed and wrapper products, so afterward Anna also launched Ganesh bakery
products in to good wrappers. As market expecting good quality products, Anna put

him self to concentrate on quality department. Even though Anna had not any

experience in Bakery production field before but with the consistent hard work for

18 to 20 hours daily Anna finally achieved a good quality product range for Ganesh

bakery. Further Ganesh bakery makes it’s position rigid in market.

After a certain time Anna found one draw back that wooden structured production

machine were not suitable for heavy production, and really that was a right time for

Ganesh bakery to improve it’s production technology. So Anna again started his

efforts for Bank loan but still Banks ware not ready to trust on Anna’s business.

Among those there was one person who could found the spark inside Anna and his

growing business graph, he was Manager of Baroda Bank. He immediately

sanctioned loan of 10 Lakhs. And really that was the most glorious and memorable

day for Anna in his life. Finally Anna bought Diesel Oven and provided market fresh

and best quality products.

In this way step by step Ganesh bakery was moving toward the tip of success.

Every time due to proper refund of loan, Anna gained trust of Banks. Further with

Bank’s assist and his courage Anna purchased 9000 Sq. feet land and started

construction of new Bakery plant. And once upon time established small unit of

Ganesh Bakery converted to well equipped huge unit.

Excellent quality products obviously increased demand of bakery items from various

locations of India like west Maharashtra, kokan etc. It was again resulted to

shortage of products, to overcome that Anna again established a new big plant by

name “Chakote Foods” which was one of the big bakery project in west

Maharashtra. Next evolution in Maharashtra for bakery production was done by

Anna that he imported an automatic bread production machine from German

Slouokia. This automated machine produces the good quality breads with system of

electronic oven having Zero pollution.

In this way a small plant of Ganesh Bakery became a huge tree with branches like

Padmini Bakery, Chakote foods, Ganesh Enterprises. For this whole journey of

success there was a big share of Staff members of Ganesh Bakery. While executing

a role of family head Anna never treated any staff as an employee, but he was

always there to help them in each moment of their life. Anna always motivated all

staff members in various ways like providing good facilities, Life insurances,

provident funds, Ideal employee award etc.

Anna never thought limited to Ganesh Bakery but he had a great desire of Social

work, according to that he established a Ganesh Youth Group and executed various

social works like Blood donation camp, sport competition, and many more programs

under that.

To provide guidelines to Farmers and to create hobby of book reading in youth

group, Anna has been established a “Shreenavjeevan” Library. He is still in great

efforts to form library in 5000 Sq, feet place, very soon Nandani will have guideline

junction place in the way of this library.

Indian Govt. Dept. of “Khadi Gramodyog” had arranged a meeting for three day

in “Vidnyan Bhavan” Delhi, under management of prim minister Mr. Attalbihari

Wajpeyi. The meeting was for purpose to choose successful businessman who had

provided a good employment opportunity for people of small villages. And for this

great honor Mr. Annasaheb Chakote was selected.

Afterward to see a well established and equipped Ganesh Bakery plant number of

businessman were appeared from various countries like Pakistan, Kuwait, Shrilanka

and they really appreciated Anna’s performance. To study Bakery business in deep
Anna has visited many places in India like Rajkot, Banglore, Jaipur, Delhi, Chennai,

Madras etc, even recently Anna had a tour to German to study advance

technologies in Bakery field.

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