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The completion of any task depends upon the co-operation, coordination and
consolidated efforts of several resources of knowledge, energy, time and above all the proper
guidance of the experienced. Therefore we approached this matter of acknowledgement through
these lines trying our best to give full credit where it deserves

We acknowledge our deepest sense of gratitude and sincere feeling of indebtness divine Dr.
Mahesh R under whose guidance and encouraging attitude was able to complete our report. The
learning during the project was of immense importance & valuable.
.We sincerely thank Mr.B Jagadish Bahadur, Placement Officer, B.N.Bahadur Institute of
Management Sciences, Mysore, for extending his permission to work on our Project at Pathak
Developers Private Limited.

We are immensely thankful to Mr. Ramakrishna gowda, , The HR manager of MYPOL,

for permitting us to do the Project work in their company.

We extend our wholehearted gratitude to Mr. Madhu a shop level supervisor through
whom we approached the HR manager and workers of mypol, for furnishing the required
information and through out the project work.

Last but not the least we are grateful to our Parents and Friends for supporting and
encouraging us.

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