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The defeat at the great peninsular

Kairos had already foreseen his failure at the great peninsular; he felt
the magic in the air brush against his great wings, making him
pregnant with magical energy. He had also foreseen the reaction of his
master to this great lose... Tzeentch. Somehow there was a feeling
among Kairos’s two heads that his great master had predicted exactly
what was going to happen, but now it was time for Kairos to leave
until he had helped the great ‘cause’.
Kairos was working ferociously to create a portal to the crystal maze,
very few know of the incantations to gain access to the crystal maze,
Kairos was one of them. The great lord Tzeentch had already exiled
him from his own world after the failure, but had allowed him access
to the crystal maze one last time to muster a hoard that he would take
on his conquest to regain the trust of Tzeentch. The maze held some
of the strongest minions know to the daemon universe. Here would be
where Kairos would make his choice of the select few he would be
taking with him.
The portal opened with an intense flash of green blue energy, Kairos’s
face did not change he had seen many like this before, a mere human
would have imploded from the raw amount of magic entering the air
at this point. Kairos arched his great wings, and hurled him self threw
the portal.
Soon Kairos was smothered with the most magnificent shades and
rainbow colours known to no human, they sparkled mischievously,
the souls trying to break free of there crystal holding cells. Kairos’s
face showed a slight grin of achievement. He raised his staff; the
pages upon the book flickered and crackled with purple light, then a
magnificent beam of light rose into the sky. All across the maze
horrors, flamers, screamers and greater daemons alike looked up upon
the light, and knew that Kairos had made the call for his campaign
against humanity to begin. Many would not answer to the call as they
knew of the defeat, but many (as is there nature) longed for the
carnage that they would be promised if they followed Kairos.
Before long Kairos had an army of elites, the sheer amount of colours
that spanned across his army was breath taking, Kairos was not
concerned for such things, as he had only one thing on his mind’s and
that was to march this army straight into the heart of the great
peninsular to settle the score with the emperors finest once and for all.


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