Certified Information Systems Auditor

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Certified Information Systems Auditor


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2008 CISA PRACTICE QUESTION C、Encrypting the hash of the message with the sender's private
key and thereafter encrypting the message with the receiver's public
1、The extent to which data will be collected during an IS audit
should be determined based on the: D、Encrypting the message with the sender's private key and
encrypting the message hash with the receiver's public key
A、availability of critical and required information.
B、auditor's familiarity with the circumstances.
NOTE: To ensure authenticity and confidentiality, a message must be
C、auditee's ability to find relevant evidence. encrypted twice: first with the sender's private key, and then with the
receiver's public key. The receiver can decrypt the message, thus
D、purpose and scope of the audit being done. ensuring confidentiality of the message. Thereafter, the decrypted
message can be decrypted with the public key of the sender, ensuring
ANSWER: D authenticity of the message. Encrypting the message with the sender's
private key enables anyone to decrypt it.
NOTE: The extent to which data will be collected during an IS audit
should be related directly to the scope and purpose of the audit. An 3、Which of the following is the GREATEST advantage of elliptic
audit with a narrow purpose and scope would result most likely in less curve encryption over RSA encryption?
data collection, than an audit with a wider purpose and scope. The
scope of an IS audit should not be constrained by the ease of obtaining A、Computation speed
the information or by the auditor's familiarity with the area being
audited. Collecting all the required evidence is a required element of B、Ability to support digital signatures
an IS audit, and the scope of the audit should not be limited by the
auditee's ability to find relevant evidence. C、Simpler key distribution

2、Which of the following ensures a sender's authenticity and an e- D、Greater strength for a given key length
mail's confidentiality?
A、Encrypting the hash of the message with the sender's private
key and thereafter encrypting the hash of the message with the NOTE: The main advantage of elliptic curve encryption over RSA
receiver's public key encryption is its computation speed. This method was first
independently suggested by Neal Koblitz and Victor S. Miller. Both
B、The sender digitally signing the message and thereafter encryption methods support digital signatures and are used for public
encrypting the hash of the message with the sender's private key key encryption and distribution. However, a stronger key per se does
not necessarily guarantee better performance, but rather the actual
algorithm employed.


4、Which of the following controls would provide the GREATEST ANSWER: A

assurance of database integrity?
NOTE: Open systems are those for which suppliers provide
A、Audit log procedures components whose interfaces are defined by public standards, thus
facilitating interoperability between systems made by different vendors.
B、Table link/reference checks In contrast, closed system components are built to proprietary
standards so that other suppliers' systems cannot or will not interface
with existing systems.
C、Query/table access time checks
6、An IS auditor discovers that developers have operator access to
D、Rollback and rollforward database features
the command line of a production environment operating system.
Which of the following controls would BEST mitigate the risk of
undetected and unauthorized program changes to the production
NOTE: Performing table link/reference checks serves to detect table
linking errors (such as completeness and accuracy of the contents of
A、Commands typed on the command line are logged
the database), and thus provides the greatest assurance of database
integrity. Audit log procedures enable recording of all events that have
been identified and help in tracing the events. However, they only point B、Hash keys are calculated periodically for programs and matched
to the event and do not ensure completeness or accuracy of the against hash keys calculated for the most recent authorized versions of
database's contents. Querying/monitoring table access time checks the programs
helps designers improve database performance, but not integrity.
Rollback and rollforward database features ensure recovery from an C、Access to the operating system command line is granted
abnormal disruption. They assure the integrity of the transaction that through an access restriction tool with preapproved rights
was being processed at the time of disruption, but do not provide
assurance on the integrity of the contents of the database. D、Software development tools and compilers have been removed
from the production environment
5、A benefit of open system architecture is that it:
A、facilitates interoperability.
NOTE: The matching of hash keys over time would allow detection of
B、facilitates the integration of proprietary components. changes to files. Choice A is incorrect because having a log is not a
control, reviewing the log is a control. Choice C is incorrect because
the access was already granted—it does not matter how. Choice D is
C、will be a basis for volume discounts from equipment vendors.
wrong because files can be copied to and from the production
D、allows for the achievement of more economies of scale for
equipment. 7、Which of the following BEST ensures the integrity of a server's
operating system?


A、Protecting the server in a secure location
NOTE: There is no attempt on the part of the investment advisor to
B、Setting a boot password prove their identity or to keep the newsletter confidential. The objective
is to assure the receivers that it came to them without any modification,
C、Hardening the server configuration i.e., it has message integrity. Choice A is correct because the hash is
encrypted using the advisor's private key. The recipients can open the
newsletter, recompute the hash and decrypt the received hash using
D、Implementing activity logging
the advisor's public key. If the two hashes are equal, the newsletter
was not modified in transit. Choice B is not feasible, for no one other
than the investment advisor can open it. Choice C addresses sender
authentication but not message integrity. Choice D addresses
NOTE: Hardening a system means to configure it in the most secure
confidentiality, but not message integrity, because anyone can obtain
manner (install latest security patches, properly define the access
the investment advisor's public key, decrypt the newsletter, modify it
authorization for users and administrators, disable insecure options
and send it to others. The interceptor will not be able to use the
and uninstall unused services) to prevent nonprivileged users from
advisor's private key, because they do not have it. Anything encrypted
gaining the right to execute privileged instructions and thus take control
using the interceptor's private key can be decrypted by the receiver
of the entire machine, jeopardizing the OS's integrity. Protecting the
only by using their public key.
server in a secure location and setting a boot password are good
practices, but do not ensure that a user will not try to exploit logical
9、In reviewing the IS short-range (tactical) plan, an IS auditor should
vulnerabilities and compromise the OS. Activity logging has two
weaknesses in this scenario—it is a detective control (not a preventive determine whether:
one), and the attacker who already gained privileged access can
modify logs or disable them. A、there is an integration of IS and business staffs within projects.

8、An investment advisor e-mails periodic newsletters to clients and B、there is a clear definition of the IS mission and vision.
wants reasonable assurance that no one has modified the newsletter.
This objective can be achieved by: C、a strategic information technology planning methodology is in
A、encrypting the hash of the newsletter using the advisor's private
key. D、the plan correlates business objectives to IS goals and
B、encrypting the hash of the newsletter using the advisor's public
key. ANSWER: A

C、digitally signing the document using the advisor's private key. NOTE: The integration of IS and business staff in projects is an
operational issue and should be considered while reviewing the short-
range plan. A strategic plan would provide a framework for the IS
D、encrypting the newsletter using the advisor's private key.


short-range plan. Choices B, C and D are areas covered by a strategic


10、An IS auditor is performing an audit of a network operating

system. Which of the following is a user feature the IS auditor should

A、Availability of online network documentation

B、Support of terminal access to remote hosts

C、Handling file transfer between hosts and interuser


D、Performance management, audit and control


NOTE: Network operating system user features include online

availability of network documentation. Other features would be user
access to various resources of network hosts, user authorization to
access particular resources, and the network and host computers used
without special user actions or commands. Choices B, C and D are
examples of network operating systems functions.

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